Artorias/ Farron abyss watchers inspired chapter. how do?
do any models already swing around fuck hueg swords with both hands?
Artorias/ Farron abyss watchers inspired chapter. how do?
While I love Dank Bowls, would Farron's legion even fit Space Marines? Even Arty himself is a struggling fit, their fighting styles are just to graceful.
Maybe eldar would fit better?
That being said, The Emperor's Champion holds a sword over his head, you could modify the arm a bit to have the sword outstretched to his side.
mhhh... yes. an emperors champion would be a good model, now we need a name for the chapter master and the chapter.
Thematically, they're not too far from space marines. I think they'd probably work better as some really weird Eldar Harlequins though.
.i think with some imagination they could fit. I will not have my abyss watchers be fucking clowns
Artorias is the latin form of Arthur, so why not?
Bro, Harlequins are not just "fucking clowns."
They are the eternal guardians of the Black Library, Heralds of the Laughing God, and sworn enemies of Chaos. Sounds pretty familiar to Abysswatchers.
harlequin rules, SM models?
Sir Authur of The Shadow knights
Shadow Watchers?
To be honest, the concept of Abyss probably fits right in with 40k's setting.
Maybe swap it for something relating to the corruption of the Warp? Sir Arthur of the Warp Vigil or something like that.
*strokes beard in thought* yes... yes
Blue and black color scheme im guessing? a black sheild for a symbol?
anyone got any ideas for the rewls?
Black Shield with a White Wolf emblazoned on it.
wolf indeed, but we don't want to get to... wolfy.
Abyss Knights
Space Wolves successor
Chapter master: Arthur, the "Old Wolf"
Homeworld: Lordran (destroyed) Farron (Fleet fortress-monastery)
Warcry: Vereor Nox
Sigil: A white wolf holding a broadsword
Colours: Blue, grey and purple
Space wolves successors
Specialty: Power sword combat
Allegiance: Disputed
Formed in the 34th millenium. Lordran was engulfed in a warp storm soon after and chapter was engulfed in long and bloody war with chaos. Eventually the Old wolf made a pact with Fateweaver, that he would become a champion of chaos in exchange for the release of his chapter and homeworld. When news of this deal with chaos reached the imperium, chaos-scarred Lordran was destroyed. The chapter took to the stars and has been nomadic since, engaging chaos wherever it can be found, annihilating any planet with even a hint of corruption, in revenge of their chapter master. While they're officially excommunicate tratoris, most give them the blind eye as they are an effective weapon against chaos. Has not taken a new chapter master, as the old one is still alive somewhere, essentially a reverse Draigo, completely insane, wandering around the warp, popping into realspace whenever he can to slaughter all that he sees.
>space wolves
Honestly it'd be less stupid to make them Luna Wolves successors.
make them renegade Space Wolves, like Skyrar.
the title the old wolf is already taken
as much as i love the space wolves lets not get to wolfy
homework, Lorithan (more original) Feremus
fighting in the warp to find their chapter master so they can kill him and have him die with honor. or fighting to find a way to urge the chaos from him.
The Space Furries don't have a trademark on wolves. If need be, it can be a white wolf's head clutching a sword in its jaws.
Though, if we want to distance the crest from the Furry Fun Force, then maybe a white Greatsword of Artorias (or the Farron Wolf Sword) against the Black Greatshield.
Knights Abyssal?
what shall their chapter tactis be?
prefered enemy?
free power swords for squad leaders?