Because thats the setting of the original game and now that they have a full HH expansion they can tag this game to the popularity of the other while being as cautious as possible with this investment while you test the waters for further support of Titanicus.
Besides there wont be marines in Titanicus so I dont know why you bitch about that.
I'll buy into this shit day 1, hated the 28mm titans for being too fucking big but smaller scale ones are all that I wanted. You could even have this game for a campaign, have titan battles before 40k battles to decided who has superiority in a certain area, some people did that with BFG and you can easily do it with this!.
Tyler Perry
I also hate, hate, hate GW's attempt at making 40k's 28mm epic-tarded-huge battles. No one has fun playing that large of a game that lasts a weekend.
I'm going to buy the shit out of 8mm Titan game. I do hope they get infantry and other vehicles in their quickly.
And eventually all the races.
Kayden Collins
>Tau Fuck em >Necrons Would've been nice >Nids Eh...
Isaiah Howard
Alright well Orks and Eldar as well.
Basically if it's HH its all Marines, no Xenos.
Noah Butler
>Necrons >titans
pick one.
Joseph Hall
Necrons on an Epic 40k scale.
And shit, it wouldn't be hard to give them some Titan-level weaponry.
Jose Barnes
I pick both and you cant stop me!.
Nolan Baker
I am decidedly unexcited.
I fucking love Epic. I can't give a fuck about titan only fights or spess mehreen mirror-match fights.
The diversity in tactics that comes from having a lot of options for forces each with their own distinct style is a big part of what makes Epic good. Resetting the game releases back to the '88-'89 is not something that's going to get me to play.
Asher Rodriguez
They already stated the other races will trickle in with time.
Robert Bailey
I know you don't play 30k so you think all marines are the same but the legion specific units and rules make the various legions all very different. Also Solar Auxilia, Mechanicum, Knight Houses and Imperial Militia/Warp Cults add even more variety. People who say "all the armies in HH are all the same!" come off as just ignorant nowadays after HH has been out for so long.
Jace Rodriguez
They're not really going to be that different when they're boiled down to 6 (well, 8mm) troops though. It's not like kitting things up with tons of different thematic wargear is going to be a thing, more proportions of troop types and a couple of special rules. Space marines gotta work like space marines when it comes to that size/style of game.
James Baker
Is there a link to the info?
Oliver Collins
But there's just one.
Samuel Lewis
This sounds neat. There are lot of Titan weapons, aren't there?
And you can have Knights supporting your Titan, too.
David Long
I'm not trolling, but how different can that many Space Marines REALLY be, especially when they all have the same stat line? Can you give me some examples?
Charles Morris
>stat line is everything in an army's playstyle
retard alert.
Jackson Reed
Considering the EpicAU guys have already made a pretty decent rules set for Heresy era Legions and they all play pretty different, I'm going to have to say you don't know what you're talking about.
What does scale have to do with anything. Army variety is in the rules not how the models look. Especially at 6mm. Have you played Epic before?
John Walker
The titans will be noticeably different, but I actually think the 6mm infantry is going to go better with 8mm models.
Levi Wood
Not what I was talking about but ok.
Ayden Cox
>No one has fun playing that large of a game that lasts a weekend.
Speak for yourself, every Apocalypse game I've played has been fun as fuck.
And I even won one of them
Julian Cooper
Like that matters when there's models to be sold.
Zachary Barnes
In Epic statlines reprsent the unit not individual marines. So Tactical, Support, Heavy Support, Assault marines etc. all have different stats, special rules and upgrade options to reflect the role of the unit.
>I don't like thing >So other people shouldn't get thing
Lucas Baker
I'm hoping that Daemons are playable. I got a bunch of proxies from Microworld games which look nice.
Levi Myers
>literally a garbage gargant. Looks like total shit desu.
Mason Cruz
It's called an opinion. Learn to deal with it kid.
Carter Perez
Also this.
Gavin Reed
>my opinions are the only valid ones
Joshua Parker
>attempt at making 28mm epic
Know how I know you're an idiot? Because if you'd read the freely-available Apocalypse book, you would not now be spouting all this HATE nonsense on Veeky Forums.
Nolan Gray
You really don't know how opinions work do you? Seriously, if you're that thinskinned, you should stay off of Veeky Forums until you're 18.
