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What factions do you play, not just own but actually play?

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A cookie for whoever finds the Troll/Cygnar decks!

I like it mostly because the animus says "Gain 2 ARM". The fact that you can actually harass with the thing is great, but that's a really nice animus.

>PP makes Russia stronk
>Russia betrays them and leaks their shit immediately.


>Kayazy def 13
>gun mages + murder ponies def 14
>nyss def 14

I thought defskew was dead in mk2?

The true winner of Mk3 right here.
>gives armor cracking to the entirety of minions
>gains thread with hunter's mark from Lanyssa
>gains ancillary attack from Targ if needed
>can even gain defensive tech from Wrongeye's Star Crossed (which he can use while submerged)

Damn. Looks like nearly every legion unit lost stats and/or abilities for a minor pc reduction.

>Get 5 stacks up
>Pop Spiny Growth
>23ARM with a transfer and shits on small infantry
We super solo now.

Well guys, I think my work here had been done. Have fun, be nice to eachother and all the poor newfags that get linked to this thread.

Now we just need to find Trolls and Cygnar

The fact that they're hiding Cygnar makes me worried.

> No Trollbloods
Of course.

Yeah that's what Skorne feels like besides a few models getting nice buffs. Despoiler's aura that poops out a Void Spirit has been buffed to 5" range, the Razor Wurm looks seriously legit, infantry is trash as before, the Cannoneer has 16" range. But yeah, shit feels tame.

I was about to complain that none of them will load, but I just realized the sheer amount of work that slav server must be having to do right now.


Figures my 2 Factions ......
Cygnar and Trollbloods...

Its out there, just whoever shared their drop box just didn't have them for whatever reason

I know that feeling

Russians are Red
Cygnar and Trolls are Blue
Boo Hoo fuck you
All the leaked stuff so far on a site that actually works, thanks to some other user.

> Error (429) This account's links are generating too much traffic and have been temporarily disabled!

temporarily shutdown due to too much traffic lol

aaaaaaaaaaand it's gone!

I've got them, but I didn't make that inital link.

Galleon is +1 STR and is a privateer

>Morrowans are mercs now
>kayazy are mercs now
>idrians are mercs now
That's fucking awesome.

They were Mercs before.

Damn iron flesh kayazi makes me puke
immune to blast damage ...not ok

> thinks numbers greater than 12 is skew

What were they thinking with Khador!? Apperently whining on the pp forums really does pay off.

Arg, missed a few!

Unless you're Skorne :(

It gives us the blues or it gets the hose!

(Fucking please dude, I'm desperate)

I'm doing Trolls now. Fuck swans, though I hate them.

>>Morrowans are mercs now
>>kayazy are mercs now
>>idrians are mercs now

all shit though :^)

The one thing I'm curious about is Trample.

They added that to both the BE and to Xerxis2, and I'm curious if it changed.

If you no longer need a free spot to land, then the BE might actually be good.

Please don't compare models between factions. Design space and stuff. Sincerely, your PP.

Don't know if it's just me, but the deck PDFs on the Russian site load blank. Unsure why that is.

Thor has Drive: reposition 5" and is 4 points

Thor + an Avalancher is going to be legit as fuck, fully boosted +2 to damage and to hit when aiming every turn.

Guess somebody was faster than you and already downloaded them before you. :^)


I'm so happy at this minor and not very good change

behemoths bombards got aoe4 and powerfull attack ...damn

That means her assassination vectors won't get all fucked up by minor bullshit in her way. Ain't no walls stopping her now! Pretty big, IMO.


Thank you!

Anyone have cygnar?

Still no dirty filthy swan loving... :-( ..... pwitty pweese ...

Khadoran servers may be stronk, but they are also slow like Khadoran warjack.

My kingdom for a direct download link.


wtf is this sign in with facebook/social shit, jesus christ

Thanks bro, you are a true hero

(Even though you don't upload Cygnar... I like blue, okay?)

Archangel still looks wholly lackluster. +1 rat, +4 boxes, loss of strafe and only loses 1.5 mk2 pts.

No reload. Fury 4. Disappointed.

Am I blind or is the Ret version missing the Helios?

I don't think any of the second wave Colossals are around.

I'm getting serious blue balls watching these PDFs try to download.

or the rhulic battleengine

Original link works and is fast:

Wow, Pskarre's feat got BTFO.

I cannot wait to play this guy. Dual Hyperion, Hypnos, Sylys and three Arcanists are just 54pc, leaving plenty of room for other shit.

Alternatively, Hyperion+Helios (which is missing its card) for sheer fuckery.
Future Sight & Deadeye is just amazing.

You da real MVP

Thanks for the fast link!

Thank you so much.

Now Cygnar is the only thing we need.

>play mercs infantryspam
>everything I liked to play got worse
>everything I wanted to play but saw as too weak stayed the same or got worse.


What the fuck is this bullshit?

Damn, Inviolable Resolve protects against knockdown down. That's pretty good.

Eh, still does D3+1 shots, picked up a 3" move at end of activation, and its animus was improved. I'd say its been bumped up to usable.

What's disappointing is no Hydra cards in the Skorne deck.

I'm so fucking pissed they raped Makeda 1 and 2.
Like what the fuck. They even nerfed the rules on Molik Karn that were a problem with them and THEN REMOVED THE SPELLS ANYWAY.

What's Meg's drive?


That you can't download? What's the point of this link? It doesn't work

Usable, sure. Anything is usable in the game. But at 37pts, it still is lacking. On the flipside, the other steaming pile of shit in mk2, the MK, is markedly better and cheaper.

Reuploaded since some people said they had trouble.

and it's 12/19 which is sort of unheard of now


I can DL them fine.

These look fake as fuck

>Skorne deck
>Hexeris 2
>Black Spot
I swear the extra attacks used to proc on any damaging hit, not just a successful boxing. Am I just too tired to remember this shit clearly?

>Download with social network

Yeah, how about no?

Register on the 4shared then. It's not hard

We only need one more hero to give us Cygnar!

Come on user, be that hero!

so you're choosing not to download it although you're able to, stop bitching you whiny faggot

Anyone have a back up of the files. Their servers are fucked now.

use the 4shared link

12/19 is really fantastic

Its still amusing that you can fly over, set shit on fire, and then fly away, without having to rely on your opponent to whiff his rolls. It also did gain +1 SPD.

>Bane Warrior Attachment no longer grants tough
> This model can use Void Bringer once per game at
any time during its unit’s activation. This activation, when a model in
this unit boxes a living enemy warrior model with an attack, add one
Grunt to the unit and remove the boxed model from play. The Grunt
must be placed in formation and completely within 3˝ of the attacking
model. The Grunt cannot activate this turn.

Madrak2 is sick. SICK.

It's all real.

Ossyan with Deadeye and Future Sight was confirmed ages ago by PP.

>swear the extra attacks used to proc on any damaging hit, not just a successful boxing.

Everything is getting Future Sight in MKIII.

And Mak1. Well I won't be assembling her model anytime soon.

So.. since karchev is greylord model now, and koldun lord gives greylord models battle wizard. does that mean he gains it too?

what's the first icon on the carnivean?





Vayl1's feat reads as if it was written by a fifth grader.


