Tell me about your party, Veeky Forums. Do they have a good dynamic? Do they get along?
Party Thread
This is the campaign's current posse for Deadlands: Hell on Earth
Cyrus Twain
-Harrowed Gunslinger
-Good ole' southern boy
- Has a crow that just follows him around
- Obscures most of his face with a bandana to hide the rotting
Eddie Flint
-Gets beat to near-death semi-regularly
-Party face
-Rides a motorcycle named Debra
-has a gambling addiction
Daniel North
-Templar badass
-Wears improvised armor that resembles a Roman Legionnaire
-Arrogant but quiet about it
-Searching for a magic sword
Townes Harrison
-Mutant Doomsayer
-Used to be an accountant
-Now he shoots radiation from his hands
-Wears football gear under his robes
-Free market puns
-Creepy child syker
-Can't read the written word, but can read minds
-Total glass cannon
-Third best driving ability in the party
Maralah Tsosie
-Disgraced Sioux Shaman
-Deals with corrupted toxic spirits instead of nature spirits
-basket case
-She has a pet smog spirit
Liz Grant
-Chemistry Teacher turned cyborg
-Former Combine specops, now a deserter
-Ace pilot
-Got beat up by potato zombies
They're pretty dysfunctional. The Templar doesn't trust the Toxic Shaman, the gunslinger's demon might take over at any second, the Doomsayer worships radiation and mutation, the Syker cries and blows things up, the Cyborg cries and blows things up, but with guns, and Eddie tends to go from Highway Star to Highway Stain
What system are you playing?
We haven't started the campaign yet but it looks like everyone is playing short characters. Either a dwarf of a gnome. One chucklefuck thought this was especially funny and rolled a human midget
DM said he was going to put any important plot items on reasonably high shelves so we couldn't get it.
I wish.
Current campaign is C.O.S.
Ash Silverblade:
-Human Pally
-Actually tries to help the party out
-Does kinda a shit job at that, but takes all the crits, so he's not useless.
-Halfling rogue
-Swoops in and ALWAYS lands the killing blow, like clockwork
-Multiclassing to bard, but can't really do shit with it.
-just wants to get some coin
-Human life cleric
-Royal background
-Self absorbed
-Basically became a cleric from her dad donating lots of coin to the local church
-Only heals people if like 1/2 of the party is down.
The Warlock
-Forget his name because i'm a faggot.
-Kinda evil guy who wants to learn bed things because its taboo.
-Tries to help, but ends up being a skillmonkey. in the end.
-Other halfling rogue
-Kinda forgetable
-Elf Monk
-Hate this bitch so much.
-Never helps out
-Literally passed turns eating a sandwich while the rest of the party was trying to kill a vampire spawn (which she let get away).
-Constantly sasses the party
-Want to kill her so bad, but adventure league rules that you can't have in party conflicts
-Actually does good damage before she gets one shot
Kamagi Laku
-Tempest dwarf cleric
-I try do just deal damage
-Do whatever I can to passively kill off the monk
-Doesn't work well.
all in all, we get by, but I swear that I'm going to poison the monk if I hear another insult directed at me with the remark of "Its my character", i'm probably going to shift alignments and kill her off.
We get along.
I need to draw up the rogue's new character and update the others sometime.
>"Cleric, I--"
>"Sssshhh. No more words, Fighter."
My old AD&D Al-Qadim dream team. Excllent dynamics--getting thrown in prison as a rag-tag gang up against a crooked Vizier was good fun. They got along.
We've since switched to 5e, so I'll need to post my new party sometime.
Guess I can describe my Shadowrun group.
>Amnesiac ork street samurai made of FIST
>Put his fist through a guy wearing light milspec armor in the first session
>Currently chasing leads on a man named Cain
>Don't call him Princess.
>The group's face and combat mage
>Doesn't know how to google a youtube
>Member of a small magic lodge based around the Egyptian gods
>Gleeful 16 year old blade adept
>Parents were murdered at a young age, and she was raised by her mafioso uncle Michael
>Briefly had a bit of a fixation with cutting faces off
>Aztec blood mage with an addiction to cutting himself
>Has yet to put his blood magic to any use in-game
>Mostly just skulks around
Vox Machina
>Technomancer with a media addiction and a tendency toward spam-bombing people he dislikes with penis enhancement ads
>Also a rigger, with drones ranging from flyers to cloaking LMG bots to a furby with a built-in taser
>Moderate social anxiety, generally becomes a stuttering mess when speaking in-person with people
>Eagle shapeshifter
>Stole a bunch of prototype Ares tech including a laser pistol and a backpack that can carry an absurd amount of stuff
>A bit too trusting for someone in his position
And here they are. Same players, different characters.
