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1st for 18 sold on Ebay before GW even announced them

Are hunter killer missiles worth to use?

also anyone want to help me to refine my army list?

If I'm trying to flog OOP metal Tyranids and non-chinaman Kriegers, how screwed am I?

In general no.

I do run them on my scout sentinels to give them some more punch when they outflank, since they're probably dead next turn anyway.

They're awesome.

...Why do those things have stormbolters? Wat.

i heard at a tournament once someone used a bunch of hunter killer missiles to take out a unit of carnifex turn 1

To protect against heretic dock workers.


"Where are we, Inquisitor?"

"The question isn't where we are, Interrogator, but WHEN we are."

The thing is that im trying to build a IG+Space marine stormtroopers with 1500 points, i can do it using assault marines but people told me they are not good for deep striking, so i was thibking to do two squads of tacticals in drop pods, but i go over by 35 points so i was thinking about cutting some stuff, btw i use the hunter killers on my vets chimeras just to make them even more annoying

Deep striking just gets you intercepted by Tau anyway.

it was probably a few years back in 5th i believe

Before the great poxy clips.

M41 security guard. Can't bribe a servitor to look the other way, after all.

Too much chicken.

What would fix DE apart from just just copying and pasteing the Corsair codex w/ drugs

The short answer? Give it a fairly powerful decurion. The long answer? Redo everything that has combat drugs to have a clear purpose on the table top besides just dying and then give it a fairly powerful decurion.

So I recently picked up some models from the new Silver Tower quest game, and I was what to run them as.

It's mostly the Tzeentch stuff. I was going to run the beastmen as Possessed and the Yellow horrors as Nurglings, though I'm at a loss for what to do with the Blue horrors. Any thoughts?

So you can proxy them as rhinos.

How do they scale up to regular pink horrors from 40K?

Emps cocaine ain't gonna protect itself.

Post up a list, let's see what we're working with here. Remember, keep it readable and give us a basic idea of what you want to achieve with the list.

not him but they look about the size of the older plastic pink horrors, the ones that come with the burning chariot kit

They're a fair bit shorter, maybe around 2/3 the height?

posting the list, help this faggot pls

>hq-company command squad: 65p
>infantry squads, no special or heavy weapons: 100
>conscripts+commissar+priest: 140p
>veterans grenadiers with 3 melta and 3 plasma (two melta and one plasma in a squad, the opposite in the other) plus two chimeras with hunter killers and heavy stubbers: 415p
>Leman russ battle tank: 150p
>leman russ exterminator with sponsons and lascannon: 160

Spess mereens
>HQ librarian: 65p
>deathwing terminator squad: 200p
>10 tactical marines in 2 drop pods 210p

For a total of 1535

Mix them into pink horror units?

Since there's no rules for splitting in 40k currently, there's only one unit they can really represent.

forgot to say that the veterans have two commissars

Hmmm, well I could see them being used as the named blue horrors for shits and giggles. I don't think you'd ever run those guys, but it would make for a cool modeling project

This is the list you're talking about in ?

Give the marines 1 squad with 10 men and a special, heavy, and combi weapon. Get em in one drop pod. Combat squad them if you want 2 5 man groups.

Why would you nerf tankhammer?

I have 20 boyz, 7 nobz, 1 warboss, 2 metal killa kans and one not fully assembled battlewagon. 80% painted.

I thought about selling 'em. What do you think will I get for 'em?

'bout 3 fiddy

Also, since you're running Dangles I'm assuming you have dark vengeance so you should already have a plasma gun and cannon.

Id sell that for a hundred, not much more

No, but i can easily get them.
they are supposed to be shoock troopers, i was thinking that i could use a melta as special weapon and multymelta as heavy weapon.

'bout a hundred dollars

Melta is good for dedicated tank hunters. Plasma is good against tanks to a lesser degree but it's better than melta for killing big things that aren't tanks. Your choice depends on what you are more likely to face.

