Grey Knight in RT?

So, I'm going to be a game of Rogue Trader soon, and being a massive Grey Knights fan I decided to play something to emulate that as best I can. So, looking into actual GK's in Dark Heresy they're clearly very powerful for that game, and it's the same basic system, so it's not impossible to just transfer one directly. It's also my understanding (I am somewhat inexperienced in 40K rpgs) that RT characters, because their career tracks are longer than in DH, they're more powerful themselves. So, am I wrong in thinking a GK would fit into Rogue Trader with only a few modifications, or would trying to talk my GM into this be a waste of time?

Go for it dude, but to answer your question...

Yes, Grey Knights do not fit at all in to RT from a mechanics position or a roleplaying wise. What are they? Purpose built demon killing machines, they are the closest the 40k has to the perfect being outside of the Emperor. They are incorruptable, have powers far outstripping anything the Imperium has and all sorts of plot armor. For the most part they are all the same, immutable, indesctructable and utterly replaceable in a roleplay manner (Yes, I know they are a massive investment for the Imperium).

Don't pick a Grey Knight it's a Chapter of Mary Sues should be removed from the game as a whole, instead pick another Chapter from Deathwatch.

grey knights are so secretive that they kill entire cities, entire regiments of IG, whole sects of the inquisition to keep their existence a secret.

You'd have a hard time role playing a grey knight as you'd be required to kill or at the minimum mindwipe the party and everyone you encounter every other session

If your DM lets you play a Space Marine, and you want the Grey Knights, but cooler and nicer feel, then just play as an Exorcist.

One of my favorite chapters, they're implied to be Grey Knight successors.

Plus their named character is approx. Primarch size.

I only imagine playing a Grey Knight either in Ascension or DH2ed with other characters being Ordo Malleus Inquisitors only. Oher than that, as said, you would have to kill/mindwipe your own team. Also. Any interraction between your character and an NPC that is not a Malleus Inquisitor or a member of one of the very few chosen Astartes chapters would have to be killed afterwards.

Preferrably woth his entire habblock/hive/planet.

Take it down a notch an play an Exorcist. Those guys are cool af and you get rid of all the bullshit marysuism and abovementioned shit.

Just be a crazy daemonhunter user

>Grey Knight it's a Chapter of Mary Sues
This is wrong, but the rest is right.

Also roleplaying wise it'd be like playing a lizardmen
>Slann/Tablet/Skink shaman say do thing
>You don't do thing
>I don't do thing you say
>do a 360º and moonwalk back to lustria because you don't trust the warmy to not backstab you, also breaking eye contact might make it angry

Slaughtering everyone is mostly just reserved for the real shit. The Guardsmen on Armageddon weren't killed because they saw the Grey Knights. They died because they fought alongside the Grey Knights against literal waves of Daemons and Chaos Space Marines that were led by a Daemon Primarch. The Imperium can't take any risks in that knowledge being released.
The GK are also capable of selective mindwipes, deleting just the Chaos and GK stuff.

>The GK are also capable of selective mindwipes
Pity they don't do it more frequently and on a massive scale.

One day there'll be a Gaudinian Heresy of their own, but instead of a Daemon born from the death of Ferrus Manus, they'll get one that is the cumulated grudges of all those innocent whom they purged to keep the whole Chaos thing a secret.

Hell, the primary reason why Grey Knights commit mass genocide wherever they go isn't exactly to keep their secret, but because when they're called, it means things are so bad that genocide is the most pragmatic option.

As said, this is Chaos we are talking about. And GK are usually called in for serious Chaos fuckery, not just a couple of cultists and weaker Daemons.
It's fucked up that the civilians and Guardsmen have to be purged. But if the alternative is Daemons suddenly appearing all over the sector, it's better to be safe than sorry.

I bet that there are GKs that are sick and tired of this part of their duty despite being necessary. Not to mention remembering the faces of those they had to purge...

