Warhammer Fantasy General:

Warhammer Fantasy/The 9th Age General: "Total War: Warhammer in THREE DAYS" edition

Previous thread: >Newbie Introduction to Warhammer Fantasy
mediafire.com/download/i330182xo9b1hsi/Rulebook (Hardback).pdf (Download, start reading at page 174 for the story and all the races)

1d4chan.org/wiki/Category:Warhammer_Fantasy (All pages marked WF on the Veeky Forums wiki)

>Warhammer Wikis
whfb.lexicanum.com/wiki/Main_Page (Warhammer Fantasy wiki)
warhammerfb.wikia.com/wiki/Warhammer_Wiki (Warhammer Fantasy wiki)
warhammeronline.wikia.com/wiki/Warhammer_Online_Wiki (Warhammer Online wiki - game is not dead: see returnofreckoning.com/ for details.)

>Resources (Armybooks, Supplements, Fluff, Crunch)


>9th Age

>Total War: Warhammer

>End Times: Vermintide

>Mordheim: City of the Damned

>Bloodbowl 2

>Man O' War

>Third Party Miniature manufactures

Other urls found in this thread:

dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/22702196/warhammer skirmish booklet.pdf

Man, this map is so wonky.
In certain ways I don't mind that, and I understand there are probably good gameplay reasons. But still.

Also, wasn't Mousillion supposed to be a separate faction? Or is it just that southern portion of Lyonesse?

Yeah, Mousillon is its own faction. It's the only Vampire faction outside of Sylvania.

Anybody know if Bretonnia is a playable faction?

They are playable in custom games, but currently no in the campaign, rumors said they will be added in the campaign as free DLC later this year

Warhammer Fantasy/The 9th Age General: Call of Warhammer: The End Times" released TODAY edition

Fixed your typo.

I want to play Chaos Warriors in Total War and I like roleplaying, but I am new to warhammer fantasy and know nothing about their legendary lords. From what I gathered from wiki articles Achaon seems like dark brooding edgelord who want to destroy the world for no apparent reason, Sigvald is run-of-the-mill Slaanesh freak and Kholek is just big monster. So in books and such, do they have actual personalities?

>current year
>playing medieval 2

>Mannfred and Kemmler as Undead Lords
For fuck's sake, why can't we have nice lords ? Mannfred's a stupid dick, and Kemmler's even stupider. Give me Arkhan, Ushoran, Vlad, even the Queen Bitch, but only these two morons is sad.

Not particularly. There are some novels for Archaon, I think, but for the most part the descriptions in the books are all you have to go on.

So, what would have happened if Storm of Chaos had remained canon? What do you think the fallout of Storm of Chaos would have been? Would Archaon have been penalized by the Chaos Gods for his failure? What would have happened to Valten?

>A high elf who fought at the side of Aenarion against Chaos
>survived the war just to be caught inside a time rift before the Sundering
>escapes it and arrives in present day Warhammer World just weeks before the End Times

could there be any worse experience?

I keep painting images of the possibilities, like meeting people he might have actually known back then (Malekith, Wood Elf Queen) and what a mad world it would have to seem to him.

Anyone want to help a fantasy bro out and dump some skaven art? I'm going to be making my own skaven battle magic cards since the only deck i found on ebay sold for 60 bucks I'm looking for something parchment looking for the front and something for the backs that's Ruin and Plague themed. I'll post them when I'm done if anyone's interested sometime tomorrow

Arkhan is technically part of the tomb kings, vlad has been dead for centuries, Neff is very hands off with the way she leads, and didn't do much until nagash came back. Mannfred and kemmler are the only undead playable characters mentioned in the rule book that are actually alive and active right now.

How much are we keeping canon? because what should have happened is the undead should have crushed the conclave of light, and the tomb kings become the preeminent threat since they got out of it mostly unscathed.

But to answer the question, archaon gets the favor of the gods taken away and is killed by another chaos champion. The gods all blame each other for the invasion failing and get locked in a huge war, leaving the vulnerable empire safer than it logically should. Grimgor fucks off to the east to take on the chaos dwarfs since he considers them the biggest challenge now. This ignites a slave revolt and the Orc slaves and hobgoblins betray their masters. The chaos dwarfs start hiring the retreating chaos armies to fill their ranks, and soon some start worshipping hashut instead of the big 4.
Dontbkniwnenough about what the skaven did to comment, though I'll say the individual clans sch have their own problems. Pestilence gets REKT by the lizardmen, moulder has to deal with the retreating chaos armies, and skyre sees the chance to replace the grey seers as the preeminent faction. Or we have the skaven attack the vampires for some reason.

