I want to get into GorkaMorka, but I not know where to start. Does anyone here have any experience in it? What should I get to get started with it?
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First thing you need to do, is watch these:
Next things to do, buy a box of boyz, or nobz, kitbash a trukk or 2 out of cheap model kits and have some fun.
Pic related is part of my mob I have built so far. My brother and I are planning a campaign later this year.
Ok' I'll have a look at those videos. Cool models by the way.
Honestly it's not the best ruleset, I wish I could offer an alternative that you could just play with orks but I can't think of anything.
Like any game it's fun with friends and the background in the books is genuinley very funny.
A Trukk and a box of Boyz per player is all you need to start, the games very terrain light as it's set on a desert planet so you don't need much more than a few rocks and some tents. One of the missions involves assaulting a fort but I just wouldn't bother commiting to that unless you plan on playing a campaign.
The rules pop up on ebay fairly regularly and the prices are usually fairly reasonable for something OOP.
Check out miniwargaming's rules they link in their videos. They adopt some modern rules from 7th edition and HoR killteam, while keeping the rules intact that make gorkamorka gorkamorka.
Like shooting and close combat is handled the same way as 7e, but vehicle combat is all purely gorkamorka, which is important. This game would become pretty dull with 7e vehicle rules.
Who's best, Gork or Mork?
Yes, they are.
I wish there were rules for Ork Doof Wagons.
How about we make some?
Just so long as we make rules for Explosive Harpoons and Witnessing.
It's a trukk with a loud shouta. boosts everyone's LD and provides a bonus to see who is louder in the scenario where you roll to see who shouts the loudest to see who goes first
In this game, you can have a vehicle as big as you want, because its transport capacity is pretty much how many models can fit on it. But bigger vehicles have bigger disadvantages when it comes to maneuvering and line of sight.
>GorkaMorka: Mad Mork "Waagh!!! road"
Thanks. They are Da 'ard 'eads, lead by Nob Ughtug. They are Gorkers
Their theme is heavier armour goes to older members. So yoofs just have studded, boys get flakk, and skarboys/nobz get 'eavy armour. They also all have helmets on and always wear them when raiding in da skid.
The helmets and bodies of the boyz and nob are fantasy black orcs, then I have other bits from other sources.
This game is pretty much necromunda had sex with the mad max series and their child was glorious
There will never be a movie as Gorkamorka as Fury Road.
Keep an eye on YakTribe. They're working on online campaign tools like they have for Necromunda and Mordheim
Looking forward to this, but out of curiosity, how long has that coming soon announcement been up? I find that independent little content makers such as these usually will never get anything done if they announced it a year out.
Anyway a great resource for more scenarios, rules and such is gorkamorka.co.uk
Feels good man.
Wish they'd reboot this like they have Warhammer Quest.
And dare i say it might be a good thing.
As far as I can tell, warhammer quest has had a pretty much positive reception, people's only real complaint about it is it's now set in the new setting, but the gameplay is there
And theyve been doing public playtests at warhammer world for bloodbowl, and people are reporting its pretty much the same game with some fixes to modernize it.
GW knows they have some good old games there and don't want to change it too much. Necromunda was definitely on that coming games list, and that game shares a lot with gorkamorka
I live in Nottingham, I was in WW yesterday.
The whole room was filed with Blood Bowl. Seriously tempted to start it up.
And I'm glad to hear WQ has been received positively. Looks really good.
They should've rebooted it to coincide with Mad Max.
If you're not going to play a campaign it's not really worth playing. One-off games without advancement are really boring.
The campaign stuff, custom gear, doc stuff, and all that make the game what it is.
The MWG stuff has great terrain but 7E close combat is pretty boring to watch. It's basically another shooting phase.
It's fun to actually play (Mordheim uses a similar mechanic) but it makes each turn fairly samey.
Well done to MWG for having a go at combining rule sets - most people just talk about doing something and never actually do it. Shame the result is a bit lifeless.
Grab the rulebooks from YakTribe (Da Roolz, Da Uvver Book and Digganob).
>Warhammer Quest reboot
>Blood Bowl reboot
>New games
Necromunda when
Necromunda computer game when. It'd certainly work better than fucking Mordheim
Xcom but cooler?
Doubt it'll ever happen
Noice! Gorkamorka was a neat concept but maaan, 2ed 40k rules can go fuck themselves.
RT can go fuck itself. 2nd ed was fine for Gorkamorka but terrible for full on armies.
New Gorkamorka better give me the rules to field this.
XCOM but grungier.
But I just want multipart plastic Necromunda models.
Or this.
Isn't Gorkamorka just Mordheim/Necromunda with Orks?
It does. It's a trukk with traks.
That's a trukk with a harpoon gun.
