What did iota mean by this?


Other urls found in this thread:


That the devs are speculating. Red flag number 1

>Q isn't a LARP
>IOTA isn't a shitcoin
Fuck this board

>le epic trollface post
taking random talk on chat seriously

Cmon, I'm balls deep in iota, but I don't even pay attention to shit like that

pretty confident for a speculation

That the devs are wisecracking. Red flag number 2

>a coin that is better than bitcoin exists

when will summerfags grow up from this phase?

dump your ethereum then lol


>shit is litearlly on german TV
>it's a bad coin
noiotas will be so fucking mad by christmas

the IOTA devs are the most cringeworthy fags in crypto and IOTA is a shitcoin

This is some rich kids having their crypto for fun.
Larping on TV, flashing partnerships, features on mainstream newspapers. This outlaprs even OMG.
Imagine what Sergey had to go through. All them toilet conferences and shit, when only few deluded NEETs supported his claim and everyone laughed at crypto.

Not dropping a single dime into this.

>more cringe than the ETH autists
lol no

I would put much more trust in Vitalik than some retards speculating and calling their product "the next big thing". Not to mention some soyboy Norwegian refugee loving piece of shit.

why does that dominik guy looks like the average hipster i see here everyday litterally they all look the same like someone would do CTRL+C CTRL+V

THIS. Listen to any interview with any of them, holy shit they are awfull. Autistic in the worst possible way not in a good way like money skelly

yeah + money skelly doesent look like a silicon valley hipster

pretty much this

Vitalik looks like a malnourished child predator. Creepy skelly

I wish they'd be even more smug because I really enjoy the tears of these /pol/ idiots

yeah but hes the human form of a tubro autist
i trust him more than the hipster boys

You know they are mostly just the PR guys right? They're still knowledgeable of the tech which is good.

Why so emotional?


This. Feel bad for all my Veeky Forums bros that missed out on sweet sweet gains because if retarded /pol/ FUD.

how can you not invest in this man
just look at him

i bet he is a humble guy. like the kid in CS class which is a bit querky and weird but always friendly

Have you ever met any dev? they are all wisecracks, especially when they feel like they have power.
