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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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This long.
Can't find if this has been asked.
In the Light of Terra Jump the limitation takes all powers and gear, but in the supplement it states you get to take gear equal to the current tech level IRL. Do we appear with said 'old school' equipment or would we have to be wearing it before the jump began.
Sounds most likely the latter at least to me.
>Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner.
How ready are you to let everything behind for the sake of your own survival, Jumpers?
Sup /jc/
How high a powerlevel should you have if you're trying to fix Evangelion?
wait where does it say that? I was thrown naked on to a metal spider you mean I could of been fully dressed and have a gun on me
That is difficult to answer, and depends on whether or not you're willing to give up your humanity or not.
>rejecting your humanity
DIO please go.
everything? in an instant, I leave behind an entire world every 10 years for longer than life has existed on this planet. everyone? never, and I never will.
What do you want the end result to be? Just avoiding Instrumentality?
In the supplement under Equipment it states as follows...
While most equipment is confiscated, weapons, armour or gear you could obtain today from the real world will remain for use.
Examples include handguns, automatic weapons, medical supplies, kevlar vests or swat style body armour. Enchanted or outright magical versions of these items are however, confiscated also.
The thing I'm confused about is the fact that it states this but at the usual level most Jumpers I've seen are at the beginning of LoT this sounds kinda redundant, as they will be thrown naked into the world anyway.
Just kill the human race first.
This is your Captain with yet another Jumpchain Announcement!
With the most recent update to the drive and the concern about the 500 file limit for the folders I have set it so in the Completed, but needs image work Folder there are now 3 Folders.
One folder with jumps A-M (Though it also contains jumps such as 8-bit Theater & 1984), One folder with Jump N-Z, and Finally a separate Folder with all the jumps that for one reason or another have their own folders.
If this problem comes back again (In which case let me just say "Holy shit" in advance) i'll most likely split it up two more time, but until then we have safe from the Google Error menace!
As always Keep on jumping.
Sounds radical.
I was wondering what had happened, how is the SWTOR jump coming?
Cool. Thanks for doing it, I know that had to mind numbingly boring.
Roughly James Bond. Be sneaky enough to assassinate some villains and steal some embryos.
If I do not have the strength to protect myself AND my friends, I have done something wrong.
If I ever put my own life above those I care about, I have done something VERY wrong.
My personal goal for 'fixing' Eva would be to prevent all deaths, save Rei, save Asuka, cockblock SEELE, cockblock Ikari, and, of course, cockblock Tang. You could include cockblocking 2nd impact, but I'd consider that above and beyond the goal.
How could you stop 2nd Impact? It happens before the Jump starts.
Continuing this line of thought though has me wondering if my Jumper is that freaking paranoid. He's had his powers stripped from him six times now and he knows that sometimes you have manditory drawbacks, from Bloodborne, so I wonder if he has a Xanatos Gambit prepped so that he rests his last day in gear that is completely mundane by his standards.
As for the times he's had his powers taken; Quest for Glory 2, Redwall, Harvest Moon, Bloodborne, Ace Commander, & The Mysterious Cities of Gold. Out of all of them the most horror inducing was the Redwall Jump cause I also took the Amnesia drawback.
Time Travel, son.... and possibly nano-machines.
I think there's a jump start for the arctic expedition, and anyways this is /jc/, there's a perk for that by default. As I said, though, that would be beyond reasonable expectation, and would probably fuck some things up along the line.
Well then, you're going to want to start as early as possible, 2006 is a good idea. That will allow you to interfere with a LOT of events, from Rei 1's and Ritsuko's mom's deaths, to getting a head start on the anti-SEELE mission(given that they were already under investigation in-series proper), become trusted friends of Misato and Kaji(who were both working for NERV and it's predecessor at the time) and prepare tech for the upcoming Angel invasion. The biggest problem for the heroes wasn't power level, but psychological wounds and being outgunned and outnumbered by SEELE's forces. You can save Kaji, which will hamper SEELE's attempts to gain the JSDF's help to attack Tokyo 3. Really, as long as you can fight off their agents, the biggest threat they can bring to bear are the MP Evas, and those guys aren't actually that tough.
It might have been a little dull getting everything for the A-M folder, but after that I thank Jump-chan for select all.
Aye, some things over the last few days had gotten in the way of my doing the next drive update and upgrade everything to the google Error doesn't happen.
As for Swtor? It is coming along I have to say. The "fluff" parts of the opening few sections aren't complete but the "meat" is there which just means I get to dive into perks, items, and complications. Tried my hand at imagining a page the other day but grew frustrated with it so that will most likely wait until everything is set in stone.
I was trying to do "research" into each Class option (and by research I mean actually play the game), but with how time consuming that is going to be I might just try to find a few videos that go through all the class story quests so I don't spend months just trying to get through all eight paths.
Overall: Progress!
Though i'll be focusing on this jump to try to channel the Star Wars feel and once that is done i'll go 100% full on orky in prep for the Ork jump.
Yay some progress is better than no progress!
Out of curiosity, what do you need for the class options? Actual story details(like the Sith Inquisitor being able to channel ghosts) or just the powers of each class? Or is it both?
Also, I don't suppose I could ask for a 0cp drawback that makes the Eternal Empire and Vitiate separate and completely unrelated?
