Character naming

How do you name your characters?

Do you have a convention you go to when you get stuck, such as choosing two Irish villages for a name? Or do you pluck a name from something you've read/watched recently?

All my characters are named Bo'Dazzle [something]Guy.

If he's a monk, he's Bo'Dazzle PunchGuy.
If he's a dwarf, he's Bo'Dazzle ShortGuy.
If he's a wizard, he's Bo'Dazzle MagicGuy.

Hasn't failed me yet.

Google "Popular X-country names" and then make up something for their last name.


Making a Not!Japanese samurai type for a game? Look for edo or sengoku era names and tweak them a bit to fit the setting.
Making a Not!Viking Fighter or Barabarian type for a game? Look up one Norse and Viking names and tweak them a bit to fit the setting.

It is straight up one of the easiest parts of character creation for me.

Haha. So funny.
Kill yourself.

Whoa dude, chill out. What's got your panties in a knot?

Everyone hates playing with you.

Nah man, everyone at my FLGS think it's hilarious. Lighten up a little.

Everyone at your FLGS is autistic.

At least he fits in.

Usually just mashing parts of other names together, personally.

You play in a high shcool group or something do you.

That or you're literally a bunch of manchildren.

Nothing is more infuriating than someone outright lying about something, but they then insist that this retarded idea would in any way possible be interesting or funny.

I come up with something funny sooner or later.

Shout out to Gainsley Flexington, Muscle Wizard, gentleman, scholar.

>All this butthurt
Stay mad fags. Not my fault you're not the life of the party.

Maybe if you weren't such no-fun assholes you'd have more games to play in.

>All my characters are named sprinklebuttmcshitface (class) and everyone laughs and claps whenever I say the name. I'm so cool guys!
This is what you sound like.

>Hey, how do you name your characters?
>I name them like this

That's what you nerds sound like.

You literally name your characters BoDazzle _______. That is not original, entertaining, or funny in any way. It's something you'd see in a child's cartoon or anime and makes every character you make completely generic and forgettable.

>That is not original, entertaining, or funny in any way.

MmmMmmm! Those are some hot n' salty opinions! You sure showed me! Go tell your mom, I bet she's proud her little boy stood up to the mean old internet man!

Please tell me how putting on a cheesy name for every single character you make is in any way entertaining? I'll wait while you meme your comments with such terms as "salt", "faggot", and "I'm right you're wrong nah nah nah".

>Make fantasy character, everyone expects him to have fantasy name
>Name him something cheesy and goofy instead
>Everyone at the table smiles and has a good chuckle

Comedy is supposed to play on your expectations. You expect something to happen, but something else does, and that's what makes it funny. And if something is funny and liked enough, it gets perpetuated. It's how good memes happen.

Everyone at my FLGS likes it and has a good time whenever I bring Bo'Dazzle out, and I share that sentiment.

>inb4 they're laughing at you

All dumb puns. Favorites include magical detective Warlock Holmes and high-kicking Author P.G. Roadhouse.

I'm experimenting with coming up with a variety of culturally thematic names which are all actually anagrams of each other.

It's way more difficult than I thought it would be.

Played a game of Mutants and Masterminds where we all did exactly that. All the villains had a name like that too. You could tell if someone was actually relevant to the plot by whether or not they had a punny name.

mfw the girl with the last name 'Alderaan' got killed and none of us saw it coming.

Two brothers who are thieves named Jacque and Strappe.

Family motto, "we'll lift your family jewels".

Name generators for throwaway/less important characters. For important characters, I do anything from reference a similar existing character's name, use etymological roots or other languages for words that pertain to the character, or using one from a list of good sounding names that come to me at times.

Sure it might get a giggle the first time, but it gets old fast.

Hasn't yet. I'll keep doing it til I stop getting laughs.

First character was a joke in general, his name ended up being Wizzle Benizzle just because the original was that shit.
Second one was a grill wizard, picked the name Lotte Chivay by stealing the first and last name from two different characters. Points if you can guess where from.
I'm so creative.

1. Decide on prominent sounds in characters language and region.
2. Mash together until I get name.

That's not really a different character name. That's pretty lame.

Usually, I use a random name generator and give them a title from something someone has called me in real life.
My current guy's title is Love Muscle.

I've seen worse. The old group I used to play with had two guys who did this shit.
One of them always named his character Cylael and then added a number after it. Didn't even matter if it was the same game. The other guy always named his character Chuba. No number after it. Just always Chuba.

I use historical names. The Domesday book of England is a good source for medieval names.