TL;DR They met by chance after recovering a distinctive glowing orb. It's somehow related to The Ultimate Weapon--but their search for what it does has been a rocky road.
Vengeful crime rings, deranged cultists, splinter factions, embroiled political games, competition from the criminal underground, elf strike teams, lost ruins and the rebirth of the last physical god ensue.
It's a homebrew that two of my buddies came up with, the players of the Paladin and the Tactician.
Drew this not too long ago
They basically work together as if were family or something
>de facto leader
>kinda dumb, but has a good heart
> He really likes spears
>he has some kind of master plan that he refuses to share with anyone
>street smart
>only in it for the money
> a lot of loyalty for a hired gun
>The only sane person
>kind, and softspoken
>the guy who plays him once brought pizza for everyone
>he's a mess
>he's a waste
>he's the weakest person in the party
>gm keeps giving him items that grant wishes because he thinks its funny
it was the first campain this group played, a role initiation. They wanted to play D&D but they didn't want to read that bunch of "books" (pdfs btw). So I made a homemade system: Only 6 classes and three skill's tree for each class (more or less as diablo saga). And I added Hero's point, to repeat a roll or to find better treasures. Also I gave those points if they did different voices, bring to the party cosplays stuff (toy swords, wigs, robes). Not every idea was nice idea....
Also the campaign was funny. Even the dwarf player directed a secondary mission fine. But all die when exam's time started, then summer time.... It was about 3 years ago.
At least the dwarf player started to play some Cthulhu myths with other group as a GM. I feel nice about it.
postan' some quick sketches I made of the PCs from a JoJo campaign I'm running.
The Thug
Stand Name: 「London Calling」
Power: Metal Shaping
The stand's arms are made of metal, and its power allows it to mold its arms into any shape the user can think of, provided the stand has enough metal to mold. It can also use the giant mouth on its torso to eat metal, adding it to its arms to make bigger, deadlier things.
Any excess metal can be broken off by powerful attacks or if the user wants to get rid of it.
The user isn't too smart either, so this ability mostly amounts to "make big thing--smash small thing"
The Loner
Stand Name: 「RADICALS」
Power: Elemental Generation
「RADICALS」 is a swarm type stand made up of four 6-inch tall robots each themed around a different color and element.
RADICAL RED is equipped with an arm cannon that can shoot close range blasts of fire
RADICAL GREEN has a sniper rifle that launches pressurized air "bullets"
RADICAL YELLOW has two giant fists that it uses to cause tremors release shockwaves from
and RADICAL BLUE has a defibrillator it can use to do minor healing or close range shocks.
The user is a typical loner type-guy, who before the campaign only had his stand as a friend ever since he was a kid. As of now, he and the thug are attempting to rise through the ranks of the local gangs to try to reach the man who killed his mother and framed him for the crime. (who just so happens to be virtually untouchable by anyone but the most elite of the gang leaders)
who is the players of the rouge alchemist playing now? (or did they quit)
plz explain
how did this start?
more background information plz. This game/story seems interesting and, going by the text in the post and in the image, more info is needed to understand what is going on.
your group kind of scares me.
I'm really sorry if this doesnt pertain to what you guys are talking about, just ignore the post if so. Ive never been on Veeky Forums before and don't know what I'm looking at in regards to all these topics.
This thread seems to be about characters, so I thought I'd ask here. Dont want to make my own thread because, as I previously mentioned, I have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about.
I've been invited to play D&D with a bunch of close friends this coming weekend. Ive never even touched a tabletop game before, let alone D&D. He said they'll do my best to teach me as I go and to just have a character ready to play when I get there.
How do I go about making a character? I don't know how much free reign you get when making one. I don't know the time period D&D takes place in. Ideally I'd want to be a pirate, because pirates are dope. However I don't even know if stuff like flintlock pistols and tricorn, plumed hats are a thing yet.
Is there some sort of tutorial on making your guy for newcomers?
He mentioned he had the newest version if that matters.
Mods can delete this post if it doesn't belong here, I just have no idea what the fuck.
is english not your first language?
