They just seem off to me... a little too hunched over. I think they have potential to be some of the cooler 40k models, but they're in dire need of a remodel.
I guess post other outdated as fuck minis.
They just seem off to me... a little too hunched over. I think they have potential to be some of the cooler 40k models, but they're in dire need of a remodel.
I guess post other outdated as fuck minis.
Nearly every character model from 3rd edition could use a retooling to fit in with the 5th edition aesthetic.
IMO the Chaos Space Marines are OK, just that their legs are pretty shitty. The torsos and helmets are great though.
They do the job. Tbh Sisters need the rework a lot more.
Swap arms + heads for scions or Skits and they look nice
Chaos is in a strange place when it comes to model age.
You have models that are still metal and full of 80's cheese, models that came out this year full of new-age grim derp and realism, and everything in between.
It's pretty chaotic.
The entire sister line is outdated as fuck with the exception of some of vehicles still looking nice. I've heard time and time again they're working on it, but Chaos is probably going to get a rework long before that comes out.
We all feel your pain sister...
I've just finished building a 1K marine army for zone mortalis. Scouts and Terminators are badly dated compared to the newer kits (tactical squad, sternguard, etc.)
Just... Give them a box with all their fucking options already.
But how would they sell you multiple kits for "conversions" then?
>euros and dollars
And Plague Marines are tiny.
But there's no Dread-scale Autocannon except FW.
Marine size is too small, tanks size is WAY too large, nothing else kitbashed looks quite right, and my FLGS has a ban on using FW model parts because it's not buyable from their shelves.
A bunch of the older Guard models are pretty crap.
Catachan infantry is so many miles worse than their command squad, both in modelling and molding quality.
>my FLGS has a ban on using FW model parts because it's not buyable from their shelves.
What a fucking shit hole.
That's fucking gay shit.
FW is love, FW is life.
>and my FLGS has a ban on using FW model parts because it's not buyable from their shelves.
I think you need to remove the "F" from that acronym, user.
Even the vehicles need replacing.
The immolator kit isn't awful, but the mould is worn out as fuck. Huge flash/mould lines on it and pieces that don't fit together very well (namely the bits that make up the gunner seat).
And if you've ever built an exorcist you know full well that that kit should be condemned to the fires of hell.
I use the F to stand for 'faggoty' in this case
It's because their heads are fucking gigantic compared to the rest of their bodies and it is even more apparent whenever you put them next to a guardsman model
Oh definitely, just not as much as infantry.
Sisters should just be squatted since even if they do update the line the extremely vocal minority that has requested it isn't gonna be enough sales
nice meme
it really is a shitty cycle of no one wanting to play Sisters of Battle because the models are old and expensive and Games Workshop not updating because no one is buying the models
You mean a remodel like the SM remodel wich only changed base size and a few extra bobs & bitz in the box at the cost of a much HIGHER PRICE?
Retard much! Someone close this GW shill tread
They've been 'working' on sisters for ages now, same issue with Dark Eldar for 11 years. If Harlequins, Necrons and many SM chapters can be supported, Sisters can be too.
I'd need some hard stats on people not wanting sisters besides a very small minority, I know at least 3 Sister players in my FLGS, I'd like to see the popularity beyond anecdotal.
>wich only changed base size and a few extra bobs & bitz
the tac quad update was a pretty significant upgrade in detail
I mean if you can't tell the difference between the '98 kit and the new one more power to you, but...
Ork buggy and trakk would like a word with you.
To be fair Ork vehicles can be done easily, go to a toy store, get a truck, break it a little, add bitz, plasticard and some orks. Bam! Ork trakk
I want to go back to 3rd or 4th edition
>I guess post other outdated as fuck minis.
Rest well, you glorious motherfuckers.
This. The new SM kit has an astonishing amount of detail honestly
Also adjusted for inflation space marines have been the same price for over ten years, so of all the GW line to complain about, you cherry picked the worst possible model to do so with
Hopefully, some of the more problematic ranges will get some love in the form of board games. The genestealer cult one was fantastic.
Having actually played some of the games which my group bought for the models recently, I was pretty impressed with the rules too. Betrayal at Calth is probably the best wargame I've played.
I was actually sad when they last chanced that kit, though the amount of mold lines and flash on it were unbearable
Argh, those motherfuckers. Goddamn Free Company flankers fucked me up more times than I remember.