I'm a sucker for puns and half jokes, though I try to make sure that hey don't sound too out of place for the race and setting. Typically at least half of the bame will in some way reference they way they are:
Hobo Hillbottom the halfling thief
Attenborough Dankin the nature living druid
Khanzak Morboom the dwarven gunslinger.

A little silly, but not to someone living in a fantasy world.

#underscores are spaces
import string, random
for a in range (20):
____name = random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase)
____for b in range(random.randint(1,11)):
#run and pick one

I look at my book shelf and pick the last name from the first book I look at, and the first name from the third book I look at.


I've always been good a names. I make them more than just a single word name, I put on a title or a full name, an occupation, a nickname.

About to join a Shadowrun game, have an Elf named Silas O'Conner, nicknamed Sil'O (silo). Based on Irish Jimmy O'Faelen, named Jimmy'O.

That said the actors name is Titus Welliver, pretty solid name.

>Author P.G. Roadhouse

>Hasn't failed me yet.

No, but you have failed your friends and probably your parents, user.

It's not rocket science, I just either mash two names that sound good together off the top of my head or run through some name generators til I get things that I like. Some of my characters are Marcus Goldpeak, Gorman Finkledink, Gregor Kartov, Cedric Buren, and Noah Shaw.

Add more to the name, you don't give it away every time you speak. But the first time you tell your fellow players it creates an impression in the mind and that is all you want to do. Convey how you see your player to them.

>Human Paladin
Sir Sjiemon of the House Grisband, Knight of the King.
He has a long name, already he seems to be a stuck up knightly type, he is a noble, he has a direct connection to a king, he has a knighthood

>Half-Orc Druid
Tusk, Second Of the Shadow Druids.
It's short, typically used for goreing, simple and direct. Again, another image, very easy to picture.

>Dwarf Barbarian
Balvan, The Violent Curse
A bit strange, odd and different? I wonder how he got the name, perhaps I'll ask when it comes up next time.

>Elf Bard
'Slip-Fingered' Silas the Singer.
What did he do to get that first part of his name? It sounds quite rude, it must involve a female as bards generally do and he's probably a good singer.

>Halfing Rogue
He stole my bastard wedding band.

think up 2 words or concepts that I believe fit the character well.
Google translate the words into whatever languages I feel would most fit their culture/ethnicity if translated to the real world.
Edit the result slightly to make it sound less retarded.

Either that or a blatantly stereotypical name for a blatantly stereotypical character.

Well, when you stop playing with eight year olds, it will. Until then, have a blast.

Jojo style, all my characters are named after bands. Recent examples include Aeros'meeth and Crüxshadow of Orogoth.

Is this supposed to be funny?

Anonymous message boards get a lot of people "pretending" to be retarded and then obsessively defending their shitposts by responding to every critique with implausible lies for the (You)s. It's where many charges of autism originate - and with good reason.

I waste lunch breaks at work writing in a notebook I use to brainstorm Veeky Forums stuff. One of my "exercises" is to vertically write-out the alphabet, then append the initials with letters forming names for people/ places/ things. That way, whenever I need names for people/ places/ things I have a handy reference to consult.

usually play around with sounds/letters until something pleases me.

i have a warforged named palm and a tiefling named taus

To be fair, I think I really would laugh if someone said their name was Sprinklebutt McShitface as a joke.

Why do you find that funny? Its contemptable way to treat your GM and players.

I usually go to the random name generator

My first character was named Ki'kalf Mishu, an orc barbarian. I just wanted a dumb pun name but then he became a fully fleshed out character with personality and goals.

Now I have a whole family tree of Mishu's

My players are about to meet the most recent of the Mishu clan, Lukat. He likes to be called Luke

Depends on the class
If I'm playing a druid for example I always name my character after a tree or plant

Forgot to mention it sounds like "Kick Off My Shoe"

It's harder to convey over text

I squeeze a pet and romanize the noise it makes

I usually just take a name that would fit the setting and twist it slightly. I'm not too concerned with names in RPGs.

Playing a medieval fantasy game? Take a German/WASP name
Sengoku adventures?
Shit, I've watched enough anime for this. Use a name with a CVCVCV structure.

Eh, I just come up with something and bam, name. Whether it's Irish Bexley or Alice Duvan, or whatever I say it is.

>enter thread thinking it might have some good techniques

>it's just a bunch of autists getting mad at a joke

>Urp Woorroo
works for me

I usually look at the Personae section of one or more 40k novels and grab first and last names I like and put two together that sound good. That's how I got my main RP name, Caxton Verticorda.