>that one guy on the tabletop who can control his dicerolls
That one guy on the tabletop who can control his dicerolls
You could force him to use a diceroll app, a dice tower, or a dice cup to roll. If he claims it's unfair, have everyone do it. If he can control his dice rolls regardless of implementation, you should contact the Inquisition, specifically he Witch Hunter branch. He's a probability manipulator and a dangerous mutant or unsanctioned psychic or sorcerer who must be dealt with with great expedience before he begins testing his powers beyond petty dice games.
This thread again.
Fuck off. You made this exact thread a couple of months ago with the same OP image.
You could be an oldschool GM and roll the dice for the players instead.
>that one guy who reposts shit on Veeky Forums instead of coming up with a fresh thread starter
Look mom, I am shitposting!
>>that one guy on the tabletop who can control his dicerolls
Pluck, not luck. Pic very related.
>That guy who has learned to control dice rolls but uses his powers with subtlety.
No one suspects. It's easy because we're playing the 40k rpgs with 2d10 for percentile rolls. I'm only manipulating one of the dice on any given roll.
I'm practicing my exploding righteous fury rolls on my desk right now. My standing record is 15 nat 10s in a row and I can usually chain at least 4 10s. After I have that down I'm going to start working on a system to roll 0 1 for those 'You can do it if you roll a nat one' moments.
I think you missed the point of dice, friend.
We once had a gu try this in shadowrun 1d6 at a time. The GM made him roll all his dice at once. He did not show back up.
Each Player gets a sheet of paper with numbers 1 through 20. Each time the DM would make them roll, they get to choose which number to use. Once they choose a number, they cannot re-use that number until they've picked all 20 numbers.
The player gets to decide which actions get what numbers and must decide themselves what they're willing to fail.
That is a fucking awful idea holy shit
what sort of autism would cause someone to try and "control their rolls"
it's a game. the point of rolling the dice is the fun of the chance. if you can't handle chance and luck then you probably shouldn't participate in a hobby largely based around it.
that is pants on head retarded, what?
To be clear I agree completely that it is a horrible idea and that's why I was suggesting it for OP.
>that guy that says "don't botch" and the roll is always a nat fucking 1
Learning to optimise characters is a long process that begins anew every time you swap systems. Cheating at dice transcends settings, systems and even rpgs. I'm no different from any power gamer, except that my method is more efficient and more effective. I guess there's a degree of social stigma against it, but it hardly matters when no one I game with will ever know.
That's pants on head retarded.
The dice rolls are supposed to be the variable element in the game plan.
If you like roleplaying as a set of mechanics optimizing the characters is legit. Cheating the random element out of dice rolls is just godmodding.
If you think learning to optimize a character is too tedious, you could try to play less optimized characters and focus on roleplaying.
If all else fails you can do freeform by yourself. That's the equivalent of never fudging any of your rolls.
How do you control dice rolls anyway?
You're an absolute faggot if you use it in any kind of game, but it does sound kinda neat.
You roll the dice with only enough force to let it roll a few faces.
Then that's not a roll and I would require them to roll the dice farther, or from a height of at least 1 foot.
Zochi says that with average dice you need at least 8 inches to get a random roll.
What is this from user?
Why not just use a deck of cards then? A friend does this for his homebrew system and it works well enough for light pick up and play games.
Gentleman Bastards series.
Read it, it's EXCEPTIONALLY good.