/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General: Bullywug Edition

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Thread question: what old settings have you brought back to 5e, and what houserules/homebrews have you come up to better fit 5e to them? Specifically stuff like Eberron, Dark Sun, and the like.

Other urls found in this thread:

dropbox.com/s/1hxtw5vbg900xoo/The Complete Paladin.docx?dl=0


Do these stats look good for a CR 8 monster? I'm a bit concerned that it might be too strong.

Spider-Breathing Dragon
Large Dragon, Chaotic Evil
CR 8, 5000 XP
“The creature appears at first to obviously be a dragon, but you’re pretty sure dragons don’t have fur. Or mandibles.”
AC: 17
HP: 17d10+56
STR 20 (+5)
DEX 12 (+1)
CON 20 (+5)
INT 5 (-3)
WIS 10 (+0)
CHA 10 (+0)
Multiattack: The dragon makes four attacks, one with its bite, two with its claws, and one with its breath weapon.
Bite: Melee weapon attack, +7 to hit, reach 10 feet, one target. On hit, does 4 (1d8) piercing damage. Target must make a DC 13 CON saving throw or take an additional 8 (2d8) damage, taking half damage on a successful throw
Claw: The dragon uses its claws to attack. +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Does 11 (2d6+4) damage on hit.
Swarm Breath: The dragon exhales a breath of freaking spiders in a 30-foot cone. Does 1d8 damage on a failed save and half on a successful one. If the target fails their save, they are beset by a swarm of flying spiders. This swarm does 2d4 damage automatically to the target on the dragon’s turn. The swarm is scattered by using fire spells on it, submerging oneself in water, or anything else that would realistically get rid of a large number of arachnids. These swarms stack linearly—if a character is hit by the breath weapon twice, the new, larger swarm does 4d4 damage, then 6d4and so on. Each stack of a swarm increases the DC required to avoid the dragon’s next breath by 1.

Most dragons don't have their breathe weapon as part of their multi attack, so maybe make it more powerful early but it can only use the breathe weapon as its action?

Question about 5e Anons. Is there any benefit for wielding a giant weapon, like a great sword made for giants? or is it simply flavor? One of my players wants to play a Guts like character from Berserk and I can't find any mention of larger sized weapon rules. At this point i'm leaning towards it merely being flavor with him having a giant sword. or perhaps giving him the reach property when two handing it and giving it a higher strength requirement.

Maybe change the swarm damage to 1d8+3, and then only allow it to use the breath weapon + a bite?

DMG pg 278. It's not part of any normal codified rules because it's not expected to be in the realm of players, and heavy weapons are already pretty strong as-is.

As a level 2 wizard, am I better off just taking 4 spells that are always memorized, then the other 4 as rituals?

So a character that can pretty much guarantee advantage on demand like a barbarian could probably make it work, but it's not really worth it

There really aren't that many great rituals
Take find familiar and alarm if you're an abjurer but what else? Detect magic?

What sort of wizard?

Spells with the Ritual Tag generally have out-of-combat utility other spells might lack, but not exclusively so. Lots of non-ritual spells are fine, and you're not lacking if you'd prefer to load up with one-and-dones.

Yeah that sounds more fair.

I reduced the damage to 1d6+1 at each level and slightly increased bite damage. Most of this things attacks are going to hit most of the party, so I needed to nerf the AOE damage output, I think.

Which book is the Ice Knife spell from? Can't find it in PHB

Elemental Evil.

Elemental Evil


So I need some advice on killing a fellow party member in Curse of Strahd. He is playing an elf druid and I am playing a human fighter, 3rd and 2nd level respectively. Basically he's been a huge dick lately in our group, total that guy, and I want to cut him down a peg by killing off his character. Trust me the guy deserves it.

Thing is, I don't want to kill him directly. I want it to look like an accident. We just got to the part where you meet Izmark and Irina, any good encounters coming up where I could get him killed off ?


Why did you change the story about you getting rejecting by a girl and being petty about it?

>Trust me the guy deserves it.
I don't trust you

What's your current character /5eg/?

>forest gnome way of the long death Monk

He is the Scribe for a blind Wizard who lost his sight before he could learn Gnomish, he uses Gnomish in most of his spells so he had need for a scribe. As payment for his service the Wizard granted the Gnomes pet mole a long life. Now he travels with his pet mole searching for a sacred tome for the wizard.

Because he's a sperg.

>killing off another players character because you don't like them

If you have a problem with them, talk to them about it or leave the group if it bothers you that much. Try acting like an adult.

