So, The Imperium isn't the baddies because chaos uses the eight point star that looks like a rats anus?
So, The Imperium isn't the baddies because chaos uses the eight point star that looks like a rats anus?
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Anuses usually use a six-pointed star as representation, more an asterisk than an eight-pointed star.
In a nutshell?
maybe it's just me, but asterisk looks 5 pointed to me, see: *
The asshole is just an idea, you can convey it with as many spokes as you like.
No. The Imperium is the baddies, but just not as much the baddies as some of the other baddies. It's debateable whether they're the least baddy baddies or just contenders for the title of least bad baddy.
The fact that its usually carved into a face they cut off some guy is what you really need to be focusing on, not the star itself.
Human bones aren't an evil thing in that setting.
Fuck, they aren't an evil thing in reality either. Churches fucking love bones.
>Demon heads
Demon heads are more evil than skulls.
Here's the thing.
Nurgle, Probability tells us that there's an army for Nurgle marching under a rats anus.
If it can, It will happen its only a matter of time.
Said the guy with a rats anus as his flag.
To the untrained eye, the human skull is an all encompassing example of humanity. No skin color, no makeup, no dirt from the mines, just bare bones that everyone has. If the Imperium wants to instill a sense of unity in it's people it makes sense to use a skull
Asterisks are six-pointed in most writing and general representation, but five-pointed in word-processing and computer text. See your post and then the keyboard symbol.
I think that has more to do with the limits of aliasing and creating the symbol out of such a tiny space with so few pixels. A six-pointed asterisk is likely unreadable or more difficult to read at the average text size, but with one less point it can convey the same information in a more readable form. That's just my thinking, btw, I should probably google it.
Most people don't have bare bones, you skellie shill.
There are no good guys in 40k. That's the joke that 40kids doesn't get.
Even then human skulls are normally depicted with their skin.
>rats anus as his flag.
Would that be Turkey?
I'm pretty sure that Turkey's flag is just a five pointed star and a crescent moon.
At least the Orkz are honest about it.
Chaos players are butt hurt because their flag is an anus.
Chaos Magick is quite literally all about traveling to the asshole of the cosmos with your dream form and then try not to drown in psychic shit so you can get superpowers and destroy the universe.
b-b-but Salamanders
Orks is a pest that annoys everyone who's not an Ork. That makes them bad guys.
Orks are just a force of nature.
Imperium's got values heavily influenced by the emperor being a half-dead living relic permanently fixed on his golden throne, requiring the sacrifice of thousands of humans every day just to maintain himself.
It would be stranger if they didn't have human remains in all their iconography.
Bad to da bone, ya
>Orks are just a force of the Old Ones
They don't try to pretend they're anything other than what they are, is the point. They don't murder trillions of their own kind and call it "a necessary evil". They call it "a bloody good laugh".
Their entire society operates on might-makes-right, they know that's how it works, and they wouldn't have it any other way.
you can have human relic with skin on, like Lenin
Yeah, after being comfy with their families they go out and kill some pacifist alien who was stupid enough to try diplomacy in 40k, by putting a meltabomb in their anus. All Space Marines are indoctrinated to just hate aliens for being aliens and will kill the shit out of them without even thinking of why they are doing it. Even if they would be unironic good guy aliens who could magic away Chaos, Necrons, Eldar, Orks and Tyranids they would still hate them.
True enough. Mummified remains have been a thing forever as well.
But most of them are going to be plain old bones.
So are mosquitoes then and they kill more people per year than any other animal.
Yup. The way it should be.
I said that they are a pain in the ass for everyone else. That makes them antagonising.
>Imperium of man
>Imperium populated by humans
>the only space nation populated by humans
>bad guys
Go away xenos, you are not welcome.
>There are no good guys in 40k
>1984 Asian aliens in space are good guys because fancy rethorics about being good guys and clean looking design
>the same faction that mounted on their mechs those British surveliance cameras that was used to spy on their civilians are all about them civil rights
Everyones the baddies in 40k. Even the Tau, they are an expansionist collectivist empire.
