How happy are you guys with your box preorders?
How many are just getting singles.
Most hyped spoiler?
Claiming foil gamble.
How happy are you guys with your box preorders?
How many are just getting singles.
Most hyped spoiler?
Claiming foil gamble.
Other urls found in this thread:
>reluctant to get back into Magic as Maro shifted up the rarities on anything conceivably useful
>go to Eternal spoilers anyway
>see a common that as far as I can tell is actually good
Mana crip
At the beginning of your upkeep, play russian roulette. If you lose the roll, you lose the game.
Add (U)(U) to your mana pool.
Is a nimble mongoose really your deciding factor?
Zedruu would love it.
I'm excited even though i probably won't open any packs. I may put forth money for one or two packs just to help circulation a little. I'm excited since i just got into commander and the idea of pulling some dumb shit like sneak attack honestly arouses me.
I hope doubling season is in so the cost will lower a bit.
>How happy are you guys with your box preorders?
Buying anything without some idea of what is contained within and on the basis of hype alone is one of the worst fucking things we do as human beings. It's why we pay hundreds of dollars for champagne when it's the same goddamn wine as any other wine but with bubbles.
I dare say it is the source of much of the crap that happens to people - let's give our money away without consulting an expert or any opinion whatsoever.
I want to look the people who buy boxes of this thing in the eye and ask them to give me a good fucking reason why they bought this blind. But I can't, because that would make me an asshole - it makes me an asshole for trying to be an adult and calling out the company and the people who buy boxes of $400 paper terrible. Spend a month's paycheque on a ring for your wedding, people will think you're a faggot if you don't.
I've talked to jewelers; they know it's a fucking scam but I respect it because it's one of the last trades left where they've made an industry-wide effort to convince the public that their product still has value in spite of having no fucking utility whatsoever unlike shoes.
I'm happy for you, just promise that if it actually happens, you will triple sleeve the card before you rub it all over yourself.
>How happy are you guys with your box preorders?
>How many are just getting singles.
There's a middle ground there, you know. A draft or two tops is what I expect to get out of this, possibly a Japanese pack if there are any available when I head out there next.
A couple of (kinda pricey) hours of fun with the off chance of pulling something worth selling or sticking in an EDH deck sounds fine to me.
I run Mana Vault over Crypt
I'm aroused user, not a madman. For your comfort though I solemnly swear I won't touch the card inappropriately without protection.
Whoa watch out for this bad ass over here
I am surprised Sylvan Library and Gamble are not at Mythic.
On the other hand Mana Crypt at mythic is ass.
Much appreciated.
>How happy are you guys with your box preorders?
Protip: they're spoiling the good shit and the rest is trash.
Nimble mongoose does nothing in pauper, you need a gy for mandrill and angler. It's weak to edict just the same
He'd be fun in Commander
Yeah yeah some people just like to have fun
The mongoose is a nimble navigator, with paralyzing venom.
Are you dense?
Mongoose is huge in pauper. Your just pissy becuase of all the Gx decks that are gonna shit down your throat now.
Thing about saying a card is good in commander is it's irritating since it's a pointless statement. Anything can be played in Commander, it's a casual format.
Your mom's a casual format too but you don't see me complain everytime I play her. Bitch
Y u so mad?
I play EDH too, it's just irrelevant to mention it every time a new spoiler comes out.
Anything can be played in any format.
Just sleeve it and play. So you aren't wrong, but the format is irrelevant
>Only 1 b/g deck
I want to add to your statement that effective cards are not what dictate success in Commander.
Commander is a multiplayer format, which makes it an absolute clusterfuck. It doesn't matter if you're slinging the "best" deck with good or bad cards it all depends on how aware or fickle your opponents are. Power helps, but if your opponents are hating on you you'll never win.
Commander is more diplomacy than actual game mechanics. That's why all cards are playable - it's not the merits of the card but the decisions people make. Some people like it for that, some people don't but it's certainly the reason why I don't play Commander. But I don't fault people for wanting to play a format where you can drink and only pay half attention.
