Warp Vigils

Homebrew chapter in progress. Heres what we have so far
name- Warp Vigil
Chapter Master- Sir Authur, The Warp Strider
Considered Traitor BY inquisition
Home Planet of Lorathan was swallowed by warp storm in the 37th m
Sir authur made a pact with the fate weaver that if he becomes a champion of chaos his chapter and planet will be set free from the warp
Chapter is now trying to hunt Sir Authur so that they can give him an honorabruu death and free him from chaos
specializes in power sword combat
Although they are technically traitors they still fight for the big E.
inspired by Artorias and the Farron abyss watchers from dank bowls.
What else shall there be?

did i make a shitty thread or does no one care?

I must say I like the concept but god damn do they reek of snowflakes

>dude, like this one faction from this one thing but in the other thing dude
>dude what if we just copied something
>with no cool twists
>or interesting things
>and made them sound like a donut steel DA OC

how do i make them less snowflakey

yeah... they do need to be a bit less copied. Imagination time.

Arturio is dead and a demon has possessed his corpse, he goes around fucking shit up

The Chapter are not renegades but they are on penitence due to both their exposure to the warp and Arturo's actions

Their exposure to the warp has made them extremely vulnerable to it, so they field no librarians and have replaced that wing with chaplains. They cover themselves with purity seals and pray constantly to the Emperor

They are currently the crux of a field between a monodominant hereticus and a more liberal malleus Inquisitor, the malleus Inquisitor wants to study their effectiveness and see if anti chaos measures can be developed from them, and has saved them from destruction so long as they are his bitch

The hereticus wants to wipe them out and has a sororitas ordo actively hunting them

sounds awesome, but fuck hueg swords must be involved. Maybe replace the chaplains mace thing with two handed power swords.

Chaplains carry an enormous executioner's sword as a badge of office, as their task is, should any of their brothers be corrupted, to execute them immediately. Chaplains usually have an apothecary on hand

Come to think of it, this is sounding like the damn blood angels black company without the berserk rage, innit

Either they all die/fall to chaos long before M41 or sacrifice themselves while confronting their Chapter Master (something akin to Astral Knights sacrifice) with the few loyal survivors summarily/willingly executed or added to Deathwatch. The level of grimdarkness must be at least equal or greater than the level of snowflakeness. That's the only way they can redeem their "specialness".

You have a surprisingly good talent making things sounds as horrible and uninspiring as possible.

>enormous executioners sword
> immediate execution
i have a boner now. Anyways, to move from the black company idea, what if only squad leaders, and chaplains are CQC ass kickers, and the rest are kinda normal.
Heres some grim dark. All of the chapter is executed but 100 of them, and those 100 are sent to go fight chaos by the inquisition. The inquisition is using this as a means to kill them and as a way to study the effectiveness of there combat techniques.

You think i should write for GeeDubs?

Name is too on the nose

Authur is a weird distortion, go for something like Arturius or Artur or something

considered traitor is dumb, chapters have gotten away with worse shit than what you describe in the past, more likely they're just under HEAVY supervision

Artorias is famous for defeating the abyss by making a covenant with a primordial serpent and is worshipped as a hero who stopped the abyss, the scenario you describe is diametrically opposed to his character. A better retelling would be:

A planet in their recruiting sector is swallowed by a warpstorm while Artur and another high ranking member of the chapter (head librarian makes the most sense) are on it performing an inspection, their honour guard is killed and Artur and Kaathe (pick a new name if you want) are the only survivors. Artur requests or forces or otherwise tricks Kaath into turning him into a Daemonhost. Artur's will is enough to temporarily stabilise the warp and he personally, through a great expenditure of power shunts the planet back out of the warp, saving everyone but killing himself in the process. Kaath obviously can't tell anyone exactly how this happened so he makes up some bullshit about Artur defeating a greater daemon in single combat.


shit, that was meant for

lets not have draigo 2.0

Fleet based chapter that, in their quest to find Arthur specializes in fighting chaos.
Occasionally strays into the realm of fighting fire with fire and is known to enlist the unsanctioned aid of xenos (even ones heavily exposed to chaos) in their quest to destroy chaos.
Replace no librarians with far too god damn many librarians.
In the 39th millennium they are officially declared renegade for their heretical policies and are subsequently destroyed.
By the space wolves.

