Why are human men always going for non human girls? This can't be natural

Why are human men always going for non human girls? This can't be natural.

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>implying it isn't the non-human girls going after the human men

Take a look at that elf female. She looks like a human female with pointy ears. The fact that humans and elves can reproduce and produce viable offspring would indicate that they are close enough of beings that it isn't that unnatural. Plus lets face it human men will pretty much go after anything that looks like a human female. It's how our brains are hardwired. I mean seriously look how stacked that elf is...that's gotta be a half elf not a full blood. I don't think they make full blood elves with proportions like that.

Being different makes them come across as foreign and exotic, which makes them exciting.

Kind of like interracial dating in real life.

We are attracted to what is exotic because diversity strengthens the gene pool.

>Why are human men always going for non human girls?
Sour grapes.
>"s-silly human girls, I never even w-wanted you, I'd rather go disgrace myself and copulate with inhuman beasts!" - inhuman girl lovers

t. Garithos

because all the human girls are being abducted and raped by orcs

Sure smells like virgin in here.

Maybe because our own women are WHORES who only date orcs these days. I swear this is all because of propaganda by the gnomes pushing the orc male human female relationship via the media.

Once you go green, you are unclean!

Elf women on the other hand make perfect waifus. They are traditional and subservient.

>sold to orcs.

Because the only way you could ever imagine making it with any girl was if they had enormous cultural disparities so that they didn't know you were such a fucking loser

Where do you think we are m8?

But what about human purity?

I'm not saying all humans are sluts...
but when was the last time you heard of a half gnome or dwarf?


>Comes to a blatant fetish thread to whine about virgins.

Female humans are being sold off to Orcs.

So that human is reclaiming the human half of her?

Wait, as in slave auctions or the orcish wedding custom of the groom paying the family a dowery for his bride?


Or thinking about making quarter elf children with her yes, and raising them in a human community.

We're trading women, the orcs get our pink squishy girls, we get their green toned girls


>Why are human women always going for non human men? This can't be natural.

It isn't.

Unless you're 100% African, your homo sapiens ancestors almost certainly interbred with Neanderthals at some point.

Why would you make that trade? She's got arms as thick as your thighs! And vegetarian diet? Yuck. Their primary food source is a tuber so fibrous and tough you can use it as a cutting board! Though Orcish drummers are pretty good musicians, and I hear the best can command the elements with their music. Still not enough common ground to romance or have a working relationship with.

Seriously I'd rather date a Half dragon...eat least they eat meat so we can have something in common.

Demihumans and beast-races have better tits. Tru fax.

Also for some reason if you over feed an elf girl they end looking like some busty Russian woman.

It's arraged marriages, romance doesn't come into the equation, bro. We're expected to coexist, cooperate, interbreed, pay our taxes and raise the kids to be law-abiding citizens. Nothing more, nothing less, if you manage to find love along the way then good for you.

I also said a working relationship. As in being able to share a house and raise your children without trying to kill each other because you have nothing in common, even diet.

Could be.

There's no way to know whether it was neanderthal male on sapiens female or sapiens male on neanderthal female though.

Okay, I got to ask; why the fuck is Slithice a gunslinger here?

You say that like it's a bad thing.

>pic related
That's about perfect right there.

all these half-breed PC drama backgrounds must come from somewhere.

I imagine there is an elaborate commission story behind it or the artist got really imaginative, but since I don't know the artist or possible commissioner...

It's because they don't and you've been poisoned by the incredibly small percentage of men who are degenerates on the Internet that say otherwise.

>There's no way to know whether it was neanderthal male on sapiens female or sapiens male on neanderthal female though.
There is, actually, based on mitochondria DNA versus nucleic DNA. All of the evidence points to it being male neanderthals with female sapiens. Some people have suggested that neanderthal women didn't have hips structured to safely give birth to sapiens heads.

Same reason white men have a weird fascination with asian girls; they're exotic enough to be interesting but familiar enough to be attractive.

Of course, the balance of exotic/familiar will vary from person to person, but since Elves tend to fit modern perceptions of beauty they're the ones most likely to get fetishised.

I don't know, bro, I'm just a cobbler. This whole thing started when our mad king married that orc witch and then decided to merge their kingdoms.

