Under The Ocean It's Shrimply Wet! Ask Any Univeristy World Edition
Horus Heresy: Crusade of Fighters Sub-Edition
Last time on Horus Heresy G the Order of The Sigismunds got a theme song, talk on how to improve the Iron Circle was made, a WEfag showed us his dreadnought and that lead to talk on recasts, a flood of puns washed us away, an user explained on what a meteor hammer is, and finishing moves for a HH game were made plus more in the old thread Red Book Links:
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww2.zippyshare.com%2Fv%2Fs15Jqk1t%2Ffile.html
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmega.nz%2F%23!Jx1UGCTI!vMJN89z7p8tiEC7YOAj477g6RxDtJ7culVLF3q3godg
HH Book 6 - Retribution PDF:
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkat.cr%2Fthe-horus-heresy-book-6-retribution-pdf-t12199249.html
HHG FAQ - pastebin.com
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016) - forgeworld.co.uk
Other official downloads: forgeworld.co.uk
HH Rules:
Crusade Army List: mediafire.com
Mechanicum Taghmata Army List: mega.nz
30k/40k Rules: mega.nz
30k/40k Rules and more (torrents): kat.cr
30k Black Library: mega.nz
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Other urls found in this thread:
I love Fire.
Could not agree more.
I love Blood
t.World Eater
Moves we got so far:
>The Emperor: Great Crusade
>Horus: Let The Galaxy Burn
>Vulkan: It's also a hammer
>Leman: Overwolf
>Lucius: Eternal Jobbing: makes Lucius lose automatically
>Perturabo: 10,000 Years of Decimation
>Autek: Lunar Lander
>Scoria: Entropic Beatdown
>Fulgrim: Maru Skara
>Ahriman: All is dust
>Mortarion: The Reaper's Scythe: Rams the enemy with a starship
>Angron: The Bucher's Nails
>Cruze: Doom of Nostromo
>Lorgar: Ruinstorm/Transfiguration
>Corax: Pre-Dropsite: The Deliverance and post Dropsite: Nevermore
>Lion'El: Loyalty's reward
>Dorn: The Walls of Terra
>Pre Ruinstorm: Honour and Glory/The 500 worlds
>Post Ruinstorm: Preternatural Strategy
>Post Heresy: Codex Astartes
>Ireton MaSade
>Agathon's Might: summons helpers to aid him
>Lotara: Fire the Ursus Claws!
>Caleb Decima: Reductor Unleashed
>Alpharius: I am Alpharius
>Regular AL Legionary: Power Dagger
>Ferrus: Hands of Fate
>Magnus: Two wrongs don't make a right
> Sanguinius: Angel's Tears
What does Malcador get?
Greatest Sacrifice?
>Khan : "Sickest Burn" or "I hear you do strange things to your warriors"
As in gene modify them.
repoasted from old thread
I just want assault bolters user, so that the entire unit functions for the purpose of getting into melee to use the venom spheres. because there is beauty in synergy and simplicity of function... :^) or are you next going to claim that learneans are well synergized with conversion beamers too? : ^)
>Kelbor: Dark Mechanicum
>Summons helpers from every branch of the Mechanicum that followed Horus into his descent into heresy
>the reapers scythe
>Unsheathes scythe
>teleports behind you
>nothing personal, astartes
I too want assault bolters, but that'd be Storm bolters and that stuff was simply not invented just yet. Luckily, it's the AL we're talking about, and if they managed to get into the MkVI closed beta they can get their Aloha pattern stormbolters
>are you next going to claim that learneans are well synergized with conversion beamers too? :^)
I'm not a fan of Conversion beamers myself, but that thing behaves pretty much like a +1S overpriced volkite charger at volkite charger range, so I wouldn't say it stands out either. Maybe if you're footslogging them, and it won't outperform a single missile launcher either.
In the last thread we've established he teleports naturally and he rams a space ship into you as his ultimate move.
Don't know if a Sunday evening is a good time to ask for list/starter advice, but can always repost this another time I suppose. Been pondering where to go with the idea of a somewhat armour-heavy loyalist NL force, wasn't happy before, had another idea.
2000 points (because I understand that's as small as 30k sensibly goes, otherwise would be looking smaller for a "starter" army). ROW: Pride Of The Legion.