>total that guy
I'm not sure you're understanding what this is referring, user... Do the group and campaign a favor and just bow out the next time.

Not so much current as upcoming, technically, but a wood elf blade warlock. He unwittingly passed into a fey crossing and discovered a sword that, when touched, promised him power and glory. He doesn't know quite what he agreed to or who his patron actually is, and isn't even sure whether he agreed to it of his own mind or was under some sort of control by the blade.

Why are bear totem Barbarians so much fucking fun?

Halfing bug damage and have this fucking just power through it is never not fun to roleplay .

What story?

No, it's not because I don't like him, it's because he treats the entire group like shit and he owns the only place we can really play at so we can't kick him out.


I posted about how I change characters a lot in my group a few threads back and how they were getting mad at me. Just found out today that I'm not allowed to play with them anymore. I got kicked out because everybody had their own storylines and sidequests that converged into the main plot by that point and my characters were more like an NPC. feels bad. I think I'm going to take a break from this hobby, good bye friends.

Dude don't quit. I have a player in my Savage Worlds group that constantly plays new characters but I don't give a fuck. He's on his fifth character and everyone else is on the same one, but they all die or leave in interesting ways so I don't mind.

Damn, look at Veeky Forums, acting like decent fucking human beings.

How in the fuck would you changing character affect their MUH EBIN SNOWFLAKE STORYTELLAN?? Sounds like you're better off without them, user.

Yes, he. Why is that such a big deal? Most RPG players are hes. The point is that he is a tremendous douche bag and I want to fuck his life over for treating all of us like shit for so long.

Lesson learned: if you play in an ongoing campaign, actually have some investment in it instead of none at all.

We should get some context first.

Why do you always change your characters? It sounds kinda annoying if it's just because and not for good reasons.

Then all of you should tell him to stop being a jerk and stop playing because I'm sure he would like to play too. Be an adult about it.

Why don't you just answer my question instead of being a judgemental douchebag about it?

I want to play a Lawful Neutral Rules-Lawyer letter-of-the-law type character. What would be better? A paladin of some kind (what subclass)? A lore bard with emphasis on carefully worded contracts and curses? And enchanter or diviner wizard for deciding how things happen? Or some kind of warlock devoted to the God Machine of Mechanicus?

Oath of the Crown is literal Lawful Neutral. Devotion is a close second.

You literally have no fucking balls if the only conceivable way you can thinking of running this guy's life is killing his PC. And you're such a bitch you can't even have your character just outright do it. And to add to that, your jabroni ass doesn't even know how to fictionally kill another fictional character that you took time out of your day to come on Veeky Forums and ask help in how to plot fictional murder to a guy who has been actually disrespectful to you. And now you're getting upset that no one here takes you seriously.

Mechanically, probably not. Thematically? Fuck yeah it's worth it.

Hmm... even mechanically, Barbarian 2/Fighter (Champion) 3+ could maybe get some use out of crit-fishing with a 2d12 or 4d6 weapon. I don't really know how to factor in the disadvantage for DPR calculations, anybody feel like checking to see if a crit-fishing build with a large greatsword is worth it?

Divination Wizard with
>Mage Armor
>Hideous laughter
>Magic missile
>Find Familiar
Need 2 more for leveling up

It doesn't matter how "great" they are, the fact that they're 100% free (other than time, of course) means that it's always good to have them available if you can. I'd definitely get the spells you know you'll constantly want to use, then make sure to write all the rituals into your spellbook anyway. Who knows when they'll come in handy?

What is the largest discrepancy you've seen between the expected deadliness of an encounter, and the actual amount of effort required by the party to overcome said deadliness at your table? Like, ever had a 4th level party curbstomp a Golem? Or maybe watched a group of 12th level characters struggle against the Sisyphean task of killing a dire rat?

Planning a campaign and wanted to know how much effort I should actually put into balancing encounters.

I almost forgot about the Barbarian's "extra weapon die on a crit" thing at 9. Now I'm thinking Half-orc Barbarian 9/Fighter 11 might actually be a viable option here... Or, more realistically, Barbarian 9/Fighter 3 since not many games make it to 20.

Thanks to a bunch of critical hits and misses our group of 4 level 6 PC's got killed by 5 goblins.

Its going to depend a lot on party composition and what resources they expend before the fight. Sometimes a team has all the right answers. Sometimes they're confronted by a round hole and all they have left is square pegs. But that's never discouraged a party before.

