Old one had reached the image limit. Fresh start, shall we?
Filename thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>Bitter Irony
>Making a joke at the party's expense
Shattered Glass?
No, it in the latest comics.
Megatron decided to try not being a hate filled warmonger, got stuck with Hotrod.
I like this Megatron, can we keep him?
I wish.
My brain is hurting trying to figure out how this happened.
Probably jilling it in the car, then they hit a bump in the road.
>still makes me laugh every time
Should just call it "PCs", really.
Is that Tom?
Filename doesn't make much sense when it's really just "turn back to explosion you caused to look cool, Danish edition".
I already have a lot of variations on "PCs" so now I try to make a funny, yet descriptive filename so I can find them later for other uses.
What a sad, sad existence.
More like there were already holes there and the stuck the shoes in as a joke.
Speaking of that file name, I remember someone making a deck based solely on getting Shaharazad and as many copies of Shaharazad activated and into play as possible in order to just atrophied the opponent. It was annoying as hell.
That just raises the question of how the holes got there in the first place.
I don't know if you've ever dealt with broken glass before, but you don't get two perfectly sized holes at equal distance apart that just coincidentally fit a pair of high heels like that.
>Taking a saying literally
>Trying to interact with the No Fun Allowed Paladin.
>tall chavvy fighting idiot of old
my sides
That's what I named it after, actually. I have that screencap somewhere....
I need an explanation of what this is.
There are so many more plausible ways those holes could be there than high heeled shoes getting jammed through it. Hell they angle they'd have to pierce at even possible from the inside of the car.
There's a story behind this that I feel like I shouldn't ask for, but I am.
Reminds me about that one picture where a car is bent at a 90* angle in a parking garage and another car is flat on the ceiling being held up by the bent car.
Those are full of unintentionally aged piss.
I thought they were cum.
on /b/ there was a guy who bottled his cum and showed /b/ on christmas every year.
That is Jizzus. He would post on b every December 26 with a years supply of bottled cum.
Is that Six String Samurai? I haven't seen that in ages.
Oh. I thought he sat at his computer and only drank that bottle of soda and then pissed it out back into the bottle. Thought that was why the colors were different.
It's probably an art piece
I dislike steak, and this still brings a deep, burning pain to my heart.
>I dislike steak
Hey, that's rude. Even if I dislike it myself, I can appreciate that others enjoy it, and I can spend the time to understand what you do and don't do with a good steak. Maybe it's a bit much to expect from Veeky Forums, but I'd appreciate a bit of similar respect.
>stop liking what i don't like
You'll never have many friends with that attitude.
>well done steak is bad
Er... okay? that's a nice opinion I guess
>Er... okay? that's a nice opinion I guess
It's common practice to use the worse quality cuts for well done steak because it won't taste different. Order it close to well done instead and you'll get higher quality meat you can send back to the chef to burn if you really need it to.
my thumb started throbbing in pain when I saw this.
This is a genius idea, thank you.
If I wanted meat with the texture of shoe leather I'd have beef jerky.
I want to hear this clickety clack.
If I wanted meat with the texture of shoe leather I'd have tongue fucked your mom.
>Tonguefucking a box of ash
Disgusting, even by Veeky Forums standards.
Jeez louise, you got me friend.
>where is your god now human?
Honestly I use to eat well done, so I know how to dodge bad meat.
I also have been moving my way up towards rare(r cooks) has left me with a happier pallette. Try eating Medium-Well every once in a while user. It's fantastic every once in a while.
Please tell me this was made as a parody of cartoons. If this was made in earnest i feel like i may be physically ill.
Fuck this made me laugh. This scene is a constant joke between me and the mates.
They ordered cuts of meat that are best cooked less than that, from animals that have been selectively bred over many generations to produce meat that is tastiest rare or medium.
Yes, personal preferences vary, but it's like drinking Dom Perignon out of an old army boot, or setting cold drinks on an antique table without a coaster. You're using beautiful things in ways that degrade the work that went into crafting them, and in almost all cases it's because you either don't care or don't understand their history beyond the price tag - otherwise you'd use a more suitable object to achieve the same result, at a better price.
He did say well done.
I am totally making 'Mickey Two Suits' into a shadowrun character.
>An ineffective gun design for a small mounted cannon with 9 successive shots existed a long time ago
>Therefore george washington wanted me to bring an AK to Wal-mart
Slippery slope tho. I always want to chow down on raw slabs of meat when I'm cooking now.
i looked it up too