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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
>Last Thread
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Stop posting stuff Demonbane destroyed all the multiverses. It's over. No more Jump Chain.
Leave old drama in the old thread.
What is there to worry about in dinitopia?
So why is there no Half Kender race in the DragonLance jump? They're the best race for Paladine's sake.
What makes half-kender good and not abominations?
Just dinosaurs.
This isn't old drama it's for everyones own good to know they start out dead.
>I told my friend who only pops up occasionally that we have a Dragonlance jump because he always liked the books.
>His first response is literally just "Can I get a kender waifu?"
You should punch him in the nuts and "borrow" his wallet and carkeys. It equals to about the same thing.
They are taller Kender with patchy beards. What more could you want?
Where is the JoJo's jump stand supplement?
What is wrong with him?
>Old IP
You're doing this on purpose.
Doesn't exist.
Never will.
Jumpmaker gone.
No, you can't make one.
That covers everything, right?
Sorry if come across as an asshole, but it feels like people ask this every other thread.
There isn't one, the creator left for good before completing it.
Also we should probably leave a note in the drive about that thing, sort out the people repeating this question for the purposes of starting drama from the genuinely inquisitive
They sound like white trash.
See This isn't their first post in the thread. If I had to guess, it's the same guy dragging back the demonbane nonsense.
He says his justification is that his goal is to collect a harem containing all sapient species that aren't furry, so that includes Kender.
Reminder that the only reason anyone cares about Demonbane is power wanking and pedophilia. If someone talking about Demonbane claims they're not power wanking, report them to the police before they hurt an innocent child.
So, uh, question about the Megaman jump. If I recall correctly, Light Numbers in canon all have the Three Laws, where as Wily Numbers have programs in their head to keep then loyal to Wily.
How do I kill Darkseid?
Nothing in Demonbane is illegal in the US, third worlder.
Cripes, uh, my question was if we have that as a Light or Wily number, my bad.
So, Jumpers. We all derail and wreck canon as a hobby, but have you ever sat back and let an MC finish something on their own? If so, why?
Boktai is coming along nicely. Smith capstone lets you make tech or magitech solar powered. At least, that's the plan.
It's only so long before you move on from your Chinese cartoons to real life, kid-diddler.
C'mon dude, just stop while you're ahead. You already used up your rusing initiative after your second attempt.
I don't think Reploid ever made that distinction, and plenty of folks assumed they can just do whatever without any programming dictating them and he didn't say anything so I think it's a non issue?
You just hate fun and childlike innocence. No one with a good alignment could dislike Kender, the books say so. I bet you have a evil alignment.
First you have to pod an endbringer. Then make them fight.
They've studied that and disproven it, actually.
I'd honestly guess that no, you don't.
The fuck are you talking about I just got here.
Sure they have. Well, hide behind your "studies" all you want, we all know you're a monster.
My alignment is neutral.
>He said, in the thread founded by pokefuckers, furries, and some asexuals.
>On the website founded by lolicons
I let main characters finish stuff on their own whenever I can't be bothered to do it myself.
Obviously this happens as often as I feel lazy.
Oh, okay, thanks. I just don't like my free will getting messed with.
Avatar, the first one. Aang does alright.
I don't hear a denial.
But I want to have my own multiverse erasing robot!
>no one with a good alignment could dislike people that steal your shit all the time because they have no fucking concept of ownership
The book is retarded.
You are required to abide by all programming. It was asked before you should look through the archive before asking questions.
I'm telling you that you're on the wrong thread and website to whine about people have weird fetishes, especially when the fetish you hate was pretty fucking big here. Nobody here is a monster for their fantasies
You're probably just baiting, though.
Pretty much whenever there's no easy opportunity to clean things up neatly. If I can't just change one or two things to stop the bad guy before things spiral out of control, I tend to just let things play out as they would have while I stay on the sidelines trying to minimize collateral damage.
I'm going to make a robot that screams!
On a slight tangent, /jc/.
Do any of your Companions know about your, um, less common interests? If so, which ones, and what are their thoughts on the matter?
I understand if it's an awkward question.
Yeah, pretty much. Demonbane is a terrible series and I hate it with a passionate fury, so I want to shit on anyone who professes to like it.
I bind my mind and soul to all my companions, so yes. We have no secrets.
What about lolicons that hate Demonbane with a passionate fury?
you're trying to trick me into saying something lewd aren't you....
Well, you're still horrible, but your hatred for Demonbane will incline me towards leniency.
You mean passionate furry.
Pls no.
Does summoning one with the Samurai Jack thing also work?
