I'd really appreciate it if you would stop opening portals to the fugue plane just to tell me you don't like the wall...

I'd really appreciate it if you would stop opening portals to the fugue plane just to tell me you don't like the wall. No one likes the wall. I don't like the wall.

Other urls found in this thread:


Daily reminder that not only was the Wall of the Faithless exclusive to Faerun (not even Toril in general, just Faerun, so Zakhara, Maztica, Kara-Tur, the Hordelands, etc. never had it), but it was removed in 4e as well.

Your move.

I don't like the wall, Kelemvor.

Also, knock knock.

Who's there?

The eater of gods.

Pit fiend Ronald Reagan is gonna tear down that wall.


Then why don't you just TAKE IT DOWN.
It's not like the world ends when it happens.

It's a pretty neat concept though. There should be more Walls like it.

He tried. The rest of the panthenon showed up and made him turn it back on because they're sustained by faith and there's no reason to worship if the false and faithless just go to Kel's Chill Afterlife.

>Kel's Chill Afterlife
That sounds like a cool nightclub

We need to send in the big guns.

The wall of faithless exists as a pure representation of real political in torils cosmology. First it ensures that humans are forced to have patron gods, thus sustaining the divinities. Second it keeps the BloodWar out of the grey city, protecting the afterlife from devils and demons. Finally, it fuels the blood war by providing a source of raw souls to both sides, ensuring the conflict can never end or lull, keeping the lower planes in disarray

Wall only ever existed in Faerun, nowhere else in Toril.

Did someone talk about a wall?

It is.

You have to go back.(To /pol/.)

Aren't atheists simply welfare seekers in the Faerunian metaphysics?

I'm not even mad at Kelmvor, I'm mad that it was the point of the whole fucking third act of the Expansion pack to on if it gets torn down or not and then your choice didn't fucking matter.

It ain't his fault the writers are shit.



I love The Wall. I know it's not a popular opinion, but I think it's their best album.

Dude, you're the fucking god of the dead.
Put out word through your priests that if these people don't have anything better to do you'll Geas them with something more pressing than a metaphisical problem that would have them laughing in Sigil.

In one of the books he took it down, but he didn't put it back up at the end. He just made dead people live with ethically similar people. Then it reappeared in 3E with no explanation and nobody and nothing referenced it after the mention in the campaign setting. Shit was weird.