>Praetor (paragon blade, bike, iron halo, meltabombs) - 180
>Goes with outrider squad (counts as 21 models for outnumbering purposes)
>Centurion (chainglaive, bike, meltabombs) - 90
>Goes with other outrider squad
>10 Veterans (2 plasma guns, chainglaive on sarge) - 240
>Furious charge
>Rhino - 35
>10 Veterans (2 plasma guns, chainglaive on sarge) - 240
>Furious charge
>Rhino - 35
>6 Outriders (2 power swords,chainglaive on sarge) - 225
>6 Outriders (2 power swords,chainglaive on sarge) - 225
>Sicaran battle tank (heavy bolter sponsons) - 155
>2 Medusae - 310
>2 Laser vindicator - 260
>Total - 1995
So, how bad is it? And/or, what noob mistakes have I made with the rules?
Incidentally, demoting the praetor to another centurion, the vets to tacticals, and using a CAD saves 225 points, if that's an option anyone was wondering about.
My main issues.
>Vets should drop the plasma guns for assault weapons. You don't benefit much if your opponent charges you and you can't charge after shooting the plasma guns. I would instead add more power weapons, hits harder on the charge or I would give them sniper. Personally I prefer the former.
>Medusas are probably overkill, I rarely think "I really need two demolisher cannon shots per turn on the same unit." I would drop one and reinvest some of those points into another scoring unit of some sort, currently your list has fairly few scoring options.
>I dislike the two vindicators for the same reason I dislike the two medusas. What I would do in this case however is drop the sicaran to spread out the vindicators. Not enough light vehicles to make much use of the sicaran while the points saved by dropping the sicaran and one medusa gives you 305 points, great for adding some terminators or vets for more scoring.
Honestly I wouldn't be worried about light vehicles with your list, even without meltabombs your vets have krak grenades, combined with the option for power axes or mauls you should be able to kill AV 10 or 11 rear vehicles fairly easily.
I like the idea, but why no vindicator instead of Dusas?
Is Alexis Polux as cool as his rules sound?
A wild Spartan/flyer appears. How does the list deals with that?
I'd say the list needs a flyer of its own
> Decide I want to use Despoilers instead of Bolters
> eBay loads of extra Chainswords from the Assault Marine kit
> Wow Tigrus Pistols are expensive, but these guys need to be perfect!
> Lovingly craft 20 with resin shoulders
> Realise that all the Chainswords have MkVII arms attached
Is there an easy way out here other than amputating all of them? I only have Bolter-holding arms spare so the poses are fucked, unless I split the arms in shoulder-MKIV vambrace-Chainsword hand.
He's cool if you like the whole self doubt thing. Also if you consider BL canon then he turns up at Macragge and tells the Ultramarines that they can't fortify for shit.
Say it was artificer made, paint it so.
>It needs to be perfect
A true EC.
Liquid GS the cracks in and add a bit of plastic to the wrist to make that bit that sticks forward.
I meant more how does he actually impact the table from game to game.
But that is funny.
I don't play fists and have never played against a fists player who fielded him so I can't help much. That said he is pretty cheap and has some cool gimmicks, I'd say a rather good HQ looking only at his rules.
I had been worried about how few boots on the ground I had, you're right, I should probably up those for scoring objectives. (Keep forgetting only Troops score in 30k.)
Multiple vehicles was redundancy, mainly, with most of my anti-AV14 in heavy support felt it could be easy to shut down. Will have a rearrange. Is a squadron of 1 laser vindi, 1 demolisher vindi, with a machine spirit (to split fire) a stupid thing to do?
That would save points too.
Forgot to ask, how many power weapons (including the sarge's chainglaive) is probably about right for a 10-dude veteran squad?
Hey guys, super new to the tabletop game.
What should go in a fluffy EC list of 2500 points? I want to include Fulgrim for sure, and Palatine blades.
I also want to take his special rite of war- Maru Skara
Just no idea where to start.
I think 4-5 is a good number, dont go ham otherwise they become more expensive then they should.
Fluffwise, EC can do most things but you'll want to avoid anything attrition-y. Your dudes want to master all forms of warfare and will have the capacity to play any kind of list. However the Legion was always few in number and your ego should forbid you from wasting lives.
Avoid artillery and 20-man blobs if you can help it. Save points for wargear, elite units and anything that can move quickly. Apothecaries are also a big thing for you.
As for tactics, your LA and equipment is strongly oriented towards a close combat list. You are equipped to win assaults in one turn through a combination of I5/AP2 overkill, stacking CR modifiers and then catching the opponent in a Sweeping Advance.
All of your Sergeants should have Artificer Armour and a melee upgrade as standard. Ideally you want to use Power Spears because you have the rare advantage of non-Unwieldy AP2, and you can expect to be fighting a lot of Challenges.
