Are there any settings for D&D (or any high fantasy RPG) that have airships WITHOUT anime overtones?

Are there any settings for D&D (or any high fantasy RPG) that have airships WITHOUT anime overtones?

Also what are your experiences with airships in game? Any source material you'd recommend?

>mfw OP is too young to know what Spelljammer is

>mfw the scro stole my face

Well Eberron, Spelljammer and Talislanta, that's two right there.

>technically Spelljammers are etherships, not airships

*three. I are dumb.

OP, what do you mean by anime overtones?

Technically they're spaceships.

oh nooo, anime overtones, save us from the anime

>technically Spelljammers are etherships, not airships

They can operate within crystal spheres just fine.

>don't forget about EarthDawn

Eberron is basically anime, you were right the first time.

Great contribution, friend.

I've heard of it.

Thanks I'll check them out.

Actually I enjoy anime from time to time. Just not in D&D.

Make your own you fucking autist. How hard is it to make your own setting, I have literally made a map and written out some names and done barely any work for a setting almost as good as your preciously crafted public setting, and less restrictive to boot.

Have fun getting ripped off by the Jews at Hasbro for super original DnD setting # 45543, this time with airships!

Spotted the guy who's never played DnD with actual humans.

Well Forgotten Realms has airships, but on the downside it's Forgotten Realms.

>Forgotten Realms has airships

Only in one region. Halruua was it?

They can't venture out of that region for some reason...

Wow it must be the autism hour, they're coming out of the woodworks for this one, must be cause you mentioned D&D

OP, my advice would be to look at whats already there and maybe snip an idea or two, our GM gave us a boat with balloons, however he was retarded and said the balloons don't actually make it float, it runs on a magic engine. when we questioned the validity of ballooned airships as a joke.

>D&D settings have anime overtones
when will this meme end? D&D settings NEVER had anime overtones, if anything there were high fantasy overtones but that's it. Japanese/anime influences were never in the creator's minds.

fucking this. anime has become such a meme that just the mention of it triggers fa/tg/uys so much. its just anime you faggots. get over it.

It's just a few shitposters from Reddit. Ignore them, or simply advise them to try to avoid clicking on sites like 4 CHAN.

It's sort of like hating Chinese food and going to a site called "For Chinese Food".

I know its a problem in my game, i have things that happen high fantasy and whatnot. but i have one player that gets so triggered when something is "Too animu" he says its because this is a fantasy game and that fantasy game and anime should not mix. yes yes i know he's retarded. He also browses Veeky Forums.

In the end, it doesn't matter how anime it is as long as 1. the players like it, 2. its not magical realm, 3. you aren't doing it just to pander to your players. Anime is just another form of fantasy, it just has less physics or logic and instead substitutes interesting ideas or high octane awesome.

IFS Zephyr (Arcanum) and airships from Age of Wonders 2 look just fine

>Anime overtones
What is that supposed to even be? Your players are constructing a harem or some shit?

They're from Halruua, but I didn't know they only work there. Seem kinda pointless then.

I make my own setting, but it's useful to mine other settings for ideas.

Those settings don't have anime overtones, OP. The kind of fantasy settings you see in anime and manga are just heavily modeled on early D&D conventions, and never moved away from them as D&D itself changed.

E.g. it used to be iconic that D&D rangers could shoot fireballs and beat up monsters many times their size, without having any connection to nature. Also, originally the D&D setting was assumed to be post-apocalyptic - magic is a distorted form of ancient technology, and you can find laser guns lying around in ancient ruins.