With most of the "bad guy" factions out of the way, the empire and bretonnia can rebuild. Thanks to the empire taking the worst of the invasion, bretonnia emerges as the greatest power of the old world, for now. Many of the Knights who crusaded into the empire feel that they are owed the lands they liberated, and tensions with bretonnia reach an all time high. Kislev is pretty much gone, and many refugees live in the empire now to boost the reeling population. mercenaries from tilea make up a large portion of the empires armies as they went mostly unscathed during the storm of chaos. Myrmidia worship becomes all the more common, and one day may pass the church of Ulric.

So do any of the Chinese recasters do scenery?

>How much are we keeping canon?

I guess everything except the ass-pull ending they did to restore the status quo.

Okay, have some Skaven.






If I was to start a WFRP game where the players are former soldiers (I'm imagining the game starting at the aftermath of a battle), should I have the players roll randomly for their careers, or select something military related?
My general idea is to have them having been on the losing side of a battle (the decisive battle of a civil war in the Empire) and adventure in this new era. I guess they could be conscripts, if they rolled randomly.

The war is over but the fighting isn't done. If you read the WFRP 2nd edition books, they talk about how the Storm has passed but some things are still cocked up. It's the timeline that my WFRP campaigns are set in, starting from the aftermath of the war which has extended 20 years into the future.

Yes, it's non-canon... In Archaeons unconscious mind. In my mind, he got knocked out by Grimgor and dreamt Age of Smegmar while the Chaos hordes swarmed back into the Chaos Wastes from whence they came. The Chaos Gods get pissed and start fighting again, before turning their attention towards this new Imperium in the greater universe. Brettonia and the Empire rebuild after the great war, but it's a long process and much is forever lost like the Conclave of Light. Kislev is gone, or if it exists in some form, it will never be a big player in Old World politics ever again.

The Lizardmen due to their victory over Pestilens, begin to actually rebuild their civilization and make contact with those lost in the Dark Continent. In addition, the Lizardmen city in Albion arises to new heights and becomes the premier naval power of the Old World. This puts Brettonia and the Empire on edge, but the Lizards claim to have no designs on human civilization... The sun may one day never set on their empire, but all in good time in accordance with the Old One's plan.

The Under Empire has entered a period of stagnation. At least for a moment, with the Clans bickering over the recent loss of Chaos. Thanqoul is on the run from Gutter Runners after Skyre does away with the Grey Seers, him getting rather blamed for Archaon's failure. They need time to rebuild until they can once again torment the Man Things. The Dwarves enter a period of reclamation in which they retake several mines from their enemies. In addition to finally collecting on quite a few grudges, with Bugman getting avenged.

The Greenskins go on the rampage in the east, smashing the Chaos Dwarves before Grimgor sunders into Cathay. Cathay fared poorly, the complete opposite of what happened in the Time of Ending with Chaos Marauders warring with Penguin Beastmen for control of the burning ruins. Grimgor destroys them both, and now squats in the once great palace of the Dragon Empire.

If you have specific roles in mind, let them choose. If they can be anything, like camp followers, cooks, etc, then roll randomly.

For example, having a squire, noble, soldier, burgher if they're part of a general's junior staff. On the other hand you might get a Peasant, a Vagabond, a Runebearer and a Hedge Wizard, who might have been following the army without any specific jobs.

The few surviving humans in Cathay now farm (and get farmed) for their greenskinned Masters. But Grimgor, being the greatest Ork that ever lived, grows tired of this and eventually starts contemplating a return to the lands of the distant west. Nippon is ignored by both the writers, and the setting. Some Orks try to invade it, but their invasion fleet gets destroyed by a great Typhoon. Grimgor considers the Samurai to be boring opponents. The Greenskins are still alive and dangerous, and are fully looking forward to round II with the forces of Order. Ind... Eh, let's just go with Endhammer and let the Beastmen become a interesting Army.

Now the real winners? The Undead. The Tomb Kings are one of the strongest powers in the old World, as are the Vampires. Brettonia and the Empire may exist in a state of peace for now, but some of the Carlsteins believe this to be temporary, with them surveying the two for weakness. They are the main threat to the Old World. Finally, Chaos has taken a back seat in the villain department...

