Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
>Next MTG Purchase?
GP Charlotte and GP Los Angeles weekend.
Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
>Next MTG Purchase?
GP Charlotte and GP Los Angeles weekend.
China man proxy arrived. Which is the China man Bayou? :o
Take it out the sleeve, user.
They're not in equal lighting. Mebbe the left?
The one at left ?
What on earth is this creature ?
Is it what nerds calls a "cosplay" or somethin' like it ?
That's your average GP top 8er in the flesh
bottom middle is my guess.
first for fuck karn
Ahh, I see then
Its the one that Do your fucking homework user
Yeah it is. The China man fucked up on the text. It's too dark ;-;
I didn't pay attention to the texts.
The frame for the fake bayou is centered while frame for the real bayous are slightly to the left.
I might be seeing things that aren't there, however.
can you faggots just make your own thread dedicated to fakes/proxies/counterfeits?
This where chibamn fucked up. The bottom card is the fake Bayou. Ignore the difference in lighting. The text difference is that drastic.
I'm an extremely new MTG player and I made a white and black deck.
>3 Cleric of the Forward Order
>2 Devilthorn Fox
>2 Pale Rider of Trostad
>2 Thornbow Archer
>2 Sentinel of the Eternal Watch
>2 Stallion of Ashmouth
>1 Ghoulsteed
>1 Inspiring Captain
>1 Patron of the Valiant
>1 Nixus, Prison Warden
>1 Blood-cursed knight
>1 Heavy Infantry
>1 Crow of Dark Tidings
>1 Knight of the Pilgrims Road
>2 Dead Weight
>2 Knightly Valor
>1 Infernal scarring
>1 Gryffs Boon
>1 Valor in Akros
>1 Grasp of the Hieromancer
>2 Enshrouding Mist
>2 Mighty Leap
>1 Throttle
>1 Unholy Hunger
>1 Strength of Arms
>1 Liliana's Indignation
>12 Plains
>11 Swamps
How to improve? What am I doing right and doing wrong?
>2 and 3 of everything
>all those 1-of's
>standard draft fodder in modern
You are going to get your ASS kicked. First of all, you want 4x of your best cards, you only use 1-of's and 2-of's when you need to fill out the last couple deck spots.
Secondly, if you are brand new to MTG, stick to standard and Limited for a while. Learn how the game works before jumping into expensive, competitive formats. Build a Modern deck when you can confidently put together a standard deck first.
Leave that shit in the light until it fades, then overhand shuffle it with a bunch of trash cards (without sleeves). Put it through a decade of abuse and nobody will bat an eye.
This also provides an alibi as to how you finished your set on the cheap.
The bad lands and Scrub land are also fakes. Honestly. They look perfect. I think the China man gave me a mix batch. The Bayou older batch and the scrub land and Badlands newer batch.
>Affinity vs GR Tron
>So much skill in 1 match
>Affinity player is 13
>"Format shaping" meme deck of the month doesn't even make the Top 8
/legacy/ please
How many copies of Nahiri in the top 8?
I dont' know a non-snooty way to say this but this is a thread for modern, a format that uses cards going back to 7th and 8th edition so it might not be the best place to ask that question.
Still looking over the deck you could include 4 of the white and black taplands from Shadows over Innistrad to help your mana. Forsaken Sanctuary.
I don't know if you have enough +1/+1 counter generating things to run Patron of the Valiant.
One of the first things you need to think of when you run a deck is you can have at most 4 of a card. For the most part you want to run 4 of a card, not a bunch of single copies. This will make your deck play more consistently. Try to go through the deck and decide which cards you want to see all the time and bump the number of copies up to 4, dropping some others that you don't like as much. Right now you've got kind of a mess to be perfectly honest, it's alright I've got the very first magic deck (a red/white one from M15 and KTK cards) still on my desk and it's a random pile too. Try to narrow down a focus for it and make it more consistent.
This is a thread full of very competitive and more experienced players. Your deck is new and good against probably other new players but don't expect it to be competitive at your local FNM. That's ok, we all start from the bottom.
Welcome to Magic. Be prepared to hate yourself for how much money you spend on cardboard.
At LA, 0
Looks like Fish, Abzan Company, Jund, Affinity, Tron, Affinity, Grixis, and Eldrazi
There was a fuckton of Nahiri when I was at GP Charlotte yesterday, no idea how they did day 2 though.
Has Jeskai been eliminated completely?
>13 year old made to top 4 in a GP
>Best I've done is 2nd place Game Day
Fuck I feel like such a failure.
I don't know why these threads grind on about chinamen duals. Yes, China is really good at printing reserve list stuff from 1995, yes most duals are fake, and you'd have to be a retard to buy one from a small dealer.
They're perfect, they all are, they always are, we get it. Nobody buys authentic duals.
If you were also playing Affinity, you should.
> 7th edition
> Modern
Flipjace price dropping fast as a result of the GP
Hyped as all fuck to play Dimir Mill. Still have my playset of Glimpses from playing Kamigawa-Ravnica Standard in middle school.
>Blinking the Ravager
Pascal Maynard, everyone.
8th then. I forget sometimes.
link to GP stream?
Jesus Christ, I sold mine for $10 thinking they were never going to go higher. $30 for a mill card is crazy.
I can't wait for the damage control from all the people that bought Nahiri on hype
>Had a chance to pick up Glimpses when they were at $10
>They're at $30 now
Thats $30 before any spikes
what would you guys say is the most played token in magic?
I'm looking to make some tokens to sell.
