Queen of Radiant Wood when edition
According to our rumormonger, the all new Sylvaneth will appear in June, man all I want is Durthu in lore, he is monster definitely Mannfred/Thundertusk/Bastiladon tier.
Queen of Radiant Wood when edition
According to our rumormonger, the all new Sylvaneth will appear in June, man all I want is Durthu in lore, he is monster definitely Mannfred/Thundertusk/Bastiladon tier.
Other urls found in this thread:
First for Kroak
I hope when the new slyvaneth come out it's still possible to make an army entirely of tree-dudes. I wasn't a big fan of the half-elves in that artwork. Did seem to be dryads/big dryads with weapons (one with a glaive, one with a bow) in the allarielle piece, so hopefully it's possible.
Sadly after the excitement of silver tower we're in a bit of a releases lull, with just that hero box, then the next two weeks are paints and 40k terrain.
apparently there's a whole bunch of stuff coming in june.
How good are the Forge World units for AoS?
Mournghul can solo small armies, the rest are pretty much equal to normal monsters though.
Jolly good.
Yesterday, we played our first Silver Tower trial with my friend. He was playing Mistweaver Saih, and I was playing the Darkoath Chieftain. We really enjoyed it and I have to say it was very challangeing sometimes; we almost literally wiped at the 2. chamber. Everything is totally random, so I think it has a good replay value. There were lots of different enemies and unexpected events, one of the latter was game changing, even. Few notable events:
>2nd chamber right after the ingress. 2 Acolytes and a Pink horror. The acolytes managed to summon another pink horror right away. I ended up on 4 wounds, while my friend struggled to keep up and he ended up on 2, but we succeeded after all. I rolled well for the enemies, badly for myself.
>Halfway through the quest, we bumped into tenebreal shard who helped to punch this and that, but then he just disappeared without a word.
>In the grand chamber after we just entered, spawned 4 blue horror and 2 acolytes. The acolytes managed to summon one pink horror yet again. It took quite long to slay them all and again, we were on the verge of defeat, sweating. So 1 pink horror, 4 blue horrors = 6 blue horrors=12 brimstone horrors + the acolytes. They just kept coming!
>Right after this an unexpected event happened and our heroes felt that strange, godly beings are controlling them so they refused to act, thus we couldn't rotate the laser beams in the empty chambers. Right after this, a pink horror appeared just to annoy us.
>After that, an unexpected event happened and I 'luckily' received a gift of Tzeench in the form of 3 wounds and a treasure.
>The gaunt summoner came in along with the 2 familiars (due to the destiny dice) who prevented us to use items and skills. Great. I charged in while my friend tried to catch the familiars in hope that their effect will go away; and he did!. I tried to heal meanwhile.
>The gaunt summoner almost knocked me out, it was only my armour save potion that helped me survive.
>An unexpected event happened, and from behind the statue of tzeench, Tenebreal shard appeared yet again only to maul the gaunt summoner from the back for like 3 damage.
>I kept on attacking him and fortunately he didn't summon any allies. As he was weakening, he kept missing with most of his attacks.
>My friend landed the deathblow on him with his spell. Tenebreal Shard disappeared.
Some afterwords:
If it wasn't for our strange companion, we would have died straight away with me starting the fight with 3 wounds in.
The destiny dice is really cool, although you will always, always roll doubles and most of the time, familiars will come in. What I didn't like is that we managed to get some items and skills and by the time we managed our way to defeat the summoner himself, we couldn't use our hard earned skills and items due to those particular familiars on the board most of the time.
The gaunt summoner is a beast, but yeah, he is a glass cannon.
Perhaps we should have moved around a bit more, to and fro between different chambers to avoid the familiars' effect for example.
The Darkoath chieftain's extra renown ability is plain hard. The maximum amount of wounds I managed to cause in one turn was 6. (Ok I rolled ridiculously bad throughout the game.)
The game is fast with some epic heroic and narrative moments and tactical decisions.
Very interesting read, thanks.
I think you should have waited out more recovery phases, like right before summoning the summoner, as all the familiars skedaddle in a recovery phase.
All in all, you're perfectly right, the game is very luck-based. Sometimes the destiny roll can screw you over, sometimes the roll on the encounter table can screw you over and sometimes the behavior roll for the Acolytes just decides to toss another Pink Horror at you.
