Still think we are not in a bubble and theres not a massive crash coming soon?
Still think we are not in a bubble and theres not a massive crash coming soon?
bubble, crash, sounds like market talk.
Bitcoin is a new age digital pyramid scheme
Now that I see these MS pain lines I'm convinced, thanks OP!
Bubble or not. A crash is waiting and ill be there for the dippening.
everybody is waiting to buy the dip. thats why it wont happen anytime soon
not at all
No matter how far you stretch it, its a shit show. Theres not been a correction since 7k.
Bubble and crash are old man talk for old man stock market. Surely rad new magic coin is immune!
What goes up, keeps going up if it's travelling at escape velocity to the moon!
can we squeeze the timeline a little more?
just make 2 bars from 2016 to now, that will surely prove your point
Looks like a nice smiley face to me.
The crypto market cap has doubled since then.
Holy shit. I'm literally going to retire off this shit.
whoa dooood
i guess we're taking bigger steps now, but there will and has to be a correction soon
Only crash coming is into a whores vagina that I pay for with btc gainz.
>Market Cap: $347.908.720.100 3/12/2017
pick one you fucking idiot go look at the dotcom bubble marketcap lmao
crypto is a wet fart against that
If we build the wall and deport all non-whites, you graph junkies would shit your fuckin' pants.
I'll care if we go sub 1000$
I doubt it would crash that far. Probably near the point that the bubble started, aronud 7-8k.
Dotcom bubble gave rise to Amazon & eBay, Bezos now the richest man on the planet.
The current crypto bubble is more irrational than that.
>Crypto bubble gave rise to Ethereum & IOTA, IOTA is now used in 60% of all new vehicles, and Ethereum runs over 5000 dApps
t. some guy from 2025
people laughed at amazon and ebay back then
and those 2 are basicly just reseller merchants
you cant compare crypto to these lmao
>60% of all new vehicles,
Man thats a lot of "Truck of Peace" attacks. I dont want that future.
>The Coordinator FUD keeps continuing even though everyone knows it will be removed by 2030. I can't wait to get back my coordinator seized funds next month
t. some guy from 2025
>he thinks the timeline is being "squeezed"
look at 1d and 1w candles you mongoloid
It really need some kind of correction wtf
yes. I'm starting to think the billionaire fud'ers like jamie dimon are the ones pumping it and forcing it into a bubble, so they can dump everything and go on CNBC and say, "see I was right"
I'm trying to flex my brainlet brain and think - could the US based jews really FUD bitcoin?
What about gooks? Why would they think what some jewmerican stock market overlord who exploits stupid fat burger slaves by the ways of infinite taxes for Israel think?
Why would gooks let their operation tank? Because Wall street doesn't like it?
This is global money. Can the jews really put a dent in it?
have you ever actually looked a chart outside of crypto? go and look at the s&p, amazon, google, then come back and tell me if you still think this market is somehow different and has to go down.
>it "needs" a correction
>a crash "is" going to happen
You idiots are just as bad as the people saying it will never crash. If you have been predicting a crash since $2000 you, like most people, obviously have no idea what its going to do. But everyone here thinks the eventual price is much higher, so FUDing about whether it will dip in the mean time is pointless.
easily. it would only take 5 mil to push btc up to $12k right now on gdax, then all the other exchanges would follow.
then fomo would set in and they could sell that 5 mil back at a profit or take a small loss at the worst, and these faggots have a lot more than 5 mil to play with, plus losing it wouldn't even matter to them.
But Amazon has a viable service! It outsources cheap useless Chinese Garbage and plummets it to stupid jewmerican consumers by exploiting regulations and driving small entrepreneurs out of the business.
What does Bitcoin offer?
I will buy the shit out of it. I hope it corrects soon. My angus is peppered.
Bitcoin offers cheap, anonymous, untraceable financial transactions and a money supply free from manipulation by central banks and governments.
t. Someone who doesn't know what a pyramid scheme is
holy fucking shit... so it's true... bitcoin can reach 100k-1M before it pops
I regret so much not getting into that quick 9800 minidip.
I was there during it.
I have no excuse.
I let greed take over.
I just can't buy now though. Not at an ATH, not when all my experience shout at me a correction is incoming.
I just can't bring myself to do it.
I NEED at least one big red candle.
My mind would unravel if buying now.
Use log scale brainlet
I got in around 5k, then bought some more about 9k. If I want to get some more, should I wait, or just buy it knowing it will probably dip down more but eventually will be higher?
If bitcoin even got to a tenth of the usage of USD it would be over ~$1.2m.
tenth of the usage?
I bought $300 then using ACH, supposed to arrive on Friday, which is pay day. I'm nervous as shit because I won't be able to pay for it until Friday.
No reason to be bitter, it's not too late to buy,
>scamcoins running anything
All assets on earth are worth around $250T USD. If that was represented fully in bitcoin it would be >$10m/bitcoin.
I'm and want to buy more. Any strategy? Just wait for the little dips and buy peacemeal?
On one hand I want to wait for a big dip to get in, but, there really haven't been huge dips since the original crash.
Ah, then I think 1m/bitcoin is pretty unlikely. Bummer. Was hoping to turn my 2,000 bucks into 200,000...
Banks will buy the shit out of any dip, it won't crash anytime soon.
>cheap, anonymous, untraceable financial transactions
Uh, are you sure it's any of those three?
