Did acid this weekend and was wondering if anyone had some experience with doing acid while gaming.
Is it fun?
Did acid this weekend and was wondering if anyone had some experience with doing acid while gaming.
Is it fun?
>being a degenerate
lol braaaah i smoked a phat bowl of kush and played the call doots the other day bruh, shit was choice lol
Played magic while tripping once, was pretty dope. Card art almost looked animated.
That'd ruin both the trip and the game.
Depends on who you game with.
If you game with assholes you will get fucked up.
I've seen someone barricading themselves in the corner in mortal terror that the sofa was coming to get them.
I cannot imagine possessing the mental cohesion to handle gaming while on acid, I think I'd get too fucked up.
From my experience it make any Roleplaying game amazingly boring and uninventive.
Drugs are for people who lack the ability to have fun naturally.
I speak from the experience of a player and a GM that has been involved in games where drugs and alcohol are involved before or during the game.
Player perspective, I really think its a case-by-case situation. If you're obnoxious while under the influence, or you're unable to focus on the game in front of you, I would highly advise against it. That said, I've played quite a few Magic games, CAH, WH40K, and D&D-style games can be a wonderfully good time while high or tripping. That said, the phrase; "One bad egg, spoils the bunch" works effectively here.
GM perspective, I genuinely am okay with people drinking, or being under the influence while playing in my games. Obviously, I'm not gonna put up with anyone who's spazzing out while playing, just like I wouldn't deal with anyone sober spazzing out. Also keep in mind that if I'm consciously aware someone's under the influence I tend to fuck with them in and out of game.
I'm going to bite.
Eating is for people who lack the ability to enjoy themselves naturally.
Being with friends is for people who lack the ability to have fun naturally.
Joking is for people who lack the ability to have fun naturally.
If you're really going to discount anything "unnatural" and claim that if you can't have fun "naturally", you're going to have to ditch a lot of things. People were taking drugs before they were making jokes and around the same time as they started making friends. Monkeys will get drunk on fermented fruits, and monkeys are the very definition of the "natural" buzzword.
If you're going to blanket-judge ways of having fun depending on whether or not they're "natural", get off that computer, throw out everything in your fridge, burn down your house and go out in the wilderness among chimpanzees and gorillas to have fun naturally. Drugs are among humanity's oldest ways of having fun, and even animals do them when they can.
In fact, the greatest sign of being unable to have fun naturally is being so uptight that the only way one can have fun is depriving other people of their ways of having fun.
Depends on the setting.
I've played videogames on acid but never Veeky Forums games
It wasn't really immersive, I was pretty aware I was playing a videogame the whole time, even if the music made me feel like my body was underwater as I played
Marijuana is just a plant, user. 100% natural.
Thing is, most of what you said is biological necessities. You NEED to eat to survive. You don't NEED to get high twice a week to survive. Also, I've had lots of fun in life and never had to resort to drug abuse to have fun.
Anthrax is just a mold user, 100% natural.
Nobody's claimed otherwise.
Whatever you say, man. I say I consider drugs and booze a pleb-tier way of having fun.
Gr8 b8 m8, I r8 8/8
See, you're just being silly. Likely because you're not very smart and upset about the idea that you're mentally crippled.
"Naturally" in this context was used in the form of "without assistance". The "monkeys do it" fallacy hardly changes the fact that people can have fun without drugs, and yet here you are, lacking that capability and forced to waste good money and good health when just a healthy imagination provides more entertainment and good feelings than all the drugs in the world.
If you're not having enough fun without drugs that you actually need drugs, than you are basically just not that good at figuring out how to have fun.
It's a crutch, and it's sad, and hopefully you're still young enough to grow past this phase before you decide to make it part of your identity.
Fun Fact -
"Acid" or LSD was made in precisely one lab in Switzerland, and Sandoz ceased LSD production in 1965. Whatever you're putting into yourself - even if it was sold as acid - probably isn't acid. Here's how you can tell for sure:
Real acid kicks-in after @1hr after ingestion and has the effect of making people believe that they are unable to rise from their chair. Note that this sensation of pseudo-paralysis is not a "hallucinogenic" response. You literally cannot recall the muscle memory for the task.
THEN the hallucination starts.
> Likely because you're not very smart and upset about the idea that you're mentally crippled.