I'm also glad it's nothing special to almost get wiped in the first real chamber.
So that guy in the last thread wasn't joking when he said "It's like a tabletop Binding of Isaac".
Since I like roguelikes, that's me 265 OzBux shorter (unless one of the guys at my local group gets it and shares).
>I think you should have waited out more recovery phases, like right before summoning the summoner, as all the familiars skedaddle in a recovery phase.
Doesn't matter, they reappeared at the destiny phase when the summoner was already on the board.
What I like, the AI is simple and it works, you don't have to worry too much about it. Also, one player being the runemarked can make certain decisions for monsters and this really gives the feeling that the heroes are not allied, but are forced to cooperate. What I really liked is, that you can wait with your turn. This gives you a lot of tactical options as a group.
Hope this general isn't swarmed with shitposters again.
Played my first game with the stormcasts.
It was a stormcasts vs demons, we played a simple game of "kill the general". the general couldn't be target of any ranged weapon or magic.
Great fun, i really need a lord-castellant to buff their save, the prosecutors move a lot but otherwise are...meh and the dracoths..THE FUCKING DRACHOTS
they are insane. Just insane. I fielded fulminators and on the charge they are just WRONG. d3 attacks 1 or 2 mortal wounds? 3 attacks 3+3+ 3 damage on the charge? Holy shit.
The celestant prime...is okay. i used it wrong ad did basically nothing-most aos games lasts for like 4 turns so he really cant get that many attacks without beign out of the game for most of the battle.
Which Prosecutors? Hammers or javelins?
hammers. their ranged attacks are not enough to really hit and damage anything, and on clsoe combat they just die horribly. I guess if I field more i can use them to fly around the battlefield hammering whatever's needing extra damage, but cant do much more.
Thanks for the report!
WHQ seems pretty fun, for the the best point is that you can use(almost)any heroes from wh range. Fielding Your Dudes in the quest for the mystic towers is just amazing.
I'd recommend the javelins myself, due to their being better at range than up close (why are the hammers doing the opposite?) but I don't think they're much better than the hammers honestly.
At least you're incentivised to stay the hell away with javelins.
I'd say the javelins are drastically worse.
First, they have only one attack in melee that is infinitely weaker than what the Hammer-guys get to work with and while their shots are better, they only shoot once, making their maximum damage barely better at range and worse in melee. Second, they can't double up on weapons and are stuck with the shield, which kinda sucks as those shields only benefit stuff that doesn't outspeed Castellants. And finally, they don't come with the starter box. In fact, if you split a starter box with a friend, you get the entire content for 5 bucks more than a box of Prosecutors alone would cost.
I kind of think a hammers prosecutor unit is pretty much a delivery vehicle for the prime with a grandweapon, the others might get a wound or two but really it's him that's going to be doing any real damage.
>Hope this general isn't swarmed with shitposters again.
Seems to happen sporadically, and more often when there isn't news/leaks :P. We had a good run of a few days where there was as little shitposting as is possible on Veeky Forums and people forgot how to deal with it when it came back.
The thing is, if you compare Hammer-Prosecutors to Hammer-Liberators, they're much better model per model and wound per wound, but you will never have equal numbers of them, as Prosecutors come in boxes of 3 that are more expensive than boxes of 5 Liberators (and they pretty much toss those snap-fit Hammer-and-Shield Liberators at you at every fucking event).
True, although a small bonus is that the starter set prosecutors have flat connections between their arms and shoulders, so it's easy to put weapons from the 3-dude box onto them.
I thought to use this model for a conversion as saurus knight, but I don't know if they are to big.
Some user know if it's possible to do it or If I must find another solution?
>Bastiladon on the same tier as god units like Mannfred and Thundertusk
Hm. I found it easy for the Prime as his arms connect exactly the same as regular Stormcasts, but I've been struggling with the other two. Maybe I just suck at converting..
Nope, not at all. 3+ save unaffected by Rend but totally affected by Mystic Shield, 4+ save against anything that ignores his bullshit save, almost as strong as a Vampire Lord in melee and 2D6 damage 2 shots with a range high enough it'll be firing turn 1 and can buff Kroxigors simply by not dying.
Nope, totes not a god tier unit, just as shit as all the other crap in the Seraphon army, like those useless Chameleon Skinks or those awful Ripperdactyls. That's how shit a Bastiladon is.
