Third Legion Problems Edition
In the grim darkness of the far future there's only clips Sub-Edition
In the last thread more of the ultimate/finishing moves for the game we'll never get were made, a loyalist NL list was revised, one user told us about his WEs, we talked about what iron cometh from, improvements on Warsmiths were suggested, and don't you wish your EC was good like Invictus Suzerians? All of this in the previous bread Red Book Links:
HH Book 6 - Retribution PDF:
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016) -
Other official downloads:
HH Rules:
Crusade Army List:
Mechanicum Taghmata Army List:
30k/40k Rules:
30k/40k Rules and more (torrents):
30k Black Library:
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
First for the Ravenlord. Also Stormbirds.
Second for nothing at all
Alpha Legion and World Eaters together? What black magic is this?
Gav Thorpe
Black Library magic
Thanks, that's what I'm thinking. I've never encountered a rules lawyer, but I always hate being put on the spot. I'll just do what gets me the most fun out of these little plastic dudes, and that's probably keeping the original backpack.
Some bolters and a lot of autocannons use clips, and a handful of bolters have been seen to run on belt-fed ammunition (without looking different - see Chaos Space Marines), but the standard bolters use magazines.
Theoretically, the magazine boxes you can see in the standard bolters could actually be converted (or have an inbuilt feature activated) to function as clips. I think there were IRL gun models in the more left wing parts of the US that had 10-round clips imposed on them, despite the actual gun being designed to have magazines, so what they did was switch the magazine to a static piece. M14s in California, I think it was.
Eh, I won't be running him in ginormous apocalypse games, and it's not that hard to keep track of single guys that already look distinctive.
I do the same to some extent with a CSM lord/sorcerer from the DV boxset. It's not really a big deal, that can be fluffed as the sorcerer concentrating on his psychic powers during the battle or not, and the resulting boost in his weapon efficiency, and this guy swapping between praetor roles can be fluffed as different parts of his career.
It's all good, it's all for fun. It's all new when you play a stranger anyway.
And this is why we're not allowed nice things. Skinwalkers and sorcery were never meant to go along with each other.
Here's a picture that explains what I'm talking about re the "clips" in "magazine weapons".
At that point it's more or less the same principle as magazines, so clips are inferior to magazines and wouldn't have much use when magazines are more durable and flexible.
Breacher fails his charge against Slaaneshi cultists.
>Maybe more FnP
I really don't get why FW seems to think 6+ FnP is worth anything. Same for Red Butchers. I mean, I get having 5+ base might make Crimson Path a little OP, but as it is you have to take an entire RoW just to give your FnP units a basic level of FnP.
>My lord, the flesh bags are still arguing about primitive projectile weapon feed systems, should I order the Krios to open fire?
>No, no, hold fire, watching this is the most fun I've had since stucking my dick in a toaster
Who's ready for tactical containers? I know I am.
>You thought they'd be cute cat-girls inside? No, its just the Alpha Legion! HYDRA DOMINATUS!
R8 my IF starter list (2000 pointsl pre any heavy support added), please.
I'm thinking about adding another Mortis Dread, A few Sword Bretheren/Sigismund and Some Landraiders to get to 3000 points in the next 6 onths or so.
Indeed. FnP 5+ min. It's not like an apothecary could keep the pace when they have jump packs. But srsly, give them close combat rules!
>What's your job?
>I'm a Rampager!
>What's your skill?
>I really don't get why FW seems to think 6+ FnP is worth anything.
It's a holdover from 40k Iron Hands, where they got a very slight resilience bonus relative to baseline marines, well, until the newest codex, where the "bonus to save" thing has come across from 30k.
6+ FNP might be a good help if it was cheap/free on troop blobs, but it's next to useless on elite units, where it will only save one every six rolls. 5+ FNP on Rampagers saves a third of them each turn from weapons below their ID.
Dat's a complicated way o' gettin' more dakka...
They really do have bolters on them.
Drop pods for the IG?
Roll a 3+ for each model in the "drop pod", if failed, they die?
I don't seem to find anything about California demanding any type of weapon to have an internal, non-detachable magazine. I think there was something about a weapon with an internal, non-detachable magazine firearm being exempt from the assault weapon restrictions or something.
Rolled 3 (1d6)
Fooor the Emperor!
plastic boxes
MFW I make the thread summary
Yeah, detachable magazines were a "point" cost on the system of the AWB. Stuff like pistol grips and flash hiders also cost "points", and you could only have a certain number of features on each gun.
There was also a provision in the 1994 bill that ran to 2004 (IIRC) that weapons could have only 10 rounds, and that's still in force in California, so some guns that had protruding "magazines" but were able to be loaded from the top were modified to be stuck in the old-style clips system.
