Veeky Forums's thoughts on Asteroid Mining? Looks like it could make an amazing investment opportunity in 10 years time, shaping up to be one of the most profitable industries of all time, with one asteroid in particular (16 Psyche) containing enough gold to literally crash the world economy.
Veeky Forums's thoughts on Asteroid Mining? Looks like it could make an amazing investment opportunity in 10 years time...
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big if tru
Can't wait for the day when we're eating off gold plates with gold knives and forks because it's so fucking cheap.
Currently it costs 20 million dollars to bring 1000kg into low earth orbit. And an estimated 20 billion dollars to bring 1000kg from the moon to earth.
Asteroids are 1000 times farther away than the moon. And infinitely harder to land on.
No matter what the asteroid is made of, it costs you a million times more to haul it back than what it's worth.
It costs a million times more? Well, I guess we just need to print more money to cover the costs
That's why I said I'll be looking into it again in 10 years time, maybe 20. As space travel and technology advances, we'll only get closer and closer to the days where we can profitably mine asteroids
Fuck off Krugman you retarded asshole.
wrong. there are asteroids closer to us than the moon, that have massive amounts of mineral wealth. there wouldn;t be much point to bring most of it back, what you would want to do is set up mining operations and factories to build equipment up there already. The first person to do this will be in a position to take over the world.
I like that. You did buy some btg, right?
We will mine asteroids when we have warp capable intergalactic battlecruisers.
And by then no one will give a fuck about it.
Just what we need, some jew faggot crashing an asteroid made of precious metals into earth because he was getting into something he didn't understand.
You want to build a mine in space? Do you have even the slightest clue what the ISS has cost and how long it took to build it?
If we get there first we can slam an asteroid into Israel first.
Yes faggot. What do you think this thread is even about?
There's water in dem rocks, nigga
>10 years time, maybe 20
and who the fuck is crazy enough to bankroll your asteroid mining when its still cheaper to just mine it on earth
also space x is leading the space race atm so expect the musks tangy musk in any space mining
All these brainlets in this thread. The asteroids would be mined locally and the materials sent back to earth via rail gun. To send materials back would cost next to nothing
diamonds are worthless
You don't even have to go that far, doesn't it rain diamonds on Saturn and Jupiter?
>doesnt understand that youd need to send people and machinery in space regularly
>not understanding cosmic radiation and space debris
space isnt an empty space like in the movies
Well diamonds are as common as quartz now, yet certain firms manage to keep the prices high anyway.
>implying we won't just build a space elevator and attach it to a station kept in geosynchronous orbit so we can send hundreds of loads up and down each day
Great idea, until it gets akbar'd.
I know, its a plasma. What's your point?
>rail gun
There will be no need for physical minerals when we set up, program, and enter new simulations of existence. Ironically, this current existence is a simulation, in which we were programmed to want minerals, so we better mine them.
This lmao. Literal brainlets itt. Materials needed on earth will be shot using railgun, the rest will be used to build habitats and dyson swarms in space.
>doesn't understand that space travel is several times cheaper than ever and will be exponentially cheaper in the near future
>doesn't understand that cosmic radiation and space debris are non-factors
Hello brainlet
Pointless, you still need to haul those rocks to that elevator. Might as well parachute them back to earth.
4th Reich when?
>he thinks space debris are only man made objects
who cares? If I'm not rich enough to have no need to ever invest in anything within 3 years i'm gonna hang myself
You clearly have no idea about the distances in space.
faggot a passing astroids gravitational field could destroy all your calculations
a solar flare could fry all your electronic and life support systems
>muh space is vast
clearly you dont even know what youre talking about
>the materials sent back to earth via rail gun
are we metal gear now?
>faggot a passing astroids gravitational field could destroy all your calculations
>a solar flare could fry all your electronic and life support systems
fuck off
also do you even know how we fucking find asteroids? we stare at picture to find one
kek brainlet
>also do you even know how we fucking find asteroids? we stare at picture to find one
Yeah. How is that relevant, idiot?
>fast moving asteroid
why the fuck do you think people freak out when there an asteroid coming near earth
>Chelyabinsk Event
read up on what it is and why the fuck people didnt even know this was entering earth
now go find a new light speed radar that can pick up on our muh vast space distances
Just stop. You clearly have no clue what you're talking about
>>Chelyabinsk Event
>read up on what it is
clearly you dont since the only thing you can say is
>stop, no or fuck off
later brainlet
Bye, subhuman.
Dude, that's not how space works. Most of the energy is used in:
1: Getting out of LEO
2: Getting back into LEO
That's why it'd make perfect sense to set up automated factories in space to provide equipment for space colonies.
u mad? I know you are.
What if it is made of bitcoins?
How to make money off the coming space mining boom?
Yea cause it is like made out of wood and 1 meter big.
You stupid nigger.
Sell the spaceships
I've read about this space elevator shit, realistically the likeliest material used will be extremely high tensile strength metal cabling, this is because elasticity is a necessity, not to mention it will extremely strained since it is literally being pulled into space by our rotation.
Realistically if some allahu flew a boeing 787 into it, it would cause serious damage.