Previous Thread: Post any art requests you have ITT. Keep in mind, the drawfriends are doing this for free, so do not be surprised or upset if they gloss over your post. The artists are here to draw what they WANT to draw, not what you THINK should be drawn.
Be patient, and bump your request one time every 24 hours from the time you posted the request. There is no exception to this rule, it doesn't matter if you "have work" or "are going to bed".
DO: Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for as best you can.
Hold off on additional requests after receiving a delivery from an artist, and be mindful of the other requests that might deserve attention.
If you're migrating from a previous thread (which can be done before your 24 hour mark), make sure to read the new thread first and see if a delivery has been posted first.
Mind your manners and say thank you! We appreciate our artists and their amazing work!
DON'T Don't be an asshole and immediately repost your request because you don't like the FREE art you received.
Don't respond to shitposts, they are pretty easy to spot and avoid.
>Artists and Artists-to-Be: Feel free to drop your tumblrs/websites/commission/etc information drawfriends.
Anchor for user fulfilling my request for a magical girl vigilante with a costume similar to sayaka's but with a color scheme like the precure OC pic with her Kakapo familiar
Leo White
Gonna post my delivery for again in case they missed it in the last thread and also because I forgot to resize it.
Ryder Fisher
Requesting a 40K imperial guardsman for my OW players.
Custom regiment; they're from a water planet and their culture is a heavy amalgamation of ancient Macedonia and the Achaemenid Empire.
The significant bits are the artificial gill implants and the harpoon rifles. I'm yet to decide if the rifles are more akin to TFTD's jet harpoons (sizeable harpoons with a lower rate-of-fire) or a nailgun (although I'm leaning towards the former; both crunch- and fluff-wise), so feel free to design it however you find better (this applies to the implants, too).
The armour should be light (probably chestplates only), plastic looking.
I don't really have any specific ideas on how they should look; a mixture of Macedonian+Haqqislam+Catachan seems to be a good starting point. The players decided that their regiment nickname should be 'Steel Orcas'. I'm not sure if you should include that in some kind of motif. If you have any cool schemes in mind, go ahead.
If you do include an imperial aquila, make it a Persian Faravahar.
Thank you in advance.
Robert Howard
Requesting a picture of Virgus, a major NPC in the campaign I'm running:
I'd like him one of two ways, and I'm perfectly fine with either:
1.) He looks like a normal human, probably in his early-mid thirties, with black hair, and golden eyes (the exception to his otherwise normal appearance).
2.) He's grown small-medium demonic wings and small horns, and his skin-tone has a slight red tint to it. I'd like his expression to be one of either rage or pain outfit I tend to picture him with in pic
Background: He's the half-brother of two of the PCs. They share a father, with him being king of Incubi/Succubi (stats for their race found here: ). He was possessed for a while, and so he constantly has to suppress his more active demonic blood. Recent events had his control slip and the players got to see this for the first time. Until now, I've had a meh picture for his token in Roll20, so I was hoping to get a better one here.
Thanks for considering my request!
I really shortened this from the original request I had where I went and summarized the whole of the char's backstory...
Owen Martin
Anchor for Boris, Waiting for Scorpion girl c:
Aiden Fisher
Is it ok if I repost my request here? I posted it for the first time in the old thread one hour and half ago, I wouldn't want to go against thread etiquette.
Parker Torres
Post it.
Lincoln Sanchez
Question for you guys. What's the point of anchor posts? I've been requesting character art on drawthreads for years now, and I only just recently started seeing them.
Justin Reyes
Read the OP.
Anchor posts just let the artist know you're present should they post an update or delivery, or have questions for the OR after the original thread that hosted the request.
Some boards do a single "ANCHOR POST" as the 2nd post in the thread, and all artists quote it when posting a delivery, so you have a catch of all thread deliveries on one post. Never seems to catch on here though, so anons make their own independent anchors.
Jackson Reyes
Migrating from .
Hello everyone. Is there an artist willing to draw this trainwreck of a character? Since it's my first time in a draw thread, allow me to say thanks to all the artists here for all they've done already.
Michael Perez
Requesting a young blonde girl with her hair worn in a smart, sharp bob cut, who is wearing a gambeson like in pic related but with one half of the gambeson green and the other yellow. The Gambeson falls down far enough to act as a miniskirt. She has a broad smile on her face, and her nose and cheeks are lightly covered in freckles.
Adrian Lewis
Requesting Erin. She has bright, rusty bronze hair, it's shoulder length and fairly wavy, perhaps slightly frizzy. Emerald green eyes. Pale freckled complexion. Pic on the right is for reference.