Me too! Better rules, better codex's, better everything.
Are scouts useful for anything these days? Haven't been keeping up with the meta for a couple editions now but they were always cool to me.
When I get my next paycheck, I gotta check out local game stores for one of those kits for Mordheim. I only got orcs and witch hunters myself, a merc warband would help playing the game, especially if the other player doesn't have any models.
Just get Aegis line quad autocannon and mount them on a dread. Bam. Looks a bit off, but it's a GW kit and they can go fuck themselves.
>I gotta check out local game stores for one of those kits for Mordheim.
Um... how do i put it. I'm not sure when your paycheck comes, but chances are it's gonna be too late. The set got officially axed couple weeks ago.
What the fuck, talk about having one hundred sticks up ones butthole.
They are top notch for Mordheim.
Too bad they got axed.
What immolation kit they discontinued that 1
I'd say "fucking" is appropriate
>Are scouts useful for anything these days?
They're basically better marines now
WS/BS4 and loads cheaper means many SM lists take scouts over actual Marines.
Greatest plastic kit of all time?
Love it. I got 3 boxes during the last chance sale.
I blame the tactical marine concept for this. It's basically impossible to balance tacs as matters stand, as they have no clear role in the game compared to other army's core Troops options. Cousin choices like Grey Hunters, Chaos Marine squads, Legion Tac Squads, BA Assault squads and now vanilla Scous all work fine, because the units all do something significant for a fair cost.
The side question is whether Scouts should fulfill their current role in the game. Scouts have been poor to crap for ages, so it's good that they're getting use - however Tacs should be at least viable in some of these roles.
The important factor is that meta leans towards no functional difference between 3+ and 4+ save.
The plastic scouts have always been ugly. They were a step back from the metal ones. More potential for customization, but uglier sculpts in general. Just like Cadians/Catachans plastics too.
Cadians could do with being improved and upgraded. Female bodies and heads, better weapons, etc.
Probably due to the weird costing of AP3 and 4 for years now.
I swear I once saw an example (cross-faction) of the same weapon with an AP of 3 and 2, and the AP3 version was more expensive.
Maybe this is how we might get some plastic sisters.
Um... how do I put it. Retailers don't just throw away their inventory just because the manufacturer stops making the product. There were still a few kits in two stores last I checked.
They're top notch for Mordheim because they WERE from Mordheim. They were the packed in Human Mercenaries with the box set.
The exorcist has the Immolator kit just without the clear plastic barrier thing
This. Back in the day, GW would release miniatures for their side games that they could use in other games.
Is the joke that they do it now as well?
Deathwatch Killteam has 40k formation rules.
The stuff from Silver Tower has Age of Sigmar rules.
Special units with special rules, not like, say, the Gorkamorka plastics.
I'd love Scouts if only they had helmets
>better codex
I dug out my Dark Angels codex (3e) to check paint schemes on some epics I was painting the other week. Its a 15 page pamphlet with hardly any content at all.
Damn I almost wanna start fantasy just to try these guys out on the table
The Chapter codexes were less full on codexes but rather add ons for Codex Space Marines.
so your lgs is going to toss all the boxes of dudes in the garbage? mine still has loads of warhammer fantasy for sale.
DEldar's 12-year-old Codex was also pretty gick
I like that the pic contains bits that don't even come with the free company kit.
>basic dread loadout has a multi-melta
>only multi-melta dread short of FW was the black reach version
Space Wolf dread comes with a multi-melta.
So you'll buy more kits, like blackreach or FW, of course.
Let's see
>head/helmet on left-most guy in back row
>hammer on second guy from the left in front row
anything else?
sword arm (his left) of the 4th guy in the front rank
Ah I think I see what they've done, they did what I did back in the day and mixed in some bits of the state soldiers box/starter set guys to the set.
Dunno if that's in the box itself or just the unit they had done up by the 'eavy metal team for battle reports and stuff. I suspect the latter.
Which is kind of a bitch for people who just aren't good at converting stuff at all and would like something that looks pretty good just by buying it and assembling it.
But then, what's new. GW Luerv SM. GW Haet Ork.
Let's make another fucking model no one even necessarily likes and which serves no real purpose for the Marines, and let the Ork stuff languish.
(I'm looking at you Baby Carrier.)
