pretty obvious one i guess
That's a good reprint. Are they doing really shitty art on purpose?
Don't mean to be a dick here, but exactly what the fuck is there to be excited about when it's all reprints and we're not going to get the reprints necessary to play Constructed with the cards we open.
Like, Modern Masters is Modern Masters; I could see all the (bad) reasons why they limited the print run and jacked up the prices and dropped the booster count per box. But this is Eternal Masters, the formats are fucking barren of players; just completely fucking dead due to the Reserve List - so what is the reason why you would limit the printing of this product when the cards are going to see nearly zero constructed play. People aren't going to START playing Legacy/Vintage because they got these cards.
I can't believe these boxes aren't going to rot on shelves. I can't believe that with even less usefulness than Modern Masters product people still want it at these inflated prices.
>People aren't going to START playing Legacy/Vintage because they got these cards
Oh but they will, don't underestimate human stupidity. In fact I am very certain that every single card printed in EMA will go up in price even though new ones get added to the pool
I'm mostly excited for it because it'll have cool strong cards and I want to draft it with friends
Let's face it, most of us any bit interested in Eternal Masters at this point are Pauper players hoping for Daze, Oubliette abd Chain Lightning to be reprinted.
We're one step closer to that happening.
Woah, what happened? When I got Oubliette it wasn't much
Is 17 dollars "not that much"? Because it should be, by Pauper standards circa 2015-16.
I got mine a bunch of years back, looks like it spiked pretty decently
If FoW goes down I will start playing Legacy
So you think someone's going to say "cool, I opened a Force of Will? Better go spend $1000 on duals to use it!
I see this more as a product for people who already play eternal formats. I'm excited to buy new cards so that I can throw together more decks. The way its looking, the only good cards in the set are going to be mythic, but a potential Recruiter reprint is pretty clutch.
See, I don't understand why you would draft this. Prices being what they are it's going to cost you $45 for each of you to draft. It's not a matter of money, it's principle; Wizards should be allowed to profit from this. I acknowledge that you acknowledge you're making a stupid decision to pay to draft this thing.
It's not that I can't afford it, it's just all fucked up. I mean I can't believe Magic players are THIS fucking stupid. Scratch that, I do believe it but I just can't believe that year after year they reveal themselves to new lows of retardation I could not imagine.
I remember one night after FNM I wanted to go for a sandwich and asked if anybody wanted to go and some people said no because they couldn't afford it. And it just baffles me because while some of them are legit poor, some of them drop $800 on a playset of original duals and they can't afford a fucking $8 sandwich.
I'm actually glad they wasted a Mythic slot on this, more chance for money cards in the rare slot.
Oh hey that's some quality art. Still I don't think it should be Mythic, Mythics should be cards that see a lot of play, cards that people will jump up and down if they pull them.
This is a "Oh hey that's nice" at best.
I know it's off topic but
>8$ sandwich
>So you think someone's going to say "cool, I opened a Force of Will? Better go spend $1000 on duals to use it!
They did with modern and they will with legacy. Maybe even if there is no legacy scene at their LGS. People do stupid shit all the time.
>Mythics should be cards that see a lot of play
Hello and fucking kill yourself, MaRo.
I just don't understand how people can justify spending $800 on cardboard and prioritize that over socializing over a meal.
I like the art though.
>Mythics should be cards that see a lot of play
No. It's bad enough that the lands necessary to play every deck are Rares. God, even staple effects like removal are being printed at Rare now too.
You open a goyf, you're 15% of your way to a modern deck.
You open a force, you're maybe 3%.
Hate to burst your bubble, but "everyone's dumb but me" is a pretty stupid thing to believe.
Good so far, 4/4 on no modern legal cards. Let's see if we can keep it that way.
Its more like someone opens a FoW and realizes that combining it with one ofs of all duals in their Commander decks, they are just about done building a legacy deck.
I opened one from the first pack I ever bought, then one more from my first ever prerelease, and one more from yet another pack. Prices have at least halved since. This is clearly draft chaff. As I expected, Eternal Masters is gonna be 90% draft chaff, since one of the Mythics is this piece of shit.
When will you all learn "Limited designed, limited print run sets" are just there to leech off idiots that get swayed by hype?
Chrome Mox
That's fine, but can you acknowledge that its extremely digital?
