Kobold Edition
>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v3:
>Pastebin with homebrew list, resources and so on:
Besides Kobolds, what monster races would you like to see get official support as playable races?
Kobold Edition
>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v3:
>Pastebin with homebrew list, resources and so on:
Besides Kobolds, what monster races would you like to see get official support as playable races?
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Goblins, because then I have a small race to play that isn't halflings
Got to level 2. Any suggestions on spells? Going divination
Misty Step
Hold Person
Scorching Ray
Detect Thoughts
Plane shift zendikar has them and they're pretty good
Lavastep goblin rogue is what I'm currently playing
Level 2 class, not spells. I gain two level 1 spells
You should probably grab detect magic and/or Identify
Also grease
>3.5: A deafened character cannot hear. She takes a –4 penalty on initiative checks, automatically fails Listen checks, and has a 20% chance of spell failure when casting spells with verbal components.
>5e: A deafened creature can't hear and automatically fails any ability check that requires healing.
Even if there were spells that imposed Deafened and didn't give you the fuck away, it'd still be useless.
>Playing a male cleric of Eilistraee
>DM is very roleplay heavy in his games
>Tells me that while some male worshippers of Eilistraee do exist, most have to spend time as a female at some point in their life to understand the power and purpose of Eilistraee's dance
>gives me a weird look
Should I be worried? Is he going to turn my character into a female?
I've never heard this about Eilistraee. You've stepped into a magical realm.
Anyone have the Strahd maps in Png or something? Trove only has PDF and it's a hassle to get those into Roll20.
Mystra did the same thing to Elminster. She said he needed to gain perspective on the balance of magic but I think it was just her fetish.
So how much of 4E lore was retconned? Did all the shit like the Great Rift blowing up and Var the Golden getting drowned "heal", or was it declared to simply never have happened?
>some male worshippers of Eilistraee do exist
>most have to spend time as a female
you're not most worshipers. End of story.
In a previous thread, an user made a sheet listing all character options for 5e, from all sources, in one place. Such a thing would be very handy, and I'm pretty sure I saved it, but I can't seem to find it. Does anyone ITT have a copy?
Gith, Rogue Modrons, Bariaur, Goblins,
Plane shift zendikar supplement
For goblins
So I will be starting up as a pc "npc" in a homebrew game soon, and my role is a demilich necromancer General and I have to create 15-20 necromancy themed rooms, any suggestions? The only caveat is no spiritual undead. And constructs are allowed
10/10 /d/eities would whoreship devoutly
>constructs are allowed
Flesh golems are nice
It's a shame that older undead, like devourers, don't have official statblocks in 5e though
The party will be 9 players large, and there will be a beholder general, and a banshee. My theme for my entire thing is a castle, and my main guard is Iron Golemns
What monsters do you wish were in the Monster Manual?
I wish archons were still in, need more variety in celestials.
>and a banshee
I thought you said no spiritual undead
The only reason I'm asking is because it's not in the pastebin
I did, the three "generals" hate each other. One is a banshee who is going to reign over spirits. That's why spiritual undead are off limits for ME
Ah, I see. That makes sense. Truly it's a shame that many of the cooler undead from old editions don't exist in 5e yet, though. Devourers were my fave. Nothing says "disturbing" like a mortal soul in the shape of an effigy spasming inside the ribcage of a giant undead monstrosity.
what are some of the most difficult pre-made dungeons you guys have run? anyone have a link? I'm trying to challenge my players and I'm shit at coming up with my own dungeons
Inb4 kobold trapshit
Anyone know of some nice parts of Forgotten Realms that are relatively desolate and feature swamps? I wanted to run a campaign in Vaasa and Damara but in researching everything I found Salvatore rubbed his Drow stink on literally everything there and there may or may not be residual super-warlocks from 4e kicking around.
So I'm working on the Ravenloft path of corruption for the dullahan and I'm kinda running out of ideas for drawbacks
So far I have
1- Can remove the head, critical hits do no damage but take off the head, which can then be targeted for automatic criticals
2-Can use knock once per long rest, but (?)