She has begun to notice in shock that her skin is peeling away to reveal her new form underneath, pic related (left). She might be pulling some of the skin away whilst watching in the mirror.
Lucas Davis
I'd like to request two characters, a Ghoul 'Crypt' and a Vampire Thrall 'Blood' having a Nigga Moment, threatening each other with some ghetto-style medieval weapons (axe made from a car rim, flail made from traffic light, etc). They're both black, the Thrall looking quite gaunt and skinny and the Ghoul looking like he's falling to pieces. Thanks if it interests anyone, it's for a scene in a game I'm running if anyone wonders.
Luke Powell
Reposting a request for a valkyrie-like magical girl for a Madoka Magica campaign. If it helps, consider it a request for a teenage mage/fighter instead?
She'd wear pretty much this outfit ( without the mask and maybe with winged hair ornaments instead of the hood. If you wanted to draw her with metallic, bronze-feathered wings instead of the cloak, either would be cool and fit the character.
Her hair's gunmetal/dark gray and somewhat messy, her eyes would be gunmetal gray too- she's Japanese/mixed race, and somewhat wiry. Doesn't really stand out too much in a crowd...untransformed anyway.
Personality wise, she's pretty shy-evasive in combat- but rather neurotic and twitchy. She wished to find out what happened to her friends. (They died to Witches.) and she has lightning powers.
Her weapon is a fairly short handled partisan spear, like the picture. Her soul gem might be around her neck like the gem in the reference art, and have an amber color.
Thanks for considering it.
Camden Walker
Rerequesting Venom Snake in a medieval version of the armor on the top, including some of the tacticool stuff, armed with a großes messer like the one in the bottom left. Instead of his robot hand, he has the prosthetic like the bottom right. If you could make his scars a tiny bit more pronounced, it'd really help. Headband is optional.
If you're a bad enough dude to color it, I made most of my stuff in V white, so I guess black, white, and red would be cool to work in, but whatever colors you would feel would work would be fine. Thanks
Matthew Phillips
Good to know, thanks.
Aaron Walker
Requesting a tall well-built fighter dual wielding swords, one of which is black with silver detailing in the blade He has sandy blond hair swept back and covered with a flat cap and green eyes, with facial hair reminiscent of that in the reference picture. He dresses in a loose shirt and britches under a long leather coat, with heavy plate pauldrons and plate gauntlets over the coat, with heavy metal boots protecting his shins and feet. I know this is a somewhat long and convoluted request, so thank you for reading even this far
Mason Collins
Requesting the figuire in the image holding the sword please. You can scale the sword or leave it Guts' sized.
Adrian Davis
/r/ing an oldschool fantasy troll obliviously taking his time (a-la "Ohh! A penny!") trudging in a greenery/grass/woods type place (think world 1 in a videogame), while in the background on an active-looking volcano (think final world in a videogame), three shadowed figures are fighting with world-endingly powerful magics. One figure shorter than the other two. The exact composition in reference image is not obligatory, it's only an example.
Jackson Thompson
Aspiring drawfag here, I lurked the last 4 or 5 threads and saw some requests that might be around my skill level but I wanted to know if I were to come back tonight to try a few of them, can I get the more experienced artists to redline stuff for me? That's really helped me in the past.
Landon Stewart
Rerequesting art for a Victorian Era deep sea fisherman/whaler who hunts down ancient and powerful spirits of the Ocean, then sticks their defeated, slumbering selves into jars so he can one day present his bounty to his true love, a Goddess of the Sea, creating a court for her, and becoming the object of her affection.
So an old timey, fairly old fisherman holding a harpoon in one hand, and inspecting a glowing fish/squid spirit he's trapped in a jar in the other.
If someone's already working on it, or planning to in the future, thank you very much.
Also thank you to the guy last thread who shared the picture of the guy with the diving Costume. It's excellent inspiration, but the man is a Thyrsus Mage, so he'd not really have need for a suit.
Leo Ross
im the artist in the OP pic, sure thing.
Julian Murphy
Anchor post if there is another attempt. Thank you!
Jack Peterson
Thank you. Your coloring is very impressive. Anything I put out will be black and white linework only, I don't want to step into colors yet. Tonight will be my first time drawing with a tablet instead of pen&paper.
Nolan Moore
oh lord, this is gonna be an adventure, i remember my first goes at drawing digitally.
Ryder Nguyen
I know, hope you're very patient with me.
