How do you think GW is going to respond to the inevitable increase in popularity in WHFB's old setting due to Warhammer Total War? Will they do anything at all?
Also, WH thread in general
How do you think GW is going to respond to the inevitable increase in popularity in WHFB's old setting due to Warhammer Total War? Will they do anything at all?
Also, WH thread in general
Not at all.
Why would it increase? You know how few people are going to buy it? It's a real time strategy game when they have off-brain games like doom and overwatch to play,
Total war has always been niche, making it about wizards and shit just pushes it further into that hole.
They'll completely drop the ball and fail to capitalize on it.
Collect royalty checks happily and continue to support AoS as it is doing well enough to warrant it.
That Giant's face is pure gold tho.
It's pretty popular right now. Was the 4th most active twitch game category last night, only behind the unbeatable staples like League of Legends, DOTA, and CoD.
And yes that matters in today's world
>stupid little mans
>my feet hurt
>i wish i were back in my cave
>when i was a lad, we had REAL trolls, not whatever this is
Because a famous advertiser, Cohh Carnage, was streaming. When there's not an advertiser streaming, it's not even on the radar.
It's a niche franchise in a niche market.
they'll make more deals with valve and create more games for steam. they won't do anything with their table top game. if the WoW movie is successful we will definitely see a warhammer movie in our lifetime as well.
I don't see how anybody would prefer AoS' setting to the Old World. All the feeling and spirit is gone.
it was steam number 1 game for weeks
They'll probably roll around in all the royalty money.
Then sell more videogame rights.
They will see the enormous popularity of it and realize what a huge mistake they have made as droves and droves of new potential players will begin demanding whfb back.
They will scrap AoS and act like it never happened and contact the 9th age guys and pay them off to rerelease it as their own 9th edition.
They will repackage all the fantasy kits with square bases again and scrap their sigmarine molds.
Is that the answer you were looking for? Because I have a feeling that would be the only answer you would be willing to accept.
>it was steam number 1 game for weeks
Yes, promoting games is an aspect of marketing.
Your point?
>I wish I still had my Sky-Castle
>I bet I can't even fit my arm in these cannons
You forgot to address the contention that it has no presence on twitch unless a popular advertiser is showing it.
That matters in today's world.
Think of it this way, OP.
When has GW ever
gone back on a decision they made?
I know it hurts, and I love the WHFB setting very much. But it's dead, Jim. Move on, start something in your garage, hope that someday you can fill that void with your own creation. Take what you loved about Warhammer, and channel it elsewhere. You'll have better luck starting from the beginning than hoping that the abomination that GeeDubs has become would ever change.
It does not matter if Warhammer Total War sold like hotcakes. It will change nothing. Move on.
I honestly don't prefer one over the other. I was with the old world for so long and know how great it was, and I am sad to see it go. But this new setting is completely different, which I think has its own charm. I don't argue which setting is better, a song of ice and fire or lord of the rings, because I like them both for different reasons.
Old warhammer was low fantasy mixed with sword and sorcery.
AoS is high fantasy mixed with mytic fantasy.
Sure one can still prefer one over the other, but I find that rather short sighted and a narrow minded point of view.
Why would they do any of that? They barely had to spend anything to make all these games. Licensing their products will always reap greater returns than trying to print shitloads of plastic for a vanishingly small community.
Like, the most they might do is licence the models for people with 3d printers.
Total war fag here, this game is going to be very popular, but that has little to do with the fact that its warhammer themed. the total war crowd will play anything that gets put out, very very loyal fanbase.
this game + dawn of war franchise will only increase demand for more warhammer themed games, the table top hobby will remain largely unchanged in popularity. if you go to Veeky Forums and hit up the total war general thread, you will see how much people are excited for this game.
they re-released 6th edition dark elf armybook with buffs after whined about it so much it makes Khorne blush
they also said they will never do it again
They wouldn't. That was the point of my post. I thought the last sentence would show the sarcasm. I just wrote what OP was hoping would happen, not what would actually happen.
They could have had both. Keep the Old World while Sigmar and an angelic-themed army alongside other deities battle Chaos, Ork Gods, the Great Maw, etc. in the heavens. Occasionally the battles overlap, and Sigmar's angels will come to stop major Daemonic incursions in the world.
I'll be staying with the WHFB setting forever. They can't erase the lore from my memory, and 9th Age is a thing.
You act as though GW hopes TW:WH will fail. They never denied the existence of old warhammer. They just chose not to continue with it and go with something else.
Sure, play 9th age. That's fine. They're not going to send corporate security to your house and demand why you're not playing AoS when you have GW models in your home.
nah man they have stores worldwide and the demand just isn't there. I was sad as fuck when whfb got axed, my dreams of one day owning a bretonian army came crashing down. but thats just how sales works. at least we still have 40k
steam top seller, as in more copies are being bought then anything else.
