Im just starting out in crypto. I came from /r9k/. can this seriously go to $100 from 20 cents...

Im just starting out in crypto. I came from /r9k/. can this seriously go to $100 from 20 cents? I dont know fuck all what any of this shit does or even care mind you so spare me your autistic ass descriptions

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes it really can.

you're late as fuck. only mega brainlets still bother with crypto



2+ years from now, yes


> spare me information
> tell me how to become rich

have you tried killing yourself?

I see you like giving you money away to pajeets, are you an Eurofag by any chance?

Buy VTC on the next dip or RCN is about to pump.

LINK is a memecoin of Veeky Forums is meant to fuck nobs.

Kek did you come from my thread. Online for 21 hours straight now

If I put $500 in link, thats 2500. You mean to tell me I make $250,000 within two years?

Nobody actually knows normie this is just speculation of the very best case scenario. Drop it in though if you can spare it could be the best 500 you ever spent

If it works the way it is intended you are missing a zero.


It can seriously go from 20 cents to a fraction of 1 cent.

100? Bit high, I can see 10 next year around summer tho, and if crypto continues to grough and will be in trillions so 100 no problem. LINK has one of the biggest potential.

It's the next lambo ticket meant for robots to escape poverty. Before that it was ETH.

this is going to be huge

1 month: NO
Half a year: Probally no
Year: Yes

No it won't, it's a startup that will inevitably fail like most startups do.
They don't even have a roadmap yet because they have no understanding about what they're trying to do

Because they have a working product you fucking brainlet.

50,000% growth in 1 year... so over 4000% each month. Dont be retarded.

thinking to sell my xbox one, then put 500 on a credit card. I can likely end up with 5000 link. That would be the funniest shit in the world if someone like me got rich in this trash. I migh as well do it.

No lmao!!!!!!!

Back to plebbit.

No you fucking brainlets. The supply is way too high for it to reach $100.


No, it's physically impossible.
For every cent that LINK gains, Sergey's BMI goes up by one point.

Somebody forgot to buy some LINK today.


>Sell my xbox
>credit card
Seriously, kys.

That makes no sense. Pajeets sold all their bags yesterday hoping it would crash back down. Plus everybody knows they will NEVER work out how to poo in da loo. Even with the lord Sergeys masterpieces help. They will fail. Sergey is great indeed, some say the one true prophet of the one true god KEK, praise be upon him. Even our lord Sergey cannot teach a pajeet to poo in da loo. Some things are, even for a god among men, impossible.

Buy ARK instead, it'll be $10 EOY at least, and $50 Q1 2018

>Allow me to sing you the song of my people.
>A hymn to Sergey, our Lord.

The Only Way Is Up
We've been broken down
To the lowest turn
Bein' on the bottom line
Sure ain't no fun
But if we should be evicted
Huh, from our homes
We'll just move somewhere else
And still carry on
(Hold on) hold on
(Hold on) hold on
Ooh, aah, baby
(Hold on) hold on
(Hold on) ooh ooh aah
The only way is up, baby
For you and me now
The only way is up, baby
For you and me now
Now we may not know, huh
Where our next meal is coming from
But with you by my side
I'll face what is to come
Aah, boy I want to thank you
Yeah, for loving me this way
Things may be a little hard now
But we'll find a brighter day
Oh, yeah
(Hold on) hold on
(Hold on) hold on
Ooh, ooh ooh
(Hold on) hold on
(Hold on) won't be long
Ooh, yeah
The only way is up, baby
For you and me now
The only way is up, baby
For you and me now
Ooh ooh ooh
Talk about the only way is up, baby
Talk about the only way
Talk about the only way is up, baby
Talk about the only way
Talk about the only way is up, baby
(Hold on) hold on
(Hold on) hold on
(Hold on) hold on
(Hold on) won't be long
No no no
The only way is up, baby
For you and me now
The only way is up, baby
For you and me now
The only way is up, baby
For you and me now
The only way is up, baby
For you and me now
The only way is up
For you and me now
The only way is up, baby
For you and me now
The only way is up
For you and me now
The only way is up
For you and me now
The only way is up
For you and me now
The only way is up
For you and me now

Aren't they trying to find people that can code?

That is week+ old FUD. They are converting or have converted it to GO and were looking for somebody who knew GO better than them. Most likely that was to keep it running and for minor tweaks and they have already transferred it over themselves because it is piss easy to do.

I'm in the same boat

>it over themselves because it is piss easy to do.

How to demonstrate you know nothing about programming in one sentence.

It is piss easy. It is only a few pathway and command tweaks.

They could literally get Rory to do 90% of it if he was given a cheat sheet. Not a lot of it needs rewriting completely.

Unironically neck yourself faggot and go back to r9gay

if it becomes worth $100 I'd have $1.2million.

I don't see us hitting that anytime soon, but fuck that'd be sweet.

Dumb fuck lol

Technically it could, but I don't really focus on $100 yet.

Think about it this way, if the coin hits just hit $1 USD that would be 4x your investment if you bought in today.

If it hits $5 then a mere $225 investment right now would turn into $4500.

Those numbers are very realistic and yet they are still low compared to Chainlink's incredible market cap.

>Im just starting out in crypto

D Y O R, bitch.

youre not going to last long if you rely on the opinions of others

Do you regret not putting money in Bitcoin or Ethereum? ChainLink is the next big thing and you'll regret it in years to come.

Best advice in this thread really.

I genuinely like Link as a coin, but relying on Veeky Forums for information can get you tied into some baaaaaad purchases.