Easily Spirit Tokens
Lol yea
Dumb fuck retards speccing on Nahiri. A BARLY playable Walker with standard hype. Sure buy them at $50...
There's no infect or burn in either top 8, clearly they're bad cards and strategies.
And now you accuse me of "H-ha, d-damage control!"
Do you think Thing in the Ice could fit into a U/B Mill? Maybe in place of one or two Jace's Phantasms?
Do you plan to use your own art or try to sell someone else's?
More than Goblins?
Soldiers, Spirits, Goblins, and Angels are all probably money makers. A good Angel token I bet would sell well.
A creative Storm counter token or Poison counter token would also be good.
>That blind Thoughtseize
Pure fucking skill.
They are bad. Thats the point. They're bad decks that are popular because idiots like to play them, and the format is warped to facilitate them.
Literally this is the point people have been making for all of 2016. Its like banning Lightning Bolt and saying that Zoo is suddenly GOAT.
Aren't most thoughtseizes blind?
Also, the way this kid plays like every twitchy asshole who never wants to give you a chance to respond at my store.
Fuck this kid.
I'm rooting for the kid too, but Thoughtseize is just a sensible sideboard card for the matchup rather than any amazing skill play.
>fish vs robots final
Affinity isn't exactly a deck that wants to get 1-for1s from hand. If that Stony Silence hadn't been in Pascals hand the kid would have been fucked.
>Sensible for an aggro vs aggro matchup
/standard/ pls.
>if these things didn't happen then other player would have won
WOW nice insight bruh
>affinity isn't a deck that wants to strip the one hate card the other player mulliganed for out of their hand
ur dum lol
>sideboarding is all about shooting your silver fucking bullet at whatever strategy opponent is doing
>you literally know the other player has stony silence
>thoughtseize is bad against this somehow
Maybe this is why you aren't in the top 8 you cuckster
my own, this is a goblin token i was working on but i don't like it that much.
>affinity; so easy a child can do it
game 1 goes to the kid
where are you guys watching the matches.
Kid looks like a faggot
>from Portland Oregon
He's probably a much better player than you are, regardless of the deck.
twitch, channel fireball's channel
It's like poetry
Completely true though. Fuck Portland
Deck literally plays itself.
At least you have to tap lands with Burn.
Affinity is pretty linear, sure, but there's some decisions to be made. When to go for poison damage or not is not a simple choice, and can fuck you over. How to sac to ravager can have many different lines of play depending on board state. When to go all in or hold back a bit is also important. There also can be a shitload of math at times.
>Fire off Thoughtsieze blind
>Doesnt have the hate in his opening hand
Whoops looks like I lose.
>opponent doesn't have hate in the opening hand
whoops I win
When the fuck would you cast it then? Gonna wait for that late game you are trying to get to as fucking Affinity? If you fire it and don't see Stony Silence and then the guy doesn't draw it in the next few turns since he mulliganed so much you probably win
Kill yourself please
What do you think she's doing?
Playing some Jeskai Bird Brain. Working out pretty well but my meta is pretty aggro heavy so I doubt I will be playing it anytime soon.
reading gay men erotic novels
shitposting in twitch chat
>that shield poke low to the ground up air
That kinda makes me sad now, I wanted the kid to win.
>Wanting a little faggot shit to win
this desu senpai baka desu
This is so cute user. It makes me remember my first deck, a butchered attempt at U/R Prowess/Ninjutsu.
Anyways, listen to and , they give good advice. Repost your deck in the Standard general here
And i will give you all the advice you could possibly need step by step tomorrow when I'm not fucking drunk, alright?
>Nahiri didn't top8
Nahiri fags BTFO
This was a great GP, all things considering.
Hey, I've been out of magic for probably six months now and my friends keep begging for me to come back.
We used to play a lot of free-for-all matches and I've been thinking about finding a really fun deck to rock out with them.
What decks have you guys had the most fun running?
Charlotte was great too!
>>>/edh general/
And this isn't trying to be like filthy casuals get out of my thread, EDH is way more fun to play with friends in a multiplayer setting
If you get all of them into it and they build their own decks, it's fun every time
gg slutsky
Yeah, we picked that up before I quit and I even built an edh deck that never saw any play. So I'm ready for edh with them, I just wanted a cool modern deck for when we play that format.
I've been considering something like a pure wall deck. Or treefolks.
well I don't know about that one...
Don't be gay. Nahiri is the real thing, it was hated out in this GP, but the clock it provides is ridiculous.
But what do you know? This is Veeky Forums, if I said that would be bringing a UB Mill deck in a GP, you guys would shit on my head and call me retarded, just like you did with that making guy building Jeskai Control before SCG.
Veeky Forums is bad at magic
Eternal formats can always use Poison, PW Emblems, Spirit, Angel, Soldier, Beast, Wolf, Plant, Goblin and Zombie tokens. Also worth asking the clientele if they want to commission specific tokens.
Standard wants some of the above as well as Clues.
well you say that, but even low tier modern decks are hundreds of dollars, and many are not very fun uninteractive linear strategies that will get boring if you are playing for fun and are not at all suited for more than 2 players at a time
The problem with casual 60 card is that there's no way to keep it fun without weird banlists or someone builds a deck too good and the arms race starts and half the group can't win anymore and they just give up I would know this happened to me
Just keep building edh decks, and don't play to have the best deck, play to have a fun game
the actual children at my lgs play affinity
Make Modern Great Again
I'm amazed with the misplays and stuff I see him make on stream, and how he ends up placing. Maybe other people are even worse.