Let us all remember that the Ordo Malleus and the Grey Knights are batshit insane. They have convinced themselves (and many modern geedubs fanbois, it seems) that what they do is necessary and right. NO! That is false! Read the GK novel about the first Armagedon war, wherein the Space Wolves declare war upon the GK/malleus. The Grey Knights were in the wrong; they were murdering loyal citizens and soldiers to no purpose. They sterilized the population of Armageddon and sentenced them to life in labor camps FOR NO REASON.
Well, no dire, life-or-death reason: it was JUST to maintain secrecy, NOT to prevent potential Chaos eruption. The whole 'exterminate to prevent Chaos' is a lie: the truth is 'exterminate to keep Chaos secret'.
The Malleus and the Gk's are not selfless goodguys - they are just as wrong and fucked up as everyone else.

>hey guys I'm going to be playing [not deathwatch] what's the best way I can throw the systems themes or the window and play my space marine OC anyway?

And GW gives you retards six codices every edition. Goodness.

While Sororitas have become Rogue Traders before in fluff, thigns like Deathwatch and Grey Knights are veterans that serve way to important and precise a role to just let them fuck off with some weirdo with a permit.

I'd just play a Crusader who lived through his campaign and now wants to kill xenos and heretics in deep space and found a Rogue Trader who likes his moxy.

People who have seen daemons can and will corrupt worlds in the future. Aside from that many Grey Knights and even quite a few Inquisitors who took part in the Months of Shame were very dissatisfied with the mass amounts of extermination that had to take place upon innocents. It is necessary, but it is not good.

The Armageddon Quarantine was a perfectly sensible thing to do given the Ordo's knowledge of the inevitable dangers of Chaos corruption those soldiers and civilians would have presented to those they came in contact with.

I wasn't planning on him telling the group what he was exactly, he wouldn't be stomping around in GK power armor.

Exorcist? Perhaps.

Since when is Chaos a secret at all? Every person on Cadia knows Chaos is a thing, but they're not exactly quarantined. The GK's mindwipe to preserve as much secrecy as possible on how they operate and their gear, to maintain as much of an advantage as possible. And since they're only called in for extreme daemonic events like Princes, Primarchs and Greater Daemons, they exterminate locals because the risk of corruption is so high when dealing with daemons that powerful.

GK's aren't Mary Sues, in fact I would say the fluff about them is mostly appropriate considering what they are. Even most of the Kaldor Draigo stuff isn't that bad considering he's basically an anti-daemon psyker Primarch.

>Pity they don't do it more frequently and on a massive scale.
That takes time, and the Grey Knights are too few in number to do that for any but the most deserving of regiments. It's much more efficient to just kill all but the select few.

They don't usually seem to care. These are the same guys who get selective mind wipes every so often to remove emotions.

>they're implied to be Grey Knight successors.
I don't think they ever were. They have ties to them in that a Grey Knight oversees their possession and exorcism in case something goes wrong, but that's where the similarities end. Their methods of combating daemons is like comparing IG to Space Marines.

>Since when is Chaos a secret at all?
That's my point - malleus and gk's are wrong, and crazy, and stupid. They destroy everything that gets in their way and that methodology is stupid and laughable and it's what every faction in 40k does - they are all wrong, they are all insane. THAT'S the point of 40k.
MY only point is that the malleus and gks are not the saintly good guys of the game - NO ONE is good in the grimderp.

The quarantine was NOT sensible, which is why the space wolves opposed it. And the wolves were proven correct, because NO ONE who escaped armageddon succumbed to chaos. The whole notion that 'knowledge of chaos begets corruption' is false! Lies! Propaganda perpetrated by the malleus to cement their power. There are no good guys in 40k.

So, you didn't read the part where I explained they don't mindwipe and exterminate to keep Chaos a secret, but rather for other, very good reasons?

>uncorruptable, unstoppable, use demon power to slay demons
Gk's are mary sues, user.

You're wrong.

Between their massive power level, their job being to kill demons and not fuck around trading shit, and their entire existence being one of the Imperium's greatest secrets, Grey Knights don't fit into Rogue Trader at all. Stop while you're ahead.