It's a Genasi Monk that I hadn't drawn up yet because my hand was tired by the time I finished that picture.
I intended to make a second set based on the characters now since a few changed slightly.
That o e is basically "season one" ending group and season two recently ended so I need to get it together.
If it's 5th edition, the Players Handbook (you can grab the pdf from the general) has a step by step guide on how to make a character. It's pretty easy after your first 2-3 characters, good luck though man I was like you a few months ago and now it's my favorite hobby next to vidyagaems.
>my hand was tired
did drawig Sorceress' boobs tucker you out that much
shuttup Jo
thanks for answering.
My Party: (it's our first time playing)
Gariel Vikarian:
-Elven Ranger
-Low wisdom, roleplays it well (without inconveniencing party members in a non-fun way)
-Chaotic good, mainly in it to help people
-Seems to get better at fighting the more heroic he is
Arnold Schwarzenegger (I made the name work in the setting):
-Halfling Rogue
-Really hard to hit
-Lawful Evil, but struggles with the evil
-Son of the leader of the thieves' guild, tense relationship with father
-Hates magic missile because it hits him, and undead because he can't sneak attack
-Gnome Bard
-Chaotic Neutral, but feels stirrings of morality
-More of a supportive role, as squishy as fuck
-Plays improbable music on a lute
Something Something (Can't remember the name, it's long)
-Half-Elven Paladin
-She's six foot four
-Hits harder than pretty much anyone else in the party
-Neutral Good, and so struggles pretty hard with the party of sociopaths
-Never loots anything
If you were asking in terms of real life, we get along great. We were friends before we became a group
Your wish is my command. The regions:
>Audaces (not-England/France)
>Steinalder (not-Germany. Yensei is a province in the region inspired by the Bakumatsu era)
>Havarld (basically Iceland/Sweden/Switzerland having a gay old time. Part of the eastern continent with Udestrach)
>Udestrach (not-Transylvania. Has a Twin Peaks meets Berserk vibe)
>Gitano (not-Mongolia; southeast Asia called and wants its everything back. Big islands to the northwest)
>The Oberon Alliance (Fey tribes, Elf civilizations, etc. Located worldwide.
The campaign takes place ~150 years after my brief 4e campaign in the same setting. TL;DR The Last Dragon wasn't KILLED back then, he was simply removed from existing (how else do you kill a god?). The rumour mill has been kicking up a shitstorm about "The Ultimate Weapon", which is apparently a very old concept. What it is remains unclear, but the obliterated remains of a city in eastern Audaces indicates extreme destructive potential.
This is bad news bears because of the Yensei Border Disputes. At some point Gitano encroached on Steinalder and war were declared. Both sides see The Ultimate Weapon as a potential trump card. Audaces and the Alliance are trying to stay out of it, Havarld and Udestrach have civil uprisings to deal with, and mercs the world over are following paper trails in hopes of making the biggest payday ever.
The party ran into each other when they encountered cultists chasing down and executing a thief with a note vaguely alluding to the Ultimate Weapon, intended for a big-name criminal. After discovering a nearby township being burned to the ground, they sought aid from Steinalderan military and all hell slowly broke loose. Things are starting to get complicated.
Pic related; it's the guys who got their shit together 150 years ago.
As for Al-Qadim, to make a long story short they all met in prison. Alim was apprehended in acts of vigilantism across the city, Sharukh was arrested in a drunken stupor attempting to "liberate" a brothel. Fadil was detained due to a misunderstanding (a different member of his order murdered someone and he was the nearest suspect).
Harun was there to negotiate with the last man present--a nervous old man who ASKED to be thrown in prison for reasons he wouldn't divulge. The party put two and two together when assassins blew up the prison and disintegrated the man before he had a chance to pass on his secret. Banding mostly out of confusion, they made an accomplice in the criminal underground and learned that the assassins were enemies of Halwa's thieves--and somehow the Vizier was in on it.
As for 5e, the other bit of background (The Last Dragon) is a conceit where DRAGONS were long-dad physical gods, while DRAGONBORN aren't. The Last Dragon's motives are unclear to modern people, but TL;DR it made sense in the 4e game because of timey-wimey shadow realm crap. Now he just serves as a sort of inferred apocalyptic power that the Not-Mystic-Knights dealt with.
Which one is Jo?
