What has tg taught you?

What has tg taught you?

That there is no right way of DMing, and if there is, yours is not that way.

Pole arms are for no-fun-allowed contrarian faggots

Never ever trust anybody on Veeky Forums.

Mostly just what NOT to do in both real life social interactions and at the table.

To not listen to Veeky Forums and that if you have a "that guy" problem it's probably because you're being a bitch and not just saying something

That every system is shit and no fun is allowed.

That my way to have fun was wrong

All of this.

Horse assholes.


Holy autism, Batman!

I've been having fun wrong this whole time.

Dragons are lewd.

Playing RPGs with strangers is a dumb idea.

Heterosexual hand holding is the lewdest.

The same people who make the most messed up fetish hentai usually also make the sweetest vanilla you would never expect of them.

This is neat, thank you.

The girl being an amputee prevents it from being vanilla.

What I learned;

EVERYONE on this board will brag about how amazing their group is and how everyone they play with is a genius as well as a profession improv actor, their DM is the envy of everyone in the hobby, and their campaigns are legendary stories that have drama and emotion and make great tales.

Every single one of these people is lying, and the truth is that them, their group, and their games are all shit, they're just too retarded to know the difference.

I learned what a baculum is, and that you can buy bags of them online.

This is almost as autistic as that nutter on /sp/ who fell in love with a tripfag.

This, and never, ever invite any of them to your games. There are only two types of Veeky Forums players:
>oh please like me, I'll make an underpowered deliberately gimped character centered completely around roleplaying and will make suboptimal choices because I'm so afraid of being called a munchkin
>fuck your game nigga, I'm using a combination from these twenty-two third-party supplement books to make a character than can deal infinity damage before the first round of combat, and anyone who dares to try and roleplay in front of me is going to get called a faggot

That it cant differentiate between head cannon and official fluff.

See any thread with Ork, Eldar, or Nid fluff discussed.

You seem upset user. You want to talk about it?

That the human body is horrifying.

Ookay, I think you need to take some deep breaths.

>Anything can be a fetish
>Players can ALWAYS be relied upon to try and fuck something
>All systems are shit
>Every female is apparently bisexual
>Remain skeptical of *everything* until given a reason not to
>Quest fags will never use the trial board
>Everyone is That Guy
>GURPS is the answer to every "how to play an X based game" question
>Being a GM is a thankless job
>Monks a shit
>Everything is a mimic
>The human vagina can fit a horrifyingly high amount of spiders

I could go on, but I'd be here all night and this thread doesn't have nearly enough post slots to offer. Besides, I want to see what other anons have to offer.

You've read that one too, then?

Ah yes, I also forgot one of the more important lessons:
>There will always be some daft moron who thinks succubi can be redeemed.

Oh my god 146 pages of our worthless trivia? This should be published. thank you user!

that is quite amazing.

what a baculum is.

It taught me to be less thirsty and that the concept of "best girl" and "a shit" apply to the real world.

I knew what baculums are already.

Sometimes I hate being a furry porn artist

That guild threads are needless clutter, but having three jet fighter vs. X threads up simultaneously is a-ok.

Don't worry, I hate you too.

Ive ran into people trying to recreate characters from greentexts and failing miserable at it.


You can have some fun too

I'd imagine the money is decent.

I doubt that quite seriously.


I knew a girl in high school who made made dosh selling furry porn. She thought her clients were weird and creepy, but they paid well.

Someone is just full of sunshine huh

I've learned it's possible for chans to be a force of creation rather than destruction. Veeky Forums gets shit done.

Also you guys got me into this in the first place.


40k fluff used to be tons better and black library novels (and GW fluff in general) past 2005 should be taken with a grain of salt if not outright ignored.

Baculum was also the name for the staff Romans used to beat their slaves.

I'm not even mad, I remember that thread and it was fucking adorable.

Players of Japanese RPGS are often linguists.

What? Really?

I only have anecdotal evidence but yeah.
Do you like to analyze language variation and change?

Yeah, a little bit I suppose. I'm not sure I'd call myself a linguist, though, or anything more than an amateur one.

You forgot the third type:
>"thanks for inviting me to your game" is never heard from again.

speaking as someone who is involved with the printing side of furry porn, the artists charge more when you ask them to draw stuff that is not their fetish. Some artists will just flat out refuse to draw things that aren't in their particular wheelhouse. And furries, desperate furries, will pay for it.

It's just my minor in college, so I can't call myself a full-blown linguist either. But I'm using the term loosely.

dont leave us out in the cold here, post a link or something to your work

Well, all right.

But what do you MEAN by it? Because I still don't know.

I don't even count those no-show motherfuckers.

I know you pieces of shit are out there, reading this post, and I know you won't reply, but I just wanted to say: Fuck you. Don't get peoples' hopes up like that. If you have no intention of following through, then fuck off and don't sign up in the first place.