Stop being such a pedantic faggot
Bastiladon is High Tier but it's not as good as God Tier units like Mannfred or the Thundertusk.
So I ordered a bunch of those heads and will be getting greenstuff and a box of liberators later to start my Femcast Eternals project. Been toying a little around with photoshop. Basically I want to replace the bulky chestplate with a greenstuf tabard and cut a few unneeded bits away on the leg parts. Hopefully that will give them a slightly more female frame. Thoughts on this?
You really overestimate the Thundertusk. Yes, it deals 6 Mortal Wounds on 2+, but only so long as it hasn't suffered 3 or more Wounds, otherwise it's D6, so infinitely less reliable. The To Hit-penalty only comes into play in melee and in melee it's nowhere near as good as the Stonehorn. It also doesn't have any defense against mortal wounds and crumbles at the very sight of Rend and all those damage-off-of-Bravery attacks are pretty dangerous for it as it only has Bravery 7, not 10 like all the fucking Seraphon.
Yes, it's also a great monster, but calling it better than a Bastiladon is simply and objectively wrong. I'd call them equals in fact.
And yes, Mannfred is in a whole different league as either of them, with a bullshit buff aura, two casts a turn and four weapon profiles, three of which are devastating and a potent unique spell that can really put the hurt on a cluster of enemies.
AOS power discussions are so fucking useless because there's no balance to frame it around
We can say that my homebrew dickmonster is the strongest in the world because it does 100 attacks every turn, but it doesn't matter because that's not the point of the game at all
Pro Tip:
Keep thundertusk away from shit. Enjoy your 6 mortal wounds every turn
Bastiladon shooting is good but it is not reliable at all. You need to get through so many layers of RNG (2D6 attacks, only 4+ hits, 3+ wound) and then it only has Rend -1 so the best way to get consistent value from it is to hit infantry with 4+ or 5+ saves.
The Thundertusk can pick a hero and has a 83% chance to instantly delete it from the game.
...and that's with only one Thundertusk. People are starting to bring 2 or even 3 because that gives them a ~70% chance to delete any two large monster units with strong ranged attacks
Fuck off retard
If you can pull off the conversion it's gonna be a nice change of scenery from the regular Stormcasts. They are even more boring than GW's Ultramarine studio army.
If you fail it's gonna induce cringing though.
Prepare for the whole boobplate thing.
Just out of curiosity, what size of the heads did you pick? They come in three sizes afaik, so you could theoretically use smaller ones if you make them look shorter as well as slimmer. The regular AoS dudes come with regular GW sized heads even though they are closer to 35mm in scale.
I took the heroic scale ones. According to the homepage they are the same size as imperial Guardsmen. The other two sizes seemed significantly smaller and would probably looks really goofy on the huge, bulky stormcast frames, pic related.
Okay, I get your point. Maybe I'm just biased because I play Chaos and the stupid Bastiladon has bonus damage against half my army.
Though I still think people overestimate the Frost-wreathed Ice. Yes, it can delete any Hero it can see and is in range for, but 30 Wounds of Blightkings/Stormvermin will see it as a mild annoyance at worst.
So let's call the Thundertusk the Hero sniper and the Bastiladon the unit griller and have done.
Sorry, but the huge emphasis on broad shoulders means Stormcast will never look anything but hyper masculine.
Are Ogers (Ogors) too tough/buff? I'm asking because I play Beastmen and every game I have faced against Ogers I have always been annihilated. And then there is the fact that in order to beat him I need groups of 20+ gors and bestigors, but that just enables him to force sudden death for the game. That makes it even harder for me.
>So let's call the Thundertusk the Hero sniper and the Bastiladon the unit griller and have done.
Yeah I can agree with this.
I think what makes Thundertusk God Tier is that Destruction has other ways to deal with swarm units so the 6 guaranteed Mortal Wounds fills a niche exceptionally well.
If you are playing equal model count, then yes absolutely the Ogors are going to crush you.
Try playing equal wounds, or use one of the point balancing systems here: scrollbuilder.com
How hard is it to convert stormcast? I want to use prosecutors/liberators as crypt horrors and flayers, would it be hard to change some armor pieces and hands/heads to make them more piecemeal and corroded?