If I jump to Super Robot Wars, can I get into the Demonbane universe?
don't worry this is one time I am not falling for bait, I'm sick of folks screaming at me
I need a way to get a chunk of that super dense wndbringer core material. Any ideas how to do it?
>Pod an Endbringer
They're robots. No need to pod them, you silly.
What? Madness! New Doom and Quicksilver's seeming return? Awesome.
If I build an AI and put it in a deathstar will it need a pod?
I know people probably don't want to hear this, but Worm. It was early enough in my chain that I couldn't do a whole lot if I tried a head-on attack, and things *kind of* worked out in the end, so I mostly had my own adventures and hid in the warehouse when things got really bad.
Also, potential silly suggestion for Boktai for those of us with overly fair skin, a 50 CP perk that lets you tan really well instead of burning in sunlight.
>Sunday: Epicureanon returns with Dragonlance
>Tuesday: Quicksilver returns of Doom 2016
. . . i-is this the end times? Someone hold me.
Scrape it out of an Endbringer with Sting.
>he lives
Depends on whether or not the AI is sapient. But probably, yes.
He's not back.
He never left.
He just doesn't namefag usually, unless he's mocking us.
He goes anonymous most of the time.
But the jump is a new thing, though.
I like that bird.
How would you even fit in into the Warehouse?
Where would you find a big enough door?
Dublicious Jump is dublicious.
So, how fucked is a jumper with HUGE GUTS?
dark matter ,Final Fantasy IX has dark matter as an ending reward, now unlike Cannon dark matter this can be saved into a knife that can cut through "the space between spaces" which I imagine allows it to cut things that can't just be cut with normal sharpness alone then there is the problem of weight, you'll need a way to teleport it from whatever it is on to the space you're going to be working on , I'd recommend a series of eliatrope portals moving it from wherever it has landed to the worksite.
Also what said.
If it's a companion it doesn't need warehouse.
By also building a Door Star, of course. Come on, user. This is like Jumper Megastructures 101.
Will consider. There will be a wild west aesthetic perk and a title perk as freebies, so I might toss that in with them.
Also since the game is Konami, there will be a drawback that makes things like MGS. Complete with overly long monologues and unskippable cutscenes.
Well my penchant for narcotics of all shapes and sizes is a source of contention for a few of them.
But considering this occurs simultaneously with occasional bouts of drawback-induced insanity, with the results being hundred of very obtuse and narrowly specific academic treatises, they kind of got use to it.
I've been told that my "Socioeconomic Development of the Norwegian Bee People" was a compelling (if somewhat questionably accurate) read.
>Liking a borb
Calling it: This Summer SoAnon will also make her return.
It's 800cp, user.
He probably put that in there for the jumpers who are so masochistic they want to kill themselves in the most metal way possible. Which to be fair, dying in a mountain of demon bodies and pools of blood as heavy metal music blares around them as the very air of Hell shudders with the sea of death is pretty fucking metal.
>More demonic perks
Just what I needed.
Man, that last thread was fucking awful, and this one is already worse.
Scroll down bro
At least nobody wants to rebirth dio.
The only post worth anything was the one by Quicksilver.
Sororitas adventures in Hell?
Sororitas adventures in Hell.
Readan an buildan. Postan latur.
Thanks for the jump, broseph.
He probably only posted because he figured the thread couldn't get worse.
see Just because good things happened doesn't make all the bad things go away.
A few people bait, most people carry on having conversations like normal, I don't get the 'oh no it's worse than normal terrible end of the world' attitude or thinking.
This is like a summer vacation, huh?
Yes. after all, good relationships are founded in trust and openness.
That being said, some they indulged, some they didn't. Some of theirs I indulged, some I didn't.
No, I'm not sticking my dick in a boat. Not even if we are married.
Pffft. Best date ever. I bet the guy who waifu'd Jibril will be loving this.
Meh, I'm going for it.
Combat Training
If You Want A Job Done Right (700)
Hell Devours the Indolent (600)
Praetorian (300)
Mythos Lore (200)
Iron Mind (0)
Hellfire (-100)
Rune Magic (-700)
Prophecy of the Seraphim (-1000)
Crate of Guns
Locks and Locks and Locks... (-800)
> Not reenacting the Titanic with you as the iceberg.
>Implying it's just one guy that waifu'd Jibril.
user, I don't think you've been keeping
Fair enough. The point stands, though. This is another good place to take her :p
Yes, that way too.
Flamio, my good hotman.
I love you.
Titanic a shit.
Olympic a best.