3-can use find steed once per long rest (fiend) but is repulsed by gold
4-rictus and scar become more pronounced giving advantage on intimidation but disadvantage on persuasion
5-gains a magical spine-whip (thorn whip cantrip) but creature type is fey as well as humanoid
7-can bond with a jack-o-lantern to see through it but gain vulnerability to silvered weapons
8-can learn a creature's true name 1/day but (?)
9-gain resistance to non-magical weapons but (?)
10- can cast power word kill once a day on a target whose true name you know but if someone else holds your real head they can control you
Help me fill in the blanks /5eg/
2- but cannot rest properly while in man-made dwellings
8-but cannot harm anyone that speaks your true name without overcoming a wisdom save
9-but weakness to cold iron unwrought by man
You know you don't have to place the campaign in "current" time, just set it before the area got drizzed all over
Them there are some good ideas user
It's worse than getting Drizzed, it was Jarlaxled. He's been fucking around in the region for like a solid century. Any earlier than that and the stuff that makes it attractive (the history of Zhengyi and Castle Perilous) aren't around yet.
I may have to go with 4e's timeline instead because at least the Witch Knights of Telos wouldn't put up with any of that Jarlaxle hooey.
So is there any reason to switch to this from 4e? I gave the book a read in my FLGS (yes I read the whole thing, the manager was too beta to stop me) and I have pretty much concluded this game is garbage compared to 4e. Hit dice are back, vaccine casting is bad, even though 4e spell casting was pretty much objectively simpler and better. They aren't releasing any splats, and feats have been cucked into being trap options. Plus the books are like 200 bucks, while I got my 4e books for 29.99. Total.
So is it worth buying or is it overpriced garbage? Figured this would be a good place to ask.
Is this a bait post or are you serious
>So is there any reason to switch to this from 4e?
Yeah, 5e is actually fun to play.
>4E isn't fun
At least martials are allowed to do neat things.
It's much better than 4e IMO because of things like the removal of all those stupid cards and skill challenges and whatnot, more freeform and les videogamey
But if you like 4e then stick with it, you seem to be set on your opinion so I'm not gonna try to change it. Enjoy what you like, just please don't come here to start edition wars
If you like 4e then 5e doesn't really have a whole lot to offer. 4e has better tactical play, is more rewarding for system mastery, has more character options for customization, and lots of published adventures and settings.
While lost of these draw backs to 5e are simply because it is new and they aren't publishing content anywhere close to the speed they used to, the main benefits of the new system are:
>it is very easy to learn
>gameplay is very quick and less tactical
>almost any kind of character build is competent and there are no real trap options
>decisions are also easier for newer players since there are less choices to be made in building a character
It really is d&d lite, but that doesn't mean its not fun. The best parts of d&d never came from a rule book anyways.
Download the Basic rules (for free), play a Basic game, and see for yourself.
As to your specific complaints:
>Hit dice are back
They're basically like Healing Surges anyway.
>vaccine casting is bad
It's not Vancian anymore. It still has a similarity or two, but it's much better: your spells prepared act like a spells known list, and you cast them spontaneously like a Sorcerer.
> even though 4e spell casting was pretty much objectively simpler and better.
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt assume that you just don't know what the word "objectively" means. No. It's a matter of taste, which makes it subjective.
> Plus the books are like 200 bucks
Closer to $150, and that's if you don't find a decent deal somewhere (which you definitely did on your 4e books, don't pretend that was retail).
Plus, the Basic set is free, which is more than enough to get you started. Play using Basic for a while, and if the system really doesn't catch you, don't buy the main books and you've lost nothing.
>posting about how 4e is better
>using words like beta and cuck
>following with this
What do you think?
Just ignore it and it will go away
As fucking stupid it is to bait with 4e is MMO lel and then complain about power cards when 5e spellcards exist, why the fuck would you come into a 5e thread to troll like that, when you already made up your mind?
Edition wars are over, deal with it.
Whoops, missed one:
>They aren't releasing any splats, and feats have been cucked into being trap options.
