By and large what color has the best _boys_?

By and large what color has the best _boys_?


Just look at the size of it!

Blue a best, teferi jace and bolas all under the same room. You get your bbc, cuck, and dragon dick fetishes all in one color.

Niggah wut?

Blue boys (and grills) are all hot manipulative preppies who take control of your life

Black are all punk rock goth bad boys and emo poets

Red are hotblooded jocks

Green are hippies, outdoorsmen, and nature lovers

Yellow is uh...


I got.nothing

Please be trolling.

White is basic bitches and generic douchebag rich boys

You don't actually play Magic, do you?


He WAS a hippie, then he got veil'd

Red of course.

Red, nigguh.

Blue is literal faggot tier, green and black are okay, white needs to calm the fuck down.

It looks like someone just dropped a sick burn on him and his homeboys are getting pissed while his hype-man is on the side "oohhhh"ing and shit but he's just smilin' cause he knows he's about to drop some shit hotter than Hiroshima.

>white needs to calm the fuck down.

White has upstanding black men and cat husbandos.

I aren't even joking.

The most overrated husbando of all time

He was a savage hunter before he was a psychotic planeswalker murderer. He would kill creatures and absorb their essence.

Jace is obviously the sexiest and most conventionally attractive Planeswalker. Unless you have some weird fetish, most people will pick Jace.

I'm pretty sure he was put into the game to appeal to female players.

Veeky Forums hates him of course because they're jealous.

white is filled with pedophiles, rapist soldiers and abstinent angels and clerics.

>what has the largest X

Answer is always green. Always.


Just look at this...

how can white decks even compete?

W has toned love
U is bishie town
B has sneaky slicks
R has a bit of everything
G is bara heaven

So G>W>R>B>U

And when it comes to non-humans
White's cats > Green's centaurs > Black's demons > Blue's merfolk > Red's Goblin's

Is that why Liliana bullies and pegs him?

>wanting a manly man
>some weird fetish

Oh wow.

You probably think that girls find Gregor clegane attractive don't you.

Pretty boys get the girls m80.

How is Jace not manly?

Not him, but they get about half of them, in my experience.

Only teenage girls

Maybe you should ask Liliana.

Sure kiddo.

You really think that girls are attracted to fat fedora tipping neckbeards?

They like tall skinny guys with pretty faces and nice hair. That's it.

You're just jelly.

>You will never be Silumgar
>You will never keep Tasigur as your sex pet and jewelry
>He will never beg for your forgiveness while he tries to cuddle you

He's boyish

>get the girls
When do women's opinions ever matter?