Again, in this game, you bring a vehicle, and the following conditions apply:
>how many models can fit on it is it's transport capacity
>depending on the size (usually over or under 3"x5") will determine if it's a trukk or buggy
>If it has all wheels, it's wheeled. If has some traks on it, it's trak'd
That's pretty much it. Then there's the gunz and gubbinz you put on it. Vehicles have hit locations and the AV depends on what location is hit. All vehicles pretty much have the same AV.
It uses necromunda's core game system and campaing system, with added vehicle rules. It's meant to simulate battles between roadster gangs in the wasteland. Vehicles matter because all models must fit on vehicles when deployed. You can't have models deployed outside of vehicles. Unless your fort is getting assaulted. Did I mention theres rules for raiding each others' forts?
Short answer yes, long answer no.
The core foot model mechanics are very similar to Necromunda. Various factors make it play completely differently though.
1. Orks. They're immune to pinning and don't have lots of long ranged weapons. Much less tactical than Necromunda (area denial, etc..).
2. Much more forgiving than Necromunda (Orks are Toughness 4, Flesh Wounds on 1-2 not just 1s, easy access to bioniks).
3. Vehicles. Ramming, boarding, all that good stuff.
I love both games but they play so very differently.
"New" Gorkamorka? Like that's ever going to happen. The game didn't sell well back in the day - unlike Necromunda.
It sold decent enough, but the problem was they printed too many copies in other languages and didn't get enough return to cover the overprinting.
I think it would be different now because there is a wider audience to mad max now than there ever was, and they wouldn't make the stupid mistake of printing as many copies in french and german as they did in english.
Yeah gorkamorka was kindof the start of all their problems when teh company started its decline according to rick priestly, but the company has a lot more exposure now than ever so something like this could succeed
Why did they give away English copies with White Dwarf subscriptions then?
No idea. Im just paraphrasing what I read in that 'rick priestly tells all' article a while back.
It was mostly rhetorical. I've never seen a definitive source on what happened with Gorkamorka. For years after they pretty much ignored its existence - even when talking openly about Necromunda and Mordheim.
What would this monster be then?
Depends on whether you'd want it in every game or just a scenario.
This one is based on Mad Max 2 and its war rig: gorkamorka.co.uk
Trukk. Everything is a trukk. Bigger ones provide the benefit of more transport capacity, but harder to maneuver around and get cover benefits. Smaller ones are easier to maneuver and easier to hide, but cant transport as much.
You could bring a huge tonka truck and it would stille be just a trukk. It sounds weird but with the way the game plays, it works.
True dat.
People who haven't played the game seem to think that it's some sort of huge loophole that only they can see.
Huge vehicles crash into everything (auto-penetrating their armour) and get gubbed by template weapons.
Should that mob's one truck go down they're then stuffed. Way better to split a mob over lots of small vehicles.
Watch the MWG videos. Steve comes in with this huge boat. He has a hard time getting it around everything, and was even doing terrible in a chase against a much smaller trukk. During this last week's videos in the vault (got a vault membership just for the gorkamorka campaign) he decided to abandon his mob and start over because his vehicle was just so nerfed during it all.
All GoMo metas have at least one guy who runs "The Bus" which is usually a massive multiwheeled vehicle large enough to carry his entire mob+scrap or sometimes even 2 mobs which ensures there's going to be some boarding shenanigans.
He will ragequit the first half dozen games he plays due to crashes but once he understands how to use it he'll go full TOOTers on you.
Also a awesome addition to any "Chase" scenario and turns that one more into a train hijack style game.
Always bet on The Bus.
Yet they decided to charge players extra teef for a larger vehicle but make the trukk/trak distinction free.
Big grabbers and wrecker balls don't care how big a vehicle is...
Goodluck getting anywhere near a bus after they strap multiple scorchas to it.
Big Gunz have a limit of one per vehicle. Scorchas also auto-fail their ammo check and like all big gunz only have a 90ยบ fire arc.
I've played a campaign of it. All you need are vehicles of any kind (seen some sick WW2 kit conversions) and a box or orks. Play with someone likeminded (all about the fun of orks running over other orks) and its a blast.
>Playing the archaic rules and not letting Big Gunz be gubbinz.
Well you sucked the fun out of the game, good job.
You're literally the first person I've ever heard of who treats Big Gunz like gubbinz. No wonder "The Bus" always wins!
I think the big gun is not treated like a gubbinz simply to prevent bus builds from getting out of hand.
>He doesn't have "Guns by vehicle size+gubbinz guns"
It's literally the only way to balance huge vehicles.
It doesn't always win.
In fact it's unwieldy and hard to use which is why you give it more guns in the first place you knob.
>ITT; people that pretend to play a game.
Why do this.
Shooting is deliberately nerfed - it's in the design notes at the end of Da Uvver Book:
"Our worst nightmare was two mobs tooled up with 'eavy shootas parked on opposite sides of the table blasting each other - this would make the game a simple exercise in dice rolling with no tactics."
If people feel like house ruling stuff so it works better for their meta that's all good. The rules are the way they are 'cos that's what worked when designing it back in the mid 1990s. Wargames have come a long way since.