And then you have the nerve to complain about fallacies.
>"without assistance"
So having fun with someone else is wrong, as you need the assistance of another participant?
>people can have fun without drugs, and yet here you are, lacking that capability
Nobody implied it's impossible to have any fun without the aid of drugs.
>If you're not having enough fun without drugs that you actually need drugs, than you are basically just not that good at figuring out how to have fun.
Ignoring the fact that drugs can make you have more fun when you're already having fun, and that "fun enough" is 100% subjective.
>it's a crutch, and it's sad
Thanks for your groundbreaking opinion on the matter, I'm sure it'll turn someone's life around.
Calling you a mental cripple isn't a fallacy, it's an insult. I'm insulting you, and it's not like you haven't earned it.
>So having fun with someone else is wrong, as you need the assistance of another participant?
Ah! False equivalence! You do actually understand fallacies, at least enough to employ them without reservation.
>Ignoring the fact that drugs can make you have more fun when you're already having fun,
Hard to call that a fact. If anything, it's much easier to call it a subjective hallucination, which is really all you're here to share with other people.
Your love of drugs is nothing more than self-induced delusion, built around self-induced delusions, and your argument depends on hoping that people are willing to indulge you and your self-induced delusions.
Do you understand?
We can't resolve this, because you believe you exist in a world where you take a pill and believe you are happier for it, and that you have more fun because of that. You lack the confidence in your own mental facilities to even attempt to recognize the truth of any situation, and instead devote yourself to fleeing into a chemically induced fantasy that has no ties to any meaning beyond it.
There is meaning beyond entertaining yourself with friends. Meaning beyond appreciating food, meaning beyond enjoying a game, and meaning behind enjoying a good film or even a bad one.
Drugs? The meaning is right there on the label. You took a chemical to feel a certain way. Any meaning you might have obtained otherwise is washed away, blanketed because the only thing you can trust is that the drugs are making you feel a certain way.
There's a reason why drug users wind up making drugs a part of their identity. It's because they're terrified to find out who they really are, and have long ago lost the ability to even attempt to discover who they might have been.
You sound like you're lost, but instead of pity, all I've really got for you is insults, you baby.
Jesus shit.
First off, there comes the ad hominem. I think it says a lot about you that you open up with an unfounded insult towards my intelligence. I'm not insulting yours, because I'm willing to debate like a civilized human being, but you need to insult others and bring them down to your level before you even dare to argue with them.
You're constantly falling into the fallacy of assuming that you can only ever have fun in one way, ever, and that once you have that type of fun, you never need anything else. You're also lumping everything you don't want to relinquish or debate the validity of into the "natural" kind of fun.
First off, several drugs, cannabis included, have been conclusively shown to have positive health effects, and even then, a lot of drugs have gotten a bad rap from the US' War on Drugs, something that started for basically every other reason than health concerns. I don't want to get carried away into that discussion, since it has a lot of emotions involved, but I'll leave it here.
I can have fun without drugs, and I do. I regularly have fun with friends, by myself, on the computer, whatever. When I don't meet people like you, I even have fun on Veeky Forums. Let me put it this way - you can keep alive by eating Brussels sprouts and vitamin pills with a glass of tap water for every meal during your whole life, but would you want to? Each kind of food is enjoyable in its own way - just like different kinds of fun are enjoyable in their own way. What you're saying is the literal equivalent of that you're incapable of eating apples because you like pears.
Even if someone is having fun with Call of Duty, it doesn't mean that he never, ever needs another game in his life - it means that he's having one kind of fun with that game, and he can perfectly well play something completely different as well.
You're being hypocritical, making up your own definitions and ignoring logic so that you can damn people who have other ways of having fun.
I believe you'll find that you acconplish very little actual gaming when you're on drugs, specially heavier ones.
>First off, several drugs, cannabis included, have been conclusively shown to have positive health effects,
Alongside a fair amount of negative health effects. But, you probably can't remember those, what with your memory damage and all that.