Samuel King
>Horus Heresy setting invented for original Adeptus Titanicus game >retarded xenofags surprised and shocked when reboot does the same
Aiden Wright
kinda hyped... because I like small minis.
Ryder Flores
>Just Marines vs Marines all day long?
GeeDub logic. Muhreens sell better than anything else. Make all the games Good Muhreens vs Evil Muhreens.
Grayson Nguyen
I've always wanted to try Epic.
Hopefully this game will have good rules, be fun, and be semi-popular.
Jacob Moore
>Just Marines vs Marines all day long? It says it right there in your post they're going to start with titans TITANS TIT ANS
Jaxon Hill
My father always said that opinions are like shit. Everybody has one, nobody likes them, and they're best kept to yourself.
Jonathan Gonzalez
Your father is a retard.
Owen Ramirez
Here, I tried to illustrate your points. Something I should have stressed is that when an army shot is in the 3e codex, commentary is given so that players can grasp WHY that is an army and how they should make their own. In 7e random army shots are thrown together without any context beyond LOOK HUGE. GW does not make any attempt currently to help players figure out what is fair on their own and what 7e is designed for. Shit, I personally have no idea what 7e is designed for even after playing a little of it.
For a company whose main game now has a massive burnout rate, they no longer give any sign of caring about getting fresh blood into the system.
Samuel Rodriguez
>Move over MLK you just have a shitty opinion. Your father is a dumb fuck and so are you by extension.
Where do you live so I can avoid it?
Chase Sanders
>opinions are like shit.
No, no, no.
Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one, and they're usually full of shit.
Jace King
I hope someone makes a decent general of this next time. This thread is what some anons here would consider an opinion.
Ryder Ramirez
>;3 Can't unsee.
Asher Cook
user, this is an excellent image. Thank you.
Christian Hill
Do they plan on adding Knights ? Not a big fan of Titans but a small chivalrous army based on the Knights of the Round table would be something for me.
Ayden Long
If the Titans sell well enough I'm sure they'll expand into knights. If it doesn't then I'm sure it'll have the same fate as Aeronautica Imperialis.
Luke Morris
*MLK, Jr.
Didn't have his own opinions. He plagiarized in college and his speeches were ghost written by his commie handlers while he was out beating hookers to get his rocks off.
Mason Myers
The fact that it's getting a PC game is fucking awesome.
Nicholas Price
You set the point limit you fucking tool
John Sanders
Also note that the 3rd edition army is heavily converted, inspiring people to make their own stuff.
New codexes have none of that.
Jason Garcia
>heavily converted No, it isn't.
Luis Jackson
That 7th edition shot looks like about 2000 points which is the best points.
What's the problem?
Ayden Evans
Also, that shot from the 3rd edition codex is not a typical 3rd edition army, thats about 1000 points. It is a typical 2nd edition army though.
Isaac Nguyen
>it wouldn't be hard
It's never hard to sell the people what we like, but it's always been GW's sickness that they're simply too busy demanding we buy what THEY like to do that. 8mm not!epic is a perfect example of providing a product for which no one - outside of their little Nottingham bubble - has ever asked.
Leo Perez
>i speak with authority >about the super secret vices >of long-dead civil rights leaders
Since anonymity makes your race irrelevant, your post speaks directly to the content of your character and ably demonstrates why unsupported assertion on the internet is more often calculated slander than mere ignorant opinion. I realize you're probably too stupid to realize why, but I thank you.
Christian Thomas
The problem is that 28mm makes perfect sense when the model count is low and the rules are detailed, but absolute retardation when there's a hundred dudes on the table.
In 3rd edition it was common to play 750, 1000, 1200 or 1500 point games. 1000 points is absolutely typical of the time, especially for tournaments or pickup games.
Daniel Rivera
>8mm It's the only way we'll ever get space marine tanks that are the right size for 6mm scale space marines, so that's one good thing to come out of it, but obviously I would have preferred to get cool 6mm titans.
>Set in the HH era It's where you saw the most amount of titan on titan violence, when so many of the titan legions sided with horus. If the game is going to focus on titan vs titan combat, it makes perfect sense, and you wouldn't need as much chaos greebles on the titans initially so the same model works fine for both sides.