Alright Veeky Forums, I have a quandry. My players insist on 3.5e or, but they're also fine with houserules. They're a really good group, rp-wise, but they won't budge on this. So what houserules will save this game?
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Alright Veeky Forums, I have a quandry. My players insist on 3.5e or, but they're also fine with houserules. They're a really good group, rp-wise, but they won't budge on this. So what houserules will save this game?
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Step 1: Obtain a copy of the 5e rules
Step 2: Write them all out in a word document so it looks like homebrew.
Step 3: Present the word document to your friends so that it looks like hombrew.
Step 4: Assuming they fall for it and like it, wait until the end of the campaign to reveal that it was 5e all along.
Step 5: Never have to run again.
Step 6: ???
Step 7: PROFIT!
They like 3.5 and because of the massive breadth of content. I can probably sneak one or two pretty major jumps, but lots of tiny changes will not sit well with them.
Your group sounds like a bunch of mouth-breathers, OP.
They're better than most. They're good enough that I'd willingly play 3.5 with them. But since I've got a chance to go one better, I figured there was no reason not to.
He's not far off. Just take the 5e Magic rules from 5esrd and use them with 5e spells copy and pasted from the off so none are missing. Then don't allow ability score increases to give bonus spells, but allow them to be slots that can be refreshed with a 15 minute rest. Finally, match 5e spell slots and use 5e multiclassing rules for spellcasting (the spell progression is determined by the sum of all caster class levels).
It majorly skews balance back to where it should be in And is *relatively* easy to do without a ton of work on your end.
Oh and throw away all metamagic and crafting rules. If they want to craft something make it a roleplaying opportunity where they decide on what they want and adventure for the ingredients with the reward being the magic item at the end of it all.
There is literally no need for crafting rules, and they are hot garbage since the game relies on WBL as a part of its encounter balance.
Make them budge. Run a one shot or something, to show them that there's other systems in the universe.
>My players insist on 3.5e or,
That's fine. Play it straight. No house-rules really needed.
If something is too cheesy or ludicrously overpowered, then let them know that's off the table. If they play something really underpowered, give them some sort of in-game plot power or magical gear to make up for it.
Just be up front that 3.5 and pathfinder aren't balanced and it'll be up to them not to abuse it.
If they're a good group it'll be fine. If there are problems, be an adult and fix them.
>Refuse to run 3.PF until they stop being silly
>Ban 90% of core, use ToB and Psionics
Talk them into Fantasy Craft, it's 3.PF but good.
"We're playing 5e. My houserule is shut up."
Fine except that it takes two hours to make a character and another half-hour+ every time you gain a level, the system is so broken you can break it without trying, and there's ten billion statistics for everything.
mass genocide
Just because you don't know how to play it doesn't mean everyone is as stupid as you are.
Ten year olds play it and play it fine. Why are you dumber than a ten year old?
Oh, yeah, it's because you're just a butthurt memester who can never shut up about how much they hate a particular game.
I know how to play it. If I didn't know how to play it, would it change anything I said even slightly? Or are vague, poorly-defined ad hominems all you have in your defense?
>As we all know, 10 years old a are the paragons of good taste. Git gud, scrub.
"Not abusing it" basically means not even trying to play as cleric, wizard, or druid while anyone in a shit tier try super hard at everything.
Claiming it's fine as is just ignores what fans should consider solvable issues.
If you knew anything about it, you'd know that you're just spouting old and tired memes without any value.
But, please, go on being a faggot. There's something endearing about watching an idiot complain about how hard something is when even children can do it without any difficulty.
>As we all know, 10 years old a are the paragons of good taste.
It's not about taste, it's about requisite intelligence. Apparently, the poor sod is dumber than a 10 year old.
Though, if it's about taste, I guess we can just go ahead and call him a faggot and ignore him. Thanks for that, I guess.
Whelp you got me 8/10
Here's my favorite example. Here are the rules for opportunity attacks in 5e.
fwiw I feel like a lot of people jumped ship before really cool things like PoW and SoP started turning up which have really improved
Without rewriting the magic and combat sections of the CRB, there is no true repair.
You didn't actually say what's wrong with what I said. If they're old and tired, surely you've heard an effective rebuttal by now, at some point during the past. Can you tell me what that rebuttal is?
>Hey guys, I've got these sick house rules
>secretly run a 100% by-the-book game of Reign
What did you say aside from "I don't know how to play this game it's so hard"?
There's pills for that. They really don't do anything, but they might calm you down enough to let you realize that exaggerations don't warrant rebuttals, they warrant insults and ridicule.
I tend to be pretty easy for trolls to hook, but you've actually managed to reach the point where gullible as I am, I can see through you.
Which is pretty bad, since it means you're not even all that great at being a troll, and you don't seem to have much else to contribute. I'm not even angry, I'm just sad.
Please. Going for the "You're a troll" just because you're upset is just you being a faggot, and that's largely what your entire "argument" is.
You pretend to be here to discuss games, but you're just here to complain about things you don't understand using old exaggerations that are empty and hollow hoping to bait people into taking you seriously.
That's why you get called a faggot. You try to claim the high ground when all you're doing is dragging people down, and the best response is simply to call you out on being one heck of a daddy-kissing, shit-licking faggot.
You know, the bulk of that is for reference. You don't need to memorise that table. But it's handy to know where it is.
But that just means every time you happen to be standing next to someone, you have to constantly check "okay, how about using an item?"
I know you don't need to memorize them, but for many things, it's best if the rules are simple enough that you can memorize them. Melee combat is one of those things--after all, isn't the Fighter the class you're supposed to be able to recommend to a beginner? The Fighting Man, with his ten glorious hit points and heavy armor, much better than that squishy Magic-User for a novice? For Pathfinder "not consulting tables and charts constantly" is not an option.
OP here. That doesn't much apply to my group, so for us isn't bad for those reasons. It still has its flaws, but not them so much.
Most of that chart is just for clarifying what a "distracting" action is. It's all mostly straight-forward, and the only parts that might be confusing comes from defining what's necessary for spellcasting, but even that becomes familiar in no time at all.
>or Pathfinder "not consulting tables and charts constantly" is not an option.
Funny, because there's plenty of groups that do that. Weird how you think that just because you can't, other people can't.
Are you the same person?
I'm the first person and not the second.
Okay. I suspected so, since is pretty clearly .