>I will ingest harnful substances that severely alter my mental state because otherwise I can't have fun
It's not even like you have a disease where youe functioning is impaired without certain substances, you're just an addict
>but food
Not the same scale
It's like comparing skate boarding to fighting lions in a cage match
dude drugs lmao
Okay, I get it. You're discount-spiritual, and you probably deny it. There is no inherently provable meaning in any form of feeling good other than feeling good - if you subscribe to that idea, feel free to cripple your own enjoyment of life to stew in your own resentment of others, but don't expect other people to subscribe to your arbitrary statements of value. We're debating provable facts and established scientific theories here, and if people start having to take your subjective opinions into account, the argument will lose all purpose as you can throw everything you want at others and then have a shit-fit if they don't explicitly disprove everything you say.
How is taking a drug and being happy for it any less "real" if you don't bring in spirituality? Being with friends causes your brain to release substances which make you feel good. So do drugs. There's nothing that's more "real" than something else when both produce the exact same effect.
You two are not going to believe this. It's a completely revolutionary concept, I know, but listen here.
There are such things as "cherry-picking" and "logical fallacies", and the "fact" that cannabis causes memory damage is an example of that. Cannabis reduces effective memory under the influence, but the effects when you're not high have been extremely inconclusive and only consistently positive in research sponsored by the US government. Likewise, I have experienced absolutely no negative health effects from cannabis, and I smoke a fair bit. Let's note here that I'm paranoid and a hypochondriac in the first place, and if there were any problems, I would have found them - I've tried before, and in the end I cleared with myself that I didn't need to be afraid of everything when there was no sign that it was dangerous.
>You're constantly falling into the fallacy of assuming that you can only ever have fun in one way, ever,
No, that's you performing a fun little bit of strawmanning.
You wrote a nice long piece arguing against something that was never said, and can be summarily dismissed because it's all a series of rather irrelevant analogies.
The problem isn't with people having fun in different ways, it's people having fun in bad ways, ways that make them dependent on chemical assistance, ways that have adverse health and potentially financial implications, ways that make them less enjoyable for other people to be around.
Do you really think people just don't like drugs because they're a different way of having fun?
>Not being straight edge
It's fun having my organs in working order, not blowing money on temporary pleasures, having a clear memory every day, and not smelling like shit.
>muh weed
Oh god, dude. Get the fuck out already, or read the OP.
It's very distinctive how all of you use the same fallacies (and maybe you're even the same person) - that you can't have fun without drugs if you use them, and that you're automatically addicted to drugs if you use them.
My functioning is not impaired if I go without weed - I get a bit cranky the first day, sure, but I get crankier if I can't use the computer. It's not a big deal, and it's purely psychological (because, if you'd bothered to research anything at all before coming here, you'd know that cannabis lacks the potential to actually cause physical withdrawals, and that all "withdrawals" are purely psychosomatic).
Do you truly have such a hard time accepting that other people can use methods of having fun responsibly? For every visible drug addict, there are a hundred people who use the drug responsibly - do you know about correlation-causation fallacies? People who have problems in the first place often flock to drugs, but just because murderers usually own weapons doesn't mean that everyone with a knife is a murderer.
You're free to disregard this last paragraph, as it's admittedly on the line of being an ad hominem - but it's a conglomeration of my previous experiences, and I haven't yet seen any evidence to the contrary.
All people I have met with the same opinions as you have been bullied kids, "losers", socially incompetent children, pseudo-intellectuals and edgemasters. Because you can't comfortably interact with other people or have the same kinds of fun as they can, you defend yourself by damning their ways of having fun. You insult them because you weren't able to have fun alongside them or intentionally distanced yourself out of a sense of superiority, and now that you're forced to take responsibility for your unconstructive ways of rejecting other people to safeguard your ego, you're retreating into an echo chamber in which you chant your mottos over and over again when the opposition has explicitly told you it's not so.
I've never touched drugs in my life and several of my organs don't work, I blow money on temporary pleasure all the time, I have a terrible memory, and I usually smell like shit.
On the off chance you wanted to know, I wouldn't really recommend it. I turned up to session on the tail end of a trip once (Genuinely just poor timing, I thought session was cancelled), and while I had some fun, I doubt in hindsight that it was much fun for the other players. Like, they realise I was on anything, just assumed I was going uncomfortably overboard roleplaying my character who lets be clear at the time was under 3 separate derangements/mental magics/sanity damage bullshit things.
If it was shitty for me to do at basically the best possible time, its shitty for you to do it deliberately during a normal session. If you want to have a group trip or something, well, uh, whatever floats your boat m8. I wouldn't risk the possible consequences of that if you paid me, but it might be fun.
