good morning user's
I want to inspire and help you
I got my ged, no college I made around 60,000 a year from being a full time mail man from 2006-2013. inherited 2 mill in 2013. started my now franchised business in early 2014.
I got in BTC in mid 2015 with 25 coins
ETH in early 2016 with 550 coins
LTC in mid 2016 with 700 coins
my business currently has 11 active locations and is growing, my net worth is around 90 mill.
Good morning user's
coin giveaway? ....maybe
How is that going to inspire us?
Tell us more what kind of business how did you start, did you start it all by yourself? How did you learn about BTC, ETH this early?
Coin giveaway nah that just lures in Pajeets.
save invest you'll make it. inspiration for anyone feeling down or whatever. This grand master mason 33 degree freemason told me about crypto currencies
Hello white man here, not pajeet
Can you please inspire sone more? Still waiting for 2mill inharitance here (will it arrive today? Or does it take a couple of wordays?)
would you pay it forward one day? have you ever gave anything away for free? what and why?
>inherited 2 millie
>not self-made
thanks, i'll try my best to inherit 2 mils
ETH user ;) And let that Veeky Forumsness grow even more!
hahah insurance and my dads savings; I was not always wealthy
So, this is gonna come off a little strange...
A homeless traveler I gave a ride revealed the freemason conspiracy to me and tole me how to become trusted. IS THIS TRUE WTF
proof pls
Whats 1k to a 90mil networth guy
Will confirm if op is truly rich
This. What a fucking deluded asshole
He didn't reveal the conspiracy but told me I should be active in their organization for one year.
Is it worth it? Please respond
I never asked to be one but if I petitioned I would not be black balled. you might have better connections but I think its a secret square within the circle. maybe they control things but I can nether conform or denie.
>inherited 2 mill in 2013.
stopped reading right there. all you have done is not yours
Thank you, I think I understand.
Hey OP
I had 60 LTC but I lost faith and sold them low after hodling for 3 years. Three years. I had to move out from my moms house because she is crazy and threw out my brother and me. Please. 60 LTC and let me redeem my sins. I can post a photo of my wallet from 2013 too if u want to prove im not lying. 60 LTC is what I make a year, Im from Poland
l woke up made coffee and rolled a backwood, scrolling and reading through threads and archives to see what I missed. I kept seeing this guy shilling his wallet address; seemed like a real sad broke fucker. hahah felt bad so I sent him a tiny amount of ltc btc and eth. I will look on if you send him something, I don't care, doesn't make or brake me. ill help you, ill x your investment by what I feel you deserve . then when your older and made it pay it forward. there's too much greed.
geez man. that's bad luck. are you asking for some coin?
>I want to inspire and help you
> inherited 2 mill in 2013
I want to support my family
I am. I make 800$ a month, college grad. If I hodled i'd have 6k USD profit now, unbeliveable for me. I would appreciate that. user on /b showed me crypto back in 2013 and I went in, but after 3 yrs I sold those litecoins as I said before. 3 days ago I woke up in the middle of the night from regrets. I would really appreciate that if you are as wealthy as you say you are. I want to make it (at least a tiny bit, get my own flat etc) Thank you very much
any money sent to this burner wallet will be donated to Veeky Forums, homeless hungry people, and that sad fucks old wallet address.
I want to see if you are a good hearted person and deserve a coin-coins. ill send to address that come in with donations
may the games begin (: also you'll know my name when I send from my wallet, ill add you on social media and if your close to any of my locations ill give you a job or something... #heal the world
Even if Im from Poland? Heh dont think so man. Thank you in advance
Poor college kid reporting in.
But mostly i'm interested in starting a business.
Tell me what makes a business successful? How do you get traction?
meeting the correct people. need a job? do you have discord where you can pm me? whats your major
You sound like a retarded 3rd worlder larping. I can tell by your shit english.
Someday when i have millions i will give back.
right now i am just a poor pajeet i mean white male.
i did give a homeless man half of my large dominos pizza once.
Hey man I am poor faggot trying to make it in this world. Im a mailman aswell
Held 1 bitcoin this fall and bought monaco coin at 40$ and lost it all.. almost gave up hope.
what should I do my friend?
ill move 100 btc in a burner wallet rn, sorry bud cant help its hard for you to believe bc you have a shit life
If you'd like to inspire and help, I can't afford to buy enough of the coins I'd like to try investing toward yet. Even with the small amount I'm starting with, I am optimistic! If you'd like to help, I'm providing this:
BTC wallet: 1LfefKMnU5tygh6ZK5st3TMbLWjv4GVnZK
Love you, OP. The world is a beautiful place.
I shilled my job offer in this thread mentioned it 3 times, im talking about a 100 thousand a year job. I can help you there but like I said I thought of a good game. I have this burner wallet any money sent to this burner wallet will be donated to Veeky Forums, homeless hungry people, and that sad fucks old wallet address.
I want to see if you are a good hearted person and deserve a coin-coins. ill send to address that come in with donations
Why you do this.
>instantly deposited into pajeet's belly
lost all credibility involving money
I'll take the job offer but I'm not from the U.S :(. Unless you can sponsor me haha
60LTC guy here. I helped people around me too. One time a 80 y/o lady asked me to buy her food and I did. OP please ;_;
oh i see, this is a different spin on a beg thread. kys shitskin
but if your in the USA broke need a good job, and are not a drug addict, I got you.
I never had an eth. Anons, give me one. My poor wallet... 0x5fBA21738f48D8aa08287f32920F13C9b98b2A5a
Out of curiosity what's your job offer? I'm a 120 IQ 4churn looser.
I could probably do it not that I would want it.
