If I were to create a tabletop RPG game about/inspired by Veeky Forums, what should I implement in the game?
If I were to create a tabletop RPG game about/inspired by Veeky Forums, what should I implement in the game?
Pepes has Orcs.
Please don't do that.
cards against humanity with (You)s
Hunting and eating fat SJW's at Gencon.
Boards are cities
It already exists, check 1d4chan.
Shame on 5 anons who answered without knowing that, proving themselves to be goddamn newfags.
Pointless bickering, replete with strawmen, goalpost shifting, and attacks on tone rather than the presented argument.
Endless shitflinging and rage.
Here's the shit nigga
This game uses only 1d4s because guess what? It's Veeky Forums. It's a dice pool system. Here's how you generate your character:
You pick your home board, which gives you +2 dice pool when relevant.
You roll 1d4 for your shitposting stat, 1d4 for your newfag stat, 1d4 for your Feels stat, and 1d4 for your oldfag stat. You must subtract your newfag stat from your oldfag stat and if that is less than 0 then you have to take the Kill Yourself action which removes you from the game.
You can also pick Frog as a race which gives you +2 to Feels checks but -2 to all shitposting rolls.
You roll a dice pool for all checks and as long as you get at least one success (a die that comes up 4) you do it.
Also you have 4 healt represented by a d4. When you get to 0 you must sit your ass on the d4 for 4 minutes. Then you get the Banned condition and cannot play the Veeky Forums RPG ever again.
This is the stupidest shit for an RPG ever but I enjoyed typing it. Whatever. I can't believe I just wasted like 3 minutes typing this shit.
Players must call you a dumb frogposter.
Player then rolls to post sneks.
I looked at Veeky Forums homebrews there before and I never noticed. I'll have to check when I have the time to do so.
the game itself would just consist of you handing out cards with hot topics written on them, and the players arguing over those instead of doing anything productive.
All rolls would utilize a dice pool system, where you get successes equal to how many numbers match. That way the core mechanic is checking 'em.
Dis nig noes whaddup
>When you get to 0 you must sit your ass on the d4 for 4 minutes.
So basically ORE with d4s? That idea could potentially work.
Traps! Lots and lots of traps!
Depression, autism, and absolutely no mechanics for social interaction.
>hot topics
Lolno. For verisimilitude, all topics must be in the form of one of the options below -
* context-free one-liners
* /d/ trolls trying to make dicks Veeky Forums-relevant
* this is how i
* excuse me
* elf slav
* not the boss o' me quest
* math hammer
* viral/ shillpost
* /k/ trolls not getting "fantasy"
* >be me
* filenames
* 40k crossovers
* stat me
* edition wars
* what does Veeky Forums think bait
* /pol/lack srs gaiz D&D "races"
* /b/-tier drawfag requests
* adolescent "power levels"
* or "favorite chapter" gushfests
* frosh sociology spam
And, finally [drumroll], at least half must be started by people who OBVIOUSLY don't actually play - but find that voicing their clueless, Strongbad opinions on the internet fills an aching void deep within themselves, and is WAAAY easier than actually leaving the house.
>what should I implement in the game?
You should give this idea up and consider doing something else instead.