Also don't even fucking try videogames. Its a waste. Trips just nuke my ability to take vidya seriously.
might be onto something though.
>You're discount-spiritual,
Whoa, druggy, let's not get crazy here. It's hardly PHIL101 to try and seek more meaning out of your activities aside from chemically induced emotions.
>We're debating provable facts and established scientific theories here
Hardly. We're talking fun, subjective emotions, and meaning outside of nihilism. I'm sorry you've lost sight of all that, but if you think anything that isn't "scientific" is "spiritual", it's clear you're still in highschool and still believe that all forms of knowledge fall under science.
Welcome to the bigger world. Once you recognize the limitations of what science can actually be used to discuss, you might actually have a chance of staying in a discussion about something worthwhile.
>There are such things as "cherry-picking" and "logical fallacies",
Like pretending cannabis is healthy? Where'd you read that, "High Times"?
>I get a bit cranky the first day, sure, but I get crankier if I can't use the computer
manbaby detected
*they didn't realise
>My functioning is not impaired if I go without weed - I get a bit cranky the first day, sure, but I get crankier if I can't use the computer.
That means you've got more than just weed issues kid.
>Calling you a mental cripple isn't a fallacy, it's an insult. I'm insulting you, and it's not like you haven't earned it.
It's called "ad hominem," you uneducated faget.
>Ah! False equivalence! You do actually understand fallacies, at least enough to employ them without reservation.
You said all you need to have the toppest of fun is good imagination, and that requiring assistance, which you therefore strongly imply, to the point where what you said otherwise makes no sense, that anything outside of yourself instead of just your imagination is "bad". If anything outside of yourself and your own imagination is bad, then the assistance of someone else, someone other than you, someone not your imagination, is bad.
>Hard to call that a fact
It's quite easy to call that a fact considering all the research and observations regarding the effects of drugs, but whatever you say.
>If anything, it's much easier to call it a subjective hallucination, which is really all you're here to share with other people
Look, you changed the subject to hallucinations, which not only isn't an effect of all drugs, but also doesn't apply to whether you're having fun or not.
>Your love of drugs is nothing more than self-induced delusion, built around self-induced delusions, and your argument depends on hoping that people are willing to indulge you and your self-induced delusions.
>Do you understand?
I understand that you're a shitty troll with the pseudo-intellectual skills and self-obsession of a teenager.
calm down
I like how people defending drugs have to go on long rants, while the 'nah not me me' crowd gets the point across in a sentence or two.
No, you're clearly a fucking moron who values his own fun over that of other people around you. Do you think they other players are going to have fun babysitting your worthless ass?
Do you need the chemicals in soda, in fruit juice or in ice cream to have fun? No, you're obviously just satisfied with rye bread, water and vitamin pills.
You're erecting arbitrary boundaries between identical concepts, because it's the only way you can defend your argument. You can become dependent on quite literally every positive stimulus, you can become an asshole over every possible thing, you can pay a lot of money for anything and you can hurt your health through nearly anything.
There are people out there who ruin their lives by obsessing about health food. They malnourish themselves by eating only barely what they need, they ruin themselves by paying 7 dollars for half a liter of organic biodynamic carrot-aronia juice with ginger and minus-ion water, they become intolerable by preaching to others about their infallibility and they're dependent on their martyr complex to feel good about themselves.
You go right back into immediately talking about "dependence" while self-confidently ignoring that I pointed out the exact same thing before - you're treating drugs as a black-and-white thing where you try them once and are immediately a junkie. Are you going to say that medicinal cannabis, for example, solely creates junkies and that every person with a prescription is currently begging for quarters or scouring the shag carpet for nugs?
Your insistence that there are "bad" kinds of fun is somewhere between hilarious and tragic. You're dismissing the fact that undesirable behavior is a product of the person and not of the things they do, because you lack a good weapon against people you don't actually know in person.
tried playing D&D on shrooms one time. No one could keep focussed or remember anything that occurred 30 seconds prior. We were all repeating ourselves, asking the same questions in loops. One dude started writing in my PHB with sharpie. Eventually we just started doing other stuff. Still had a good time though!