Let's be perfectly clear here. Someone who plays Ogres and insists on using Sudden Death is a giant cuntmuffin.
Either you simply bring a shitload of Bullgors/Minotaurs, you play scenarios that don't use Sudden Death with him or you don't play that guy anymore.
You can scratch up the chest plates and helmets fairly easily, but taking the armor pieces off completely is simply not an option. You can rip a hole into a shoulder pad and then glue the broken shoulder pad on, but you can't leave it off. Other than that, scratch it up good, paint it, splurge some Typhus Corrosion on, dry-brush with orange to get some rust going, that looks amazing.
And if you want to clip some parts off and convert the weapons, that's incredibly easy.
Piss off.
>Piss off.
Yeah, I was gonna use some ghoul/horror heads instead of helmets, other helmet types, snip off weapons and replace with bones and crude spears, paint up some rust, and maybe add some broken armor pieces or "fixed" with old shields and stuff - not all of it though, I want to do it a little sublty, the idea is that they're a ghoul army that believe themselves to be noble knights like the battletome. Courtiers are noble golden commanders, ghouls are steadfast men-at-arms, and the battletome says the flayers believe they have enchanted pinions gifted by their golden lord, works fine with prosecutors. The only thing is I'm not sure that Horrors should be knights or stormcast, the description didn't give me a clear path in that. But knights might be too "small" and not really fit as monstrous infantry, something the stormcast do well. The bigger monsters will have to be the real deal, as zombie dragons and terrorgheists are hard to fix in other ways, except maybe for the gamezone/old empire griffin lords.
Well with the monsters, you could always try using a "living" dragon, as the 'tome mentions the Ghoul Kings used to have living dragons and not-undead Terrorgheists in their stables. Or you take the Vampire rider's legs and graft the upper body of a Stormcast/Empire general on it, so that it gives the appearance of an undead mount (they ARE in Shyish, after all) with a living rider.
I have an old metal empire griffon and a terrorgheist, so I'm gonna use the vamp lord conversion as a rider on gheist anyway. Thanks for the tip tho!
June in next week and we have no single sylvanet photos wtf Gw?
We don't normally get leaks more than a week out, and pics have already leaked for the next WD. Also some pics for the one after that, but only two or three, there could be more.
For the foot knights, I want to make them dark souls-esque, like one user did one, using two-hander weapon conversions. Does anyone know if it's easy to fit new two-handers and heads on the starter set liberators?( since they're cheaper I guess?) for liberators I guess it's just a matter of head swap and a hand snip for weapons.
Next week's hints, incidentally.
We alredy should have sylva Pictures its one week left
>its one week left
And btw - going with the knightly theme, how about either LOTR army of the dead or bret knights as spirit hosts?
im using hammers because-well, STARTER BOX. For 50 grands i get the same amount of roughly 150. Im getting a second starter set as soon as im done painting these ones or i fear ill never be able to escape the grey-zone.
Ogors are indeed a strong faction, in general you need a 30 wound lead to fight them fairly.
The thing is that they combine high movement with high damage output and being multiple wound models require you to deal a full four wounds before you reduce the effectiveness of the unit in anyway. This also makes them much more resilient to battle shock tests.
>yfw tribal banner re-rolling 6's on the BS test.
tl;dr: When gw do release a comp system for AOS ogors will either be ass fuck expensive or banned from most tournies.
>tl;dr: When gw do release a comp system for AOS ogors will either be ass fuck expensive or banned from most tournies.
They aren't that expensive, only strong thing is the monsters.
aren't that strong **
Ogres are fucking strong, but lack of synergies and variety.
Ogors are very much strong, possibly the best faction in the game.
Their units range from solid to astounding.
Strong yes, strong enough to be banned outright, no
When you say sylvaneth you refer only to the trees? i want moar aelfs
>strong enough to be banned outright, no
If the eventual comp system doesn't take them specifically into account then yes.
If it ends up being based on wounds in any way they will need to be banned from picking sudden death and require at the least a modified victory determination system.
>tfw painting up an ogre battalion I won at an 8th ed tourney four years ago just to abuse it at my locals first AOS comp rules tournament because I know full well GW will fuck it up.
>Day 5 of asking everywhere
>STILL can't find anyone to 50:50 the sigmar starter with that's not way too far away.