They're not releasing big splat books for a very good reason: the massive glut of splats is what ruined editions in the past, so they're taking their time and releasing fewer big books. However, pay attention to the WotC website, they're releasing tons of articles with extra options in there if you want more stuff to play with.
As for feats, again, you're just plain wrong. Several of the feats are incredibly useful, and even the ones that aren't won't ruin your character because 5e is a lot more forgiving in that regard.
That second post isn't him. We don't need someone coming here to talk about 4E to kickstart the martial/caster fight.
>So is it worth buying or is it overpriced garbage? Figured this would be a good place to ask.
>the player that flips a coin to decide what his character will do
Should I walk away now?
Is he playing Two Face? If so, be cautious.
Is he not playing Two Face? Run.
He might be playing two-face-ish
This could be great or terrible user, I would stick around for a couple of sessions
Thanks muchly!
You may want to, but I'd give him one more session before abandoning ship. I could see it working out if he is a good FilePlanet and isn't trying to be edgy or isn't chaotic dickery.
He tried to play as an insane true neutral warlock until the DM changed his alignment to chaotic neutral. He's only done it during combat so far, but it's only a matter of time until he kills an important NPC and gets the party wiped out.
Damn auto correct.
whats the best 5E storyline? is tyranny of dragons worth getting? I heard good stuff about the rage of demons
I'm currently running PotA and will run CoS over a summer hiatus when one of the players will be away on vacation
They are both pretty darn awesome, and I hear OotA is also pretty amazing
I thought they are more like seperated encountered adventures for the D&D weekly play event thing like Pathfinder Society stuff. Are they actually good campaigns with rich lore?
I have the core books of 5E and I am planning to use my old 2E lore materials for the campaigns and I am still not sure if its worth to get the adventures or eventhe SCAG for that matter.
I've been loving OotA and I think CoS will be great too, but I also heard you need to give players XP for good role-playing so they don't end up underleveled. You could probably counter this with more encounters if you want but XP for good RP is also a solid method to work with.
Has anyone actually completed CoS yet? My group of 3 is about to head to Castle Ravenloft as a bunch of level 7s and I wonder if we're strong enough for it. My DM makes it sound like it'll kick out asses.
No, they're campaign books, you're thinking of the adventurer's league stuff, some of which is tangentially related but isn't actually part of it
Scag is not worth the money, just pirate the PDF
Milestones are how I do it, way too many little things and easily diplomanced encounters to calculate well
The adventures usually tell you when people should level up
Don't metagame man, you'll enjoy it more
I think Strahd is roughly a CR 10 by himself, and is very similar to a standard caster vampire, but he has lair actions, special legendary actions, and summons other things. Plus I'm sure his castle has plenty of mobs roaming around as well. You may get to him, but killing him will be massive challenge if it is even possible.
Rules and stats aren't that much different between D&D editions, are they? Can't just lift a monster frmo an earlier monster's handbook, tweak it a little if needed?
Yep. Some versions of D&D were a bit more liberal with hit points (both how many the monsters had and how hard they hit with their attacks), so that's something to be a bit wary of.
Witch Bolt
He's a CR 15. It's in his stat block numbnuts.
Oh it's gonna kill you all, cower before your dread lord and master.
Isn't Ice Knife OP af? 1d10+2d6(aoe dmg) seems like a lvl 2-3 spell?
Burning Hands: 3d6 AoE
Dissonant Whispers: 3d6 single-target + control
Thunderwave: 2d8 AoE + knockback
Chromatic Orb: 3d8 single-target + type-change
Ice knife: 1d10 single-target + 2d6 AoE, two chances at whiffing (attack roll and save)
It's fine.
It's definitelyreally good, as far as level 1 damage dealers go, but it suffers from much the same issues as most straight elemental damage spells
One way or another it's available to almost everyone
kk. I don't know shit about D&D, I just browsed the druid cantrips and lvl 1s, and almost everything seemed to be "create some mist", "make 1 ration of of food" or somesuch bullshit. Suddenly there's this badass spell, beside the very close range Thunderwave, that just beats the shit out of everything else.
Gonna check out those you posted tho!