Let's see
-Young samurai, the straight man to end all straight men because prior to training he had a huge-ass party his uncle threw to get all of the vices outta him, and a really reliable guy. He's a pretty good talker to boot, and he's pulled us out of some really tight situationa with good talking. When talking fails, he can very nearly scare a man to death or just cut him to bits, so that's that
-Roguish guy. We hired him to do trapfinding when it turned out he'd invested his skill points wrong (which he's since fixed). Aside from that, he's really good at what he does; stealing, stabbing, sneaking, and squirming his way into places he doesn't belong. He has a habit of doing something without really thinking it through. Two best examples being accidentally foiling an infiltration by talking (we were invisible, but could make sound just fine), and completely and thoroughly gutting a evil warlock looking for more slaves (without the rest of the party with him) which triggered his panic button, a very angry pit fiend. He'll do some infuriating stuff but it always works out well in the end, so we've come to trust him
>Alonzo (me)
-Shapeshifting beatstick and very secondary caster (Druid), normally looks closer to some kind of manticore. Eyes and ears of the party, and helps make up the front line alongside Jensen. Not the best at talking, but can sometimes offer the straightforward, honest, "wise" response or solution. Long time good friend/Meatshield and Beatstick for the party's strategist. He also acts as the party's pack mule, and occasionally the horse when we have a cart to pull
-Party's caster and strategist, some weird mix of a cleric and a wizardly guy. He focuses on summoning and healing, with a good dose of battlefield control. When it comes to tactics, he's reliable and dependable whether we're given time to prepare or thrown into a fight without being ready. The main character, whether he likes it or not.
could somebody post the templates for these, please?
Like this?
>adventurer league
maximum WHY
thank you senpai
And just for kicks, here's our old AD&D party. I'm Geldhart.
Most of the corpses were from one player. Unlucky, or worse? You decide.
The DM.
What's there to explain, we got a trap mage, an oni mobster, a lightning robot, and an elf. The party pterodactyl was eaten by hydras.
And this is my friend's biweekly campaign. It's set on a far-flung post-apoc Earth, where Celtic deities and magic took back the planet by force. These poor suckers took it upon themselves to stop the other shoe from dropping.
Jackson D. Mon: he's literally playing frodo with the mind of luffy, he's the unofficial protagonist and the guy who progresses everything
Flint: a psychopath who kills everyone that is even slightly mean to him and is plotting to kill our ranger over a prank bro
Rallo: the ranger who put a fish in flint's backpack and does jumps on every turn to try and mount his opponents. He has low charisma and doesn't get along well with anyone(mostly cause everyone rags on him)
Tilde: a kobold player who doesn't like sexualized kobolds. He's a detective with a fedorby and sleeps through almost every combat instance. He also doesn't associate with anyone
Seymour: a charismatic Sorcerer who spent an hour trying to RP win a charmed Kuo-Toa that he couldn't speak with, eventually got him in a bed but the charm wore off and fishman ran outside and got his skull split open. Everyone is really frustrated with this guy OOC and don't like him IC. He tried to kidnap two children
Sidrah: the chick in our group who watches over those two children and dated Tilde IRL, they broke up and she left, then got upset when we continued without her so we let her back in. She's kind of just there and helps out a little
And the OTHER biweekly campaign, until the other returns from hiatus. It's using the new Ravenloft book (it's okay I guess).
It's only been two sessions and Ander has totally painted himself into a corner. Dis gon b gud
Well, it depends. A good thing to do is think of a general concept you want to do, and then find some more specific ways of doing that with help from people here, as well as your friends.
Say, if you want to "hit things". You could be good at hitting something from range, or up close in their face. If the latter was appealing, you could get a little more precise. Want to get mad, knock people around, and shrug off damage? Look into a Barbarian. Want to be good at hitting specific things, and be a survivalist? Try a Ranger. Want to be mobile, hard to hit, and decently hard-hitting? Try a Monk. Want to be good at hitting something in a couple different ways? Look into Fighter
It'll vary from edition to edition, but that's a pretty good way to go about it. Make sure to check with your friends, and even here (provided you can find a general/make a thread related to the topic) to make sure you avoid shitty stuff. While working on the concept, try to create a character/personality for the character
As for time/era, that's dependant on the setting, so ask your GM. Some might barely have explosives, while others could have revolvers and cannons.
What, curse of Strahd? I'd be interested in hearing how your game goes, then. I plan on DMing it sometime this summer.