How fucked are you if crypto fails?
You didn't invest all your money into Blitzcoins, right user?
How fucked are you if crypto fails?
You didn't invest all your money into Blitzcoins, right user?
literally 0$ in my bank right now, feeling comfy as fuck.
have 0$ in bank aswell. If crypto fails I kms on stream so win/win
If LINK doesn't make me rich I'll spend the rest of my life as a cashier, which given that I'm a permavirgin with no friends, will be even sadder than usual.
99% in crypto.
but even if it crashes to 10% of its current value I'll still be in the green.
I'll lose theoretical gains but my principal investment has been withdrawn and it won't affect my daily life in any way.
i got 5k in bank and 200k in crypto
chance of my life
i study CS as well so i at least have some sort of clue reading the whitepapers tho
Who gives a fuck, its not like I'll ever be rich or wealthy any other way. $10-20k could be your ticket to Neptune, or you could be a normie and buy a wedding ring for your fat wife.
I'm ~40% into crypto and wondering if I should go in deeper.
Glad to be a wagie because it's possible to carefully scale in over time and not risk anything that I couldn't stand to lose.
Feel bad for those kids who have 20k to drop RIGHT NOW on some shitcoin. Unearned excess warps their ability to appreciate and properly manage money.
im balls deep on crypto, i cant go back to wagecucking, if crypto checks out ill be checking out with it
10%? you do know it crashed 50 the last corection right?
Fuck you, faggot. I earned this shit through managing money properly.
I did go all in.
But if I lose everything Ill be fine desu. Ive been poor for as long as I can remember.
I put down like 43k. I will be very sad to see it go. But if blockchain is expanisve as we think i will be sad not to benefit. Portfolio is 57k roght now with all the greens today
>the millennial bubble
invested about 5 % of my money
Don't talk to your father like that, boy!
40% in crypto
45% 401k and an index fund
15% Silver
although desu the silver is more like a savings account for me. I'm awful at saving money, buying silver satisfies my buying impulse and acts as a hedge against fiat inflation or instability.
Nearly 100%. I'm a crypto multi-millionaire, and you either go big or you go home.
Also, fuck the kikes.
So fucked that I would have to pay debt for 10 years if it fails.
>How fucked are you if crypto fails?
Not at all. Same goes for everyone here.
I'm all in on crypto, but if it were to die somehow I would just find another way.
Im currently 1200% up. So I might cash out something.
You took out loans to go all in? How much did you take out?
i didn't take out a loan per se, i've been putting every extra dime i make from overtime into crypto. Also liquidated a good portion of my comic book collection. I did put about 1k on a my credit card during a 0% interest promotion to accumulate more when i knew it was a good time to buy. But that's no big deal, i've made enough to pay that back several times over. If the entire market went tits up tomorrow and i lost everything i'd be alright. Still got my savings and a couple of non-crypto investments. I'd be fucking pissed for sure but I would be in no danger of not being able to pay my bills
>Worked wagecuck job for three years, paid off all debt, quit last March with 20k saved up
>Used up 11k sitting on my ass doing nothing, put 7k into crypto back in July
>Went all in on ZRX after ICO, lost 5k because of hodl
>Sold ZRX and went all in on BTC two months ago, back to even
>Waifu on the other side of the country just bought a house, asked me to be her roommate
>Her ex boyfriend is a gun fanatic and is probably going to murder me within the next year after I move over there
>but its okay I still have crypto
Yes, I was saying if it goes to 10% of its current value, i.e. crashes 90%.
66% in Crypto.
Best of luck user. I finished accumulating a couple of years ago and can't fathom who would buy at $10k+. Hopefully you'll be in my position in a couple of years.
At the beginning of the year, I wanted to be 50% fiat, 50% crypto. However, due to the amazing growth of crypto, I'm at 10% fiat, 90% crypto without even trying.
If I made fewer trading mistakes... if i had tried less, I would be 5% fiat, 95% crypto.
Crypto tanking would hurt me, but I would still be profitable for the year.
$10,000 is too much.... for the average joe
1k left in bank and ~30k in OMG.
If I lose it all, so be it. I wasn't gonna make it anyway.
hope so user, glad you made it
I'm ok if it fails but if it keeps growing then I'm a gainlet. Please help.
Fuck im only 30% up. I got in too late
extremely fucked
this is basically my income
I'd advise to take out your initial investment plus some spare, so even if it goes down the drain you're still better off then before.
my early salary, hope to take it off the table in few months.
There is no other way out but crypto.
Im in it to escape the wagecuckin.
Crypto fails, I wagecuck for eternity, which I would have otherwise as well.
Nothing to lose. Lots to gain.
Either I make it or I start living like Diogenes
Will anyone here unironically commit sepukku independent of how much money you will lost? This is my only way to go from rags to riches and I don't feel like wageslaving until 67.
gonna kms if crypto fails, it's my only way out of wagecuckdom
you weren't there in 2013 were you
This guy gets it.
This guy knows whats up. If bitcoin is kill, all crpyto will be kill and then all that will left will be "muh stocks" and waiting a whole year for a 10-20% gain. May as well go all in on BTC, its our one ticket, our once chance.
Net worth $110k. $31k crypto assets, $60k in the stock market.