My point was that a sandwich apparantly is 8 bucks over where you live, which seems absurd.
>Chrome Mox
>modern legal
Banned in modern, don't want to be hurting anyones feelings with fast mana.
Oh duh, my bad
Not trying to a Shecklegrubber McIsrael here but how would you define a Mythic then?, I think its pretty obvious that they are supposed to be overall stronger and better than rares, don't they?, otherwise it'd be pretty counterintuitive, a higher rarity for a lower power.
So, what you're saying is that if someone already owns most of a deck then opens a $50 card and decides to finish it, they're somehow making a mistake?
The worst is that they aren't even good for draft. Tarmogoyf is bad in draft, yet it had to be a fucking mythic. Daybreak Coronet reprinted when there are barely any other auras. So if MM wasn't to reduce prices and wasn't a good limited experience, what the fuck was it for?
>not selling it for $50 and joining me to socialize over $8 sandwiches on six future occasions
Saying otherwise would be like refusing to acknowledge birds can fly.
To be fair, the modern ban list is gigantic and completely retarded.
>We want the flavor of Mythic Rare to be something that feels very special and unique. Generally speaking we expect that to mean cards like Planeswalkers, most legends, and epic-feeling creatures and spells. They will not just be a list of each set's most powerful tournament-level cards. — Mark Rosewater
Mythic is for cards that either:
1) Would completely fuck up Limited if they appeared even as often as a Rare. This is only loosely correlated to the card's overall power level, because Limited has some very strange evolutionary pressures determining what is/isn't good, or
2) Are so complicated that judges would kill themselves explaining it to every Tom Dick and Jerry that pulled it from a pack.
Just saying, maybe your personality is the reason no one wants to get an $80 sandwich with you. The money's just a good excuse.
For the secondary market to profit, since by MaRo's garbage analysis, "Secondary Market" are the same as "Collectors", who are the same as "Players" anyway.
... If Tarmogoyf isn't bad in draft doesn't that mean you'd want to make it high rarity not to see it in draft too often?
Are mythics even THAT rare?, I always pull quite a few each set, some foils even. It seems to me like Mythics are yet another rare with a fancy expansion symbol.
If that's what MaRo said, why are you calling me MaRo when I said the exact opposite - that Mythics should be first and foremost powerful cards?
Because he's a piece of shit that later straight up said Tarmogoyf was reprinted as a mythic rare to protect """""collectors""""". And because too many mythics printed right after he said that aren't "epic-feeling creatures and spells".
>a fucking mana rock that doesn't even fix mana that only goes in Belcher and janky stompy lists
>very special and unique
Wew lad, I hope Maro dies of cancer.
Mythics are a few times more rare than rares, although sometimes you just draft Avacyn and Arlinn Kord on the same day.
Again, are mythics that much rarer than rares?
I won't argue that's an incredibly shitty thing to say from a shitty person to a continuously shat on audience.
Goes in stompy and other storm variants. Its really not a bad card, it's just not that exciting. Did you expect 249 exciting cards?
Seeing as they show up about once every 8 packs, they are. Then each mythic slot has a chance of being something like a Comet Storm, further increasing the price of the mythics people do want.
No, but I didn't expect 5 dollar mana 2-for-1 mana rocks taking mythic slots when there are actually expensive non-reserved cards that need reprints hard but can't be rares either because Maro's nose is that sharp. The draft design argument is bullshit, already proven by the previous MM sets.
>They will not JUST be a list of each set's most powerful tournament-level cards.
He later clarified / backpeddled on his blag that with that statement he meant that some of them will be.
I'm fine with chrome mox being mythic, because it does nothing in limited.
Reminder that this card was in MM2015 which was a draft focused set
That does nothing for the fact that shit like this is not a Planeswalker, legendary, or epic-feeling. It's straight up VALUE made mythic because fuck you.
Reminder that this card was in Future Sight which was a set designed to draft.
>Did you expect 249 exciting cards?
It would have been nice. It seems like they tried with the first Modern Masters.
Did anyone ever play a draft with Daze at common? Does it warp drafts?
And unlike MM, that actually had auras.
daze isn't that great in drafts
16 in future sight, 7 of which go on opponent's creatures.
