>skeletons only taking 1 damage from piercing and half from slashing
>giant weasels having blood drain
>tarrasque regeneration, burrow speed
What did I miss?
Abilities from previous editions that you wish monsters still had
The skeleton thing might make necromancers a bit *too* overpowered, specially in low levels.
>low level
>5E Otyughs are no longer intelligent and don't speak Common
Fuck every single person at Wizards. Do you really not even understand the point of the game?
Who cares, user! BALANCE! Everybody has to be a winner or nothing is FUN! Fuck variety!
>>skeletons only taking 1 damage from piercing and half from slashing
You mean half from piercing and slashing. 1 piercing is from some dragon magazine article, it never made it into an edition.
>tarrasque regeneration, burrow
In what edition did they have both?
You seem to be trying to strawman something, but it has nothing to do with balance or "everything is a winner," especially since 5e is drastically harder (at least caster wise) than 3e, AD&D, etc.
I didn't even know they were intelligent and spoke common. I thought they were mindless beasts, and I've never played 5e, ever. To the contrary, I was planning on using lifeleech otyughs in my next campaign.
That makes everything more disturbing.
What I expected: Star Wars garbage compactor monster
What I got: A porta potty monster that yells "FEED ME SEYMOUR" up at you
I don't even know what the non fucked up way to use this monster is. I guess I could have the PCs be violently assaulted by an otyugh as they eat at a sushi bar, demanding for them to hand over their handfuls of rotting garbage or die.
On the other hand Tarrasque don't die on a failed wisdom check anymore.
The PCs are approached by a herd of neo-otyugh.
>"Listen up BIPEDs."
"You can talk?"
>"Wow you don't get out much? Ok, here's the (pooper) scoop(er), now hand over your shit or we'll take it by force.
>The neo-otyughs wave their spiked tentacles of ass ravaging +3 menacingly.
Wat do?
Note: This is a real monster and they really do ask for your shit or take it by force.
The players make camp and forget to bear-bag everything. They wake up to discover that every bit of food and garbage was dragged to their hastily dug shitter and eaten, and now the otyugh is going to follow them like the world's most digusting talking dog. Always bearbag your food, adventurers.
Skeleton gets rammed by a massive lance from a rider on horseback (1 damage)
Skeleton gets hit by a massive Two handed sword (half damage)
Skeleton gets punched (full damage)
How does this make sense?
An arrow does the same damage as a lance.
Have you tried to break bones with your fists? it is hard.
A two handed sword is still a massive piece of steel.
A blunt training sword does more damage than a sharp one?
A normal sword can lob of arms and legs, why should it do less damage?
>(Obligatory "have you tried not playing DnD comment here)
Great idea.
>Thread is about stuff that is no longer the case in D&D
I am not sure, but doesnt two handed sword make much more than twice the damage of unarmed attack? Pretty much everywhere?
A greatsword deals 2d6 damage+Str mod
A punch deals 1.
Even with the resistance to slashing the greatsword is going to deal significantly more damage.
The point about the lance is actually a good one. The rule OP talks about is supposed to simulate skeletons not having any fleshy bits for piercing weapons to stick into, so I would have piercing weapons be at disadvantage to hit, and dealing half damage on a hit.
>especially since 5e is drastically harder than AD&D
Found the guy who has not read or played a game in his life.
you cant create undead untill lvl 8 in dnd, at wich point you are almost a demi-god.
In 3.5 you might be a demigod, but 5e is MUCH lower powered
>thinking 5e is less difficult than AD&D
Any game where you can kill a dragon with a disintegrate spell isn't easy
Otyughs are an artificial symbiont of humanity, one of the first monster created by insane wizards with a plan, dating perhaps as far as the First Empire, at a time when fireballs and life-defiling spells were already well develop but the treatment of refuses was very primitive. So, a barely functional creature whose entire intended point in existence is to sift through garbage, shovel it in its mouth, make it disappear and incidentally to release a few hours later a greasy clay that is perfectly well adapted to both ceramics and bricks, perhaps explaining some ruined cities of bricks far away from any river banks and other clay deposits...
Otyughs followed civilisation all over the world, even coming to install themselves outside strictly human cities (dwarf fortresses, gnomes hills, kobold camps, hobgoblin forts, giant settlements, illithid colonies... elven caravans don't release much garbage and what few they left, they insist on giving it back to anything but otyughs, orcs, derro and goblins tend to kill them out of blind stupid violence, and drow garbage dumps are trapped and poisoned for essentially no reasons). Nowadays, any settlement large enough to have enough garbage that won't disappear naturally will have at least an otyugh brought from a larger city.
In most modest places, garbage, dung and other refuse are thrown in the street in the evening for the municipal otyugh to catch them and gather them during the night, to either consume them immediately or to bring them to its living dump. In more "sophisticated" cities in which people aren't happy to see half-assed monsters with a septic mouth hanging by the streets, a real city under the city might have been dug, connected to the basements and in which all toilets pour and where bigger refuse can be deposited by going to the basement. This allow the thriving otyugh colonies to visit all day every days without disquieting the inhabitants.
This latest arrangement is okay for both sides but might cause a certain estrangement between the communities, to the point most urban people don't know what actually happens between their feet. And those who learn of it might not like it. Some "concerned citizens" might even propose a project of connecting the subterranean network to the local river, allowing the flow to drown those horrible creature and to make disappear poop in a far more cleaner way since it wouldn't involve monsters and those "sewers" would push the rotting offals into the poor neighbourhood where they belong. City authorities generally refuse such a stupid and wasteful arrangement, but the otyughs still see workers bearing the arms of wealthy families, digging through the network in direction of the river, and cackling to the passing aberrations about how their clock is ticking. The kind of distressing events that might force them to call upon adventurers.
Said adventurers, invited down there to discuss of what's what, will be surprised by a strangely sophisticated society for an INT5 creature. They have been living in human cities since their creation, and even if brilliant architects are not exactly common among them, but simple observation and imitation, they have ramshackle cities centred on the largest rooms of the networks, plank houses, garbage shops where they sell recycled garbage, sifted and selected dungs and rots, a community-wide organisation of the service across the city (or, in some cities, concurrent companies having real turf wars), elections of community leaders and emissaries to the surface authorities... still, their version of common sounds like LOLspeak and the whole society looks a gross caricature of human society made of garbage, refuse and bent rusted nails, but completely earnest.
After centuries of certitude on the origin of food and what happen to one after death, the estrangement from the surface world has started to cause otyughs to have metaphysical questions and the beginning of a nascent spiritual tradition, centred on a (greatly reinterpreted) gnomish goddess of fertility, based on the confused explanation of a gnome cleric what failed through his garderobe and got asked by the inhabitants where does "food" comes from...
And this religion is going well and missionaries are now bringing the good word to other cities. Beside all the other charms of faith and spirituality, religion is just so useful to deal with all those evil undead living under the streets of the city. You don't know what adventure is until you have seen a pose of otyugh clerics and paladins charging the ghoul colony that has forbidden to them the catacombs under the graveyards for decades but not for long anymore, brandishing an ear of corn as holy symbol...
This makes me want to use otyughs in my campaign. I wonder if my group's first reaction iwould be to kill them though. They seemed friendly to the xorn that asked for some money.
>post /d/ Otyugh art