Oh, and Araby is now Skavenville or controlled by fantasy ISIS.

I never thought about having them in specific roles! That's good idea!

Yep, they don't even have to be important. They can be bee watchers for all the general cares. For extra fun, make one of them Head Bee Guy and watch as the others grab at this imaginary title.

Works for me most of the time.

Total War Warhammer is nearly here.

Don't remind me. I can't play it on the computer I have, and saving up for it will take quite a while. And by a while, I mean months.

Tell me about your WFRP BBEG.

One in my previous campaigns was a Chaos lord who escaped the ending of the universe. Lord Venneraxis as he called himself, was dying from his wounds, weak and pitiful, until he happened upon an altar of the dark gods. With only a handful of souls to power the realm of chaos, the gods had regressed into their base emotions. Hope, fear, rage, pleasure. Upon the altar he found an amulet that granted him eternal life, and a weapon. The First Spear, a spear that embodied the Chaos Gods. Seeing reality collapsing all around him, he used the amulet to travel into the past to make sure that the war never ends. Working against both mortals, Chaos and everything in between, he wants the status quo to remain. He has seen reality nearly unmade and desperately wants to prevent that.

All the starting factions will be getting a third lord as free LC. I think Wurrzag is the next orcs and gobs lord. Whatever happened to Zacharias the everliving? or whatever his name was, necrach rode a zombie dragon a few editions ago.

There are a few conflicting sources, but Zacharias has one of two endings.

Either he:
challenges his master Melkior, loses, and then drains a dragon of its blood and challenges Melkor again only to win the second time around and take his blood.
OR: Melkior challenges Wsoran, loses, and has his body possessed. Zacharias' fate is unknown if this body-switching is possible.


A few might remember the conversation about this back in December. I wrote this shortly after, only updating it now. I want to be better, as I have a few projects stabled for later. Namely a book about the Crusades against Araby, probably a series. But it's at the same time I'm running a WFRP game online, so my time is very much limited.

I think Zacharias was in End Times Nagash, he refused to bow and Nagash killed him.


It's quite possible, but I ignore almost all End Times fluff.

I'd sooner trust myself in a weeklong drunken haze.








I'm buying my copy the day it comes out... Can't wait to get Bretonnia in this!! Are you guys looking forwards to the online or offline play? Are campaigns multiplayer?






Anybody have the skirmish rules from the back of 6E core? All the scans I've found stop right before them.




Only fluff I like is Nagash returning, although not how, and whatever it is that gives Neferata and Arkhan their sweet new models.

I'd dump the rest. Glottkin aren't dependent on End Times fluff to exist after all.









>High King Edition of Total Warhammer sold out

Fuck. Well, that's what I get for waffling. Guess I'll wait until it gets a discount at Christmas on Steam or something.

I like this. Fuck GW suck at handling their setting.

Offline and no. Personally I just want to get Grimgor or Azhag and finish what Gorbad started by razing the empire to the ground.

THe good part of that map is the more east-west border between the empire and Bretonia

The bad part is everything else.

And honestly, Neff is just a petty assholewho tears down anyone else that finds success.

I wish tuskgors etc had better models.

Speaking of recasters, where can I find them?

Go away GW.


Ask the 40k guys.

Continuing on.

Valten never fights Archaon, but he does kill several notable chaos champions and delivers the final blow on kbandtha. Many fear there will be a divide in the empire as most want Valten as emperor instead of Karl Franz. Huss reveals he had a vision, that he, Valten and Franz form a trinity of sigmars mortal aspects, like the father son and Holy Spirit. Karl Franz is The aspect of sigmar the emperor, Valten is The hammer of sigmar, and Huss is the voice of Sigmar. Karl Franz, wounded at some point in the war, maintains the political side of the empire and focuses all of his attention on restoring it to glory. Huss continues to journey to the far corners of the empire, preaching the true word of sigmar. Valten leads an army made up of many Knights, warrior priests and flagellants to where the fighting is thickest, foes falling with each sweep of ghal Maraz. Sigmar himself was freed from the vortex at some point, and already imperials are starting to notice that the power of sigmar is growing. In the realm of dreams, he sets out to unite the old world gods into a pantheon that can stand against the chaos gods should they attack in force again. Some, like shylla and Verena, join immediately. Others like Taal, Myrmidia and Manaan are more difficult, and it may be ages before an agreement is made.

