I think I fixed the Emperor's Wisdom.
>enhabit the Clax system, in undergrund vaults to protect from the perrals of the warp.
>psyker breeding programs
>psyker supremisists.
>if you arn't a psyker, or an engineer, you are a grunt.
>harvists enemy dead for research.
>slow to mobalise. Absolutly destroy when they get there eventuly.
Emporors Wisdom Reborn!
here are some dudes I made so far.
last example.
here is thier insignia. laser printed it. any sugestions on updates to fluff or crunch?
You missed all the interesting stuff from the previous thread.
Also nice models.
You're not supposed to apply washes with a firehose. Don't let that shit pool, and be very careful with it around alrge, flat or gently curving surfaces.
>Also nice models.
this is how I know this is a samefag.
it isn't. im a namefag.
Could you post? I didn't save it, as SupTG was still active. rip in peace.
it is intentional. otherwise the old paint looks shit. bronzed flesh looks unfinished without it. anyway, how bout some Crunch or fluff sugestions.
It looks like shit.
>it is impossible to take a name off.
I didn't. look, and dispair. could you sugest some Fluff or crunch?
I don't believe you.
There are 0 people who would look at those and say they looked nice.
>these fucking mold lines
>leaving your plastic spacemen in the mud
>all these misspellings
Holy sweet Jesus, the autism
>oh no, i forgot
>why would they ever be perfectly clean
>1 memetic mispell.
reconsider your argument.
Could we discuss fluff and crunch? any archivists here? post .pdfs of the last threads.
>1 memetic mispell.
you misspelled inhabit, underground, perils, aren't, mobilize, absolutely, and eventually.
>why would they ever be perfectly clean
because space marines ritualistically clean their arms and armour. Yours don't look battle worn dirty, they just look atrociously painted.
Reconsider your argument.
Well they inhabit a world lost in a warp storm since M36 so basically it's silly.
>space marines
imperial citizens they controll are paired by who is the most psyker.
so where is close enough for the warp radiation to affect it?
They worshiped the Emperor as an ancestor-god and believed that hew was the common ancestor of all psykers.
There was the bit about them looking for the Emperor's biological children and grand children in the hopes of isolating the "god-gene" and using them as the ultimate breeding stock.
Their planet was once quite nice but then got chaos'd when the Eye of Terror formed. It was close enough to the edge of the Eye to be constantly bathed in low level warp radiation but not too close that deamons were manifesting easily.
The planet had been nuked at some point and all that was living on the surface was simple single celled life forms. They would, with t depressing regularity, clump together and form shoggoth monsters due to warp exposure.
They made no real attempt to hide their psychic breeding program or their beliefs as there is a sizable psyker supremacy moment in the Inquisition to whom they are happy to lend warriors to.
They did once try breeding between psykers and navigators. Resulted in a greater production of low-end psykers of good stability but also other medical complaints, thus making them unsuitable for recruitment. Also studding prices for navigators is astronomical and the project was scrapped.
The highest rank a non-psychic could get was sergeant. Librarian and Chaplain were the same thing.
Alright, so you get two psionic powderkegs to breed, they might have a 1/6 to a 1/8 chance to make a psyker babby. And then that psyker babby gets recruited by the Emperor's Filthy Wisdom, and most die in the process, so you end up with the regular number of psykers after one round of breeding program.
Basically, you're removing anyone with a rare mutation from the gene pool. As far as your program is concerned, any offspring taken as candidates are dead. So either you only take SOME candidates, in which case you have a slightly higher number of psykers, whoop de doo, or you have more than a single world with its whole population underground to choose from.
Breeding programs don't work like that.
In a breeding program you get males with desirable traits and pair them with females with desirable traits. They produce, in most mammals, an equal number of males and female offspring.
The female offspring remain in the breeding program. The best of the males are selected for the breeding programs, and their genetic material is preserved if, for some reason they die or become unavailable and you still want to produce offspring from that male.
So all the males are pretty much useless, beyond the very best of bloodlines and ones that are good enough and bring in outside blood to prevent problems with inbreeding. 90% of males are surplus to requirements and can be used for non-reproductive purposes without any problem.
thanks guys. I am sorry I derailed the thread with my shitty painting. glad we are back in business.
But you need the Best Of males, because anything short of Chad Thundercock isn't going to survive the gene seed. Remember, you're not just selecting for Most Brain Powers, you're selecting for Beefcake, because otherwise it's wasted for the purpose of making Space Marines.
And there's going to be horrible attrition rates on your program, as a you're breeding buncha psykers on a planet that's been lost in the fucking Warp.
AND your whole population is underground and needs to be self-sustaining since anything outside of your eight feet thick ceramite vaults wallpapered in wards is straight-up corrupted.
Let's say you worst-case it and 1-in-8 has the traits you want. Each female can produce, in an intensive program, about 1.5 offspring per year* for 20 years. This means she will produce 3 to 4 offspring useful to the program. So even if you don't really get any improvement in power or yeld you can, by being a fucking monster that puts humans into an intensive breeding program, get 3.75 times your investment by the program with the use of females that are otherwise not useful as marine candidates.
*You'd likely use IVF that would encourage multiple births, but no matter how inhumane you are the females will require time to recover after pregnancy before breeding again.
>Basically, you're removing anyone with a rare mutation from the gene pool
Naw. You can harvest genetic material from males before you use them up. If one of them proves to have really desirable traits and be the Seabiscut of psionic might then you can take it out of the fridge and produce a lot of his offspring.
If you are going to go for full eugenics you'd likely just test and perform genealogy analysis of your whole population to pick for desirable traits, like physical strength, reactions and endurence.
If the population is producing anyone suitable as a space marine psyker that person had a family and bloodline. They go in the program. Even if you don't have many of those you can breed people with desirable non-psionic traits into the program. Most are going to be carriers, not active psionics themselves in any case.
It's monstrous, but workable. In any case, I'd say that the biggest danger is mass daemon possession of badly trained, pregnant psykers.
Sploog in a jar, a freezer and a turkey baster.
Now we can recruit from the male population as hard as we want and still have their genes.