Yea. I see so many tarmogoyfs and delvers in edh.
Fucking wannabe edh players, all you do is netdeck something and play the format as a third choice between rounds. Then talk shit about it when you arent playing.
Pissed off that your lgs bumped the price of the packs up? I'm sorry user.
>Eternal masters
Fucking autist.
Why not both?
I agree with everything you say. I enjoy EDH. I just find the constant "this is great in EDH!" comments in ever spoiler season pointless. All cards are, it's a casual diplomacy based format with 100 different cards in each deck.
The idea of a card being "playable" is often based off the idea of a card being good in a competitive environment or deck, not in a casual format where you can play w/e you want
Moron, I was replying to this sentiment, not anything specifically about EM
If only I had an lgs to play in right now, I wouldn't care much about the price.
>>How happy are you guys with your box preorders?
All of the the mythics are pretty much 4-ofs, except Necro, which you can get for $7. Chrome Mox is $15. So far, this looks like another Jew Lottery from WotC. Either open a foil FoW or Jace, or lose money.
How many are just getting singles?
We know just 3% of the set and you can already tell buying this is going to mean jackshit if you want to play Legacy. Singles it is.
People are going to jump all over you about "but the uncommons and commons".
I don't need a spoiler list to know this shit isn't worth it. Modern Masters isn't worth it. But this is worse because some 50-75% of a Legacy deck is in the lands, which with an absolute certainty are not going to be in this product.
So what's the fucking point?
>Daze uncommon
>Sylvan uncommon
>Chrome uncommon
>Mythic sneak
Dredge was right.
>Bloodbraid elf
Why? I mean, it's not a bad card, but did this ever see play in a format that it's currently legal in?
We can go both ways in this. Pick why you are wrong.
1: you can't just play anything you want in commander. There's budget alternatives staples and unplayables just like any other format.
2: I can use basics instead of duals in legacy. They aren't unplayable.
Either way you look at it you are wrong. While edh is less restricted it still has an intricate set of rules and strategys. Some cards are wincons in decks and useless in others. Just like legacy.
Stop being retarded ok bud?
>play eternal masters
>pull a card with bestow and daze
Yeah, pretty sure people still play Jund.
Modern Jund transfers pretty much card for card to Legacy. It gets Deathrite and Hymn to Tourach along with Bloodbraid Elf. And the lands.
All the other players are there: Liliana, Thoughtseizes, Goyf, Bob, Bolt, and so forth.
In legacy/EDH? It was big in modern, but it's banned now.
it's a cubeable card too
Cube was one of the other formats EMA is made to support
At least the new art is sweet AF
They have reprinted Jace, The Mind Sculptor (Big Jace) so many times seeing a reprint is not amazing. I feel the same way about Goyf as I do Big Jace right now.
[1] They are throwing a lot of bones to combo players. I wonder if the drafts are just going to be people attempting combo, failing and then flailing their anemic beat sticks at each other.
>>Protip: they're spoiling the good shit and the rest is trash
This. Imagine seeing the following spoiler for MM2: Goyf, Confidant, Karn, Bitterblossom and Emrakul at mythic. Cryptic, Hierarch, Twin at rare. Lightning Bolt at uncommon. Looks pretty good. Until you see the rest of the shit that make s up the rest of the set.
Blue>Red=White in legacy for the GB shell.
So you'd rather go bug shardless than jund braid
>it's a casual game
>played casually
>with whatever cards you want
>since you're playing to have fun with friends, unless you're some sort of super autist, you can play whatever jank you want
>and 90% of jank fits into someone's EDH deck
>so no one cares about whether or not the latest spoiler matters for your EDH deck
EDH, lolno
Legacy, it was a major player for a while, and likely still is.
