>jumping in at 9.8k
Jumping in at 9.8k
i will wait till 1k lol
>jumping out at 9.1k
Yea euro, sorry.
Bought at 6.8k euro's, Veeky Forums told i was retarded for buying at ATH.
should have waited. it's going to crash hard. bitcoin will be the bubble of all bubbles. when it pops it will be worse than 1929, many people will kill themselves, 90% will be millennials. it will be a mess, many governments will either ban it or regulate it.
>90% of millennials will kill themselves
And nothing of value will be lost
You morons really are morons. BTC is going to 12k dollars later today. Sit in tethers and dont make gains. Idiot anons.
I hope so
I jumped out at 3k. Like in June. I thought I was done with this.
I sold 3 btc for 9k. I thought I made it.
at least you go out with profit
>made it
Lol what
>tfw unironically bought high sold low
me too
i discovered just how weak my hands were
>jumping out
jesus christ user, have some self respect, show some ambition
I wouldnt jump out entirely at $900k for fucks sake.
im about to take a loan and invest in bitshit
good idea right
nothing wrong with buying stuff at all time all user
No you dummy. Wait for a correction. Bitcoin went from 700 to 12k in one year.
When shit hits the fan, you won't be able to exit if you buy in now.
>muh bubble
stay salty
Nothing wrong with that. I bought 2 coins at 8300 each. Sold them at 9400. Easy profit. Made $2200 in less than one week. easy money. Just make sure you got your stopless right.
lol that image. nocoiners on suicide watch