Yeah I think so
ummm idk there's always room for something, maybe 100 thousand a year, managing something. do you have discord to pm me.
beg they said. that's what I mean. that's why I never just hand out coins even though I feel bad for people, and it doesn't affect my lifestyle. anyone that would donate the min they can to that burner wallet will get the gift of the week. any funds will be donated to Veeky Forums btc wallet.
>donate to me for the gift of the week
min you can send, just like me that wont make or break you. but it actually might make you.
donate the min you can send to
and I will make your day worth it
Disposable email, I could possibly give you my real email soon. I don't have a discord, sorry.
I think you're interesting.
show your worth first
the funds will be donated to Veeky Forums btc wallet once it hits that burner wallet
will be in touch.
scared about brut force but making a nother burner coinbase to put some dumb money in for a couple min for proof give me 15 min. 100 btc in a new wallet proof enough for you bud
I'm sure we'd all believe you if we saw proof of a 100 btc wallet.
However, we both know that there is 0% chance of that happening, as this is a thinly-veiled begging thread.
What's actually going to happen is that you'll say transactions are pending, or that there's been some problem. In the meantime, you'll continue spamming your sad story, before quietly disappearing, only to pop up in a different thread later on.
Do us all a favour and neck yourself, you thieving Pajeet scum.
but send one of those BTC to my wallet while you're at it.
0ed610994dda575be950638b72a2454e952a69245468e80665a0d8a701adee45 was taking too long to make a new one good luck on brut force anyway
i love /beg/ 1AZRqMrD64enLUAoCcrft3acFP7VRqGeLP
Holy shit OP 60ltc guy here
what do I do that will make you send me something?
whats it like to not have to worry about money?
must be nice
i make 10$ an hour and want to kill myself everyday.
you could always be making $0/per hour. how would you feel then?
donate the min you can send or whatever to this burner that will eventually go to Veeky Forums donate btc thing.
ill send from my true wallet a gift.
I make $ 0 / per year
treat other how you want to be treated, like I said I feel bad for people, and could hand money out like a big dick, and it wouldn't change my lifestyle. But not everyone would donate to be donated to. nice head game I play... lul call me the devil
Op w8 im sending lol
no rush, post your wallet addy on the thread too so people can admire your gift from the public ledger
same :(, it's the worst. I've got a conditional offer for next year but completely broke right now
at least we die
send me 1 btc ill donate .5 to the wallet
post your wallet address and tell me what coin its for. I get it brother, if your completely broke. pay it forward tho.
no send the min to that burner
like 2$ bro and see what you get, stop being ignorant
Wow thank you so much. Will def pay forward. Here is my btc wallet, if you want a different one can send but they all have 0 anyway
1 person donated to the burner, and are about to have a good day. all will be donated to Veeky Forums. you pay forward what you get one day, when you can. witch coin you want chosen one?
ok ok
im sending eth from here
this is my BTC wallet
This is already a long running pay forward so even if this is a larp its all good. btc pls. thanks for being generous
OP LTC guy here, ive send 2 dollars. I had 60 LTC as I mentioned in my 1st post. Please..
alright, let me make a burner email so we all can stay in touch, would love to hang out with you virgins for my birthday and show you how to party.
Dang nice, you follow your gut or something? You don't really see many people making one good choice after the other like this. Congratulations dude.
no rush im written down the addys it came from, if you want a different coin then you sent I'm verifying your the correct person.
Ive send 2 $ to LTC burner. My address is in my photo in please please please let it be true.
please inspire me to land $2MM inheritance lottery ticket
no, like I said in my thread a 33% grand master mason told me to buy in crypto currency
I've only got 2 people that donated, you were one, I feel like more people said they donated tho
Will you keep your word and send me something?
pending, k everyone about ready to check the blockchain to see what they got.. 15 min; hope I got you on the edge of your seat
it'll come form the wallet with the dumb money in it. as soon as these go through im sending
just got another dollar donation, 3 winners I believe. I cant hand out a full bitcooin each, I hope you understand, but it will make your day.
i like to party, i am also a virgin.
soo? Cant wait
Good thing you’re doing :)
congratulations, if your new I proved I was rich, donate to be donated to. gave out a burner, got 3 couple dollar donations. sent out .5 btc worth of crypto. how to get some donate a dollar to this btc wallet address
and you will be blessed
did you send me something? still got nothing man
Im LTC LWq...RP4 guy who gave u 2$
all donated money from my burner wallet, will be passed on to Veeky Forums btc wallet,
I sent LTC back to that address let me check and screen shot what happened, maybe I fucked up.
I sent 2 ltc to the wrong addy lmfao, no trip sorry bro ill resend give me 3 min and check for a pending
Hi, I'm someone that got ahead besides having a cocaine adicted mother and an absent father. Also have a little brother that I want to show that anyone can have a better life.
I'm in spain, no degree, have only worked in low key sales. I'd like to start a business, one that is aimed at helping people, changing their lifes... you know. And once I succeed, I'd donate money and help poor people/families so that they can find a new life.
I have managed to save and invest some money, but if you're willing to help, I'd be happy to have some donation to kickstart my ideas and receive tips/lessons from you.
If you're ok with that, tell me a throwaway email address, or tell me and I'll tell you mine.
i didn't receive anything
still nothing
Congratulations user, at least some of us can make it! Got any crumbs for a poor wagecuck?
1E7x7WAvEJFSN7AZs1tMp8Z91qACa5pdyt —-BTC
Me either :(
Bitcoin is still early stage. I've seen the same pattern twice now, this is only the start of a huge surge. It will reach 20k by this time next month, mark my words.