Fate is trying to tell me "Don't give GW money"
Which half you want, where you (loosely) at?
Sigmarines and Bristol
I'm way up north and want the sigmarines too, so we're basically in the same boat.
That's a shame, had me hoping for like half a second.
Are the Bray shamans power "Savage Dominion" too powerfull? I mean it says it can summon any chaoss monster, that means that any unit/model that has the keywords chaos and monster can be summoned. So technacly a player with a bray shaman can summon Archaon!
Gib Warplock Engineer / Master Mutator hero cards. Gw pls.
Silver Tower is good, but it will remain inferior sub-skaven trash. UNTIL each of the Great Clans are represented. Only then shall the Horned one smile upon it.
You probably could do that. But I play it sort of fluffy I guess. I try to keep it to only beast shit. Nothing crazy or demony. Granted if the other guys being a dick. Fuck em
I do the same, I would say chaos gargants are the limit on what a Bray shaman could call into battle, other simple minded creatures are cygors, gorgorns, giant chaos spawns, etc..
There's a lot of things like that in this game.
Sigmar is weird.
Guys, would you watch an age of sigmar youtube channel regularly?
I'm pretty keen to start one but would like some pre-emptive feed back on expected content.
Are you using a non english rule book or an old one?
Mine says any "monster" and archaon doesn't have the monster keyword.
Skarbrand and the blood thirster do though.
Yes it is too strong as it is currently written
It is highly expected that they will errata it
>Mine says any "monster" and archaon doesn't have the monster keyword.
Yes he does
Archaon on horse isn't a monster but £100 archaon is.
Ahh I get it now, makes sense if they're trying to push the model.
Tell me about your armies/warbands Anons. How did they form, who's in charge, why did they form, what are they called, etc?
I posted this last thread but I was hoping to get some more input.
What's do you think is the best gear for these guys?
I think most people just turned their 8th ed armies into aos warbands.
My current list is the exiled elves blood cult.
>3X 10 witch elves
>10 executioners
It gets upgraded with
>2 x 5 warlocks
>1 hydra
>2X black guard
for larger games.
There's actually so little difference between them that it doesn't matter.
The ward save will save one in six models but if five models die the units fucked anyway.
Rend is important because of mystic shield but 3+ to hit is the golden standard atm.
No content suggestions at all guys?
In this instance anything that isn't the shield is probably good.
We can't really give feedback if we don't know what you're going to be doing, I enjoy watching battle reports on Miniwargaming, i'd probably enjoy it from your group too. What else do you have in mind?
Well you just get the same 4 guys twice so it doesn't matter unless you plan on getting a shit ton or converting. the shield is bad, so all Glaives i guess.
Acolytes are a shit 1 wound unit that will blatantly be overcosted when pts roll out. I'd rather field Tzaangors but again expect heavy points and Bestigor are better still with movement 9 you can't beat that.
They're snap-fit, but if we assume you're building them yourself, half the unit gets shields, the other half gets glaives. Keep allocating wounds to the shield-bearers until they're dead so that the glaives get the highest possible chance of making it into combat. Glaives because Tzeentch is really fucking hard up for Rend.
What the hell are you talking about? The shield is awesome and Kairic Acolytes are amazing.
The shield is a 6+ save that Rend can't touch and that also works against mortal wounds and that's done BEFORE your actual save and since you can mix and match weapons you can just let the shield guys tank hits for the rest of the unit.
And the Acolytes are amazing, as they're basically Marauders except with more reliable shields and a shooting attack that's pretty decent if you have a Wizard tagging along (which you always should).
Sure if you compare them to Chaos Warriors or Stormvermin they suck, but they're light infantry like Bloodreavers. And an unsupported Kairic Acolyte wipes the floor with an unsupported Bloodreaver any day of the week.
There is a ton of things you could do: batreps, painting/modeling tutorials, lore, news roundups, hobby blogging, etc. My first recommendation is to do what interests you. For example, if you don’t enjoy conversion work, don’t make videos about conversions. You will find you get bored and fed up very fast if you don't enjoy running this channel.
My second recommendation is, if you’re serious about this, consider your level of production. Too many channels already have shaky cellphone cameras recording piecemeal clips in between jump cuts and terrible audio quality. If you want to really stand out from the crowd buy a blue yeti. Buy a canon vixia or 5d. Mount your mic on a boom above you. Put padding in your recording room to reduce echo. Buy a used glidecam or put your camera on a steady stand. Learn how to use vegas/after effects/final cut/whatever.