If you want really fucking good deep strikers, look at Militarum Tempestus scions. 4 special weapons in a command squad and 2 in your troops squad.

Cheers, guys.

i was tempted to get the scions, but there is also the fact that i already have my vets for the shoot and run, and the tacticals+terminators seems a good choice to deep strike, shoot and get some fire or fight in melee without getting wiped out

still thanks a lot, having two drop pods was quite a dumb thing to do, i will surely look into the scions in the future

>Containers will have rules.

what are your thoughts on the supa gatler?

People will use them for Rhino conversions.

the best reason I can give you (And which wil probably be the complete opposite of what the background for it will state officially) Is that the shipping containers we see on the tabletop are also used when Guard regiments are on the ground as improvised fortifications.

I mean, the Munitorum would solve the problem of supplying Guard regiments and protecting them in areas where supplies and fortifications are normaly scarce at a stroke by just throwingdown shipping containers with in-built weapon positions. After they're emptied of equipment, they're moved into position to become a crude wall a Guard regiment can defend.

I could also see Arbites using these during actions where they need to block off roads and destroy large gatherings of Mutants/ cultists/ etc. They just drive a big rig across the street in front of the advancing horde and lay into them with bolter fire.

Their rules will be better than Rhinos.
People will convert their Rhinos into containers.

>Supply Crates

Now I have an excuse to field a Ghostkeel army for fluff reasons.

Orks used to have this little addendum that said:

A Warboss may not have both mega armour and a warbike, as he would probably fall off a lot.

God i miss orks.

Oh my god they do have fucking stormbolers

something that protects against 'no escape' on their vehicles.
increase mobility on their ground troops so they can actual use their speed to make up for their squishyness. This could be on their transports, or their own rules.
Improve the witches dodge rule and make them hit harder (probably done through combat drugs being better).

point reduction on a fair number of things. mandrakes incubi, etc.

Give plasma grenades to every infantry model that doesn't have them, or thing on their sergeants that makes them count as having assault grenades.

let them force nightfighting better, also later into the game. The Night Lord DoW is a good guide to this.

It'd be nice to see the old style of Nightshields along with the previous version of Night-fighting as a special rule.

Have Night-fighting cut down the enemy's range drastically, and then reduce it even further with Night shields to the point where you're basically invisible on the first couple turns.

Is the Tyranid swarm box worth $170?

I miss old Night Fighting...

You get a few free gaunts, which never hurts. If you can find one, the Wrath of the Hive Mind box is a better value, filled with things you can actually use too.

it's not bad but you might get daunted by having to paint all those models at once. remember washes are your friend

Does night-fighting only works during the first turn or the entire game?

How would a Chaos Marine not content to live as a mere marauder, and wanting to strike on his own, fare?

There are eight points on the star of Chaos, and each of them repersent infinite possibilities that are all horrible. I'm sure he'll find something new to do.

Hell im daunted by having to finish my BA as i am shit at edge highlighting and they all look flat. What you mean washes are my friends?

>tfw had to strip a few Tau and have a few boxes to open
42 Infantry models, 7 drones, 1 Crisis and 1 Ghostkeel in total and honestly I'm not bothered about having to convert a lot of them or paint them but holy fucking hell is removing mold lines and paint residue piece by fucking piece a massive chore.

I stripped half those models and I still haven't cleaned 1/3 of them in 3 months.

We need to go deeper.

washes allow you to do some quick painting on flesh and other bits. as for highlights i like to base paint, brighter color on raised bits like a , then clean up with that base color. it's a little easier but not as neat

forgive me brother but i am guilty of not getting every mold line and not bothering to paint spots no one but me will think to look at


That's alright man, I was the same and I'm still guilty of a good few of my other armies having such issues. It's like when you're working on one new army with your current mindset but you have other armies you built up with an earlier, less meticulous mindset. Less care of cleaning mold lines, shoddy painting, no effort to convert and all that.