You also want to be making the charge and so invest in delivery systems. Spartans, Dreadclaws and Kharibdii are all solid options, as are fielding anything with a Jump Pack or Bike. Avoid Cataphractii in favour of Tartaroii.
Maru Skara should obviously be built with the intention of Outflanking units, so pick units that can deliver a one-shot kill. Combi-weapons are your friend here, as are Support Squads spamming Plasma.
Avoid sending units into Outflank that cannot be supported. Don't dribble 3 units out only to have them Fury'd, commit to it and get some faster elements up there for Turn 2.
What does an average World Eater army look like at 2000-2500 points?
I'm looking to get my first legion army and I want an idea of what to pick up for a basic starter army.
At that points limit your army should have:
Ways to deal with AV15
Ways to deal with Flyers
Ways to deal with 20-man blobs
Ways to deal with a Cataphractii deathstar
Ways to deliver your dudes to where you need them. Maru Skara will help about half of your army, you must not forget the other half
Luckily for you, Dread talons count as a single unit on deployment and can deal with MCs and Spartans by themselves, and EC are one of the only legions where hot Despoiler on Despoiler action isn't such a gamble and a Sweep advance is more probable. I may thing of something else.
/HHG/, what's the best way of dealing with an army with lots of dedicated Land Raider transports without using Fast Attack choices?
As in, Heavy weapon squads don't really cut it. I was thinking of grabing a billion Laser Destroyer Vindicators, but their cost would mean I'd be better off bringing Spartans of my own.
I'm trying a Reaping list, if it helps, but I won't be really using antitank HSS or Veterans.
>A wild Spartan/flyer appears. How does the list deals with that?
Spartan can be dealt with by two laser vindicators. Flyers can often times just be ignored or avoided through proper maneuvering and cover. Either way the extra medusa and sicaran wouldn't have helped with either of those, at least some extra vets with power axes could help kill whatever is inside the spartan.
On a personal note I don't really give a shit when an opponent brings a spartan. 300 points and its only weapons are some quad lascannons and a heavy bolter. Whether or not the Spartan dies doesn't matter to me, if it is immobilized I can safely ignore it, if it unleashes its cargo I will just kill its cargo
Grav rapiers, haywire their shit to death.
Say, anyone got a good idea on how to acquire one of those veletaris power axes? I need it for a Kharn conversion I'm thinking of, but don't really want to blow the bucks either with FW or Z. Ebay's been a bust for the past month of so I've been looking.
Great post, there's just one little thing: Support Squads can't be outflanked through Maru Skara since they're not Elites or Fast Attack. They can be through Fulgrim choosing Master of Ambush, but then you have to roll for reserves to get them in.
Can you nominate an Apothecary and then attach to a Troop?
The rules aren't completely clear, but the wording on The Hidden Blade implies that it's a normal unit whereas Apothecaries are an edge case "technically a unit but doesn't work like other units".
I wouldn't build a list around it unless you're prepared to be a WAAC, rule-bending That Guy.
Fulgrim rerolls reserves by himself, so there's that.
About apothecaries, I don't quite agree with and . While it indee says that "apothecaries may be taken as a single elites choice", Maru skara outflanks elite units and their attached ICs, not elites ICs and the units they're attached to (which by the way, apothecaries are mere non-independent characters).
But I dunno.
Reworking my World Eaters to represent my fluff for them better, post-Bodt, late-heresy deal. Haven't done any highlights for the red yet, but this is what it looks like so far. Is the red backpack too much? What would it be otherwise, because they were originally blue?
That looks really neat. I even like the little red stains all over the white armor, which could either be bloodstains or a hasty and sloppy paintjob.
Bloodstains, guess it was a little more obvious when they were blue. I want to get some bloody handprints on some of them. Test of my freehand skills.
You'd want the bloodstains to be differentiated from the red of the armour though. As is they look the same.
Looks tasty, I'd say keep it just white and red as white, red and blue would be a bit of a clusterfuck.
Eh, I used the Blood for the Blood God paint, it's a little lighter than the pads/backpack.
I love skin
t.Night Lord
Mind telling us the fluff for them?