Get the idea?
>You act as though GW hopes TW:WH will fail.
I honestly think they do. At least the core leaderships, the shareholders certainly and developer staff don't.
But GW is a very spiteful and strange-behaving country. After 15 years of dealing with them I've learned their mindset, and they don't like profits if they aren't earned in a specific way. In this case, they want to prove Age of Sigmar and 40king fantasy was better and shoved it to those "whiny" man-children fans who they wish to replace with young children
Not without grognards like yourself complaining that the grimderp and grittiness of the setting is now gone because of the introduction of the stormcast eternal and the heavy involvement of the gods in everything.
Face it, you couldn't have this gritty grimdark setting mixed with the high and mythic fantasy, not in warhammer.
>I honestly think they do
Well I bid you good luck in future dealing with your mental retardation.
They have gone back on ideas before and done do-overs, especially now with the new CEO trying desperately to unfuck the company with a lot of little things like community involvement and bringing back specialist games, but they have never done something this big and I dont see them risking so much again to revert back entirely to fantasy as it was. If AoS really was a flop, we wouldnt see a resurgence of the old warhammer, just a complete abandonment of fantasy altogether.
They'll license out more games, books, and maybe even a show/movie if Warhammer becomes mainstream enough. If anything, I see this game, along with dawn of war, pushing the Warhammer franchise into a wider audience. I'm excited for every aspect of Warhammer except the tabletop. I've been into the fluff for years but was unable to get into the TT due to cost, lack of a player base in my town, etc. With Total War, I'll finally be able to play warhammer the way I wanted, and I still have no desire to buy any models.
>Games Workshop gets a good CEO AFTER warhammer was buried.
That's just mean.
>there must be more to life ...
That was a drawing I had comissioned by tg/ drawfriend Rotaken. Here is the final version....
oops here is final
>Face it, you couldn't have this gritty grimdark setting mixed with the high and mythic fantasy, not in warhammer.
nah, it was always that way. You had Necromancers literally stealing souls while death gods weren't looking and the Elves are basically chummy with cosmic entities.
I think it would have been smarter for them to make WHFB into a Mordheim/Necromunda style skirmish game, if WHFB was really so stagnant.
Most normies would be glad to buy a single warband and play games with it, rather than the vast armies required for WHFB.
If they still needed to shake up the status quo, they could set the game in a scarred post-Chaos invasion world where small warbands of survivors are more common than standing armies.
HAH, they are so out of touch with reality their head is stuck in their own multimdimensional planar-ass.
It still is, actually.
Nice bump samefag. Sure let's save this shit thread from near death and keep it going. Because the board as a whole is benefiting from the whining here.
>tfw want to buy
>Dunno if my computer can even run it decently
Lol, if TW:WH does well it will inspire people to buy fantasy/AoS models regardless of the fact that the setting supported by the tabletop game has changed. GW have no reason to hope the game does badly. Their decision to axe fantasy for AoS has already been vindicated - it's performing better than fantasy has for years.
I like how TW has become the great hope for some Fantasy players, like it's sudden existence is going to drive a mass number of video game players to pick up a game that at best plays the same as a game they already paid $60 for, if they even paid for it.
All based on vague evidence that Dawn of War supposedly did something similar for 40k over a decade ago.
The fact that GW is supporting LotR again has really got to be salt in the wound.
evidently you dont understand how steam works.
Number 1 game means top seller... as in people are buying it. Free advertising. Nothing to do with marketing campaigns at all.
Either they are going to see every whfb purchase as AoS merit or they are going to launch a Horus heresy like project
>But warhammer is dead, Jim. Move on
WH:TW will never inspire a mass binge in the masses buying their products.
Some people will buy it of course but nowhere in enough numbers to cause a dent.
>a successful game is not going to going to attract people to its source material
>dawn of war didn't attract people to warhammer 40k
>fantasy fans are salty about lotr getting support
Getting desperate with the implications there, m8, fantasy fans are not salty over lotr getting support, if anything they are happy for them and also shows that the discontinuation of whfb being inevitable due to sales is an overblown lie.
AoS was just a shitty move.
Source material they can get in books.
You do not have to actually play Fantasy or buy the models to enjoy the world, just read the numerous books that are out there while playing the games.
Go into a /v/ thread about 40k sometime and you'll find that the people there couldn't care less about the models and actual game, all they care about is the lore and video games.
Price increase
How about that is hasn't been released and the media embargo only lifted a few days ago?
They'll keep selling the rights for WHFB video games, and perhaps put out a remake of an old specialist game.
I wouldn't mind them re-releasing Mordheim.
You are aware that LOTR is being supported by Forge Worlds new specialist games studio right?