>Enlarged PC has a greatsword

>Large monster has a greatsword

>Medium PC uses large greatsword
>4d6 and disadvantage

>Enlarged PC uses large greatsword

forgot pic

Please answer these:

1) How would the 5E hold up to 2E Realms materials?

2) How hard it is to introduce new players to this system?

3) Is it shorter to create a character and get going?

4) Is it fun

1) I like it, but 2E probably has more material at the moment.
2) Stupid easy. I've gotten several new players up to decent levels running 5e.
3) I don't know what this means.
4) Yes.

>1) How would the 5E hold up to 2E Realms materials?
Don't know, I started with 3e.

>2) How hard it is to introduce new players to this system?
Incredibly easy. The rules are pretty simple, and they can get the Basic Rules for free online and read up on them before the game without any investment on their part.

>3) Is it shorter to create a character and get going?
Shorter than anything past 3e, though again I'm not sure about 2e.

>4) Is it fun
Assuming a good group and DM, yes.

I meant to convert 2E stuff to 5E

I've heard it's not hard.

Pro tip: next time you want to try this and pretend to be a different poster entirely, recognize that you're one of the few people here who puts an unnecessary line break between their post links and their text.

Do this.

Not this.

What's the best module they've released for 5E?

I'm running Strahd to give our DM a break and we're going to delegate out a different module. Does Veeky Forums have an opinion? Personally I think Princes sounds cool.

Best is between strahd and princes. Can't go wrong with either.

Strahd or Princes if you want a good, classical D&D campaign.

Out of the Abyss if you want to make your players suffer.

Horde of the dragon queen if you want to make your players AND yourself suffer.

I've got a session coming up in a campaign that has been pretty dark so far, and I want to give the players something to laugh about. A bit of contrast to entertain them in a different way for a quick encounter.

How much of an unfunny asshole am I if I put them up against a Dire Mimic in the form of a Gazebo?

I've just started OotA. Whats bad about it for players?

Well, it's in the Underdark for one, which is just a terrible setting full of stupid shit that people are weirdly attached to for no reason. If you want to run a dangerous campaign where everything around you will try and kill you, just go Dark Sun; at least it's interesting.

Depends entirely on how many PCs it downs.

How would you build a character based on the samurai from this movie clip?


I figure a monk would be the best fit, but monks are a bit on the weak side.

So just had my first 5e session, played a lawful neutral Eldritch Knight mercenary
Honestly, I found it a hell of a lot of fun, I was hurling chromatic fire orbs, yanking enemies towards me with lightning lure then twatting them, I even managed an attack of opportunity
I felt like such a nerd though, I had been looking forward to it for such a long time I had read up on all the rules and planned all my attacks ahead of time, I even yanked one of the enemies into range of the barbarian
Me and the druid knew what we were doing, always planning ahead to our next attack, making skill checks to deduce the surroundings, all that stuff
The DM was great too, he wasn't so confident in himself so I was helping him on rules and stuff, but we all had a lot of fun
Up until the point that the battlemaster used his action surge and maneuvers all on the same round which confused the hell out of him, and the barbarian couldn't remember all of her abilities so kept looking them up in the book, and the warlock was miserable he cast one of his only 2 spell slots outside of combat
I think it was amazing though, definitely a big step forward from the stripped down AD&D we were running, and the next session is tomorrow!
Any advice going in to it?

>Up until the point that the battlemaster used his action surge and maneuvers all on the same round which confused the hell out of him
Boy, is your DM going to have fun when the BM starts doing some REALLY wacky shit with maneuvers.

>felt like such a nerd though,

why? if it's fun it's fun nigga.

any way there's not much advice to give, just play and have fun. try and involve the players who don't do much if you can

also iirc a battlemaster can only expend one superiority die on his turn

It confused the hell out of the battlemaster, I think the DM handled it well
It is hella fun
I will remember that next time he burns all of them in a single turn, thanks!

>You can use only one maneuver per attack.
Superiority die are limited to one per swing. There's no cap on how many can be used in a single Attack action (which can constitute multiple attacks/swings thanks to Extra Attack), turn, round, whatever.

Remind your Battlemaster that maneuvers can also be used on unarmed hits and ranged attacks, in case he ever wants to knock a guy 15 feet backwards with a throwing axe or javelin.

It's one die per attack.

oh my bad, never played a battlemaster

One should note it's also perfectly legit to use Feinting Attack (bonus action) to give yourself advantage and extra damage on your next attack, and use a maneuver on that attack as well.

It shouldn't be too tough. I'm making it halfway between a Mimic and a Roper in how it fights. Slow movement, lashing tendrils that drag things in, adhesive, that sort of thing.

how is the starter box? worth buying? does it only give out blue dice?