What utter gk bullshit! The gk's never oversaw the exorcists! The exorcist's process is, erm, secret! This is all retconning at its worst.
>what?! already a chapter that does the GK thing? well, make them a successor to the gk's then.

What does an emotionless human-in-flesh-only thing that only exist to kill demons and can't even consider thinking about an activity that doesn't help him kill demon... what does he bring to the Space East India Company ?

How will his single-minded devotion to maintaining his purity and killing demons will help into exploiting new worlds for fun and profit ?

When comes the moment to barter with xenos to obtain three whole caskets of extremely valuable alcohol against a mere thousand of crew members, what will his capacity to kill demon and hold demon-killling weapons bring to the table ?

When escorting a legion of pilgrims to a forgotten planet so as to found a new colony that will incidentally be used to dig up the continent on which Captain Rogue The Trader buried his treasure, what use will his vast capacity to cause damages to demons while being mostly protected from their damages be to the implantation of the colony ?

No, I read it - those other reasons are lies spread by the malleus, as demonstrated by an user here

>demon power to kill demons
They tossed that out with 7th edition, friend.

The only thing I could be "wrong" about was the power level of a GK in comparison to an average RT group. I didn't say a thing about how I would justify his presence so how can you say I'm wrong about it?

Why, because he says so? Just because it didn't happen, doesn't mean it couldn't have.

That wasn't even around in the Daemonhunters Codex.

Pretty sure they did since at least the 5th edition SM codex. Not sure about earlier editions.

A baseline human, playing a lvl.1 character in Dark Heresy has, like, 200xp.
A starting Rogue Trader character is considered to have the equivalent of 5000xp.
A starting space marine from Deathwatch is supposedly a 12000xp character (although this is widely underestimated).
A grey knight is surely FAAAAR superior to a starting deatwatcher.

What I'm saying is that your knight will be equivalent (power wise) to at the very least four of the other PCs stacked together.

>Just because it didn't happen, doesn't mean it couldn't have.
Top kek, user! The rallying cry of the true tyrant! You make a fine slave.

Oh, that was a Ward retcon? Well, then. Surely it must be true - oh, wait!

A rank 1 Grey Knight sits at 13000 xp, 12000 starting and 1000 to spend at creation.

Source: Dark Heresy: Daemonhunter.

Wasn't much about them prior, so there was nothing to retcon.

Remember: A grey knight is merely a space marine who is immune to possession and has some modicum of psyker ability. They are not the gods the fanboys wank about. jesus god.

Not much, just that they had a double scout company because a lot of their initiates died trying to exorcise themselves! Y'know, just the Exorcist's ENTIRE LORE.
Yeah, user - not much to retcon.
Fucking gk fanwank.

They didn't succumb to Chaos because they were dead, user.

Odd, I'm the user who posted the original Exorcists comment, last I checked the Daemon Exorcising was overwatched by two Exorcists wherein the prospective recruit was slain incase he failed to exorcise himself, iirc.

Though, I have no recollection of anything about the Grey Knights having to do anything with them, other than that they've both worked together, and that it was implied that they were a sucessor somewhere, though I could be wrong on that end.

Hmm... Reading through their Lexicanum article, the only thing about GKs watching them was when they were being tested against Daemons, wherein they earned a 97:1 Kill Ratio against them. No other mentions of GKs, except as their founding chapter.

They're space marines that come standard with psychic powers, training, and wargear that most marine captains can barely get.

On a hunch I dug out the 5th and 6th edition codexes and it seems the two groups aren't mentioned together at all. The Exorcists lore just labels them as an unknown founding with unconventional methods.

Something more may have been mentioned elsewhere, but I don't have the PDF's for Deathwatch to check it at the moment or any of the codexes newer than 6th ed Marines.

Hmm... So it seems that the other guy was just stirring up trouble then.

Glad that this is all cleared up then.