EDH has the reputation of being a casual shitter format because it's played by casual shitters. Sure, you can play 5c Druid/Zur/Storm/Sisay and play real magic, but most people just fuck around and cast hydras for 15 mana on yurn 20 or whatever, so you can get away with playing random shit and still be competitive.
In Legacy, most people play top tier decks if they play at all, so bad cards get punished much more.
Like EDH is supposed to.
Cancer killing mtg.
At least when I tried EDH, it was all super expensive combo decks, or piles of goodstuff. I ended up not playing the format for very long, and just spent the money on legacy.
And legacy has a rep of being a dead format with 40 year old man babies crying to keep it alive.
Idgaf. Sylvan library is gonna be sweet in my Edric edh deck. And none of you faggot cunt legacy cucks will tell me otherwise.
Now hurry up and crack a box for me so I can buy library for cheap.
>>All the other players are there:
Except for the $1000+ for the manabase.
>Build legacy deck
>20 swamp
>40 relentless rat
Hey look, a legacy player now. Wow you're right, it's hard to make a deck for his format.
You do have the fetches already though. And you can probably get away with 6 duals+grove.
he's right though.
preordering this because 2 (TWO!) card were spoiled a month ago is 100% retarded, chances are you won't even pull them in a box.
now there's about 10 cards spoiled, and already people are losing their shit, probably more are preordering right now.
wotc might as well spoil only commons from now, it's already a success for them
The moment they spoiled FoW legacy and Vintage players creamed their pants.
Chances of wasteland ok. Like 70%
>he can't afford $30 for a black border sylvan
Shitters like you trigger my autism. I can't even imagine playing a deck that isn't fully optimized. What do you have in that slot now? If you could at any time conceivable make your deck perform better, you shouldn't play the deck; it's insulting to your opponent.
Your "deck" is a joke if you won't spend $30 for a fucking Library. If you ever sat down in my shop and fetched a fucking Breeding Pool on T1 instead of a Tropical, I'd throw you the fuck out. I don't need children and poorfags pretending to play.
>A casual shitter format because it's played by casual shitters.
That's actually what makes me dislike the format so much. Most of the conversation you have about the format is garbage. You can't ask someone, "How can I improve this" because there is just no basis to start from not to mention most of the people don't have the talent or intelligence to have that conversation.
Something that I heard a lot in a brief stint in EDH are things like:
- You need Wurmcoil, Wurmcoil goes in every deck (Cryptic Command, Wasteland, Strip Mine, etc.)
- Play this better Commander
- I only use real cards in this unsanctioned format and won't tolerate fakes
Some people would never say it but they believe there is only one or two ways to build each Commander. Or some build good-stuff all day every day.
The best conversations I had over EDH were ones where we circlejerk over how good each others' decks are. And that is fucking terrible because I want better conversation than that, but that is the absolute best it can be because nobody wants to sit there and take a scalpel to someone's deck.
Duel Commander is completely not like regular multiplayer Commander. In Duel Commander I'm fine with saying things like needing to play Cryptic. What I can't stand is how people in multiplayer Commander think they're all high and mighty about their pet bullshit when they both exhibit the same behavior as competitive players and are too fucking stupid to improve themselves or help others improve themselves without using fucking platitudes or saying "do anything you want" because they're too lazy to think when helping.
>Over 2 rarity updates for the sake of the eternal semite
Haha that's cute. My edh decks are worth more than most legacy decks.
Ive been using mirris guile becuase I love turn 1 plays with it. But I want to try library. Modern frame did it for me, and the foiling in arsenal is shit.
Get fucked kiddo.
You don't get it.
By "wanting to try Library", you admit that Library might be better than Guile.
If Library is, in fact, better than Guile, you haven't been playing a real deck because your deck was not optimal.
If Library is not better than Guile, by making the change you will cease to play the optimal list; therefore you are no longer playing a real deck.
top moist
If legacy babies won't read "this goes good in my edh" comments what makes you think we'll read this shit.