Carter Kelly
You're going to want to get used to drawing with the tablet. It's a different experience than on paper. (Some people adapt faster than others, but I haven't heard of anyone who didn't feel like a complete newbie again when making the transition for the first time.)
Requesting this woman wearing pyjamas with the word 'Serena' written on them repeatedly. A soldier has just walked in on her wearing them, and she's yelling at him whilst clutching a picture frame to her chest. She is both embarrassed and angry.
Leo Edwards
That's really really helpful, thank you.
Jaxon Watson
I'm working on my first drawthread contribution, too! When I'm done, we should do a joint project or something, work together on filling someone's request.
Nathan Adams
How does that work?
Easton Reed
I have no clue!
Camden Peterson
This is going to be amazing.
Chase Scott
Requesting an androgynous half-elf with long, black hair tucked behind the ears. They are fairly pale, and their eyes are white with a greyish sclera (like pic related). They're wearing pristine white mage's robes with gold trim. The robes have an emblem of a crow sewn on to the sash. They look very serene overall.
Thank you!
Hunter Fisher
Anchor post
Luke Price
Oh my jesus lord almighty, that's perfect. I love you forever
Kayden Bennett
Forgot to say, OR here. Got caught up in my happiness.
Noah Hill
Made 2 spiders. Here is the first one. This one is less fitting to the description.
Hudson Wood
I like this so much. Do you know the artist's tumblr/dA?
Isaac Powell
Second one with more character.
Ayden Walker
Requesting a Veeky Forums waifu (doesn't matter which) in this pose with same caption, for combo use with the Valla 'pls no bully' edit that was made last week.
Parker Ward
Weird but I like it. I'm not the OR though.
That looks really cool so far.
Alexander Baker
Sadly no. He/She hasn't posted any links.
Justin Murphy
It's so cool to watch works develop over time from early sketchy wips to full deliveries.
Robert Hernandez
Reposting mainly for 's easier reference, or anyone else who wishes to draw big fancy armored dresses.
Requesting a 40k fancy Lady/Duchess inquisitor outfit with similar features to this one, mainly the large shoulder sleeves and open-front skirt in the colored reference.
However, would like a much wider/poofier skirt, such as the greyscale references have. Ruffled trim frills like the colored reference are encouraged.
Plate-armored opera-length gauntlets and thighhigh boots/greaves. No helmet nor tall wide collars such as a gorgut.
Would like a powerarmor corset as well. Cleavage is fine, but not the underclevage like in the colored reference. (and no nipple focus decor like spikes or skulls please)
No wargear required, just looking for an outfit to sculpt into a miniature. It doesn't even need to be super clean lines and fully shaded, flat colors are perfectly fine.
Also included is the color scheme for the Sisters of Battle army the Inquisitor is intended to go with, just in case.
Andrew Garcia
Just make it an anchor post next time like the ones above you, or else you'll trigger anons thinking that you're trying to pull more deliveries.
Lucas Watson
Anchor post!
Juan Diaz
Requesting a drunk elderly drow man wearing a beautiful dress, weeping as he plays the fiddle.
Pic related in sat next to him, weeping too from the emotion of the drow's song.
They are both incredibly drunk.
Adam Lopez
Requesting a monster sketch:
Imagine a flying pillar monolith, covered with tons of big bloodshot eyes. It's body, or the pillar itself looks like it's made from a mix of stone and flesh with cracks revealing bleeding/rotten flesh. From it's lower base, two long skinless (imagine white colored pyrexia art from MTG) appendages/tentacles with jagged scimitar like blades/bones/claws at the end. It's hovering just above ground so the tentacles can move around freely. It doesn't have any mouth. Above it there's a black spot that looks very "out of place".
That's all, you are free to put in any artistic freedom as you want. The whole idea is a lovecraftian/freakishly bizarre looking "living monolith".
Ethan Perez
→ Anchoring this for the draw friend that picked it up.
Bentley Cook
requester here, and super awesome! thanks a ton. I'll lurk around some more to see how it comes out
that's the idea. they're sort of honor warrior types, if a bit full of themselves because of the arms thing and being isolated the last few generations. have a sort of respect the land and it respects you thing, so they don't farm but they're expert hunter-gatherers, and can shoot like nuts in terms of speed as much as accuracy. they never bother much with strength, since if you have 4 knives, only one has to hit right
had a scene when a train car got raided, so she just sort of sighed and aimed one bow out the window at the carriage, then another behind her at the door. when no one came in, just shot out the window, rotated her arms around, and reloaded the other while she waited
legends told of a blacksmith/warrior so badass he could fight off foes with two hands while his other two worked on his next weapon
Carson Anderson
Requesting this guy watching as his son (maybe about 8 years old) trains in swordplay. He has a proud smile on his face. His red-headed wife may be present also (she could be the one training the boy, even).