>Why are human men always going for non human girls?
Because humans have a naturally-selected drive to mate with people who are ethnically divergent, but still sexually viable. Historically, the diversity has always improved our gene pool, and in particular mitigated risk of recessive genetic disorders and improved our immune systems, to the point that the people with out-group sexual preferences had offspring with a natural advantage over those with in-group sexual preferences.

Preferring out-group persons to in-group persons has also been one of the biological drives to prevent incest.

That's where the drive comes from when you meet a person who specifically lacks same-race sexual preference. It comes from our tribal ancestors producing better babies when they mixed with other tribes rather than banging their sisters.

As a white man, I can say with certainty that I like qt girls race doesn't really matter to me.

Not really, but if I had to choose purely on look. I'd go for something like picture related.

But to be certain about that the scientists should have found a neanderthal Y-chromosome from modern humans, just like they should find neanderthal mitochondria from modern humans if neanderthal females were involved. Most likely both have been selected out of the genepool, could happen in only two generations since they don't recombine.

because humans are like dragons and will mate with just about anything(though dragons are more successful due to shapeshifting and greater biological compatibility)

Those are called "Midgets" user.

DNA testing is leading to the conclusions that Africans interbred with other unidentified species of Homo, so nope, there's really no such thing as a pure Homo Sapien because we're all horny fucks.

Because you self insert as those human guys, don't get enough pussy and are always horny. The thought that all those non human girls fall for you make you feel better without actually doing anything of worth.

Is this thread really worth it, Veeky Forums?

The theory actually accounts for periods of out and inbreeding, there are advantages to both and it's not always strictly better to breed with outsiders (And not all outside populations are as fit to your environment. A half-inuit for example would not fare as well in the cold.)

>if I post a snarky reply in this thread everything will change for the better!

But the board refused to change.

>But to be certain about that the scientists should have found a neanderthal Y-chromosome from modern humans, just like they should find neanderthal mitochondria from modern humans if neanderthal females were involved.
Incorrect, actually. The overwhelming majority of neanderthal DNA in humans is what is called 'crossover DNA.' The idea that you get entire chromosomes, intact and identical, from your parents is entirely fallacious.

You see, during mitosis, and especially the creation of gametes, strands of DNA will sometimes split and reattach, or accidentally swap segments. And that's true of the compatible pieces of X chromosomes crossing over with compatible bits of Y chromosomes too.

Now, plenty of times when this happens, it happens in a way that causes the cell to be non-viable, and it dies. But it happens successfully and safely so often that you can and will see genetic markers from all sorts of different ethnic groups on a single chromosome, rather than being able to trace your intact Y chromosome patrilineally and directly back through your entire family line.

The end result of this is that neanderthal genes make up an itty bitty part of the DNA in our nucleus, but there is literally not a single trace of neanderthal mitochondrial DNA anywhere that we've ever looked for it.

This doesn't necessarily mean that sapiens men weren't banging neanderthal women, but it extremely strongly indicates that neanderthal men and sapiens women were producing viable crossbreeds, while for whatever reason sapiens men and neanderthal women weren't.

Genetics is fun.

Or non-africans did.

Consider that without DNA from such a hominin to compare (not found) the only genomewide effect we would see from either event is increased distance between Africans and non-Africans.

I think they're comparing African DNA at this point and trying to account for some of the differences.

>stop criticising things!
Did you expect me to give a real answer? Because the real answer is just this: fantasy is mostly made for guys and those guys get off to the thought that all those elfen waifus or whatever your fetish is surely would love them unconditionally purely by the power of self-insertion.

An undead?

I've read fantasy for women. Do you know what it contains? Human and near-human men fawning over the protagonist. Hell there's stuff made for particularly weird girls that involve men who aren't anywhere CLOSE to human.

This is not something you can stick on men only like it's a problem of how terrible and awful they are. It's a part of humanity in general, and both genders.

I cannot begin to imagine how long that will last before it collapses.

Women do it too...Or do you choose to ignore all the Link fangirls, and Legolas swooning women out there?

Well surely, but that's not what this thread and what 99% of all greentext stories on this site about fantasy waifu falling for mundane human guy for whatever reason is about.

Because the likely hood of pregnancy goes down the further you get from human.

