Same rules as before, any scale, any time period, any owner (yours or googles), and feel free to critique but go easy if it was made by user.
Remember, different games have different requirements for terrain, so what might be bad for 40k is possibly really good for necromunda, infinity, hell even kings of war.
Afternoon Veeky Forums - my table I barely play on since my friends burned out on Wargaming the past year or so
Christopher Thompson
Owen Mitchell
nice table, if not a little simple, what's going on with those gaps, edges and how they don't line up 100%?
Kevin Nelson
that shale/woodfiller mound is really solid. Gradual rolling landscale/plaster to make them isn't as easy as it looks
rip Circle. No longer have them
Jayden Nguyen
Brayden Bennett
Budget build / didn't have picture of the fram I set the table into. Sort of rough edges to slot them into a wood frame that protects the table and prevents stuff from rolling off. I did more sanding/correcting after
WIP DZC City Board - about 8 buildings deep so far.
Alexander Lopez
I don't have any finished pictures, but this is a WIP on my Theoden display for a family friend
David Adams
Hunter Peterson
looks real nice
Connor Moore
Cardboard boxes glued togheter and painted with cans
Aiden Kelly
Looks great! And it's nice to know that somebody still uses LotR minis.
Joseph Brooks
Technically, this one is a vehicle, originally posted as "counts as CSM Rhino."
Though it does open up the possibility of floating, raised platforms like this.
Noah White
lookin' good with a low investment
did you line with pen or brush?
Xavier Cooper
I like the pillar masking the flight-stand
Henry Cooper
simple yet 10/10
Oliver Brown
This one's one of my favorites. Not really in execution, but in concept. Great way to mask empty spaces on the board while also giving it a lot of flavor. I'm tempted to do something like it in the future.
Austin Edwards
I love the idea
Caleb Gomez
nice but why did you put all the buildings and trees on the border of the map? You gotta cut that LoS if you want some sweet CQC
Zachary Anderson
Nice. Time to write up some house rules about the risk of falling off edges
Carson Ward
This is a great idea for frostgrave
Adam Cook
Grayson Cooper
cool photo lol - but with KoW we barely use terrain
Jose Jenkins
>The mystic tower of Bo'Tel, home of the Inebrius order of Wizards >Those with the courage to approach in the dead of night speak of indistinct chanting, splintering wood and ominous clinking.
Samuel Fisher
How do you do the plateaus? Is that just styrofoam with the edges cut off with a hot foam cutter.
William Hughes
yeah, insulation foam, each level is a separate piece
Isaiah Williams
God that looks nice. How do people do the grass and foliage? It's just so intimidating.
What do you guys make your boards from? Just use cardboard or Styrofoam?
Brayden Rodriguez
Cool buildings are those hand made or from an online store?
Charles Hall
For the individual bases for different features and structures, I just use FDM bases. For the actual board, I use plywood topped off with lots of PVA glue, plywood, and flock.
Parker Bennett
what do you mean boards?
like the piece bases?
I used MDF
if it's a strong building or something it probably doesn't need a base.
If you're starting off then you can use cardboard, cake bases, etc. My hardware store sells 24"x24" pieces of hardboard for dirt cheap, of course you need something to cut it with...
Joseph Parker
Yup, while I was tempted by BattleSystems, no terrain kikestarter has appealed to me until this one came along. Quick and easy customization is a godsend for Infinity, as more static terrain inevitably becomes a bit dull. Plus, those interior sliding doors are just straight up dope.
Can easily paint it to be whatever you want, but I've been hankering for a nice pre-fab jungle colony / Acontencimento outpost once fluffed up with some Sarissa accessories and jungle plants.
Juan Bennett
sorry, not my photo, it belongs to google.
looks handmade though,
Juan Perez
3d printers are going to end the world user
Chase Hall
I mean the board you put everything on. I have some cardboard fold outs meant for shit like school presentations, but I was thinking about a big Styrofoam board so I can add cures and gradients to it. However, it wouldn't be as modular or easy to transport.
Ryan Hughes
God I wish. Wonder how much the qualities ones no a days go for? Especially vs how much vs a quality cast?
David Barnes
I am tempted to buy some of that guy's designs and print them out myself. I mostly just print gridded tiles and a few features, but not any major buildings like that.
Andrew Peterson
you want good thick wood if it's like a table base
like if you're doing home-made battletiles you want MDF or hardboard or plywood.
Owen Sanders
Jason Butler
Joseph Davis
perfect for a dredd game
Dylan Bell
iso cubes, 8 years
Isaac Gonzalez
Jeremiah Sullivan
The reasonably priced ones don't meet the quality of at-home resin casting yet. Hopefully one day in the future user.
Brayden Wood
Man I love this pictures. I just can't understand how people did their fields and grass so well. Like what are the techniques?
Jack Morris
I really like the idea.
Those buildings look like shit though.
Sebastian Cook
looks like just flocking for grass, and clump foliage for hedgerows.
Lucas Lopez
Perfect for a standard game of Deadzone.
John White
I love the Ronnie/Fisty Glue Man billboard on the top there.
Jackson Lee
additional shots
Xavier Thomas
Sebastian Martin
Leo Johnson have a rambly guide on how to flock like a pro without spending a shitload of money.