Maybe, maybe not. I remember hearing something similar, but I only have a handful of rulebooks to look through for verification for either claim.

Eh, I'd trust the Lexicanum article over one user, as it has citations for most everything on there, unlike user.

But if you wish to look yourself, go ahead and see what you can find!

Let's see...possibility of being a Grey Knight successor mentioned in a short story, being exorcised by a Daemon Hunter is in there as well, so it looks like both claims have at least some merit.

>Grey Knight
>in Rogue Trader

What is WRONG with you?

Grey knights and deathwatch marines have the same XP and same XP scale.

The 13k is, however, very inefficient. Simply put, a DW or GK will never compare to a Dark Heresy or Only War character of the same XP -- period.

Which doesn't do them a whole lot of good. They don't even start with termie armor in the RPG, which is itself largely crummy and worse than a sentinel.

People are freaking out about nothing. In 99% of situations, the sole significance of an astartes PC is that they're a lot more resistant to small arms fire.

No one fucking cares.

By the way, I've played in two separate campaigns where there were Deathwatch PCs played side by side with 400 starting XP Dark Heresy characters. They were more versatile (ie they could OCCASIONALLY pass tests they weren't focused around) but that was about it.

Kinda sorta. They start with it, they just can't use it until they reach rank...5 I think it was, and unlike DW marines they don't have to worry about crippling the rest of their team to use it.

Don't, just, just don't.

Grey Knights are the Imperium's anti-Daemon shock troops. Holy Knights sword to vouchsafe the Imperium against the ever-growing Daemonic presence of the Warp. Theirs is an eternal vigil for which they can be no rest, and no respite, for to fail would mean the end of existence.

Rogue Traders are their privateers, looting ancient Xenos worlds for booty and engaging in daring ship-to-ship combat in the open void. Their endeavours are grand, and frequently Heretical, involving trade with various Xenos and occasionally raiding Imperial convoys.

I can't really think of anything in the 40K Universe which would fit worse into a Rogue Trader group than a Grey Knight.

That's what I mean. You're wrong with the power levels alongside it being a waste of time.

Yes they are Mary Sues, part of the danger of Chaos is that all are tempted by Chaos, even the Emperor at his low points. By making an entire Chapter immune against it you essentially have a way to defeat Chaos, you have a silver-bullet. There is no fear, there is no danger, it simply becomes a matter of finding the tipping point and applying enough preasure. However absurd, impossible and crazy it is, to defeat Chaos all you need is to apply Grey Knight training to every man woman and child of the Imperium. They could of made it an incredibly low number, far lower than the Sisters of Battle (I know there is a quote of not one Sister ever turning, but that was clearly propaganda for SoBs benefit), or making them especially resistant to Chaos, but immune? No, don't buy it.

The armor and weapons they use. There is nothing in the lore or background to imply or assume that any of these things can not be replicated by other Forgemasters and Techpriests, hexagramic wards and the likes, silver inlays, all doable on a larger scale. Only they don't to preserve the Mary Sue-ness of the Grey Knights.

Astartes don't fit into RT. And the Grey Knights don't fit into fucking anything. There is no way to make this work, and you're an asshole for wanting to fuck up your group this much that you would actually try to do this.

Only the Purifiers are outright immune to the taint of Chaos. The rest are just immune to the mental aspect, mostly due to their lack of emotion from all the mind wipes they get.

Also, no, both the Inquisition and Mechanicus have specialists for dealing with daemons. The reason not everyone has the kind of training and equipment they do is because of the insane cost of it all.

Think back for a moment on what these guys have going for them. A personal forge world to make their equipment, a large enough fleet with enough support personnel that they can give strike cruisers to single squads or frigates to individuals, and a team of high ranking tech priests assigned to each squad to support them.

The most other marines tend to get is a few servitors to put their armor on for them and enough favor with a forge world to give them supplies.

>Astartes don't fit into RT
That's where you'd be wrong. They won't work as permanent party members unless tou do a lot of work with the Astartes, but as temporary members like, say, a liason officer or representative in negotiations , they would work just fine if the rest of the team is of a sufficient level.