Mmmm salty.
>"Our worst nightmare was two mobs tooled up with 'eavy shootas parked on opposite sides of the table blasting each other - this would make the game a simple exercise in dice rolling with no tactics."
tbf this never happens anyway due to terrain density, and it never happens with The Bus because you can only bring a max of 2 weapons to bear at one time. Not to mention you have to leave most of your mob on board to crew all the guns so you nerf your scrap collection.
Of course you guys know this because you play GoMo right?
>Mmmm salty.
Haha, adorable.
I'm salty because you play a boring version of a fun game?
Try harder champ.
Get the book PDFs, get this done. I had a laser printer so I printed all the pages myself, but had it spiral bound at a print shop for cheap.
It's Da Roolz, Da Uvver Book, and Digganobz
It's more that you play it in a way that's been tweaked for your meta and think it's The One True Way.
Our "The Bus" got the shit torn out of it by big grabbers.
Even if it had had two scorchas or whatever - why would that matter? Grabbers and wrecker balls hit like rams - drive alongside and they auto-hit. Fire up the thrusters and get the fuck out of there long before it's their shooting phase.
I'm not exaggerating though - it's not a bad idea to rule that Big Gunz work like gubbinz - I've just never heard it suggested before. Ever.
Did players double up on Big Gunz or mix things?
>It's more that you play it in a way that's been tweaked for your meta and think it's The One True Way.
>Getting this defensive.
>Nerfing big vehicles.
>Not nerfing wreckers.
You can't even have a bus on the board because you play with a awful ruleset.
Even those MWG fags couldn't figure it out.
Now I feel bad for you, and after seeing this () it's obvious you're newfriends hoping on an old bandwagon.
You're enjoying the version you're playing. Good for you.
just make a nice huge speed kult like this
So you have house rules.
Good for you.
Meanwhile, we're talking about the rules in the books, so kindly shush yourself.
Personally I always liked bikes. A single spanner boy can support three of them at the same time, and they're cheap at 10 teef a shot. A little customization and you can transport a passenger on the back of them, makes zipping out to get all the scrap or just ruin the other mobs day with krak stickbombs so easy it's zoggin hilarious! Give me bikes over buses anyday!
A biker gang would be interesting. For 100 teef you could easily do 3 bikes, 1 spanna to drive one, and 2 boys to drive the others. Then a nob and 2 yoofs to ride in each of them like what I have pictured here
Ohhh, don't forget to look at this!
Declare a chase and then spend their turn chucking krak stikkbombs at 'em!
Yep! Also, if any of the other mob dismount, run them over with a pack of crisscrossing bikers. Won't kill them easily, but it'll usually keep them knocked down so your other boyz can grab the scrap and/or krump them easier.
Five teef a pop and they can be given the Spikes gubbin - making hits they inflict S4 instead of S3. A mite pricey but could well be worth it!
I built a biker gang list for the fun of it.
Nob - flak armour, uge choppa, slugga
2 spanners with sluggas
4 bikes
2 boys with shootas
3 yoofs with choppas
That's 4 bikes, each driven by a boy or spanna, and riding on each bike is a yoof or nob
Solid starter! Has a very 'drive me closer I want to hit them with my choppa' feel to it.
You could switch the sluggas for six-shootas on the spanners. That way they can thrust all they want for the turn they're reloading.
The Nob might as well take a shoota or something though - more range and the 'Uge Choppa is two-handed anyway so the slugga wouldn't give +1 Attack anyway. Then the shoota could be upgraded into something ridiculous!
Definitely. I would have fun running this list. Mine here is
Gorkers - 100 teef
Nob - eavy armour, uge choppa
spanner with flak armour (trukk driver)
spanner with flak and slugga (bike driver)
2 boys with flak and shootas
yoof with studded armor, shield and choppa
yoof with studded armour, shield and slugga
My brother and I plan on running a campaign later this year when he moves up to my city.
Unless your drivers are going to be getting off the vehicle often why bother giving them armour? The vehicle is their armour and isn't affected by save modifiers :D
I generally don't bother with armour at all - I spend it on weapons and fighters instead.
Serious Injuries are the Dok's problem!
>people hating on 2nd Ed rules for skirmish games
Fuck that, Necromunda and Gorkamorka are great.
Sure they aren't perfect, no doubt everyone will find things they want to tweak a little with house rules but as a base they are pretty solid.
Well i am going with a theme for my mob. Armour is a status symbol. Not the most efficient by im going more fluff over competitiveness.
yoofs just get studded armour
boys and spanners get flak
skarboys and nobz get heavy armour
That's a damn good reason. Fair play.
I also plan on having a way to honour the dead boyz in the mob. Each model gets a black orc helmet painted differently. When a model dies dies from injury rolls, i take his helmet and mount it on the trukk, then i can reuse the model by putting a new helmet bit on the model, calling him a different boy or whatever.
They are Da 'ard 'eads.