It's not rocket science. They could just expand off the stuff for War Trukks and not even really have to be that creative to do it.
>show their age
Not really. They just looked bad when they were released. The old metals by Jes himself look 10 times better.
Unlike other SM models they also have the Guard neckjoint, i.e. no neck at all.
They look much better with a headswap.
This mini on the other hand is 20 years old by now and didn't even conform to the design of ork anatomy since 3rd edition.
The Frostgrave soldiers and cultists are worthy spiritual successors though.
Don't forget Eldar Aspect Warriors
They MUST be due to get paired off into multi-unit sprue kits before next edition
I definitely wouldn't mind seeing the Scouts remodeled.
A lot of the old CSM are kind of boring in my opinion because they suffer from the syndrome of just being Space Marines, but with Chaos iconography and scary faces on their armor. That may work for recently turned Renegades, but for any who have spent a decent amount of time in the Eye of Terror or Maelstrom I feel like the look from Dark Vengeance is much better.
GW doesn't even sell Black Reach anymore.
The land raider kit is old as fuck
Some of the parts look like theyre carved out of fucking soap. It wouldn't be so bad if it didn't cost 80 fucking dollars
An updated (read: smaller hands) version of that kit would have been the best seller for generations.
40k in general is showing its age.
-Horrible consistency in stories. So bad at times
characters don't even know each other after they're the best of friends in the previous book.
-Nightmare rule books, thick and subject to
mass change. If you get one at all. And over
-Still haven't balanced tabletop. "We focus on
gaming and models" to "we focus on models."
What was used yesterday may never be used
-How about the new satanic theme's cropping
up more and more. "On the planet of Molech"
where Horus gets his power. (Molech Bible
Demon where children were scarified in fire)
"dark angels nephilim fighter" that's a good one.
or the HH collected arts book showing Erebus
(representing the personification of darkness)
with the numbers in blood 666 on his shoulder
Why do you battered wives keep spending the
big bucks on this shit? One of you needs to
develop a new game were good kicks the shit
out of evil instead of evils and lesser evils.
I don't play Sisters, but I have a good few metal models already - just not enough for an army. If I could complete it, it'd be fun to run as a second army, or just as an allied force to my Dark Angels.
>GW doesn't even sell Black Reach anymore.
No, but they're coming out with Battle of Vedros, which contains some of the Black Reach sprues, including the one with the dread. And there's the upcoming model and paint set, one of which includes the Black Reach dread.
The mouthbreather who cried "shill".
Some pig iron head swaps will sort them right out.
The only sculpts I'd keep are the Canoness and the Penitent Engine. The rest desperately needs redoing.
The whole premise of 40k used to be satire.
These days it is often taken at face value. Even so, consider the following: There is only war. 40k is a setting in which humanity is dying. As are all the others, ultimately one faction is gonna be killed off by the other. The only ones who could conceivably keep fighting indefinitely are Tyranids and Orks. 40k explicitly makes mention of morals being a luxury humanity can't afford and other such statements.
In the HH it is established that the civil war was basically the best bet to prolonge humanity's life span, which is the reason Alpha Legion may or may not be loyalist/traitor after all.
In summary, it's all over basically, it's just about where you make your last stand these days.
The whole idea is that who is good and evil is not relevant in a battle for basic survival, nor is it distinguishable anymore.
Now, the average brooding teenager is gonna take that at face value and is gonna recite the catechisms of hate when they thing of their worst enemies in math class.
Most other people are gonna find the humor in the absurdity of the setting, even though in recent years a lot of the writing has become a lot less subtle in nature.
It's not that 40k is showing it's age, it's just that people don't approach stuff like this like they did in the 80s.
I mean you can watch a superhero movie these days in the cinema, but it's all dark, brutal and nihilistic. Doesn't mean the humor isn't there anymore, people just don't see it anymore.
>The entire sister line
was a mistake
>my FLGS has a ban on using World model parts
Working as intended.
To be fair, the Dark Angels have had a biblical theme for a long while now. Half of their names are of characters from the bible.
But yeah, overall GW isn't working to balance anything, everything is overpriced, and they aren't trying to be original with their daemons in any way, which speaks of hackjob writing by someone who did some google searching for evil sounding names.
I honestly think the big problem is that most wargames don't really set up an obvious evil and an obvious good, mostly because they want to leave room for factions to fight each other and team up against each other.