>Only the Purifiers are outright immune to the taint of Chaos. The rest are just immune to the mental aspect, mostly due to their lack of emotion from all the mind wipes they get.
So they are still immune, no reason to negate the point.

>Also, no, both the Inquisition and Mechanicus have specialists for dealing with daemons. The reason not everyone has the kind of training and equipment they do is because of the insane cost of it all.
I said the only reason we haven't defeated Chaos is the cost, the moneytary cost of supplying all with the equipment and training. Turns out Chaos is allowed to fester due to finacial reasons, not spiritual.

>Think back for a moment on what these guys have going for them. A personal forge world to make their equipment, a large enough fleet with enough support personnel that they can give strike cruisers to single squads or frigates to individuals, and a team of high ranking tech priests assigned to each squad to support them.
That is a logistics problem, not enough people have recieved enough training in order to maximise the use of the information they have.

>The most other marines tend to get is a few servitors to put their armor on for them and enough favor with a forge world to give them supplies.
Please see above.

No, Chaos festers because what works well against daemons doesn't work so well against the hundreds of other threats out there.

Use a little sense when your try and be a smartass.

Space Marine who got his gene seed corrupted. Gets the chapter colors scraped from his armor and sent off with a passing rogue trader for a signing bonus. Also to send money and resources back to the chapter, protect the Imperium. To boldly go and perform great monetary deeds and send his proceeds back to the chapter.

>Chaos festers because what works well against daemons doesn't work so well against the hundreds of other threats out there.
Of course anti-demon weaponry does not work well against non-demons, what is wrong with you? We are talking about fighting Chaos and it's servants, you know the bread and butter of Grey Knights?

Ultimately all Chaos worshippers fall under the thrall of demons and their spawn, it is their goal. Eliminate the demons and their influence on mortals, their influence being shown through good/bad mutations or through words and arguments and you remove the ability for Chaos to grow. They are forced to attack.

My argument is that they are fully able to destroy and minimise the influence of Chaos on the human race by use of the training and equipment the Grey Knights use. But they can not due to logistics, logistics meaning resources and the application of. My argument is that the GK are a shit and should be removed from the setting as being too noble-bright (Not noble bright, but too much of it, they need tarnishing at least in order to stay).

So yes, you don't get 40k

>(I know there is a quote of not one Sister ever turning, but that was clearly propaganda for SoBs benefit)

You know that's literally how they work in the RPG, right?

Adepta Sororitas cannot have Corruption Points and anything that would cause them to gain corruption points instead gives them a (Much lesser) amount of Insanity.

>So they are still immune, no reason to negate the point.

No, they are still just as vulnerable to all the physical parts of it.

I play Grey Knights and have gotten other people to play them as well. I hope I trigger you.

It is 40k we are talking about. There is Rodenberry Star trek if you want sensible actions.

Op your a muppet. Gk on a rogue trader vessel wouldn't be part of the crew in any way, if he was on the vessel he would be in command telling them to take him to location X, with the only reason being he was stranded and needed a ride, part of the party never.

Closest you will get us a renegade or black shield equivalent Space Marine.

Other than that no doesn't make the slightest bit of sense; read some fluff.

No, your point is to shitpost and argue that money is the reason everyone can't have silver armor.

what army, faction, or chapter do you play? I could call it shit as well for various reasons.

The codex says the chapter is essentially wiped out every, what, forty years?

And that their fight is ultimately meaningless? And that the immortal guy is losing hope? And that their best daemonkiller is stuck in the Warp being utterly ineffectual?

One of their 5e special characters gets followed around by the ghosts of the men who he failed, who got vaporized by Huron fuckin' Blackheart. The Chaos codex mentions a Grey Knight getting groomed to maybe possibly fall in the future by the Changeling. There's an audiobook about a GK getting mind-controlled by fucking genestealers.
What the fuck is "Mary Sue" about people who literally have nothing left within them or without them but killing daemons? They do not remember their own names, or their past. They're forced to do all kinds of things that'd be heresy for anyone else because Chaos is infinite and indomitable.

