Get in quick guys!! It's about to hit an ATH!!!
>The absolute state of links
Get in quick guys!! It's about to hit an ATH!!!
>The absolute state of links
NEO 2.0
$3. EOY 2017
large buying activity though. looks like a bottom
>sats matter
Fucking lol. Bitcucks sure are deluded.
I'm sorry but in 2 years time no one will even remember what a Sat was.
Already all in on linx but killer ta bud
>being called deluded by someone this retarded
>I'm going to cash out my gains into Fiat to buy a house and a lambo directly into Fiat, not through Link>BTC>USD.
Fucking deluded. Sats are all that matters. If you buy 1btc worth of Link and in 2 years it's worth 0.5btc (it will be 0btc, so just kek) you're a fucking retard and you should KYS.
>he uses the LINK/BTC pair
Unbelievable retarded. The ICO was with ETH for a reason. ETH is an actual good and fairy stable currency and not some retarded store of value like Bitcuck is.
O-oh linkies. Ww-what would the world of cry-cryptocurrencies be w-w-w-without you? What do, we o-o-owe the honour. The p-promise of L-L-Link s-s-seemed p-p-p-promising at first. The p-premise of 'r-r-r-r-rent fuh-fuh-free' was surely i-i-i-innovative and ahead of its time. B-but, as t-t-t-time showed us, this co-co-coin was nothing more than a puh-puh-pump and duh-duh-dump that i-i-inadvertently c-created the muh-muh-most deranged cuh-community of b-b-bag h-holders known to m-man. A community th-th-that i-incessantly s-screeches "r-r-rent fuh-fuh-ree" whenever they f-feel th-threatened, which is very c-common. T-to be a l-l-li-linkie is to be de-deranged. Having l-l-lost e-everything, wh-whether it be your h-house, muh-muh-marriage, my wife's sons... YOUR! Your wife's sons college money or l-life-savings surely takes a to-toll on the m-mental se-serenity of a l-l-linkie's m-m-mind. S-slight threats c-c-critiquing the d-d-developers of Ch-ch-chainlink se-sets the co-common l-linkie into a s-s-tate of n-ne-neu...NEUROSIS that can only be c-cured by e-e-eu.. euth...... or the ev-eventual re-revaluing o-of this g-g-godforsaken c-currency. H-however, once the p-p-price r-reaches 10 c-cents, th-the v-value will continue fuh-fuh-falling. This c-crash w-will be ca-ca-catalyzed by the f-fact that th-thousands of w-wa-wa-wallets will be l-lost as a mass s-suicide of l-l-linkies, causing the p-price to d-dip even f-further. D-don't be de-deranged, d-don't be a l-linkie.
that's an upward trend
shit i should have bought yesterday
shoo shoo stinky linky
>implying LINK won't be making us absurdly wealthy through nodes long after BTC has collapsed because people realised it has no real worth
Stay poor.
Even so surely if your coin can't outperform BTC there's no point? If you make more money holding BTC why the fuck would you invest it in an alt?
maybe i shuld... buy some links :thinking:
Can someone who's not a FOMOing or FUDing zealot who's watching LINK tell me if this growth will see some correction?
My portfolio is small and I can't afford to buy in on anything at ATH.
look at that chart you absolute retard.
this isn't ATH it's more like ATL
ATH in the last few weeks, peaked out is how I mean
Will we ever see 1900 sats again?
BTC only makes money for those who bought it years ago.
Buy 10k of BTC now and gain what, a few grand. Buy 10k of a good alt and make hundreds of thousands or possibly millions of dollars.
BTC has to gain 10k just to do a simple 2x at this point.
And that's now counting the fact that all BTC holders will get Bitfinexed soon due to the Tether scam. Only a retard or a dumb normie would buy BTC at this point in time.
Please don't tell me you're actually this retarded. If the satoshi price has fallen, mathematically it means you have made LESS money than holding BTC, it doesn't matter what the price of BTC is, if your LINK is worth LESS BTC than that means holding the BTC would be worth more money.
If something costs 0.5 satoshis and you put 1 BTC in it then a year later it costs 0.1 satoshis, you only have 0.2 BTC total, which means BTC has gone up MORE than said thing. It doesn't matter if BTC went from 100k to 101k, how is this not obvious to you?
depends how long that user was holding LINK. in 1month BTC raised in value 55%.
Past day LINK has raised in 30% about, but that's after it lost alot of value preceeding that.
But my point is irrelevant, you can just look at the Satoshi price, if the Satoshi price has gone DOWN that means BTC has gone UP by more than whatever coin you look at. That's how prices work.
why do you do it? why be a cunt to your fellow bizraelis?
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Chainlink. The tech is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of blockchain, cryptography and finance most of the concepts will go over a typical investor's head. There’s also Sergey's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his whitepaper- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Leon Battista Alberti, for instance. True blockchain experts understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of his vision, to realise that they’re not just theories they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who are not invested in Chainlink truly ARE idiots
I know this is a meme but LINK is kind of difficult to understand at first. It was a few weeks before I understood what it is. As people learn that you can join pools to stake your LINK to nodes and receive it'll just grow from there.
If you used your brain to do some simple math for once you would realize that its not about whats happening in the long term, its about what makes you more USD NOW, making more satoshi is literally making more USD at this current moment. how is that so hard for you people to understand?
>NEO 2.0
you do realise that would mean chainlink would pump 500x?
i doubt chainlink will reach a marketcap of 40 billion
deluded linkies, as per usual