Sorry, I haven't read his stat block very thoroughly. I just glanced over it when it first got leaked on to an old 5e thread.
What do you guys think about a barbarian sub class with a fire theme?
Like his blood literally boils and turns him into some kind of flaming warrior.
Is the Matt Mercer Gunslinger archetype balanced at all?
>his blood literally boils
And then he exploded. The end.
I don't think status effects have ever been useful in any RPG ever. At their harshest, they are still miniscule by the time the characters have four or five levels in their belt.
I like it, would be interesting to play a barbarian who's flaming mad
A cold-themed barbarian would be pretty cool too
It's fine. If you're doing a setting with common firearms, though, just go with a battlemaster with a brace of pistols.
>battlemaster' armor is just belts
>every belt has multiple pistols strapped to them
>the pistols have belts on the handles and barrels
Maybe a Barbarian path that's based around the elements? Like having a spirit guide in the totem barbarian, but getting your rage from the plane of fire itself sounds like a cool deal.
Even if it's just a flaming Barbarian, I think the idea has some merit.
Wind Barbarian is fast and can half-fly (like eagle, but less "see forever eagle eyes" shit)
Fire barbarian literally is on fire
Earth barbarian is fucking heavy, made of literal stone/metal, can lift mountains
Water barbarian's dick is a decanter of endless water
Someone tried doing an elemental barbarian and it was pretty shit, anyoe could do a better job, so have at it
A dickanter of endless piss
What's the best archetype for a fighter in a party of a circle of land druid and an arcane trickster rogue?
Whatever you want
What type of fighter are you?
>option anemic=\=easy to learn
Easpecially with all the convoluted/specific rules scattered throughout (i.e. unnamed attacks vs weapon attacks/horse casting/crossbow juggling/jump distance/) added to all the crap DMs don't bother to use (crafting/survival/upkeep) But that's all systems.
>massive splats ruined past editions
Everybody bans core in 3.5
Also my DM is pussy who can't say no, the post.
Oh okay. He's basically a Wizard variant vampire with some legendary actions.
Any will do just fine really. EK gives you access to utility and defense spells, and BM gives you some very handy maneuvers to help give you an edge. Champion will also do fine but they don't really bring anything to the table. Fighters in general are pretty solid this edition.
In a watered down sense, yes he is.
Why are powergamers so blatantly unaware of their own cancer?
>be inexperienced DM with a group of inexperienced players, save for the one veteran
>doing level 10 oneshot
>all are either good or decent RPers
>I've only ever DMd for this autistic bastard
>make the mistake of allowing 4d6 for stat rolls. Tried to make it point buy but powergamer whines incessantly
>I'm pretty sure he cheats on his dice rolls, because all his characters get a minimum of 2 or more 20+ skills and NEVER any in the negative modifiers
>off handedly mention that they're going to start unarmed and unarmored, forcing to players to use improvised weapons and resource management to survive
>lol nope, rolls a Monk with 24 AC at level 10
>blazes through enemies while other players are still scrounging for weapons
>can't even comprehend why I get on his ass for being blatantly OP and advocating point buy when he plays
>completely unwilling to compromise for the sake of the other players
so stop playing with him.
All you really need to understand to play 5e is how to add up dice roll + stat mod + proficiency bonus. Stuff like the precise nature of what is a weapon attack vs and attack with a melee weapon, horse casting and crossbow juggling crap etc. are mostly issues for more experienced players trying to find a mechanical edge from some niche feature. Jump distance is literally just adding some different numbers together also, and the method for how can be found by reading the book.
>lol nope, rolls a Monk with 24 AC at level 10
Unless you gave him Bracers of Armor or a Cloak of Protection or some such, or unless you let him push his ability score past 20, monk Unarmored Defense caps out at 20.
>Also my DM is pussy who can't say no, the post.
It's better for the health of most tables if the DM isn't forced to be the bad guy by banning things.
Why would you tell them the entire concept of your one-shot? And why would you not have everyone roll dice in front of you? And RTFM.
>>make the mistake of allowing 4d6 for stat rolls
But why.
Kcik him from your table if he's being a disruptive ass.