What should one do if one comes to the realization that one is 'that guy'?

What should one do if one comes to the realization that one is 'that guy'?

In realising one is That Guy, one presumably realises what one has done to earn the moniker.

It is simply a matter of stopping doing whatever it is that made you realise you were That Guy. It might be changing the types of character you play, bathing more often, generally being more sensitive to how people around you feel..

The first step is admitting you have a problem. That Guys usually don't know they're That Guys.

Embrace it.

You're giving me conflicting advice here, guys (or girls?)

Not OP, but I have a bit of a temper problem which sometimes comes up in games. The big one I can think of is when the sorcerer PC betrayed the group 'for the lulz' in the middle of the final battle (which we were about to win). I lept out of my seat and started screaming at him for that and the DM for letting his actions ruin the game instead of intervening. Looking back, I'm really ashamed of how I acted, but in the moment I find it hard to restrain myself.
Online games I don't really have this issue as much, but I want to be able to play around a table without scaring everybody away. What should I do?

yeah you should consult a doctor.

Kill youself

Find some other, like-minded that guys and game with them. If everyone is that guy, no-one is.

The first two are on the same page, more or less. The third guy is a sopping cunt and should fuck himself to death with a baseball bat.