The reason why people love the warhammer TV channel is because of the production value (and Duncan). They break things down to a step-by-step process, occasionally explain uncommon painting techniques, and are fantastic for beginners and seasoned hobbyists alike. There are a ton of painting channels on youtube that are just as valuable, but very few have the same kind of production value and quality that warhammer TV has, and that's why it stands out from the others.
Different user here, was comparing them to other infantry with ranged weapons like chameleon skins and dark elf shades/ black arc corsairs.
They seem pretty lack luster, although if blood reaver is your baseline then yeah I guess they're alright.
>blue yeti
Got one, I was actually going to film games on a go pro and edit them in movie maker.
Your list of post production programs intrigues me though.
I really do enjoy conversion work though, although I'm about to kit bash some kardashian heads and the torso from a carnifex into a beholder once the parts arrive.
My first video might be a step by step break down of it, just to test the waters.
So far I've had trouble with filming AOS battle reports, warhammer was a lot easier to work with since it was so you go I go, etc
General miniature wargaming stuff, it's more I want to know what people are into and what they specifically like seeing the least.
>he shield is a 6+ save that Rend can't touch
Which is shit.
>your actual save
Which is garbage, assuming you ever get it.
>let the shield guys tank hits for the rest of the unit
So now you're bad at both defense and offense, rather than having a unit that specs in either and has a use/role
>a shooting attack that's pretty decent if you have a Wizard tagging along
12 inch shooting that only reaches /AVERAGE/ power when you dedicate a hero to them is awful dude.
Now why could i possibly have compared them to SV rather than Warriors? that's it, wound count.
Things like Gutter-runners and Horrors fill the 'massed shooting' infantry role far better. Whereas almost any dedicated melee unit absolutely shits all over these chumps, be it 'no save, massed attacks' (Witches, Monks) or heavy armour 2 hander units (SV, Bestigor)
All of the above naturally superior BEFORE they receive their factions 'stand a hero/banner' nearby get buffs'
Sorry to break it down for you these guys are trash but if you really want to rely on rolling two 6's in a row then be my guest.
are there round bases small enough to put gnoblars/goblins on ?
also how would you feel if i used the online gnoblar army list in a battle ?
>Guys, would you watch an age of sigmar youtube channel regularly?
No. I hate youtubers and watch channels with all my heart.
Yeah they just go on the basic 40k style base, the smallest one GW sells unless I'm reading your question wrong. go look on the website, ghouls and plague monks now come packed with them
I've never seen the Gnoblar list but it sounds fun to play against, i'd like to see it You got a PDF handy?
Guy who first asked, here.
At my local shop we don't balance by models or wounds, and we will probably skip points when it comes out. We balance by the merit and ability of each unit. We would never look at, say, 10 of these guys and say that's a fair match against 10 stormvermin.
Kairic Acolytes are neato light infantry, but they don't excel in any particular field. I'm thinking of using them as bodyguard units for my wizards, but I'm entirely convinced the shields are good enough when compared to rend or a better chance of hitting.
Whoops, I meant **Not** entirely convinced
I'm still trying to work out mine. The focus of the army is going to emphasize Lion Rangers because I love what little fluff they have, in particular their origins as warrior monks. I may be using the Jedi as a loose inspiration for them.
They're going to be led by either an Archmage or Mistweaver, in either case probably given a call to arms by one of them to support the forces of Order; the Mistweaver in particular, I think, is going to as mysterious to them as she is to anyone else, but the White Lions strongly believe that she has altruistic intentions, even if she's weird as hell. Not entirely certain on the Archmage's motivations specifically.
And since the Lion Rangers currently only have different units, I'm figuring which other Order subfaction will work best to be their primary allies. I figure that, given the nature of the Lion Rangers, it would be logical for them to be with many different allies across the Order spectrum depending on the situation, but I'm not sure where to start. I kinda want to do Seraphon, because I like idea of them essentially being the Daemons of Order, but the problem is that they lack any decent dedicated ranged units, which I think would be the most important support for a Lion Rangers army. I've also been leaning on Wanderers for Sisters of the Watch and Sisters of the Thorn (the former for ranged support, the latter for their amazing support spell), with the idea that the Lion Rangers are aiding them in their mission to restore the Waystones across the Mortal Realms to strengthen the spread of Order.