I love bikes
t.White Scar
I love egyptian kings
t.Thousand Son
I love walls
t.Imperial Fist
I love Chaos
t.Word Bearer
I love black
gonna enrich dat ass
Nothing particularly unique or interesting, just a group of World Eaters who have basically entirely descended into madness toward the end of the Heresy. My list places heavy use on 20 man squads and multiple Dreadclaw'd Red Butcher units. Gahlan Surlak is there, so is Kharn usually. If I'm not taking Kharn (because I'm using Angron) I make the tacticals Inductii. Basically, it's an army of Madmen. The only potentially sane units are the Spartan driver and the Contemptor-Mortis. There's a Leviathan too, but we all know every single one of them are nuts. I suffer severely on anti-vehicle, but at 3000 pts I have 43 power armored models (21 are an assault squad and a jump Praetor), 8 Red Butchers, Angron, Gahlan Surlak, a Spartan, a Kharybdis, a Leviathan, and a Contemptor-Mortis. Ravening madmen all (except maybe Surlak)
>implying the spartan driver didn't jump out to join the melee years ago
>implying the spartan isn't driving under the force of it's own fury
The angriest machine spirit.
>Implying the Contemptors aren't crazy too
I made this just for you, /hhg/
Your niggas need to chill out.
So you're /v/-tier memer? Kill yourself.
>that One Punch Lion Man
Someone throw this chick with the Sharks. Don't care if it's the psychic ones or the blimp ones.
I preferred it when you were gone
reminder to not reply to name/tripfags
What if they're actually useful?
They can be useful without their name or trip
It's just attention seeking
What do you mean? Killing loyalists is how they relax.
It's useful because you know which posts to not read.
>implying they know the difference between friend or foe
>5000 points of EC
>dont even own a superheavy
>still buying more stuff
>saving up for a mastodon
>Considering starting another legion
Someone please stop me
The Rabbit hole never ends. I have over 200 unbuilt, unpainted Mk IV Marines for whenever I finally decide on a Legion.
Hide your wallet.
>for whenever I finally decide on a Legion
I got you covered bro
1 C'tan Shard, 1 Leviathan Dreadnought, my Harrower is accepting new challengers.
On another note, should I give my rhino a Combi-weapon or a Heavy Bolter?
I love watching Vulkan suffer
t.Night Lord
I've wanted to namefag long ago, but I realize how easy it is to fuck it up. I mean, I like getting (You)s, can't blame it for that. But it'll be a shitstorm no doubt.
I agree with your table.
Hotpockets, plz don't kill.
Mastodon, how good is it really? I kind of want to make a list around one when they come out. Being a World Eater helps alot.
What would you put in the thing?
As a world eater I'm thinking 18 guys, apothecary, praetor, and 2 cortus contemptors.
What are you guys thinking? Its expensive points wise but it seems like the perfect payload deliverer, and some legions love that shit.
I love being angry
So I'm going to be joining an escalation game league thing for people wanted to get into 40k or start a new army, staring the 'get started kit' or similar and adding on.
I chose Guard, not because I like guard that much, but I've been thinking of getting into 30k and the Solar Auxilia is the army I like the most.
So after the get started kit what models should I be looking into that are good in smaller scale IG and can either go into Solar Auxila, as reasonable proxies or bits for good conversions?
Russes are obvious, but I don't want to just buy Russes.
I love everyone
t. Sanguinius
I love blood and violence
t. Angron
Stormtroopers, because SA are 30k's different stormtroopers.
I liked these guys the most, instead of the actual knightly models, but those would be the better choice for what you're aiming.
Thus, you could play both IG, Stormtroopers (now an army in 40k) and SA.
Sanguinius should be
>Only Angels May Fly
From when he tore out Ka'Bandahs wing
That one actually works better. I have thought of one for Iacton.
>Back in my Day
That's a no to the rhino heavy weapon. Consider a dozer blade instead.
Yes, I proposed "Agathon's Might" and this is much better. Keeps up with his Retired Badass persona
I love me
t. Fulgrim
That was my intention. Just Qurze going on about ye olden moon wolf days until his opponent passes out.
Would Questoris Knights have the Aquila or Mechanicum symbols on their armor? I noticed that there's a choice between either eagle symbols or Mechanicum ones in the box set.
Aquilla if they're Loyal to the Imperium, Cogs if they're loyal to the Mechanicum, Skulls/Laurels if they're freeblades.
Your favorite non-primarch Lord of war for equal to or less than 625pts. GO
>Whales on stilts
The chances of them finding us in this thread were abyssal!
So I've never even had a 40k army, what units should I look at for a Imperial Fists list? I really like artillery and elite "line breaker" type units.
40K Space Marines army*. I have Xenos shit.
thus cough syrup is serious shit
basilisks, and breacher siege marines in spartans.
They get a buff for bolters & heavy bolters IIRC. Sigismund is also awesome.
IF have the best regular Termies in the heresy.
Their sarge can wear a Solarite Gauntlet, right?
No ICs and Templar sarges only.