I think you are arguing the wrong point. Lol. Retard.
what White cards do yall think will be re-printed?
>This is the horror that goes on in a legacy players head.
I'm sorry user.
Man, you must get butt blasted when you lose to a krenko deck.
I'd be so much happier if it were Ravages of War
>turbo-autist with a T1 EDH deck flips his shit over losing to a $50 Krenko deck
Loving this mental image
I was just passing by and saw this, and honestly people like you are the reason I'm glad I play casual Magic only. Really? You'd throw someone out because they aren't playing the very best cards? Some people have to buy their cards on a budget, you know, and want to have fun in the meantime. I'm not sure what's wrong with that. Seriously, faggot, get fucked.
Silly user, WotC doesn't care about balance as long as they can keep collectors happy.
I know, I know...
Only people who suck at multiplayer claim it's all up to politics
Haha how does it feel knowing that the ONE set legacy fags are getting is catering more to commander players?
>have never played kaalia of the vast/Jhoira deck against other 4 players
Surely, you can survive all their hate
If you can afford Modern Jund but you don't want to play Legacy Jund, you're doing it wrong.
Modern Jund is more expensive than a whole lot of Legacy decks. And it's a worse deck in a format full of worse decks.
Try playing a good commander.
Well eternal masters might actually not be as terrible as I feared...
Yea. I consider myself pretty good at politics, but there's no way I'm convincing people that my Kaalia deck or Radio deck isnt OP.
>Hey guys I'm playing this commander that can easily win turn 5 but please don't don't mind me playing my shit
Of course you're gonna get hated off the table with Kaalia as a commander you moron.
Rafiq fuck
Here's two reliable ways to win multiplayer game
a) don't look like a threat until other people wipe each other then do one final push for win
b) don't look like a threat and pull combo when nobody can interrupt it
>Oracle of Dust hitting the table against Jhoira
>Jhoira player's face when he realizes he'll never be able to resolve a fatty
Fucking glorious
I have no problems going off with Arcum through BW boardwipes, counterspells and a Prosh player pinging and bolting everything.
It's all situational. Not looking like a threat but still having a board to protect yourself is a fine balance.
It's what makes edh so good.
See you'd immediately be my target if you joined group game with me.
If you run a red flag commander you pretty much have to embrace it. There's no convincing anyone.
you can totally outplay collusive table hate in EDH, you just have to know when its coming and play at instant speed whenever possible
To be fair Maze of Ith does far more work in Lands and Aggro Loam than any EDH deck.
>trying to win the game with non-hexproof commander
but theres a prossh player at his table too
at a certain point it becomes impossible to decide youre just gonna focus on one scary commander at your table
red flag commanders just become normal commanders and youre back to the normal political dynamic
I thought every spoiler had a million "this goes right in my Dark Magician edh deck!" comments. I can never see myself caring so much about a casual format, but I guess that's for them to decide
Kataki, War's Wage.
>I can never see myself caring so much about a casual format as to comment "this card is good in my deck"
exactly how much "care" do you think it requires to say a card would be good in your deck? how do you even build decks at all if you dont care even that much?
take a step back from Veeky Forums for a moment
it poisons the mind, makes you say a bunch of totally retarded shit for incomprehensible reasons
Do eternal masters pack have 1 foil in each?
>Not looking like a threat
>but still having a board to protect yourself
Not check
Running 4 creatures is a risky proposition but it usually pays off when you kill the entire table in a single turn
Just gotta bide your time
I don't care enough to argue if Jimmy the Elf is a better commander than Johnny the hexproof.
Just pointing out that "this is a commander card!" is the most meaningless sentence in magic
Nobody is saying it like you are taking it. Nobody is saying "this goes into commander decks and commander only"
Not every card is a fucking command tower.
Edh players get excited for new cards and sets to. Take a fucking break from the internet and come back when you're not being a whiny cunt.
Lol buttblasted edh player got called out
Called out for what?
Or are we just gonna resort to memes and green text?