Basically, it's a work in progress.
So how different do we think the new dorfs will look from the old ones? Fyreslayers look cool and all but I like my dwarfs armored and carrying some fuck you up weapons
Yeah, that's cool. do you just drop units until it seems fair? that's what I'm doing atm.
Shit man I'd never chastise anyone for taking them in a tzeench army just because maybe SV are better, i'm a fluffy gamer myself.
Just anyone claiming Kairic's are 'Awesome' is flat out uninformed as fuck. I consider spreading misinformation like that to be borderline shitposting.
If i were forced to field them i'd go for the Glaives , you get that rend but also they carry the 'Honour guard' look. I'd imagine Tzeenchian warriors would go for staff-like weapons so best of both worlds fluff + in game power.
>only have different units
*only have two different units
What's your problem? Want me to admit they're not Bestigors, Stormvermin or Saurus Guard? No, they're not, not even close.
And they're not meant to be. They're mass infantry, not Elite infantry. Not Blood Warriors, but Bloodreavers.
Their shield is better than what most other units in the game get because even a 6+ save against mortal wounds is better than NO save against mortal wounds.
Then you can mix weapons which doesn't make them bad in defense and offense.
In case you haven't noticed, unless you're playing against an old-school WoC army without shooting, your units will always take damage before they enter melee. This way, you can let the slightly tougher stuff take the hits instead of going full glaives and losing more models.
>if you really want to rely on rolling two 6's in a row then be my guest.
Do you literally not get this game? You don't need 2 6s in a row, you just have twice the chance to roll your damn six.
>Things like Gutter-runners and Horrors fill the 'massed shooting' infantry role far better.
Gee, what a shock. A ranged unit is better at shooting than a balanced unit. Surprise, the 12" range already told you they're not a "shooty unit". They're a massed melee unit that also happens to shoot. They're worse at shooting than Horrors but better in melee than Horrors. They shoot, then they get stuck in and in every one of your shooting phases they do a bit of extra damage the opponent cannot retaliate against.
They also cheerfully take Witch Aelves and Plague Monks apart as they can survive their onslaught via double-6+-save and numbers and can shoot them dead before combat.
But it's okay. Keep living in your mathhammer bubble and don't let reality intrude on your delicate calculations.
>m-muh mathhammer fags pls go :_;
Dude your own initial argument even said 'Sure they suck' fuck off with trying to shift the goalposts so late in the dispute.
Stomping your feet and raging like a sperg won't change anything. i refuse to address your stupidity again.
>Stomping your feet and raging like a sperg won't change anything
Please stop projecting.
I never said they sucked m80, you need some basic reading comprehension, I still say Kairic Acolytes are great. They're great LIGHT infantry. Saying they're not Stormvermin is like saying a model of Mournfang Cavalry isn't a Stonehorn. Sure it isn't, nobody claimed that, but that doesn't make it bad.
>b-but muh wound counting sez they suck compared to Stormvermin
Your point being? Not everybody balances with wound counts and your completely unsupported claim that they'll be overcosted in the general's handbook counts for approximately two wet sacks of shit at this point.
I'd take 30 Wounds of Kairics over 30 Wounds of Chaos Warriors any day as they're infinitely more versatile. Thanks to their shooting they can always just stand behind a screening unit and shoot or you throw them in front of something and let them do the screening for something else.
They also reward you for having Wizards along and a Chaos Sorcerer Lord's unique spell is doubly effective on a unit that can also shoot.
It's not just about what a unit can do, but how it can be supported. And the only things that can support Stormvermin are Mystic Shield, some Verminlords' unique spells and Command abilities. Last time I checked, unless you play Archaon you can only ever use one Command Ability per turn.
For Kairic Acolytes I can spontaneously think of about six buffs I can toss at them.
>hurr durr shifting goalposts
fuck off, if you think keyword synergy isn't part of a unit's potential, go play 9th Age.
Not that anything I say will ever make you reconsider as anyone who doesn't agree with you is instantly a sperg. I wish my worldview were that simple again.
guys... pls...
Do you guys think GW will bring back the old terrain kits for AoS?