People who like to study and learn about languages.
Linguistics is a fascinating topic, really. We have evidence that our brains sort sentences into hierarchical structures. Once short sentence can have 7 different meanings if interpreted right.

It's fun to see what kind of people you find among all the furry thrash. While the whole majority is pretty awful, you find some interesting stories and unexpected people.

Gotta know how dog dicks work senpai

Especially with Home Improvements.

That sounds right, but what on Earth does it have to do with Japanese RPGs?

I really want this to be true. This is the first time I've ever wanted to be a Mormon again.

They appeal to that type of person for some reason.
Probably because they're non-Japanese speakers who have immersed themselves in another language to sate their fetishes. And the people who like to problem-solve and play pretend tend to really like linguistics for some reason.

>It's fun to see what kind of people you find among all the furry thrash.

So you're a masochist then? I mean hey, more power to you user, but I really can't help but liken dealing with furfags degenerate enough to commission porn to be akin to dragging one's dick through shattered glass. bullet ants, and rubbing alcohol. You've either got a really high tolerance for pain and suffering, or as simply more dead inside than PlagueofGripes.

>Quest fags will never use the trial board
Ya found me out jim!

Being that both posts mention St Louis, might be true.

Reading that screencap did not enrich my life.

I'm not entirely sure if you thought I was being derogatory or if i'm being stupid and missing something here.

Not that user or anyone with any connection to furry shit, but I hear furries are very good to artists. They don't just pay a lot of money, they treat them like royalty to keep them around. The internet's shat on them long enough that they empathize with starving artists, too, and rarely skimp on payment for decent art.

Nah, I was just dicking around. My post meant literally nothing. its fucking true though what you said, /qst/ is just...fucking horrible with the 'new' quests.


>Playing a farmer
>I actually did farming and enjoyed it when I was little

Fuck i'm cancer.

Everything is cancer.

>calling things cancer
sounds like you're pretty problematic T B H

this post is cancer

This reply is cancer

The thing I learned about Veeky Forums is that, like Veeky Forums is with books, nobody on Veeky Forums actually plays games. They just meme and argue about them.

Oh, shut the fuck up. Just because /v/ made it a meme doesn't mean it's true for Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums or anywhere else, really.

Meh. I've jerked it to furry porn, and I'm otherwise a fairly normal person (citation needed, I know, but I'm just your average starving college kid outside of my masturbatory habits). Never paid for it, though.

Yeah I hate all those popular and interesting quests being posted on the appropriate board. Why can't they just shit up Veeky Forums like all the cool QMs do?

10/10 you don't know what either is, nor do you know what the fuck quality is.

Veeky Forums is better than Veeky Forums because while Veeky Forums never writes books, Veeky Forums does actually crank out a homebrew once and a while.

Hell, /tv/ at least wrote a porn. Veeky Forums are the biggest posers.

If you try to do anything interesting in anyway, you're a special snowflake and Veeky Forums will suggest you kill yourself.

well you should.

/tv/ didn't WRITE a porn, their memes merely inspired one. Not the same thing

Veeky Forums has taught me how to recognize and react to every flavor of troll and it has taught me that a community that treats every opinion as objectively wrong and features some the most caustic shitposters, can be a wonderful crucible for ideas, inspiration, and world building.

And of course, pic related.

>An elitist questshitter


Tell me more about how much higher quality Girls und Panzer and Infinite Stratos quests are m8

Same shit, different board

>An elitists
>Oh lordy, Somebody wants something more then a What do! and You r Prez, lead! How dare they
Guess we should all go out and buy Warhammer fantasy right? We can't ask for quality in anything after all.

>got a cool idea for a quest
>know that it is most likely shit and would not get any traction ever

i want to run quests so i can get better at writting

Literally just go make it in /qst/. There are plenty of new quests being thrown around there, I'm sure yours would fit right in. What's the worst that can happen?

Just stick with it and ignore the bleating whining of people like

You should run it because A lot of quests people are shit turn out to be really good. However I was pointing out a quest is not a 'What do' fucking thing, Its like one of them pick and choose style adventurer books.

>What's the worst that can happen?

i fuck up majorly and it fully shatters my limited confidence.

and im not even sure that i can get what i want to run down. it would be a horrible amalgamation of a dozen different things that would most likely not work even though i tried to get them to work together as best as i could

Mate, that's 90% of quests ran. Give it a spin worse case you end it as a One-shot.

i need you to stop tempting me user. my fragile constitution and ego can only take so much more abuse

Throw the line out user, Either somebody will bite or you can go home and smile saying. " I tried. "

geez user, don't bully me so much

i'll give it a concentrated shot now. i have to go image hunting, but you semi-endorsement is making me try to succeed or an hero in the process

>temple dedicated to chaos gods
God is 40k fan confirmed
Mormonism best religion

I'm just a terrible brute, Your the healslut now user.

That is an adorable picture and as I said, worse case its a one shot. Nobody will blame you mate. Have fun with it!