Same with Blood Bowl, the design studio is still focusing on 40k/AOS almost entirely.
That armour is dope
The game is now much more popular than any previous historical Total War (and the latest one, Attila, flopped)
I'd not be surprised if they drop historical TWs completely due to it
But of course, Gdubs has it's head so far up his own ass they won't do shit
Also, it's not even released, so it got #1 with preorders alone
>that the grimderp
WHFB wasn't grimderp until GW decided to add skulls and bones on every mini they shat out, and that's pretty recent.
You mean decrease?
Aren't they Trolluks™ now?
GW considers the videogames to be in competition with the tabletop, not a complement. IF TW:WH succeeds, then it's proof that AoS was a good idea because the customers who bought the pc game would have stopped buying WHF models once TW:WH came out.
This is nonsense
He said GW. WHat kind of sense did you expect.
Do you not understand what a "top seller" is?
They will blame the failure of Age of Smegmar on Total Warhammer and decide to revoke publishing rights.
>do you think GW is going to respond
No. They stopped doing that ages ago when they unplugged their forum servers because outside opinions were "otiose." So, they'll do just what they've always done since then:
Keep their heads in the sand and just chunter along with everyone doing whatever it is that they feel like doing from day to day - and everything will work out for the best. I mean, it's worked so far, right? Right?
They've opened official facebook pages, publicy asked and replied questions to compile faqs and are reviving specialist games along convenience bundles.
The end times and the AoS were the last mistake of the old ceo, we hope.
Last expansion is Age of Sigmar. They are luring new people to start buying the new models by getting them hooked on the old world and then giving them 'le epic gaem moments' with AoS expansion.
>The end times and the AoS were the last mistake of the old ceo, we hope.
I mean the last 3 or so months have been pretty good for AoS. The FAQ on Facebook? Points created in response to the community and with community help to create? Specialist games? Discounts? Ironjawz?
New CEO is trying his darndest to save the compnay from Kirby.
Like I Will trust GW ever again bro, they are whores for the share holders, if something isn't doing enough money, they will squat it.
This is the biggest dumbshit move they ever made as a business.
WHFB became popular because it was a game in which recognizable fantasy and mythological creatures were featured.
Which would be more likely to sell, Trolls, Goblins, Dwarfs and Elves or Trolluks™, Grotsies™, Dwarrbops™ and Aeaelves™?
>Which would be more likely to sell, Trolls, Goblins, Dwarfs and Elves or Trolluks™, Grotsies™, Dwarrbops™ and Aeaelves™?
attila didn't flop
CA expected it not to do so well, and it actually did better.
do you think GeeDubs knows that they are hated and they don't care, or they think that they are loved because their heads are in their asses
>When there's not an advertiser streaming, it's not even on the radar.
That's because it isn't even out yet, only the advertisers have access to it.
The fact that so many people turned up for a game that isn't even out yet speaks volumes about the level of interest surrounding it.
They wouldn't care if they knew but their heads are also in their asses.
mabey if we all hit there facebook page at once they might get the idea.
I think our best bet is for the new CEO to fix things. Which is entirely possible if TW:W is a success.
He's been doing good stuff so far.
so do we know for a fact thats its a new CEO or is it just a guess because GW is being less of an asshat than usual
The word you are looking for there is their, not there. While very similar, one relates to possession, and the other to location.
i know i know i know. Wasn't paying attention. Ironically, i'm supposed to be studying for an English exan
We know for a fact, kirby (who was the twat and didnt even play the game) resigned shortly after launch of aos.
WHo's the new ceo anyway?
so AoS was his final troll eh?
Kevin D. Rountree
Total noob to warhammer fantasy here. Looked at the game, looks interesting but I doubt any of us guys who just bought the video game are gonna go out and buy over priced GW figures. Like it worked for WH40k because the models look good, fantasy looks like a boring version of Warcraft.
>fantasy is boring version of warcraft
Kill yourself. Right now.
Kirby is not a troll, Kirby is plain delusional.
whats interesting about Fantasy then?? The only cool thing are Orks, which is what the Total war team put most of their effort behind when making the game.
Kirby deserves to be shot. In the knee. Then the arm. Then the stomach. Then left in a ditch Full of salt. Then shot more. Finally after 3 days of being shot and having salt put in his wounds, then you kill him.
You will be happy to know that Warhammer Fantasy line is being discontinued for exactly this reason and will be replaced by Age of Sigmar, which is, essentially what looks like more exciting version of Warcraft!
It's also expensive as hell, even more than the old stuff was.
>missing the cynical sarcasm
Guess you failed your stupidity check.
D6 amble distance
well im sure they have a marketing team and figured this out a long time ago.
Nope, GW does NO market research and is proud of it.
Looks like they're going all out.
The banner advertising Total Warhammer took more effort than this crap.