The other 9 are all not white when this card is WW and majority are straight unplayable.
Don't try and make bullshit up about bad design choices, there are plenty of valid arguments you can make, don't make stupid ones.
Sorry, missed gift of granite, the power house limited allstar, my mistake.
Why? Are you actually going to buy a box or paying for a shit draft? Don't forget that Commander is also an eternal format so don't be surprised when you pull a Kami of the Crescent Moon.
I wish they printed sprout swarm at common in mm2
I'm only interested in one thing: the commons and uncommons. Because let's face it, those are the only cards who will have some impact on prices. So all I'm hoping for is some juicy stuff at lower rarity levels. I could care less about the Force and Mox reprints in the world.
Nice trips.
I'm just buying singles, hopefully the foiling process isn't shit like mm2. I'm really only in this for my edh decks to get some pimp. Hoping a foil FoW takes a price dive.
The Judge foil has already taken a massive dive post-EMA announcement.
But I do play Commander.
Honestly, would it be so bad if we did actually get Kami of the Crescent Moon at rare?, As lon as we don't get the fucking Kamigawa dragons at Mythic rare everything should be fine.
I'm glad this exists because I hate old cumface.
I am a huge fan of the new art work.
>It just feels right.
>not liking superior bukkake slave
Absolutely barbaric
>digital art is bad mem
I don't understand this meme at all.
Calling it shitty because of the medium it was made in is like saying "this game is shit because it was made in Unity" or "this song is shit because it was made in FL Studio"
Like how much of a cynical shitter do you have to be over such minor bullshit that you have to call an entire thing shit because of one rather minute detail.
Hopefully mana crypt can still be in it. I need one for EDH
Seeing as basically the only use any of these cards are going to get is in EDH, I don't see why not.
That gives me an idea: EDH-masters when?
There's not enough small support to make that draft viable. Sol rings and sakura tribe elders arent enough.
I really hope so. If not here, then where?
It's pretty warping in limited though (although the life loss is pretty significant), which makes me think it won't get a reprint, which leaves only FtV product as a potential candidate for a new Mana Crypt printing. Shit sucks.
What would you think of a format where it's Legacy expect you can't play any cards on the reserved list?
Obvious bans included.
Optionally, if it used a restricted style banlist?
>not the jace vs chandra anthology version
>not wanting new cards that make cards like sakura tribe elder better
An edh set is conspiracy, new nonstandard cards.
Kill the fucking meme pls
Can't wait to see what the draft archetypes will be. Hopefully they don't sacrifice draft by valuing quality reprints instead of reprinting draft all stars
Elves are likely
How would EDH change if you were allowed to include Conspracies in your 100?
They wouldn't be part of the hundred, they'd just be in the command zone.
Worldknit would shoot up in price for lazy 5 color decks.
Faggots like you are why we get draft chaffe
I thought he was joking
Draft is the best and most important MTG format. It's not my fault you waste your time with constructed formats
>draft is the best and most important MTG format
Oh boi I'm laffin
Edh with conspiracy is doable, just like planechase is.
Draft is fun with strong cards as . We don't need crappy cards
Because some of us aren't braindead idiots and got our duals before they spiked but need more stuff to build new decks with them.
>This is what children actually believe
To be fair, Chrome Mox is a 4 of in one of the most played decks in the format, you stupid fuck.
Sick brag
Just got into Magic, thinking about what im gonna do when EM comes round. Whats the best way of buying into a new expansion?
How is even a brag? I use perfect fakes and get the same effect. And when it comes time to sell, it's easy becuase they look so good.
>Just got into Magic
Don't bother with Eternal Masters
Wait for stores and retards to open all the overcosted product and buy singles.
Don't bother getting into an eternal format right away. Look at Modern or just draft some Standard and have actual fun.
Not buying into one of these shitty "masters" sets. Drafting normal, non-""""premium"""" sets is a better way to get into an expansion. Outside of drafts though, you should NEVER buy sealed product. Only buy singles that you actually need for decks you want to build.
Problem is that guy doesn't seem to be dazed, more like screaming for his life.
Planechase edh is fucking cancer.
What non edh players think about edh is what I think about edh planechase.
10 hour games and wins from a single top deck. Get that trash out of here.
Spoken like a true WotC shill
Spoken like a true WotC shill