There have, from time to time, been good guys in WH40K, but whenever they become poplar enough to cut into muhreen sales their not being Hitlers gets retconned so they're just as bad as everyone else.
Really, the only good guys are the orks and the nids. They're just being true to their nature. Can't get mad at a housecat for eating a bird.
Also those farmer eldar who get mentioned once in a while and whatever humans fucked off from the imperium, settled a remote world and are just waiting for the grimdark to blow over.
>>the same faction that mounted on their mechs those British surveliance cameras that was used to spy on their civilians
In English please?
Tau mecha have monoeyes, which kinda look like CCTV cameras if you squint hard enough.
the heads of Tau suits look like cctv cameras therefore they are evil?
I mean it's shit logic, but that's how I interpreted it
Something something greater good.
With superior Aryan skull shape, naturally.
"Good" isn't just a moral quality, it's a statement of quality. The only thing the Tau are good at is getting their shit stomped by Cato Sicarius.
Every time you "problem, astartes?" just remember that time that Sicarius and less than a hundred Marines slaughtered an entire Tau incursion into Imperial space. Your shit faction exists to make the Ultramarines look good.
Calling them good guys gives them too much credit...But calling them bad guys doesn't give them enough credit.
There's more skeletons than there are people, why won't you accept your overlords?
I thought it was a cockroach.
>Picturing this in the tts sicarius voice
Tau society is a surveillance society where privacy doesn't exist and they exercise thought control.
Tau sterilisation programme
Enrolment is non negotiable
One day a man shall rise. He shall destroy the corrupt and stagnated Imperium and transform it into the Cosmic Caliphate. Then and only then shall mankind rise once again.
I always look at the Imperium as the good guys - if its for humanity it is good. War isn't fun.
They are the cruelest and bloodiest regime imaginable, so how bad they are depends on your imagination.
>if its for humanity it is good
emps basically says as much when he talked to Jaq Draco
The Imperium is written as something that is entierly loathsome, though. The intention was that you were supposed to be disgusted by it and not admire it. Most of it is based in mockful satire of the idea about how terrible mankind could become or has been. Even the corpse Emperor was never originally intended to be mankinds salvation, but rather instead he was just another dead end we would have hit and he was a symptom of how bad mankind had fucked up in the 41'st millennium.
That's basically a cosmic madman preaching propaganda. That is also from the same scene were it's revealed the the Emperor has several split personalities and they keep secrets from eachother.
No chaos are the baddies because they are horrible super murderers.
At least the imperiums slaves are just whiped and worked to death, being raped by a khornate bloodcrusherslayerXx 24/7 isnt exactly a bonus.
Remember, the term bad guy only works when you are the bigger asshole.
What about all those people that are shipped off in the black ships every single day to be fuel for the Astronomicon?
No, the cosmic joke is that the Imperium is the good guys, despite all the conventionally evil shit they do in the name of "good."
It's literally a setting of "The Ends Justify the Means," like any good tragic setting.
The only "Good" on warhammer is the tau, and that's debaitable thanks to ethical reasons.
just be an ork, they're the only faction that isn't evil.
from the thousands of monks and spiritual masters who combined their soul into the oversoul that is the emperor?
And they don't really keep secrets, they just delegate mental tasks because it's easier and more effective.
Then the Emperor is neglectful and unreliable as the ruler of humanity. Sevatar was right.
Still not the same as all of theur slaves being buttfucked by a nurgulite "happyrotcocksecretman"78;) everyday all day while they are also told to go do slave stuff.
>eight point star that looks like a rats anus
confirmed for never having seen a rat's anus
it looks nothing like the wheel of chaos
Aside from their form of government (which would be abhorrently authoritarian to the modern person) the Tau are evil because they are blinded by their own arrogance to the reality that A. There are much bigger fish in the pond than they are, and B. The Warp is real, and it's mean as all fuck.
While the Ethereals know of those things, they refuse to disseminate that information down the ranks and blatantly deny that it exists, and in the process cause untold problems for the psychic races under their regime and opening themselves up to corruption through indirect sources.