Malekith is killed (or is he?...) during his failed invasion of ulthuan. The dark elves split up into various warring factions, lead by Morathi, hellebron and Mallus darkblade.

The ogres were split up during the storm of chaos. Greasus goldtooth commands the largest portion, still remaining in the mountains of mourn. Many joined chaos, many more joined Grimgors WAAGH against the chaos dwarfs. A significant portion of the ogres that (mostly) fought for the conclave are given land in the middle mountains by Karl Franz. His hope was to keep the ogres from menacing the empire, while also having a formidable army to clear out/contain Brass keep

I want to start a Mordheim game with people who are not all that into tabletop. While I'm unsure of what to get exactly, I'll probably go with a few models for an Empire, Ork, Chaos and Skaven Warband plus some terrain.

Do you guys think that's a good idea or should I just go for Silver Tower, as that is more straightforward and easier to get in one set?

I'm also very inexperienced at running a game, which is another reason why I'm considering Silver Tower. Of course any suggestions besides ST for a tabletop game are welcomed, the main reason I mentioned ST is because it's the most readily available.

>>Silver Tower
Fuck that noise.

Don't worry about inexperience. You get it by playing a game and making mistakes. You'll have a blast even though you're probably going to do it wrong for a while. So long as you aren't friends with a bunch of rules lawyering cunts. The only thing that really matters is if your heart is into it.

Was just mentioning Silver Tower because of the easy access. Assembling all the bits for Mordheim is quite a hassle, but I guess thats part of the fun.

You wouldn't have any suggestions for a "buy this box and you're good" kinda deal, which is the main reason why I had mentioned ST.

Oh hey anons, remember earlier in the week I said I was at a tournament this weekend, read up on some skaven tactica, and was panicking because it was completely different from what I use?

Well, I came 2nd, 3 points behind the guy who won. So it didn't work out too bad!

So you lost-failed?
jk Good job.

I would have recommended Free Company but I'm pretty sure GW discontinued them in their ongoing war against good taste. State Troops would make a decent replacement, however. Hell, if you want, use paper stand ins for models so you can get a taste for the rules. I remember using empty sliders for entire units when me and my friends would play massive battles.

dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/22702196/warhammer skirmish booklet.pdf

How popular is the Warhammer Fantasy RPG in general terms compared to like Pathfinder or WoD ?

>I think Wurrzag is the next orcs and gobs lord.
That sucks. They need a goblin hero.

>End Times

Hard to say, but its skub is definitely greater. WFRP 3rd edition belongs in prison with child molesters.

>>Bad Writing Times

Hey congrats mate!! that's not half bad at all

If you're going to play warhammer fantasy rpg, go 2nd... seriously, it's the best and least "Age of sigmarized"

So... where do you guys buy your fantasy miniatures now that the GW is pretty much empty of the old stuff ?

Empire army came yesterday.

Maybe some greatswords and obviously a Mage and I feel like this is done.

Flagellants? Demigryph riders?

I'm not going Steam Tank unless I see a really good deal for one.

Ebay. Some TP retailers still have stock too.

>>Flagellants? Demigryph riders?
Why not both?

Here's a borderline heretic thought: use converted AoS goregruntas

Where have you found that colored artwork? Beastmen didn't get an 8th edition armybook

Thanks, but that doesn't contain the actual rules. They are on pages 242-246 of the main book. Says it on 2nd page of this booklet. Thanks though.

CA have confirmed that there will be a faction released for free(after a few free lords and heroes with new schools of magic and a free unit for the VC which BETTER FUCKING BE BLOOD DRAGONS), and as Bretonnia is basically finished in art and mostly finished in roster. They're just missing campaign depth.

So yes, they'll be released for free, as they have confirmed one faction is to be free and nothing else fits. MAYBE Kislev but that's incredibly unlikely given how they're just empire-clone Chaos fodder at release.


You can fuck around with them in custom battles at launch with their 75% complete roster as well. They seem to lack depth and balance and most signs point to underperformance right now though.

the encyclopedia has secret bretonnia pages with quests, buildings and technologies

>3 stabs
Fixed-patched that for you

Congratulations, have any noteworthy moments to share?

I'm hyping so hard about total war and yet I still have got years and years again before I can commemorate my daughteru