Ok biz, give me a quick rundown on crypto. Where do I start, I just inherited 10K and want to blow it on these coins

Ok biz, give me a quick rundown on crypto. Where do I start, I just inherited 10K and want to blow it on these coins

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Go get your free knowledge somewhere else you retard



Understand how smartcontracts can transform fintech, supply chain management and many other industries.
Then understand that you need middleware to feed trustless data from the real world into smartcontracts.
Then realise you need to go all in in chainlink, avoid blockfolio and get decent money in 2018, kinda rich in 2019 and filthy rich in 2020.

Dont listen to the pajeets spreading FUD, Chainlink will become HUGE.

But dont take my work for it, do your own research and remember this post when link moons to $10-40 a piece in 2018/2019

Here is all you need to know: pastebin.com/6xcsc2jR

Invest your 10k into btc, put buy order at 9800 so you have 1 full btc (taking account tx fees and shit). It will crash lower eventually but it doesn't matter, hold until 2030, don't do anything else in crypto. Enjoy your wealthy retirement,

actually do the opposite of what this retard suggests and you should be fine. LINK is the flavor-of-the-month shitcoin for this board and is going to end up being the next DGB which will be hilarious to watch all these poorfags lose even more of their money chasing some overvalued JSON parser

60% BCH

20% LTC

20% ETH

Put on a hardware wallet and check the prices end of 2018. You'll be up thousands of percent.

Veeky Forums rundown

Always listen to Veeky Forums never question anything Veeky Forums says, never read whitepapers, never DYOR, ask to be spoon feed don't invest in any useful technology. Buy the flavor of the month coin. Buy Link and Buy high sell low. Did I miss anything?

I thought of this

Am no coiner atm but I was in the biz some months ago. I made shitload of money from daytrading but that was so super boring and lost the most of it because of a huge ass typo. Daytrade is so awful boring I dont want to do it again.

I thought investing 2k in each btc, eth and ltc and just leave it there for 1-2 years. Hell I dont even mind if I lost my 6k. As long as I forget about them.

>inherit micro fortune
>not even enough for 1btc
Bro why even live

>spent the last 4 months reading whitepapers finally getting my stack up to 15k
>some rich user starts off with 10k misses china fud and all the alt pain these last few months


>few years back people were sending full bitcoins to each other here for shits and giggles

Ww..we have experience user.. rrr-right?

Where do I actually trade coins / get a wallet lol? I trade stocks occasionally but my broker doesn't do crypto

>tfw you sent an user 8 BTC in exchange for a Steam key for Skyrim

I have a little shitfest with myself every time i think of it.

>this guy didnt DYOR and listened to the FUD

This will work, but also Monero, Dash, and Ripple

Buy COSS and live from dividends soon

That's a really good deal. I think I would do that even today. Skyrim sure is worth much more than what they sell it in stores for.

>want to blow it on these coins
I would give you a proper answer, but this attitude is so childish, I think it'd be wasted on you. Learn the value of a dollar, euro or pound. If you'd earned that 10k, you might not be so cavalier about 'blowing' it.

tl;dr go all-in on chainlink MARINES REEEE!!!!



The 10k is really just a windfall, so I'm going to spend it on something, I don't mind losing it