A lot of them were from the transitional period between WW2 and post-Korea weapons, like the M14 and SKS, and reverted back to 1940s technology, which is what made that silly law interesting in one respect. You could literally see them force the feature backwards against the whole design of the guns.
Top kek.
Please tell me he bent reality with his stupidity and survived.
>Start Collecting! Space Marine Rhino Detachment
I have to admit, I am a bit curious. Been looking for a way to make like a non-permanent bunker for my legion, something that can be air-lifted in instead of being a purpose built on the grounds. Maybe put two of those back to back, on some legs and mount stuff like antennas and such on top. Have to figure a way to make hatches on the side as firing ports.
Just need to figure how to put a quad gun go on them. Maybe a third container on top of the two can be made to fold open with the quad gun inside or something. Could also act as the parapet.
This'll be you when you make both the edition and the sub edition. Feels nice.
I like that the airholes are Gothic-styled, like the Baneblade's viewports. And are they armed??
Either way, these will be very useful.
That's not what I feel when I make thread.
Seeing that they got rules, they're probably light buildings with two emplaced storm bolters. Why automated defences? Blood Ravens.
In all seriousness why do they have bolters.
Anti-theft precautions, come on its the grim darkness of 40k! Want to loot whats inside? THEN YOU HAVE 2 SECONDS TO DIE CRIMINAL SCUM!
since the things stack, those bolters are probably optional
I'll be leaving them off of mine, even if I have to clip them off
That seems like a waste. These are definitely not 30k boxes.
Nothing says you have to keep the bolters on. In design the boxes are very similar to the boxes FW has been using in their dioramas, so there's really nothing saying they're not 30k.
But the option of having bolters on the boxes is just wasteful.
I mean, if you stacked a couple of them they could probably make an ok perimeter wall when combined with an aegis line
Makeshift fortifications. Not Dorn-approved, more like militia stuff. Haven't you seen any zombie movies? The Death Guard will eventually have zombies.
In that case it's alright.
Or Aliens. As I remember, they designed the outpost to look like people had made housing from old cargo-containers and shit. You could easily use a few such kits to make like a small civilian outpost.
Because you're stacking bolters on regulation shipping crates instead of... fuck i dunno, giving them out to the Imperial Guard or whatever? Hell, you could probably give every Guardsman in the Imperium their own stormbolter if you didn't do this.
Also the fact that bolters canonically have recoil too strong for troops who are unaugmented or who don't have recoil-reducing measures in their gun or armour. Though I suppose a large enough rate of fire from smaller-caliber, armour-piercing boltguns could explain the bolters that guard sergeants have access to.
Or it's just an optional upgrade, not a universal thing that all transport crates in the Imperium has. Seeing that they're probably military crates (judging by the SM insignias), they're probably made to have automated defences so they can be left in a secure location without a guard, protecting stockpiles of munitions and maybe weapons for the troops.
This is the Imperium we're talking about. They are exactly retarded enough to send out shipping crates as standard with a pair of stormbolters.
None of those crates FW has used has had guns or even hatched on top of them.
As I said before not 30k boxes.
Fine, be a retard.
Not like that, user. 30k Imperium wouldn't put bolters on boxes.
>30k Imperium wouldn't put bolters on boxes.
You sure?
Die in a fire DoW faggot.
Let me rephrase that. An immobile metal box.
As in "I'm on fire", man.
No, but srsly, what is this? Is buying a box as a fortification a thing now or something? What is going on?!
>Bolters have strong recoil
Naaah, not rly. I mean, that was the old fluff, but given it's a gyro weapon, it only needs the initial propellant to attain good enough muzzle speed for close range, after that the jet has enough time to accelerate.
And that's why now regular IG sgts can buy bolters of their own since 6E. C'mon, you're a cogboy, you're supposed to know this
Sure, mate.
Guard have been able to grab bolters for at least 16 years now. And if I check the 2nd edition book, I'll probably find it there too.
That's not really a box. More of a jar.
Do Praetors get equerries? I can't remeber.
What the hell do you guys use to kill tanks? Outside of charging them with meltabombs I can't think of much of anything except laser vindicators. I would like to maintain a vehicle light list and any kind of dreadnoughts are fine.
What doesn't kill tanks is a shorter list in 30k.
>Grav Rapiers
>LD Rapiers
>Shatter Rapiers
>Any aircraft, especially turbo kraken lightnings
>Any dread loadout that isn't heavy bolters and storm bolters
>both sicarans
And besides, meltabombs got nerf'd. You can only use one per phase now. Despite being able to purchase squad-wide.
is there a rule I'm unaware of that an allied detachment in 30k has to be less points than the primary detachment? I'm trying to make a 2000 point list for Questoris Knights and Imperial Fists and so far I was thinking of using Knights as the primary (only need 1 HQ and 1 Troops) and then have an allied detachment of Fists...but the Fists will be more points overall.