They are, like all races in 40K, a tragic race, and therefore doomed to fail in their own way when they start swinging their dicks enough for Chaos, Tyranids, or the Necrons to care about them, both of whom in-fluff they have an incredibly hard time fighting.
Chaos is only as dominant as it is because of humanity. It's a mirror of everything disgusting there is to be found with humanity in 40k.
...Why do you have an image of that?
That's the second degree of comprehension. The third one is that the imperium is the good guy, despite being 1984 on space steroids.
Still doesnt make them not the big bad next to the relatively tame for their universe imperium.
>not capturing the rats in your house and photographing their anuses before you release them so you can identify them later
how do you do pest control in your house?
>the asshole is an idea.
The ass hole is a social contruct! Forced on us by the patriarchy. You don't need to shit, you just been brainwashed in to think you do by Bigtoilet.
How does having a thousand of the most powerful and experienced psychic souls working as a team 24/7 to manage both the operation of astronomicon, keep track of all the warp fuckery happening in the whole galaxy, and still manage big picture decisions in the empire make him a bad ruler?
I thought eldar were a bigger contributor to modern warp bullshit? I mean the deldars even made a whole new warp god!
>Even the corpse Emperor was never originally intended to be mankinds salvation, but rather instead he was just another dead end we would have hit and he was a symptom of how bad mankind had fucked up in the 41'st millennium.
Well, the whole "guide humanity's evolution into a psychic species and protect it from hostile warp entities" was there from the start, even before Chaos was formally introduced.
Only the Big E can be the ruler of the Imperium because he is the only one who can watch everything, nudge the dice rolls and yet still save your soul in the end. You wouldn't want to be an eldar in the afterlife, but if you are a human, the Emperor really protects.
The only efficient administration on the Imperium is the one bringing psyker souls to feed the Emperor. Think about it. The administration doesn't even know the number of planets under their control, but the planets can be assured to see the black ships regularly. The production is erratic and badly managed, but psykers are harvested with a clockwork regularity. Logistics for everything are totally fucked up, except for bringing souls at the Emps table.
And yet nobody knows what he does with it.
Have a look at all those troops that Chaos fields. How many of those are Eldar? How many of those are humans?
CWE have their emotions in check, for the most part. DEldar get around it, though I can't really say if their lifestyle feeds Slaanesh or if they avoid this kind of thing. Exodite Eldar avoid all this by having a pretty normal life of mundane hardships and ascetic lifestyle.
>You wouldn't want to be an eldar in the afterlife
Except if you join the cult of Cegorach. Every Eldar should join him, he's the only hope for them.
A lot of things was on the table regarding what would result from the Emperor. Rick Priestley said that the original point behind the Emperor was that he was a dead guy running the entire Imperium and no one could be sure if he was actually doing anything at all. Everything about him was supposed to be speculation, prophecy and myth. Certainty was never supposed to be a part of the character.
He doesn't save all of them.
You know they aren't literally thrown into a furnace right?
Nobody knows what the Big E does with them.
They don't survive the experience and a furnace would probably be less painful because that burns away your nerves to the point where you can't experience pain.
All "normal" Harlequins are save, as far as I can say. Only Solitaires are in danger of getting eaten by She Who Thirst. But it is said that Cegorach will fight for their souls.
Hey, this is still far better than all the other Eldar gods
>and a furnace would probably be less painful because that burns away your nerves to the point where you can't experience pain.
Again, nobody knows what happens to the psykers who are used as fodder for the Emperor. There has never been, as far as I know, any fact about it, only suppositions. Maybe they are buttraped 24/7 by the emperor's powers to feed him, or maybe they merely merge with him. Nobody knows for a fact.
All depends on which imperial world you are born. In the Republican world's they are likely typical good guys, take maccragge it's a reasonable world which looks to create well rounded individuals through a emphasis on perfection and being a great human being in general.
While a world like Armageddon or other hive world's, which are basically technological feudal society's they are baddies as they sallow the oppression of the masses, combined with mass conscription / press ganging of the population; while not trying to quell the basically civil war that occurs everyday, even probably continuing through an invasion, the tunnel snakes don't move to reinforce the iron jacks due to the argument over turf they had 6 months ago; the iron Jacks get wiped out oh well when this is all over new territory for the tunnel snakes.