>free from Jewish tricks
But user bitcoin doesn’t do any of that
I finally told my dad I owned some bitcoin when it came up in a conversation with some family friends this weekend.
>they all laughed at me
>told me it's a pyramid scheme and I'll lose everything
>point out it dipped 18% in one day the other day, show me lots of articles saying how risky bitcoin is
>dad says "It'll be a good lesson for you son" with a smirk
If it crashes and I lose my money I'll not only have lost money, but then I'll get bullied constantly.
>Just wait for the little dips and buy peacemeal?
"looking for little dips" is a great way to miss out. You'll be waiting forever while the overall trend is upwards. Just buy now and accept that there could be a better time to buy in a week. You should be thinking of selling in several months time, forget this mickey mouse small term shit. The only way to win with short-term selling is in HFT (I actually work in this field), and the transaction fees for bitcoin trading are too high for this.
It's pretty simple really, do you think this is the start or the peak of a bubble? Yes it will crash eventually, but if you buy early in the bubble cycle of bitcoin, you still profit.
So don't get hung up on complicated strategies, just buy now and wait
But the stock market is also in a bubble. So you are not proving anything at all but the impending financial crash that will bring about WWIII.
Forget them, they laughed at me too. Then a month ago my dad was practically begging me to tell him how to invest in bitcoins.
>tfw i've been wanting to buy btc for days but still can't because my account is still not verified
>meanwhile it just keeps rising
My dad says the same shit. They're old boomers who don't know shit. Look what mess their generation has done to the world.
You should do some thinking on what is and is-not a pyramid scheme. Really understand what makes them special from other asset classes. For example, evaluate all the following:
-the US dollar
-Dutch tulips
-Social Security
I like that bubble
I got onto coinbase pretty quickly, the mobile app works better than the webcam.
>what is logarithmic growth
If any asset goes up at a consistent % every year it will look like a bubble if you zoom the x axis out enough.
I was actually hoping to hold for like years... I'm hoping in 2020 or something it will be worth a lot.
His one friend seemed kinda interested, but the rest just laughed at me in a condescending manner.
They were saying Bitcoin is only driven by demand and that there are big players that are going to just keep pumping it up and when they are done it will crash like crazy. Or some hackers will cause it to crash or whatever. They had all kinds of reasons why I'm going to lose my little bit of money (I'm a poorfag so only have ~2k in BTC, ~500 in ETH, and ~300 in LTC ... I'm just hoping I'm in early enough to still make some good return - I keep adding a bit at a time when my basics are covered).
>"Listen here son, you gotta go to college and get an education."
>"You gotta go in there and give him a firm handshake"
>"Make sure you show loyalty and stick with the same job, move up within the company, nobody wants a job hopper."
>"Wear a suit to your interview son."
>Listening to boomers
They were the ones who caused the property crash remember, and only 5 years ago they were saying that tech was a bubble.
It's even better than that. The size of the dot-com bubble was full of garbage like and shit. Even when it collapsed, if you actually picked the RIGHT companies (see Amazon charts), you would still have made monumental heaps of money as long as you held.
The trouble is, which is bitcoin? or amazon?
It's more than likely we're in a bubble. But calling the top is less interesting to me than the big question: what will survive the bubble? That's where the real money is, if you pick a coin that survives long-term then it's beyond lambo land, you're in G6 land.
The log scale shows that its in a bubble as well so pick your scale, its the same shit.
maybe because like 95% of all the weak hands have been shaken, the current holders understand its true potential and exponential growth
You don't need them. Veeky Forums is your family now.
not a bubble. expecting the future to rhyme with the past in this situation will burn you alive.
bitcoin is AOL, it's going to be huge, and once the mainstream public accepts it as an institution, it will stabilize. Once it's stable and part of the economy, that's the time to sell and buy something new and innovative.
IMO Etherium is the and Neo is the Zcash is the
Forgot pic because I'm severely retarded
Does it?
Forgot to finish my AOL analogy. AOL is nothing now, they merged with Yahoo and they're still nothing.
Every giant falls, even bitcoin, but not until the public accepts it as the giant. That won't happen for another 10 years.
>IOT will use IOTA instead of Req
lol no.
Looks like the current BTC price is right in the middle of those trend lines.
For the sake of brainlets, here's my crack at distinguishing things.
Having value "when all the hysteria dies down" seems like the key thing. Ranking based on how useful they are when everyone loses faith in it/hates it/people stop joining:
-US dollar (the only thing the IRS accepts for taxes or OPEC accepts for oil)
-Bitcoin (very easy borderless financial transactions with limited supply, hard-to-steal tokens)
-Gold (industry, jewelry)
-Amway/Herbalife (juicers and shit)
-Tulips (gardens, salad)
Meanwhile Social Security only keeps going because it's tied to the USD.
Another criteria is that a pyramid scheme must be centralized, with a formal structure. Decentralized hysterias are just called "bubbles". So ranking by centralization we get:
-Social Security
So I think you can say it's a bubble if you want, but on the spectrum of things going from "pyramid scheme" to "asset class with underlying value and an investing thesis", Bitcoin seems roughly on par with gold and bonds.
>-Dutch tulips
Give that stale ass shit meme a rest already. The whole thing was over in a few months and the "market data" at the peak prices were, like, one or two transactions by, like, one guy who was probably drunk and rich.
You have no idea how happy it makes me that someone else realizes tulip mania was BS. I hope one day we all finally move on to considering the South Sea Company the iconic first bubble.