>a sentence or two
You may be surprised to hear that the fact that you once had to spend an evening with an annoying stoner does not give you sufficient background to make sweeping blanket assumptions about some of humanity's oldest indulgences or the many people who indulge in them.
Seeing MARIJUANA HEALTH EXPERTS fight tooth and nail with straight edge stoicists who saw a meth addict once and now know everything there is to know about drug use is generally one of the more deleterious side effects of drugs and gaming threads.
Jesus never before has there been a man in more desperate need of a blunt and blowjob
I don't play while high unless everyone else is stoned or drunk.
I like that you immediately assume that I'm an inconsiderate asshole because I have fun in another way than you do, and I like it even more that you're blatantly wrong. I've roleplayed while high all of once, because I know what appropriateness means.
When I'm finished writing on my novel, which I work on every day to the exclusion of drugs (I don't smoke weed on a day where I don't write on my novel, because it's a reward and not a fact of life), I'll make sure to think of your saltiness while smoking my joint.
>It's called "ad hominem," you uneducated faget.
Ad hominem is when you use an insult in place of an argument. Insulting you is just insulting you.
>You said all you need to have the toppest of fun is good imagination,
If you're just going to strawman, how do you expect anyone to take you seriously?
>It's quite easy to call that a fact considering all the research and observations regarding the effects of drugs, but whatever you say.
I don't think you really even understand what we're discussing here. I'll give you a bit of clue. If the topic is "how you feel", you're going to get a wide, wide, wide range of subjectivity involved, regardless of how objective you hope to be with it.
>Look, you changed the subject to hallucinations, which not only isn't an effect of all drugs, but also doesn't apply to whether you're having fun or not.
Are you really this mentally limited? There's more than one definition of the word "hallucination", and it might serve you well to pay attention to the context of the sentence if you don't understand how a word is being used.
Hallucinations are "an experience involving the apparent perception of something not present", and in this context refer to an illusionary happiness built around a temporary chemical experience. And, since you seem like the kind of child that needs everything explained to them, happiness is hardly just a fleeting emotion, but a state of well-being.
Really, you're not really on the level to be argued with, only laughed at and insulted. You really expect people to not treat you like a child when you can't even follow along with someone who was already treating you as someone mentally challenged?
Drugs are bad for you mmmkay?
>Ad hominem is when you use an insult in place of an argument. Insulting you is just insulting you.
Yes, insulting someone for not agreeing with you in an argument is "just an insult" and not a way of trying to discredit them.
>If you're just going to strawman, how do you expect anyone to take you seriously?
>>when just a healthy imagination provides more entertainment and good feelings than all the drugs in the world
Oh look, you actually said it and I wasn't making it up. Imagine that.
>I don't think you really even understand what we're discussing here. I'll give you a bit of clue. If the topic is "how you feel", you're going to get a wide, wide, wide range of subjectivity involved, regardless of how objective you hope to be with it.
And yet you're the one saying that everyone who uses drugs are objectively one way and objectively doing it wrong, when all I'm saying is that there's research and observations that supports the fact that drugs provide the capacity of making people who take them have more fun.
>Are you really this mentally limited?
Let me guess, this is another "just an insult and not an ad hominem fallacy"?
>Hallucinations are "an experience involving the apparent perception of something not present", and in this context refer to an illusionary happiness built around a temporary chemical experience
A chemical reaction in your mind produced through the aid of drugs is not an hallucination. A talking toad is an hallucination. The secret message left by the crown prince in the tapestry pattern is an hallucination. The opiates in your blood and the euphoria it produces are not hallucinations and more than any feeling or emotion are hallucinations.
>Really, you're not really on the level to be argued with, only laughed at and insulted
Come on now, this is why I say you're a teenager and a troll. So self-absorbed. Well, whatever, no need to continue feeding you beyond this.
Quad-satan has it, these threads always bring out people on both sides being obnoxious.
Though I'm always surprised by how numerous, or at least vocal, the straight edges are.
Probably that thing where you assume an user is like you in general views until proven otherwise
Druggies on damage control
Why is it that some people like to pretend that everyone that does or did drugs is "that kid" from highschool that treated them like a lifestyle/hobby and was obnoxious about it?
I can respect people that don't want to do drugs or drink alcohol, but why do so many act like fedora tippers that just heard someone mention religion?