Furry board not related.
Matthew White
John Bennett
That's sustainably-farmed teddy bear fur. Regulations on that shit is so tight it's more cruel to the workers than the bears.
Ayden Ross
Looks pretty damn solid.
Jose Diaz
what are those scattered washers for?
Carson Howard
while this is awesome to look at, how is it in terms of play ability?
Gavin Hall
With the way deadzone is written, it works perfect. For other games I can see it being a struggle.
Deadzone is a game that encourages extremely heavy terrain, without punishing the gameplay for it, like other games do. It's pretty slick.
Andrew Gomez
what I was more referring to is that it looks hard for someone with meat hands to move models around, especially near the inside areas
Jose Myers
And that would be an issue. Luckily the game doesn't use measuring tapes and such. It all works on a 3"x3"x3" cube grid system, and your movement stat is in cubes, not inches. That helps alleviate the issues with measuring sticks, gauges, and tapes at least.
Ryder Williams
Well, that's mostly because you aren't worrying about inches in Deadzone. Instead, movement in handled by 3x3x3'' cubes, so you don't worry too much about precision in terms of movement. Can just be fancy and use a croupier stick if you wanted.
Ayden Garcia
Posting some Tekumel stuff from Chirine's Workbench.
Ryan Sanchez
Jack Martinez
Gavin Morales
Progress shot on my hirst arts zone mortalis tiles. Still have some basecoat painting to do then a bunch of washing and drybrushing.
Jace Nguyen
thats dead fucking sexy bro
Gavin Ramirez
How would one go about learning how to do stuff like this?
Blake Watson
jeeze, and I thought I got addicted to casting that stuff...
Angel Carter
It's all hirst arts plaster molds. The hardest part is learnign how to cast with them, which there are tons of youtube videos showing how to cast with them.
After that those little plaster brick are pretty much wargames terrain lego. Your limits are your imagination on what you can build.
I love mine so much. I was doing 2 casts a day to pace myself and it took a long long time.
Austin King
fuck that's sick. Props, dude.
Camden Foster
I realised that eventually I was casting simply because the conditions were right and I could, because I'd long cast up the requisite amount of stuff for making things I needed. Though, I have a new project in mind that could benefit from a bunch of pipes and machine bits so maybe it's time to start up the routine again...
Austin Garcia
Yeah once you get a routine going the process becomes rote.
Kevin Reyes
the hirst arts website has top notch tutorials, if you want to get into that stuff, start there
Isaiah Scott
This. The guy is a very generous contributor to the hobby. I get painting and building advice on his tutorials and I don't even use his molds.
I saw an itnerview with him at gencon once and he said he used to be a schoolteacher, so he applied the same teaching techniques in his tutorials and stuff.
Jonathan Reyes
>It's all hirst arts plaster molds. Man those look awesome. How long does it take to put something together with them would you say?
Michael Nguyen
5 molds. casting about 2-3 times a day. 5 months. 18 tiles. That's just in casting and building. Painting is taking its own sweet time too.
Michael Robinson
I wrote a blogpost on how I did it and what molds I used. You can see the progress of building everything there.
If I remember my routine right, casting a batch is a bit over an hour with drying time and faffing time. Putting stuff together though is pretty easy, everything is designed to standardised measurements so it's really easy to set up stuff and then just glue together.
The moulds are initially expensive, but I worked out when I did some industrial terrain that I was down to pennies per crate after a while, even with miscasts, compared to a few hundred times that in buying resin ones. And damn it, it's crates and pipes, I don't need super quality for something that isn't diorama tier. And bloody hell this board would have looked 100% better with a decent ground mat and some roads to hand.
Brayden Bailey
the trick is you need a wife or husband to cast stuff while you build with your fancy legos
Ethan Hall
keep in mind that plaster pieces are far heavier than foam/foamcore so if you mean to transport the pieces a lot hirst arts may be a bad idea (if not a cool one)
Jacob Powell
Weight is the one thing stopping me doing more than using them as detailing pieces. Shifting a ton of resin is bad enough that I avoid it, MDF kit stuff tends to be ok, and works well with the hirst arts stuff added as additional detailing due to all the nice flat attachment surfaces.
Jace Hill
This is a quick build from a year or so ago - big can of biscuits (emptied) or something, hardboard base, and a little side building made out of hardboard too (with little details made out of cereal box card and other kitchen bitz). The ladder is a bit of wire fencing clipped and bent, put into holes I drilled into the can. I stenciled the Eagle onto it, and stuck bits of cut up sprue around the base.
Jonathan Myers
Looks like they might be roof nails, with the plastic holders on it. Im guessing to hold that shit down.
Or its washers. I dont know.
Ryder Price
Or kids, as the terrain tutor on youtube uses his kids to do his castings. I've got little girls that I am looking forward to when they grow up and do it for me.
Jeremiah Foster
speaking of youtube shilling, anyone know other good youtube channels? I used to really enjoy the terrainaholic even though his production quality is super low, I loved his inspiration series where he'd buy junk from thrift stores and just ramble about them.
I checked his channel recently and while there's excellent frostgrave stuff all his recent videos are batreps
Charles Parker
I've got a couple pieces in early wip, emphasis on early wip, tomorrow I'll hopefully have them finished and ready for photos