The fuck is wrong with line breaks? I use them. Makes the post look better.

I assure you that every normal person (as in "normal for Veeky Forums") here disagrees. Break up your walls of text, sure, but don't separate replies or quotes from your response. It's a waste of page real estate and I run through monitor ink like a motherfucker now that we've got the Tomorrow style.

I don't give a shit what the rest of you do, I've always posted like this for the past ten years. Pretty anal thing to nitpick about someone's post. Then again, Veeky Forums has never ceased to surprise me with the depths of degeneracy it stoops to.

>Veeky Forums has never ceased to surprise me with the depths of degeneracy it stoops to
Like tolerating a breakposter like you for years?

Like being a sperging little faggot about insignificant shit.

>omg LINE BREAKS listen kid if you wanna be a real oldfag like me stop doing that

Eat shit.

>Eat shit.

I just want to help you improve your writing style, user. I went to school for this.

What do you guys play when you are tired of 5e? is there a good alternative?

I don't normally make class decisions based on power level, but ranger looks so bad that it's actually dissuaded me from it, and consensus seems to agree with that. I just wanted to be an archer anyway, so I'll probably roll a fighter. Though I wonder if I could pull off an archer paladin...

There's really nothing about that which really screams a certain class since it's mostly just attacking, moving and having HP in DnD terms. Battlemaster fighter makes sense since other classes would probably do more showy things

Divine Smite doesn't work at range, sadly.

Rogue and Fighter are both good options for an archer, and Ranger, while weaker, isn't dead weight.

Paladin's are really just not made to be archers. You could probably do a bard and just pick ranger spells if you wanted the casting part of ranger

Are you allowing homebrew?


Valor-Bard Archer is surprisingly good. They get access to the Ranger ranged-spell abilities before Rangers do.

Hey 5eg, my ranger buddy is wondering, does primeval awareness only apply to favored enemies or all enemy types listed? We're currently in a car and don't have the book on us.

All enemy types.

But it only tells you whether an enemy of each type is within range, not where and how many there are.

Well I wouldn't allow that at least. The archetype just has too many features

Also I would take off the heavy part of the feat at the bottom. It's contradictory for a dex weapon to be heavy and gives you too many things you can do with one stat. The fighting style itself seems fine though

>The archetype just has too many features
The number of features means nothing, it's the power level that matters. Many of the abilities it gets aren't that powerful, so just looking at how many they get is a really bad metric to use. Hell, looking at it, they don't even get that many anyway.

Unless you're referring to the list of maneuvers, in which case you missed the part where you only know some of them, just like the Battle Master.

Overall, it looks pretty well balanced, actually. I think you might have just jerked your knee a bit there.

As for combining heavy and Dexterity... I'd probably say that you can either gain Heavy or Finesse while two-handing a versatile weapon, not both at once (and make it the actual Finesse ability, to trigger things like Sneak Attack if you multiclass). That fixes that right up.

Doesn't Pathfinder's Iconic Barbarian have almost exactly this schtick?

If British were a race in your next campaign, how would you stat it?

dropbox.com/s/1hxtw5vbg900xoo/The Complete Paladin.docx?dl=0


Man, if there are two things I miss from the play test most it is Paladins with an option for ranged smites and barbarians with an option for dex-based advantages in eagle totem.

the find familiar spell doesnt specify if the familiar needs to eat or sleep, and how far can it be from its master

does someone knows anything about this? like, can it be miles away from the wizard?

since its a fey, fiend or celestial spirit, how smart can it be?

can it be sent with a message to a place 1 day of travel far?

I mean you can get it on amazon for $13 so yea, has everything you need to play lost mine of phandelver which is solid for beginners

you really need to use the pre-gen character sheets for LMoP though.

as for dice it has a set of blue dice that include everything besides a percentile die (because you will like never need a percentile die)

go valor bard with a bow, they're straight up better since they get ranger's spells before ranger does

maybe dip 1-2 levels into fighter if you want that archery fighting style and action surge

so just allow that in your game? no reason not to.

it doesn't need food, it's magic. you can just make him disappear for awhile and then summon them back into the world if you want

as for distance I'd probably make it restricted to like a mile from the owner, but I don't believe there is any actual metric for that

Disadvantage on all tasks related to cooking.

Guys, so since Barbarians get an extra attack at 5 can I use my extra attack and use my other action to ready an action? That action being to run in front of another player and take an attack they may receive?

>6 months without a supplement

This is unacceptable.