My question wasn't a general question about what people actually fielded it was more along the lines of ideas of what I could use. I already have filled up most of my elites and all of my fast attack leaving just Heavy Support free for more options. Also I don't want to field vehicles except dreads unless I can avoid it. I already have three contemptors but their anti-tank capabilities are pretty lackluster unless I use built in grav guns which are expensive as hell. I assume heavy support squads are shit (which sucks because I wanted to justify building some guys with hardened Mk III armour), so my options are fairly limited. Are any of the heavy support dreads good at killing tanks at a distance or am I stuck charging shit because of my army composition?
Your question was very general.
What legion are you first off
List Related:
HQ: Knight Warden with Thunderstrike Gauntlet
Troop: Aspirant Gallant with Melta Gun
Allied Detachment, Fists:
Elite: 10 x Sniper Vet Tactical Squad in Rhino
Troops: 5 x Templar Brethren in LR Phobos
Heavy Support: 1 x Vindicator with PoTMS
This is 1850 points on the nose, but most of the points are in my allied that still legal? I want to use it for friendly 40k games against some of the guys going to BAO this year. Not really trying to be competitive but I like that point level for 40k.
Ultramarines. Switch up my RoW from time to time (often orbital assault or pride of the legion) but always fairly melee oriented with a focus on veterans and Locutarus storm squads although I sometimes use seekers and have a couple of dreadnoughts.
Right now my only real method of dealing with tanks is to charge them with meltabombs or charge them with dreadnoughts. It tends to kill them but I can hardly call it a good strategy.
Tank hunting Veterans and your Not!Tyrant termis come to mind. There's also attack bikes. Heavy support squads are good if you can get some extra mileage from your LA rules.
Whats the point value you play at most?
2500 points generally.
>made in china
Because that worked-out so well the last time they tried it ...
I think a neat idea for Papa Sang might be something like "Superlative Swordsman" that means unique special rules on units or weapons don't apply when fighting him in a challenge (i.e. the ones in the 40k rulebook are fine, special rules on character/unit or weapon entries are negated). Basically, you take on the S-dawg, it's your basic statline and your weapon vs. his basic statline and weapon.
That's a really cool and unique idea, I like it
>And besides, meltabombs got nerf'd. You can only use one per phase now. Despite being able to purchase squad-wide.
Is that official then, because it was only proposed rule changes the last time I checked.
Depending on if they're 36" or 48" laser destroyer rapiers could be pretty nasty given the UM reroll of 1 for pens (they're 36" in the LA:CAL, but 48" in book 4)
If you don't want to to mess with your elite slots you could also do a couple of the laser destroyer vindicators, even if they're only 36" range if they can survive a turn of enemy shooting to get into position one of them can pump out the shots of an entire rapier battery
Say, what about those AV15 Spartans that S9 can only glance? Grav Rapiers have neither the range nor relentless (but I guess 4 tl lascannons can't kill them fast enough, and they get three crew-ablative wounds), krak lightnings can be intercepted (but I could try to avoid interception range) and it's hard to get the lascannons in range.
Maybe meltabomb Dreadclaw vets/bikers or full grav landspeeder squad?
I just want to be informed of units and tactics I may be overlooking, that's all.
Oh, and barrage artillery, as long as terrain can be used to block LOS, right ?
Christ about time. Now cut cost
I think the post of equerry is reserved for Legion Masters (Primarchs and the Praetor prime of a legion that has not yet found its Primarch), BUT I wouldn't rule out the posibility of regular Praetors (chapter masters) to have some of their fellow consuls and centurions as assistants. I'm thinking chaplains, librarians and masters of signals would cut it
This thread isn't going anywhere.
Time for /HHG/ to make a special snowflake.
Legion, Mechanicum, Militia and Cults or Auxillia?
legion veteran squad
Rolled 3 (1d6)
Rolling to pick the legion
Rolled 19 (1d20)
Srry, real roll this one
HH4 says that we pick a HQ independant character.
Which one?
Consul, because vriety. We could roll for him too
Consul, because that gives us more options.
If we do go for consul, I vote for a vigilator next, because nobody ever talks about vigilators.
Wait ignore that, we rolled raven guard, didn't we? RG vigilator isn't interesting or different.
Dunno, if we roll for consul we could en up with a RG Herald or something like that.
>Master of Signal
>Forge Lord
>Primus Medicae
Choose or roll?
I'd choose a forge lord, but rollan anyway.
Rolled 3 (1d12)
Rolled 5 (1d12)
take 3?
Forge Lord it is.
What do we equip him with?
Raven Guard Forge Lord. With all that funky Kiavharan Tech and almost no capacity for stealth.
Rad grenades! You've got to have those. And a cyber-fampai
I'm sure he'll be sneaky enough.
Why not ?