I want my Tau to be a new project for me. Forest and swamp themed so I'm pulling out all the stops with possibly conversions and looks. I'm even giving my pathfinders Ghillie cloaks made with flock-covered medical gauze.

I once almost punched my opponent when he first shot with hisWhirlwind, rolled nightfight, looked at the distance and then fired his barrage using the range he just looked up with nightfight. So unsportmanship. I even played CSM so I did field the old metal Dreadnaught needed for good'ol Dreadsock.

Jesus did you just spent time on that? Cant you like, figure out cure for cancer or something other useful thing?

This talk of mold lines made me relook at my marines and there are tons of mold lines i missed but i dont feel like striping them

all terrain has rules.


I'm trying. One shitpost at a time.

looks like other base sizes are confirmed.

plus I'm betting that bottom tagline means we're getting the spawn of cryptus clam pack.

So my LGS is closed mondays and tuesday. Didn't know this, went yesterday, saw they close at 7PM, was 8 o'clock, went back today, guy was taking inventory told me they were closed.

Its almost like they don't WANT my money.

Kinda looks like the Shadow of the Colossus game over screen, that's fucking horrifying.

>master of machines
enginseer clampack, I guess?

Managed to split the cost of the Knights game with a chaos bud, we both intend them to have the same paints cost

Mines a Paladin with Stormspear missiles he got a the Thermal Cannon and Thunderstrike Gauntlet with Icarus Autocannons,

Are there rivalries between chaos and renegade households with paint schemes that I could suggest to paint them up as?

My 5000 points of Orks haven't been touched in a year now, since all they do when they go to tournaments is lose.

Oh god, I can't get that image out of my head now.

Please don't respond to chicken lover, we almost got rid of his shitposting

But what would the master of machines be?

while old nightfighting was powerful, it was kind of a hassle. And a bit much to represent just fighting at night time.

That rule should be restricted to more extreme cases. Having that be the DE detachment bonus on the other hand would be pretty cool.

Probably that new techpriest enginseer.

Stupid rule question. I'm just getting started and reading the rules right now and the entry about rapid fire weapons confused me a little. It says that you can "fire effectively ‘from the hip’ when the squad is advancing". Does this mean I don't have to make snapshots if I moved in the movement phase? The entry neither explicitly says that you have to nor that you don't need them. Someone explain real quick.

>>infantry squads, no special or heavy weapons: 100
That's not a legal list. You've got to have a Platoon Command Squad to bring Infantry Squads.

you don't snap shoot. it doesn't specify this in the rapid fire section because shooting at full BS while moving is the general rule. heavy weaapons snap shooting are the exception that gets specified.

Ah. Thanks user. That clears things up.

You are just as bad. Don't try to play the Victim card

Only heavy weapons have to snap shot while moving. Rapid fire weapons just prevent you from charging in the assault phase if fired.

Don't you mean the anti-chicken fag, when his posts got deleted by the jannie or mods, and then, seeing as he stopped, got B&, or at the very least warned.

Probably. If we're lucky it'll be a plastic techmarine.

If GW dropped their miniature prices by 50% across the board but included a 5 dollar an hour table fee, would you still support them?

Sure, I don't play in a GW store.


My gamestore already charges for tablespace. 5$ per person per table. Apoc between 4 people costs 40$. There isn't even any scenery, the only stuff there is the stuff I got from ebay and left there.

also they let you use their scenery and codec library

I'm planning out a vehicle-heavy Tau army. What would be the best way to work in an Ethereal for fluff purposes? What's a good bodyguard unit to keep them alive?

I wish they had template support like before. During the age of armourcast, GW had plasticard templates that you could use to make your own vehicles with. It started the generation of custom model building.

Not too bad, I pay 15 for tablespace.

3 stormsurges.

>5 dollar an hour table fee,
It would have to be a pretty bitching ass table.

so let me get this straight.

they are ALREADY charging you for table space on top of 40 bucks for a squad of tactical marines?

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