Can someone tell me what the next step of my master plan is?
Blockfolio Thread: Bull Market General?
substratum baby
Why don't you have more CND? I'm way smaller cap than you and I'm squatting on 30k CND atm. Not criticizing, just honestly not sure how to gauge CND myself desu. Haven't picked my sell points for it yet.
monitoring the situation closely tbqh, would like the volume and hype to pick up again
oh i was just gifted it from a friend, haven't done my real DD on cindicator
dafuq... it swapped out T B H for desu... fuck you Veeky Forums.
$3 come on man, come on
newfag detected
Fair. I wanted to enter their ICO but was too lazy to go through their process so I bought it when it was released. My entry point is a bit high but I suspect it'll reach it again within months if not sooner.
Anyone else got info on CND for OP and me? their micromanagement of exchanges is dumb af, but irrelevant once they are listed. i'm entirely unsure how to gauge its value in 6 months since its been so low volume so far being trapped on ED.
i know, pathetic right? i'll try and put half my mcdonald's paycheck in next week
Buy enjin you idiots they are eleasing plugin and smart wallet this month
lulz I stopped coming to Veeky Forums in 2010... i don't recall it doing that then and I've never seen it since I've been back.
Dump the shitcoins. We are entering a period of adoption by the larger market who won't care about shitcoins for 12 months. BTC/ETH/LTC
I have 6000 from the ICO and still down 1/3rd of my cost basis
at this point ill hold it forever on the off chance of a moon mission but i'm not particularly hopeful
Nahhhhhhh. We're entering a period of crash and cooling, which will feed back into shitcoins one last time before the mass adoption pushes it back to current levels and beyond with real support. It won't be a long period, but there's one last bust cycle before the mainstream boom kicks in and carries us to $20k.
I'm not done accumulating BTC though
I need more.. there's still time right?
I can appreciate your sentiment. Maybe I just think normies and big institutional money are closer to diving in than you do. Curious what you think of my position.
patrician portfolio
excellent job user
99% bitcoin
1% hedge in random shitcoins
i have similar
Depends on how many people buy BTC for Christmas gifts. Could carry us into one more rally to $12-15k before we crash... or this trading sideways and sputtering could be a signal the crash is coming now.
Either way I suspect January-early March there's going to be a huge sale on BTC and we won't see these prices again until next summer, but with real support behind them this time.
Blockfolio Exit scammed me and took my coins. It seems it's permanently fucked.
What a boring shit portfolio.. it's just a bunch of safe coins that will barely move.
It's fine if you've already made it but if you're starting with 83k you're wasting precious time.. you really think this bubble will last forever? we only have like a year or 2 at best left
I don't know much about ZEN, and used to be interested in NEM but I've since kinda forget what it is for the most part. I've heard murmers that DASH is a ponzi scheme but haven't done much research into it so its likely just FUD lol. Other than that I think all are safe bets. Of those I'm in BTC, ETH, and OMG, and will likely be adding LTC and XMR once I find entry points I'm happy with/flip some other coins.
My only advice would be to pick the point you think will be BTC's top and commit to it. I can't call it, especially after today's limbo, but it seems very doubtful this kind of growth can be sustained forever without a correction. In the end you'd still be more than fine if you hold your BTC through the crash, but if it crashes as hard as I think it may you could also increase your positions in your other coins ahead of the crash and come out with more BTC in the end.
Idk I'm all in on alts but 83k i think is plenty for the safe portfolio approach
Not so new.
Ideally, that's what i would like to do. With the amount of publicity @$10k and futures trading announcements I just don't see a pullback from the market at large with so much new money. Everyone and your mother are looking to buy a dip at 6k, 7k,8k, 9k so I just don't think it will happen. I would love to sell at a peak and double down though. Best of luck out there user. Hope you get your lambo.
There's some small crap in there from when I started learning and bought in small amounts. If any of them are worth it I'd buy more but I think for most of them the time has come and gone to invest more. I am looking to long term hold the big 4. But would love to start turning some others over faster. Ideas welcome.