Brayden Howard
Requesting this little girl handing a footman his bastard sword as you see a group of other footmen and militia nervously get ready for a battle. The town they are in is under siege and its not looking like they will survive. The footman is trying to comfort the girl as best she can as she is clearly scared. Background will be important to make the scene, and I do not mind if this takes a while to do. Footman on the left (Though coloring should be red not blue) Militia middle little girl right. Feel free to add a little more personality to character faces if you wish, but I will settle for mook squad background characters. Thank you for anyone who does this!
Luke Cox
Well, since Akhlut seems to have vanished, I'm going to repost my request for Cethlenn in hopes of another kind drawfriend picking it up:
>Cethelenn: 27 year old female, a paladin of Heironeous, a half elf who is 5'7", 110 pounds, has dark brown hair and steel grey eyes. Carries a +1 longsword, and a light steel shield with the symbol of Heironeous on it. She is clothed in Half Plate armor, no helmet. She wears an Amethyst pendent around her neck that was given to her by her mother.
>If possible, I'd like to see her riding her white warhorse, Aistana, but if not, I'm cool with that, too. Thank you for reading.
Andrew Reed
Benjamin Edwards
Requesting a drawing of pic related (without the metal mask) and a satyr dude staring at each other, the armored dude expressing with his eyes ambivalence for the Satyr while the Satyr has a smug grin and a sarcastic look in his eyes.
Armored dude is about two heads taller than the Satyr, but other than that how the satyr looks is completely up to you.
Please and thank you, Drawfriends
Matthew Perry
Do you have any preference on eye color while I finish this up, user?
Cameron Mitchell
Requesting a martial artist Pharaoh wearing a pair of snake bracelets training under the supervision of a Jinko
Asher Richardson
I don't know what a Jinko is so here is just the Pharaoh, maybe someone who knows what that is can draw it and then combine the pictures.
PS: This is not meant as a real delivery just a joke because i was bored, i don't want no trouble, so if someone wants they can take a shot at this.
Bentley Diaz
Requesting a whore in a brothel, arm in arm with one of the town guard(a tough guy). She's ordering one of the orphans to fetch her something. He clearly likes her (hes in his teens).
Jackson Allen
OR here, they're both really cute but... are they six-limbed or am I missing something?
Anyway, now I just have to take my trusty hunting riffle and I will be almost ready to discover the marvellous mysteries of the the surface world! Strange two-eyed creatures! Found civilisation! And maybe even the horrific tiny New Ones?
That's a Jinko. Not my post, but I didn't know what the fuck it was also.
Chase Campbell
holy fuck thats a good character idea
Jaxson Nguyen
Yeah I did spare them some limbs, I was just kinda winging it. I was gonna add a rifle on one of em, but I kinda forgot about it
David Rogers
I would like to request a picture of a Felinid tribal turned Imperial aligned soldier please. Pretty much an amazonian catgirl using traded Imperial tech that they understand poorly at best in incessant tribal warfare.
If someone takes this request, but doesn't want to color it, could I get a .png with just the line art on a clear background so I could color it instead? Thanks.
Jackson King
I have to go, so I just made them blue. I hope this is okay; I'm still trying to learn how into color
Dylan Young
I just a simple request, I would like to see a drawing of a Beastlord (with dual axes) in a duel with a Lord of Plagues surrounded by Chaos warriors and beastmen Gors (and other types of beastmen if you feel like adding it). You can have them in any combat pose that you feel fits the scene and/or theme.
Thanks in advance drawfriends
Camden Flores
The reason why I want this is becuase me and a friend of mine had a duel with our dudes in AoS that lasted for over 4 turns (we both rolled like shit)
Xavier Miller
Taking simple/unsettling requests. I am also looking for something abstract ; the more vague it is, the better
Noah Sullivan
Whipping Tom? SPANKO!
Josiah Young
Reddish or black, vaguely humanoid figure, with an ominous symbol. It may or may not have horns or a tail, who knows?
If it's firing some kinda horrible nasty looking beam, spray, blood, or otherwise unpleasant to be hit by thing, that'd be neat.
Bentley Walker
i will try.
Jackson Clark
Not OR, but I'm loving everything about this. The shading and colours are really nice, to my plebeian eye, and there's never enough Indian ladies around here.