The funniest thing about these desperate attempts to paint me as a delusional junkie is the fact that I've only been drunk on a handful of occasions and didn't enjoy it, and the two times I tried smoking marijuana I became nauseous and didn't get high or have fun at all. No user, I'm not a druggie, but the fact of the matter is that I can dislike the effect of something without the effect being badwrongfun.
No, I don't do drugs because they are bad just like alcohol and tobacco and I want to make something out of myself
>Oh look, you actually said it and I wasn't making it up. Imagine that.
Notice how it only superficially resembles what you think I said? Read it again if you're still confused.
>And yet you're the one saying that everyone who uses drugs are objectively one way and objectively doing it wrong
Please, learn how to read and not how to strawman. It's getting a bit tedious to keep saying "Read it again" every time you come back with a new bizarre interpretation built for the express purpose of it hopefully being easier to argue against.
>Let me guess, this is another "just an insult and not an ad hominem fallacy"?
It was actually a bit of an artistic transition. Call you an idiot, and then explain why you're an idiot. I'll admit I'm having some fun with kicking you around.
>A chemical reaction in your mind produced through the aid of drugs is not an hallucination.
I presented you the dictionary definition, and you're still clinging to the more limited medical one? Please, pay attention, school is in session, and you really need to actually read what's being said before you make yourself a fool again.
>Come on now, this is why I say you're a teenager and a troll. So self-absorbed. Well, whatever, no need to continue feeding you beyond this.
I take your words, one by one, and return each of them to you. Aside from the troll part, because I genuinely think you're just a self-absorbed teenager who's just painfully stupid.
I was initially being kind and assuming there was some kind of quorum but no it's literally just this fuckface drastically escalating his investment from a low effort bait and the fools who responded.
Like don't get me wrong there are tons of people who legitimately have his opinion on Veeky Forums and I've seen several authentically argue their opinion before but this is a lone shooter.
It sounds like you're just a mad stoner who hates to know that other people aren't falling for the bullshit stoners tell themselves.
>and I want to make something out of myself
Drugs needn't stop that, it doesn't for many people (far too many examples, but Feynman works, as does almost any actor), in some cases they can be instrumental in doing so (Hunter S Thompson, for example)
>After a bout of health problems, Thompson committed suicide.
What an hero. Glad he at least got that movie about him.
I've had blunts twice ever and felt nothing, so I never reattempted. I agree stoners are disgusting and I am honestly a little distressed and baffled that being unwashed and getting dreads seems to be some kind of fucking inevitable side effect of being a stoner.
I've done a couple of different substances because I wanted to add the experience to my collection. Like going skydiving, or skiing. Its not a habit, but I wanted to know what it was like. I would wager that much like you'd have a little (albeit not much) difficulty envisioning what it's like to be in freefall unless you've been skydiving, you'll never really understand the fullest extent of what your mind is capable of feeling like if you never do anything with it. That was my reasoning. I'm satisfied that I took my risks and came out better off as a person, and so I've no more need for outside assistance. I will always know what it's like to function as an entirely different person to the one I am right now. I don't think that this will be the outcome for everyone, so I don't peddle drugs to friends.
I take a little umbrage at your own confidence that you understand the nature of the experiences people have on drugs. Something you fear precisely because you worry that actually having any such experience would change you, but whatever. I would just like to remind you on the off chance that you are on some level serious that your concerns relate to a Fear of the Unknown and you should act accordingly.
Why assume that people who don't like drugs haven't done them?
>Did acid this weekend and was wondering if anyone had some experience with doing acid while gaming.
GM'd while tripping on 1P-LSD. It honestly was a pretty bad ordeal because even basic combat is a chore while /psy/'d.
Ran a one-shot for a guy who turned out to be pretty stoned (don't know how I missed it in retrospect), he kept walking into the traps.
No that doesn't accurately describe the shit he was doing. "Walking into traps" is like stepping on a bear trap cause you're oblivious as fuck. What he was doing was like repeatedly stomping down on the bear trap which is also on fire and shooting deathlasers. Only his character was ludicrously tough and the traps were what they were he would have died very quickly
Here's an idea.
Before the game, everyone together picks either one dose of drugs or a different one. You all take the same one at the same time.
Then you play Everyone is John.
Drug A is MDMA.
Drug B is PCP.
Have fun.