Does anyone have 40k art not drawn in the official art style?
Alt 40k art
By "the official art style" do you mean actual official art? Or just the sort of semi-realism?
I can dump a couple of the fan-art drawings I've done if you want, though I'm just a dirty hobbyist.
Well I'll dump a few.
Quality may vary
>So what do these tubes do?
>I dunno
Alright I'm spent. I've done less 40k stuff lately than I thought.
>Does anyone have 40k art not drawn in the official art style?
...Does this count?
Someone always posts this horrible shit
nice bait
Not sure what really counts as 40k has had some pretty wide ranges of art over its time. Anyway, here's 40k disney.
>Shrine is being overrun by Chaos
>Last surviving Space Marine defender just ran out of ammo and his chainsword broke
>Sees the holy artifact
>Grabs it and puts it on as a final resort
>His hand breaks against the traitor's chestplate
>Tfw it wasn't a 'Power' glove
I got a solid chuckle out of these, thanks user
Not a bad guy really, just had a really bad version of mr. Hide inside him
I will fuck up you home base
It really is a shame Russ doesn't look like this in Canon.
>Konrad Curze did nothing wrong
He has a weirdly normal name compared to the rest of the Primarchs
>not drawn in the official art style?
No, because everything else is deviantart-tier shit as illustrated by this thread.