YOUR MECH: KING SWORDFISH MK. II (237.5 points with 0 unspent, 59 metric tons) CP=Construction Points, S=Spaces, K=Kills, T=Tons, SP=Stopping Power, WA=Weapon Accuracy, DA=Defensive Adjustment
Head: Cost/Space/Kills 6, 3 Tons, 7 Stopping Power, 3 Spaces left
Head Systems:
Advanced Sensor Package (10 CP, 2S)
Main Sensor Core (4CP, 1S, 2K, 1T)
Spotlight (0.2CP)
Torso: Cost/Space/Kills 12, 6 Tons, 7 Stopping Power, 3 Spaces left
Torso Systems:
Backup Sensor Core (2CP, 2S, 2K, 1T)
Deluxe Anti-Theft Codelock (0.4CP)
Environment Pod Cockpit (2CP, 2S)
Liftwire (0.3CP),
Stereo System (0.1CP)
Storage Module (1CP, 1S)
[Mounted] Anemone Active Shield Epaulet: DA -1, SP 8 (automatically parries the first attack it receives each turn), 17 CP, 4 Spaces, 4 tons
Left Arm: Cost/Space/Kills 7, 3 Tons, 7 Stopping Power, 0 Spaces left
Left Arm Systems:
Left Hand: (WA 0, 1K, 2 CP, 1 Space, 0.5 tons)
[Two-Handed] Swordfish Lance: (WA +1, 12K, AP, Quick, 47 CP, 14 Spaces, 6 tons)
6 Thrusters
Right Arm: Cost/Space/Kills 7, 3 Tons, 7 Stopping Power, 0 Spaces left
Right Arm Systems:
Right Hand: (WA 0, 1K, 2 CP, 1 Space, 0.5 tons)
[Handheld] Ocean Star Drone: (Range 250m, WA+0, 8K, Returning, 14.5 CP, 7 Spaces, 4 tons)
6 Thrusters
Left Leg: Cost/Space/Kills 7, 3 Tons, 7 Stopping Power, 0 Spaces left
Left Leg Systems:
7 Thrusters
Right Leg: Cost/Space/Kills 7, 3 Tons, 7 Stopping Power, 0 Spaces left
Right Leg Systems:
7 Thrusters
Mecha Reflexes Adjustment: -5
Mecha Speed:
600 meters per turn flying (300m/Action)
200 meters per turn running (100m/Action)
Costs 50m of movement to turn up to 180 degrees
Special Systems:
Officer Armor: Improved armor with superior anti-kinetic and anti-rad properties. Attacks that do less than 4K no longer cause your armor to degrade on hit.
AVE CAESAR!: Allows the Dropkick maneuver to be performed with the Swordfish Lance (and its base damage and AP properties, but not Quick) instead of the King Swordfish's feet servos.