>Did you expect me to give a real answer?
Nah, I'm just making fun of you for expending effort to post what amounts to "s-stop it guys, I'm serious!"

Veeky Forums is full of terrible threads, and you look like an idiot when you try to police them.

Except it is? It's fantasy husbandoes falling for perfectly normal human female protaganist.


No, Y-chromosome does not recombine like others. The Neanderthal Y-chromosome has actually been sequenced and it has not been found in any Sapiens, modern or ancient including the Aurignacians and Gravettians. Or pieces of it.


Why do women's shirts in anime seem to have some sort of vacuum pressure seal around the tits? Her stupid white overbra thing just goes over the gap normally, but her shirt is sucked in. And the other parts are clearly drawn to look like the shirt's loose-fitting, so why would it just be like that on the tits?

This always fucking bothers me.

Why don't you read OPs post again?

Are you saying that It's supposed to be shit?

They don't call him the mad king for nothing. They tell me my orc bride with arrive in three weeks, maybe she won't be that bad. There's this really cute and friendly bar-wench working down the street, maybe mine will be like that too.

> Why are human men always going for non human girls?

Mostly, they aren't. It just gets a lot of attention when they do.

How do you plan to deal with the vegetarian diet? she can't digest meat after all, so you'll have to change the way you cook and eat to match her so that you aren't have to cook two dinners.

Must be rare. Like Asian man on Black woman porn.

>How do you plan to deal with the vegetarian diet?
What in the actual fuck are you talking about? The only race that I've ever seen portrayed as strictly vegetarian is elves. If anything, orcs are more likely to be portrayed as carnivores than omnivores.

You did nothing wrong

>thinking that commoners in fantasy settings can afford regular access to meat


Have you ever talked to a human woman? They're fucking horrible. If there was an alternative I'd go for it, even if their anatomy was.... questionable.

That would be male elf on orc woman.

Oh yeah! Of course.

Dominic Deegan, aka one of the worst webcomics ever made. I'm ashamed to recognize the reference, and I don't know why he's harping on it.

>Are you saying that It's supposed to be shit?
That was moot's original plan, yeah.

>one of the worst webcomics ever made
Eh, I enjoyed the way it explored and inverted the use of different schools of magic, even if the characters were cringeworthy and the art was trash. Jaunts through mindscapes or less-than-intuitive applications of magic were the fun highlights of that comic.

Like the magical society arc of the otherwise underwhelming Zebra Girl.

Because it actually makes sense more than orcs as carnivore with those teeth.


No, it doesn't. The entire train of logic used to justify orcs as tuber-eating herbivores built off of the assumption that they use them in the same manner as pigs - which in practice would mean digging with their faces instead of their fucking hands.

What teeth like those are good for actually EATING, though, is raw meat, where you use the teeth to rip of swallowable chunks.

Why do all the non-human girls look like human girls, but hotter? If anything's not natural, it's that.

Half orc
Half elf
Half goblin
Half kobold
Half gelatinous cube
Half skeleton
Half demon
Half angel
Half beholder
Half construct
Half dragon
Half plant

Because it's not rape if it's an elf.


How would a Half skeleton and Construct work?


Anything works if you fuck it hard enough


Funny, those orc women fucked my dick too hard and now it doesn't work.

Would you hold hands with a centaur and tell her she's beautiful and pin her down and cuddle her until she cries bitter tears of joy?

>Individual orc women constantly secrete a unique mixture of hormones that makes mens penisesses numb to anything but the sensation of that specific vagina, which it is in turn extra sensitive to

All that and more.

Why would tears of joy be bitter?

It assumes their primitive ancestors did, over time as we notice in modern orcs, the tusks have reduced in size as the species developed hands and with hands tool use.

The only tusked carnivore are the Narwhale (and only the males have a singular tusk) and the walrus that has upper jaw tusks and they prefer mollusks, clams, and other shell fish. Orcs as carnivore makes 0 logical sense. Orcs are most likely vegetarians.

Yes, I would also neigh at inappropiate times and then stare at her with a smug shit-eating grin

Because joy is awful.


Pinning down centaur would be hell of a feat, people will make inspiring heroic paintings and sculptures of that.

I'm curious, how butthurt do you have to be to make an image macro trying to poke fun at a post someone made an hour ago?