The real question you should be asking yourself is what are baddies? People that implement draconian systems due to necessity or those that impose them for self gratification and gain?
Most of the worlds where people label the imperium as bad, don't look at the social economic pressures that are imposed on them by the environment of first the world, and second the galaxy.
Take a hive world, yeah 20-30k years ago everything was pristine, worked perfectly, then suddenly your living in bombed out wartorn suburbs, fixing it up as vest as possible while the now toxic environment seeps in and 90% of the systems are patched together with dual tape and chewing gum by the survivors.
Those living in the upper spire still have working systems not patched up, plus access to the greater galaxy, and now are able to impose limited amounts of control down the spire via trade agreements. Are they evil because they don't give a fuck about the people below the wall? Seeing them as a captive market, which can be exploited, or should they be praised for maintaining some sense of order, that at least gives the impression of laws and rules in a Era of "Mad Maxism".
I typically let my cat kill them off. Seems like the most permanent solution.
Press ganging a quarter of a hives population may seem terrible, but at the same time if it ellivates starvation, mass murder, and theft etc is it really that bad a thing? Eventually the survivors will have an opportunity to become colonists and recreate a society how they want to.
>DEldar get around it, though I can't really say if their lifestyle feeds Slaanesh or if they avoid this kind of thing.
It undoubtedly does, they just refuse to quit. Their souls are constantly being leeched away so they feed on the pain of others to revitalise themselves, and the required amount steadily increases as time goes on. They won't submit to Slaanesh, but they won't stop living in a way that feeds it either.
And yet there seems to have been an awful lot of certainty about him.
>"The Emperor doesn't consider himself a god, and originally the Adeptus Terra didn't either; they only came up with the cult of the "God-Emperor" as a propaganda tool, but now they all actually believe it, the suckers."
>And yet there seems to have been an awful lot of certainty about him.
Sure, but his original function was supposed to be ambiguous on purpose to make the people who worship and rely on him look like massive tools.
That's their president, we're talking flag.
Deldar defo feed slan. They do it indirectly by feeding themselves in the same manner as slan. By harvesting the soul through pleasure of misery. They greater the misery of the subject the greater the soul meal they gain = longer time that slan. Can munch on thier soul before they become a husk.
>massive tools
he's literally responsible for all reliable human space travel
Rogue trader wasn't satire, man. The guys who made it just liked Dune.
You'll never have a space wolf chapter that is space cats.
Cat priests, Cat Squad, Leman Cat.
Dune is a good movie, As for the book. I like the movie more.
Anyhow, Most of the tech in dune is strangely in 40k. Laspistols and so on.
40k is directly derived from 2000AD's Nemesis the Warlock that is very much full of satire and irony. The Emperor is pretty much based on the BBEG from that comic that is the semi immortal ruler of Earth, or Terramight as it's called there. The BBEG wants to kill all the aliens and oppose the forces of Kaos.
That's a lie from everything we've seen from the Black Library. The Imperium is structured like the Holy Roman Empire and thus every planet/sub-sector is ruled independently. The Imperium as an entity is really just the Administratum and Terra itself, with everything else being left to their own interests so long as they pay their taxes. Governors are able to rule however cruelly or nicely as they will, and you can have guys who create paradise worlds or turn people into servitors for Jay-Walking (although that particular Governor ended up getting shot for corruption by space marines). You've got nice planets like Vostroya or Voltoris and shitholes like Catacha and Necromunda.
This agglomeration which was called and which still calls itself the Holy Roman Empire was neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire.
Actually, Text-To-speech seems to put it in the best way: "It's to show that even in it's barest form, the human body is beautiful"
Black Library is even less consistent than GW, though.
There is no consistency in a Stellar Empire spanning over a million worlds where communication between planets can be measured in centuries and every chunk of it is ruled as an independent barony that pays a tithe to a greater collective government.