When the time comes, I will refer to you exclusively as Cunnin' Brutal.
>Not Brutally Cunnin'
Fuck off mate.
Not at all. I'll die and fail my chain. to save my loved ones, and to spare them suffering.
It's why I never take Drawbacks that make my Companions Suffer, only ones that cause me to Suffer.
Thank you Captain.
>Cunnin' Brutal
>Not the obviously superior Brutally Cunnin'
>Not approved by Mork
Fuck you too mate.
>The imageless folder is getting cut up
Who's is sinful hand
No, you're think'n of gork.
I feel this is appropriate.
Google, for having a bug about hiding files in folders with more than 500 files.
What's your workaround for writefagging Jumps you know nothing about?
Wiki, ask people's questions, or wing it with "I had fun, helped save lives, left"
Wikis and let's plays.
Well i'm mostly looking for story details and the like as the two classes that I have gone through are Sith Inquisitor and Imperial Agent, but this is more so I can get a "feel" for each class to help make perks that feel appropriate to said class. What i'm thinking of doing is taking a Class, watching/looking at their entire class story arc, and then making the perks & items to that class with drawing some inspiration from the story itself.
I think the closest to "game mechanics" that I feel comfortable with will be the spec options.
As for the 0CP drawback? I don't see a reason why not to include such a drawback as it will make a nice edition to the Three other 0CP drawbacks lined up
Speaking of Cunnin' Brutal and Brutal Cunnin' i'll most likely be spending most of tomorrow playing Total War: Warhammer so I apologize in advance for next few day so slow progress on the Swotor Jump.
Noot noot.
But I can't complain about you doing exactly what I'm doing. Have fun.
>what I learned in boarding school is...
>tfw it's the middle of the night and you're on jc
How eXtreme are you, Jumpers?
Sleep is for the weak.
Now that we have the new Eldar jump and more to come, what order did you take all of the WH40k jumps and why? Also what do you think is the safest order in which to take them?
It's almost 8:00 PM here. I just got out of work.
But yeah, I know that feel.
I once ate a whole pizza.
That better be a large pizza.
I once ate an entire large fries from Five Guys.
God I wish the kol jump was good.
How eXtreme does a trip through Jet Set Radio Future combined with some handy super-speed make you?
I totally beefed it.
24 inches of meats and cheeses.
Won a skateboard.
How where they? We don't have a Five Guys out here in nowhere.
Five Guys is super gross. Way too greasy, and not in the good way.
Best burger you can get from a chain in the southeast.
>too greasy
>im-fucking-plying such a thing exists
That heresy is intolerable. Exterminatus!
Five guys have really good fries, far better than any fast food restaurant anyway.
You sir are shit, there is no better burger that comes from a chain and their fries are simply wonderful (especially with the Cajun spices).
So what I've learned today is that either everyone here has terrible taste in food.
>Too Greasy
Bitch I will fight you. Things might be "Too Greasy" to eat regularly, because it's unhealthy
But Greasy food is fucking delicious.
Apparently everyone here is American.
Is it wrong that I actually want to eat that?
No, I don't mean that it's unhealthy. I agree that greasy food is tasty. But this is genuinely too greasy. Like, rancid levels of greasiness. It's disgusting.
Maybe, maybe not.
Either way, if you eat it, I reserve the right to refer to you as an "absolute madman" and inform the world on how "he/you actually did it."
Of course not!
What you did there.
You see it.
I saw it.
Admittedly Five Guys is probably responsible for the whole american french fry portion thing.
Five Guys is greasy but not that greasy, it's not like it is dripping with grease like some burgers I know.
The franchises near me must be below the norm, then.
Eh, Im not a fan of greasy food so all fast food comes off as greasy as fuck.
But Im also from a family of decent cooks so we didnt eat fast food much to begin with.
Not that anything we make is all that healthy either. Pizza from scratch is still pizza.
I agree, shit's greasy as fuck, like eating a tub of deep fried lard.
Would it be possible to move related jumps (all starcraft jumps, all final fantasy's, megamans) into folders of their own, for the sake of neatness?
Otherwise, instead of sorting jumps by imaged/text, would organizing jumps in general into folders like 'novels' 'videogames' 'anime' etc. be easier to navigate overall?
Release order.
So, Jumpers. What is the silliest thing you've said out loud in your travels?
There's a lot of ways to sort them though. Source medium? Power level? Companion import option?
What it really needs is a proper tagging system and nobody cares enough to make that happen.
Look bro, nobody else does burgers right. So of course we're Americans. It's like complaining that a German is getting uppity about sausage and beer. Of fucking course he is, he's supposed to.
She’s connecting to my codec through the witch-king’s face.
>'novels' 'videogames' 'anime' etc.
But then you have some jumps that fit two or more of those categories.
That's excessive and tedious.
As a person who is trying to make an Orc Warboss chain what are some good places for some fightin'?
Wait, we actually have a KoL jump?
Why is it so.... Generic? Bland?
It could be filled with silliness and actually good stuff.
A perk that allows for silly items to be fairly powerful, maybe. A Wand of Nagamar item that turns spells cast against you into anagrams of them that are harmless. A drawback that forces you to do the sea monkee quest.