Cut to 5,000 years later, the Chapter at large believes that Artur faced a Daemon of great power and won, the inner circle of the chapter, exclusively the heads of various branches is aware that there is more to the truth and in fact over the thousands of years since the event has gotten it all twisted. About 3k years ago (aka 2k years post artur) the inner circle got it into their heads to summon the very same daemon that Artur did and together they share this daemon's power and soul as a kind of power-meld. The Daemon was so torn up by this that it cannot effectively fight back against its imprisonment as a battery for the Captains/Head Chaplain/Head Librarian. They call themselves the Black Watch and every time one of them dies a successor is chosen from within the chapter to replace them and keep the millenia long daemon ritual going.

The Chapter Master wields an overly large force sword called Finstertöter, the chapter will go to great lengths to recover this artefact should it be lost because it is allegedly an artefact of Artur himself. All other power swords in the chapter are made as replicas of this original blade, though none of the rest are force swords.

Naturally the Black Watch is pretty dedicated to making sure the truth never gets out because they know no-one will understand Artur's martyrdom and that the inquisition will destroy them if they find they've been abusing a daemon for millenia

No-one in the main chapter is aware of this history and all believe that Artur is some great hero of the imperium.

Combat doctrine is close combat specialists focused on extreme speed and strength conditioning, etc. As a chapter they possess an unusually large amount of power weapons, collected over the millennia as the chapter is absolutely dogged about collecting the weapons of the fallen.


>shady secretes
>the fallen
oh no. not the dank angles

How about that Inquisiton actually doesn't trust them one bit and strips their squad leaders from station and installs Inquisitors in place of captains as to control/supervise them better while constantly giving them shit how they are weak scum just like their shitty heretic Chapter Master? Inq would also provide psykers while forbbiding the chapter to aquire/train Librarians under the pain of death. I like the execution theme.

In the 41st/42nd millennium this fragile stability is threatened by the thirteenth black crusade, a whole 7 Captains die during the crusade and this weakens the bonds holding the Daemon (we'll call him manus because fuck it) in check as a power bonus. On the upside the living captains all recieve massive temporary power boosts because it's split between less people but on the downside the Daemon is now not spread so thin and begins reconstructing its own mind and poisoning the thoughts of the living members of the Black Watch.

To make matters worse they're trying to promote seven different marines into the circle which keeps a very dangerous secret which is almost impossible. It's a race against time to find seven guys who you can trust to keep the secret before the daemon reconstitutes and drives the Black Watch insane.

completely unrelated

the [chapter name] believe what they're doing is correct and aren't hunting down traitors or anything, they're for all intents and purposes a normal chapter with a great heroic original chapter master with a secret that could destroy them if learned of by the wrong parties.

They deploy in the face of warp bullshit statistically slightly more often than the average chapter but for the most part this is written off as bad luck.

This essentially integrates the story of Artorias and the story of the abyss watchers while adding some 40k flavour to the mix

I like it (because I wrote it) but its up to you OP.

>stealing inspiration from Dark Souls
>not creating a Sun Knight chapter
You fail

its pretty yummy. How would they be represented on the table top?
don't worry thats next on my list of shit to make.

chapter colors?

Salamanders successor, I assume, with the jolly cooperation and whatnot.

The only reason I can think of that a group like the Abyss Watchers would be considered traitors is because their M.O. is staring into the Abyss. Other than that, they behave a lot like the Inquisition at its most extreme, given that Hawkwood describes them as being willing to burn down whole countries based only on suspicion of Abyssal incursion.

read the rest of the thread

rip thread