Ayden Perry
Grayson James
A non-euclidean horror.
Cooper Young
Greetings, drawfriends. I'd like to request a picture of an airship captain.
The whole deal with this guy is that he's a self-styled foppish sky-pirate, but in a 1920's-esque setting. The pic on the left pretty well captures his face, build, and attitude--he's always chipper even in the worst of situations, and his flamboyant appearance serves to mask a shrewd and calculating intelligence. His signature attire is a red-and-gold greatcoat of a naval cut, lined with fur to help deal with the cold air at altitude, plus hat and goggles. At his waist he keeps a Mauser-like pistol, since "No officer should ever be without his sidearm." So dressed and armed, he and his crew take to the skies on many wild adventures to the strangest corners of the world.
Xavier Miller
It's a self-proclaimed Archduke of Hell. If an angel is a celestial form of glory and righteousness, this is an infernal form of wrath and malignancy.
Humanoid, fin-like wings, stony/organic looking armour, weapon of your choosing, absolutely everything is covered in red eyes.
Jaxon Cook
Reposting from the last thread.
I'm looking to get a drawing of a half-elf psionic warrior I'll be playing in an upcoming Pathfinder game.
They'd be basically a female adult, mid to late 20s, half-elf version of the first pic (Far left) with more of a pear body shape wielding a two-handed greatsword (pictured in the center) with a shield and bearded axe (pictured far right) as a back up. The weapons and armor are pretty straightforward as far as their depictions go, but if you want to get a little fancy with them feel free to do so. They're also a psychic so if you want to represent that with some visual effects go for it.
Nathaniel Wood
i wanted to sneak some symbol but i honestly didn't know where to put it. Sorry about that
i will try.
John Butler
Christian Long
Cameron Peterson
Dominic Johnson
I'm going to do this one. I'm slow, but I will try to post WIPs.
Zachary Edwards
Austin Perry
I guess life truly does imitate art, beautiful.
Hunter Flores
OR here. Sweet christ, the stringiness of it makes the figure really damn creepy to me.
The black "leaky" negative space actually makes me think of the Aten sun disc with hands that reach down - especially the far left black stringy bit, it has the right dimensions for the Aten symbol's hands.
So, yeah, you got a symbol in without knowing it. I think I'm getting "evil sun" feeligns in part because the black halo makes it seem like an eclipse, too.
Can I steal this for use in a game? And if so, who do I credit?
Jaxon Kelly
I might do this one.
Juan Martinez
Anchor post.
Luke Perez
I would like to request this character sitting in a comfortable chair roughly two sizes too big for her, reading a book.
David Nelson
I'll hold off on my excitement for the time being since you said might, but I look forward to the results if you do. Your work is always nice to look at, Mimic.
Cooper Williams
Hay drawfriends I hit the limit of any artistic ability I posses. Just wondering if anyone could finish/improve upon my creation. He is supposed to be the offspring of a dryad and a wood elf, so he was going to have a green skin tone with his feet up to his calf's and hands to forearm being covered in tree bark. His hair changes color with the seasons and I was thinking that some autumn colors would be a good color. His eyes are going to be a bright shade of green.
Thanks for the help.
Josiah Allen
OR here. Dear Artist user, thank you, thank you, thank you. I love it, it's ready to plague the streets of the River Kingdoms and instigate violent crimes everywhere. May I be so bold as to ask if it's still possible to make him shorter? If not, don't worry, I love it already. Again, thank you, you made my worst nightmare come true.
Hudson Watson
Oh damn, really? I can't believe it
OR here again. Can I ask you who should I credit for this piece of art when I proudly display it?
Jace Young
One last WIP before I start colouring it in. Still not super happy with the head or upper torso, but far better than it has been. Any changes, OR?
Liam Cooper
Just saw the "Not signing this monstrosity". Dear sir/madam, know that you had me laughing my ass off with that. You have my deepest gratitude.
David James
Here you go, hope it works for you!
Nathan Reyes
Thats fantastic, thank you! What do the words say?
Characters are Decima and Pan. Pan was a woman who was mentored by an elderly drow. The drow was dying, so he hijacked Pans body and ran off. After recent events the party took a break and got a bit drunk. Decima and Pan dressed up, and it turned into a really weird bonding moment. Pan dressed this way due to identity issues, and Decima, though only young is the only one keeping up with Pan when it comes to the drinking. They stayed up past when the others went to bed, and it somehow turned into... whatever i just got you to draw.