But they're Mary Sues. Because not one has ever fallen (name a Chaos Custodian).

Their fondest wish is to inevitably die for the Imperium, to the degree that a dreadnought is seen as an unpleasant necessity. And in the end, all their sacrifices will never be remembered by anyone but them.

Mary Sues.

"We do not know what our chances of survival are, so we fight as if they were zero. We do not know what we are facing, so we fight as if it was the dark gods themselves. No one will remember us now and we may never be buried beneath Titan, so we will build our own memorial here. The Chapter might lose us and the Imperium might never know we existed, but the Enemy - the Enemy will know. The Enemy will remember. We will hurt it so badly that it will never forget us until the stars burn out and the Emperor vanquishes it at the end of time. When Chaos is dying, its last thought will be of us. That is our memorial - carved into the heart of Chaos. We cannot lose, Grey Knights. We have already won. "

Why must you lie?

A ritual to find out if you are Chaos corrupted, as a Space Marine, is getting your ass whupped by a Grey Knight in a fistfight. Because if you win, it's because you were corrupted. According to the canon Ultramarines novels.

They -are- that good, in fluff.


...this seems like a thing that could go badly, very easily.

A single slip on bad ground and the guy is being executed for corruption.

It also seems like a lot of non-marine people would find it hard to beat a Grey Knight in a fist fight even if they WERE corrupted.

Whoops, wrong one.

Well, it's all supposed to be very Malleus Maleficarum.
So that's kind of the point.

"One unbreakable shield against the coming darkness, One last blade forged in defiance of fate, Let them be my legacy to the galaxy I conquered, And my final gift to the species I failed."

— Inscription upon the Arcus Daemonica, attributed to the Emperor of Mankind

After GM negotiations, we agreed a neophyte would-have-been Librarian, basically a psyker chosen to try to be an Astartes (Exorcist Chapter), taken by Dark Eldar before the modifications were complete. As in, no black carapace and a few other things, but still very large as a result of the muscle and bone implants. Freed by Harlequins during a confrontation (pure luck, they weren't there for him by any means) and left on a random world because they didn't really care what happened to him, but also didn't really care about killing him. He's terrified of being executed for suspected heresy/treason just because Deldar had him, so he basically signed up with a RT crew for protection. He hopes to accomplish enough great things to convince them to let him back in as a serf if nothing else.

In one of the Red Waaagh! novellas, Maledictus, there's a Grey Knight character who takes pity on a retired Guardsman that was helping their squad and Inquisitor fight Orks and, later, a daemonic outbreak on their ship. He appeals to the Inquisitor to not have him killed, so she chooses to recruit him into the Inquisition instead.

You didn't read the entry on that one, did you? He carries the sword to keep it safe but doesn't use any of its power.

Well, if you are talking about literally using daemon magic, then you're a fucking liar. Sorcery is used by lots of dudes in the Ordo Malleus, and not just the Radicals. Moron.

You know there is sorcery that banishes Chaos, right.

No, you just don't know what you're talking about. The closest thing to daemonic magic they use is evoking a particularly dangerous daemon's true name.

I just said that.
>The closest thing to daemonic magic they use
Is the Sanctic Daemonology psychic power list. Which is fucking sorcery.

The Chaos Daemons codex actually has a little fluff story about the Changeling engineering a long series of events, leading up to one specific Grey Knight being put into a specific place, which results in him seeing the purging of an affected population and beginning to have doubts.

So while it's possible, it also seems to be extremely rare, considering the effort the Changeling needed to go to. Space Marines are thoroughly brainwashed compared to regular Guardsmen; Grey Knights are indoctrinated a magnitude further.

Unless they added that very recently, no, you're talking out of your ass. Divination is the closest they get.

No, he was talking about Crowe not using the sword's demonic powers, not the Knights in general.